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Everything posted by raula

  1. Ismalura & Sayid Somali-I concur w/your conclusions. Although i have resided in this state for long-and i have heard of rumors yet i am still appalled at what is going on. I remember one day, as i was taking my son to daycare (a somali lady back then), in the elevator going up, a girl boarded and she looked unkempt, for the several floors i was holding back the urge to ask her if she needed help (i would have phrased it differently if i spoke); mind you its early in the morning. N'ways dropped off my son, came back and there she was again,...we parted ways w/out saying a word, but she boarded a car w/some shaggy-looking fella. The whole day at work, i was bothered then forgot about it, but always wondered what if that girl had just wanted someone to ask her (she was perhaps about 17yrs old or less). sorry if i sounded sentimental but couldn't help it.
  2. Originally posted by SeeKer: [*]Manzi wako ni mkonde hadi mkienda kupanda matatu unaambiwa "pole buda lakini hatubebi miwa" :cool: [/QB] Kali hiyo kabisa I miss kula miwa lakini.
  3. ^^I second all dua's and may his loss be easy on his family. IA. Sh. c/rahman-My fav. sorry didn't mean to hijack the thread.
  4. "Miss Nikishuta Nitahara" Ya salaam. Magac baa ku dhace dheh Noma Jo.
  5. Ina lillahi waina ileyhi rajicuun. May the Almighty Allah s.w. have mercy on his soul.
  6. OZ-mabeste wamekupeleka mos mos basi ungewapigia kinanda moja ya katitu..basi they would have thought we mwenyeji asili..and ask kama wajua OMENA..halafu ungewaeleza..."I am unbwogable.."lol
  7. ^^keep the dream alive! si sote hivyo dada! JB...hamna wasiwasi na maelezano, manake, hotuba sivyo matusi ila matusi tu.
  8. Today has been MBILIA BEL radio for moi! Reminds me of back home-Ya salam.
  9. OZ noma hizo mchonguano's ala..walahi imenijazz mazee..lol my sheng is dwindling nini imekukaliza 4th street lakini?? unauza bata BTW last niendapo nairobi-i had to bring some safari boots-Bata- for someone . and the is only one store left i believe in Easich-its i believe around 5th-4th street kule-mwenye duka anaitwa KARIUKI-i remember accent yake vividly It was absolutely necessary-and some blue band-otherwise-yani my trip would have been useless!. Halafu, one of my swahili clients -akaniuliza..'Yani haukuleta ROIKO MCHUZI MIX?'
  10. Indeed long live the republic-If not, I will forever respect the name: SOMALI/LIA/etc. Kweli kabisa OZ-as for JB here is all i gotta say "Mcheka kilema hafi bila kumpata"
  11. I harmonize w/prince’s stance wholeheartedly. I would like to comprehend, but cannot come to assent to some of the foreigners outlook in the whole mess with Somalia/Somaliland/Puntland etc-I mean those sijui’s (by all means I mean those who never set foot in Somalia-maybe their parents did/or were victims at the calamities that befell within the country overall from its birth to present). When they declare to aptly to support some part of Somalia/Somaliland- mostly based on their lineage and tidbits of “she said he said” from their parents/family stories or witness the traces of hatred that has succumbed their forefathers-acquired or not/or even the mere tribal drama that unfold when it comes to blaming who suffered what most. I don’t get it. Walaahi I will never comprehend. I do think there is a bit of unforgiving trait in this. Sorry if I offended someone. Unless, some of those tragedies befell on this people, why so much hate adoo waxba soomaliya ka garaneynin. Marka Prince, although anoo Somaliya waxba ka gareneynin, and had family members that were tortured back then and even of late, I do not have even an inkling of division-Somaliweyn is my vision-I don’t mean that all will be smooth and frictionless-but for the greater good of SOMALI. I don’t know maybe I could be fictitious.
  12. ^^waxaan rabe inaan daho filin kale..laakin waxaan iri kama bixi karo "explain this Raula"..see waxaad uu garaneysa..
  13. Sorry guyz, not to put a damper on your spirits here..but just wanted to say..somaali iyo kubada cagta...its like adoo filin cey ah firsanaayo..wa wada saqajaan :eek:
  14. Hayeee :cool: bal meesha waxa ka socdo daya..yac!
  15. Malika ati watania OZ..wacha hata kidogo you didn't think of it dada? Yani mbona nikienda nairobi or UK, I dont see those..mabeste OZ..labda ni change ma manzi wenye na hang out nao..manake-hamna shopping wala pesa yako ka naye..its mostly me who pays..except UK..ma siste walipa-but that's it. Yani raha ili isha during school days in nairobi salala! life no noma jo!
  16. KK wale waad iga qoslise..sorry gheelle-I really did drop from my seat from laughter though!
  17. Juxa jar yeyna kaa tuurin kuwaani..hadeeyna barti uun kaga tegin. Kuwa timirrta dubto waaye
  18. ^^^umeona walalo Tuujiye & Nuune-clowns walaahi
  19. Malema, maybe juvenile, imprudent in his remarks and looking out to settle the scores for former black conscious activists during and pre/apartheid era like steve biko etc. However, the death of this tormentor who practiced and preached what his former revolting ancestors carried out in today’s free southern Africa is fitting, in my opinion. I have no remorse for the death of this person. There is no democracy in a country where the natives have barely anything than their colonizers and yet being subjected to brutal work-ethics/commercial slavery, congested and filthy communities with little amenities as well as dogmatic medical care and life that serves for the better of the white man. I am sorry, some of this African leaders are brutal/thick/sold their soul to the white man, but when I see some xenophobic white person in Africa openly call for the carnage and torture of fellow Africans-or the way of the colonizers-it’s just a matter of time, before they face their fate. As for Beck’s comparison,  his brain is as big as his protruding eyeballs. Dude is a douche :rolleyes:
  20. As an alumni of U of M-I dont understand why these kids (SSA) start ranting and throw out the racist card everytime UMPD involves somalis. Really? take a look at the cedar riverside area, that place is infested w/gangs and "pests" As for Guled-pardon me -as a former SSA member/chair-U of M. You dont have to resort to defending these bandits. Realize that we somalis have acculturated to the American way-good and the ugly-so lets face it and be responsible for our actions and model perhaps some good citizenship. So many times, i have seen disruptions involving the somalis around campus and within and no one has called to condemn them except voice their concerns of being "stereotyped". intaad somali ceeb uu diideysan (pun intended) baad ibtilo isku soo jeedin doontan. waa la yaab wale! (along the same lines of the topic): this is how far we have come to be knowledgeable about respect for the law/policies/rules/regulations/norm. A woman who was flying international was supposed to be at the airport to check in and what not-3 hrs ago (somali ofcourse). She arrives 45 minutes before her flight leaves w/3 69/72/56 Ib bags w/2 little ones that weight about 50Ibs each. As the receptionist assists w/weighing she is asked to pay fee for the overweight bags, while she checks her flight status. Receptionist realizes, that the flight has borded already and cannot be changed. When told that, the somali lady and her friend start bombarding the receptionist with their half-baked english, while cursing under thier somali breadth that the woman is being racist. The receptionist, frustrated with all their cumulated problems (arguing that they dont want to pay for the bags & that being called racist)gives up after trying to find a connection flight to NYC but to no avail. The other friend-who is not flying-calls the receptionist-haa naagtan caadi ma ahan, xaley bey kasoo deregte, maba doneyso iney shaqeyso..waa kadibad..ahey anigay nugu ciyaareysa... :eek: war ileen bal daya..simply, who doesn't know to go early to the airport for overseas bound flights? Marka my point is: simple things, if we dont follow the rules/or even curse the hand that is helping some of us and giving us bariis (I know some say-haa isaaqada Allah. s.w. baa bixiya..nacam...but through what channel?)how are we going to respect each other or follow the law of the land.
  21. ^^I concur. I think she is contradicting herself here as well: "“Most contemporary writers and scholars use a modern language to critique such thinking while Arab imagination is caught in a language that was used 14 centuries ago. “People will be more impressed with the one who uses the old language, the language used by pious people in the past.”
  22. ^^Iam trying-less time, perhaps not much of mental stimulation for writing. Here is one that is unfinished/untitled..will finish soon! At some corner of her despondent mind The fumes of haunting unruly corpses and vultures Of tribal politics, still poignant, linger by her hairy nostrils What do you hear laughing one? How the ogre of cultural complacency, Swept the fruitful progeny of this country, By the talismanic current of sudden realization That your ancenstoral shadows shall rest upon The highest throne, like armpits of a goddess, Shield you like a palm, cusped, nesting on a thorn Your love for your country, your fate, is immeasurable ardor for your clan, without equal! Holding your country by the throat so feast on the implausible pleasure, whistle on money you do not reckon laugh at the sight of the sordid poor, whom you have stripped off their bucolic fidelity to the piece of earth that gave them life and liberty the mighty soil that soothes their lineage’s souls you cavern of a cruel heart, have you not have flattened the horizon of this country? from distant, I smell the blue scent of burnt flesh the subtle perfume of the lost innocence the roar of the livid ocean, saturated with blood of countrymen Laughing one, there is no cure for this one, we will never regain our lost virginities, our girls will not be picked from their princely beds,
  23. Born in LuuQ (dont be quick to point to one particular tribe though, although i have affiliations!),revived childhood +beyond in Kenya & upgraded in Minnesota I too like Abtigiis will never dispose of my bucolic ways-by choice!
  24. Your aunt is a good woman-genuine for raising the other kids and supporting him. But she needs to realize that love only will not leave her living a comfortable life w/such son of a G :rolleyes: As plenty have said, unless she has feelings :eek: for this immoral B she will be miserable and it will trickle down to the kids too. So, move on sista-and let the other woman deal with his problems. On top of that i would ask for child support by sending some investigative tapes (of his work-cab driver or not) to the judge,that is IF I AM REALLY DESPERATE or financially just making it. I could come up w/plenty of nasty words for the husband-but it eventually comes down to some dull-witted-"traditional"-right wing-religious fanatics/misguided or wannabes woman that stick around for such MORONS :mad: Choco-Allah knows your destiny, but i can relate to your 'blood boiling'-Personally, I dont listen much the somali line of...'walaasha iskuma hubtidee....."-especially if it involves my sisters :eek: . Who knows-she could be crying out for help and you might just be the savior and if there is abuse involved-SOMEONE WILL BE TAUGHT A LESSON.
  25. raula

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