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Everything posted by raula

  1. Amina Abdullahi Yasiin.... "Siyar Siyar" compared to HOdan's 2011 "Siyar SIyar"-i think this is her daughter...remastered her mother's old..I like the former...but beautiful voice definately.
  2. wow Narniah..as for me..don't have time weekdays AM to make such breakfast..as in Malawax..but i do make them during the weekends, more of french toast, yogurt & cereal, P B & J etc. lol@ Chimera. See when i make Malawax (in my childhood we used to call it kibis/kimis beed, or in swahili kibis mayai, since chapati we used to call it just KIBIS/KIMIS) i use the blender to refine instead of leaving it granular by mixing it with hand/kneading.....and i use more milk & very little water rather than more or so water...as it tightens after cooking. SORRY BUT CAN"T STAND THE MALAWAX @somali malls/restuarants. It's like eating WARAQ BUR ah'....full of flour...yac! Ok i eat malawax w/Plain cream cheese, OR sweet potatoes OR Maple Syrup OR sauteed blue berries(whatever fruits you like..some doesn't need to be warmed). MMA ma malawax baad saas igu walaceysaa..lol..mandhow!
  3. wow very impressive. As much as this woman is inspiring..i had the privilege of meeting Dr. Hawa Abdi & her Daughter Deqa..as well as Fadumo Jibril (the environmentalist)...now these women & many more..is what SOMALIA embodies/represents. Insha-allah i hope to follow their paths. IA.May Allah reward them here & after! Amin..and to all of us.
  4. nice..on the side..its a change from the older ladies..oo baruurta ka badatey..like haldaa iyo N. yusuf et cetera. waxan ka arkoba..waa mako iyo SHUKRI ROBLE that have average weight size or are on the "skinny side"...
  5. JZK...indeed. Speaking of dajjal.the antichrist..also during your salat..after the conclusion.before salam..recite this..if you get used to it as i was taught since young...it becomes second nature.. اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ عَذَابِ الْقَبْرِ ، وَمِنْ عَذَابِ جَهَنَّمَ ، وَمِنْ فِتْـنَةِ الْمَحْيَا وَالْمَمَاتِ ، وَمِنْ شَرِّ فِتْـنَةِ الْمَسِيحِ الدَّجَّالِ Allahumma innee aAAoothu bika min AAathabil-qabr, wamin AAathabi jahannam, wamin fitnatil-mahya walmamat, wamin sharri fitnatil-maseehid-dajjal. O Allah, I take refuge in You from the punishment of the grave, from the torment of the Fire, from the trials and tribulations of life and death and from the evil affliction of Al-Maseeh Ad-Dajjal. (http://duas.com/dua-after-the-last-tashahhud-and-before-salam-1.html)
  6. the dude on the bike looks like he might sink in the mud soon..ar ka qabta..maskiin MMA..adna ma xamar baa lagugu baabe
  7. ^^^hee maxaad isku mashquulisa hadaba adi..lol. kidding Carafa...mandhow bal why don't you do some editing intaad badaa soo gelin..as in "PACK your bag.." iyo "VIEW"...sorry I am stickler for proof reading. Dont mean to offend..just an observation.
  8. Come take a "lookie lookie"..Stella mwangi..
  9. Tuujiye;196385 wrote: ^^^ Ar yaa eri qalay!!! Wareer Badanaa!!! loool@Eri..
  10. raula

    newbie hi

    ^^^Yani umerudi home kumpata kibibi wa pili au wajukuu..lol. Ebu PM basi...MMA alisema ulikuwa home karibuni..umerudi ulaya ama? Sig..excusez moi
  11. hee hunno! ma bir baad is moode..lol. JOKE. Meeshaydii un. Igu salaan xaaska iyo kuwii naga dambeeye.
  12. Aaliyyah;173043 wrote: is it me or is A & T's posts always depressing or something associated with failed marriage Ditto..along w/flaunting bosoms & sexually sadistic panoramas. Peculiar to say the least!
  13. raula


    ^^^^loooooooool..ala beerka JB. wale kuma dhaco..
  14. maxa dhace..mid uun bey xural-ceyn uu tahay..lol
  15. Vusi Mahlasela-"When you come back" Viuex Farka Toure- " Dounia"
  16. wale..wax ciyaartoy ah meesha ka muuqdo kuma arko..kuwaan ayagaa uu bahaan in lawada ciyaarsiyooba. Waa typical Post-somali soccer era lads..they tell the wifey and kids all the merrier days..god knows rookie status meeyba gaarin back then, let alone markey cuslaadeen.
  17. raula

    Gedo (pics)

    ^^^^waa dhuulkii hooyo ma ahan. lol-Though i hail from plenty of places..but this is where some family members reside/made home & have visited so far. My love for the place is mere childhood fascination..as my mother hails from that particular place. My father, on the other hand resided in xaafad/xafaada hodan (xamar) MMA for that matter ! waan ku arke adoo xafaad hodan faaninaayo noh! Ar goobile gacalkiyoo maxaan goobile tumaa
  18. raula

    newbie hi

    WLC & all the best.
  19. raula

    Gedo (pics)

    Somalia--kuma fahmin walaal..balse hadaan dhinac kale ka fiiriyo..i am guessing you are referring to your Pseudo-geo-political regional politics..marka soomalidu wey is dhaleen. laakin if you mean to stick to your imprudent perception..wa hagaag! koleeytaba adi un buu walbahaarka ku welweliin. Hadaan qaldanaahayna-raali noqo. Salaam
  20. raula

    Gedo (pics)

    Wow..they look familiar. Ala maxaa garbahareey iyo biyaheeda dhanaan so nace-but loved the surroundings. Didn't get to see Luuq last time, perhaps next time insha-allah. PS: I have seen the guy on the pic (left) somewhere before.
  21. Somalina;768144 wrote: KKKKKKKKKKK. Walaahi maxaan qosle. Thx for this..love the rejoinder!