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Everything posted by raula

  1. Che..next time & I still (hardly) like anything team sport from NY (except perhaps when briefly Thierry H was there w/Red bulls lol).
  2. Aliyah..insha-allah wishing you all the best. Stoic-Karibu. KK-wa runta. perhaps its due to the patriachial society. At most times, the women is to blame for marital problems, & that boys will be boys.
  3. ^^dont jinx it..its spring like her in Minne-Snow-tah.
  4. ^^^hedhe send the jerseys...afterwards. Both Celtics, Sox & Pats...this time I am praying w/Giselle (for her hunky QB). One of the best QB in NFL..come to think of it..they almost didn't pick him during the draft...
  5. raula

    Heart Song.

    ^^^adna xagee kasoo dhacde..mise incognito. BOB....jamani tosha...
  6. ^^^lol. Sam i wish you the best & Marry whoever you want..Arab, Somali.etc..as long as they treat you right. Stop searching but keep an open mind. They'll come..Your choice...no one's (not your mom's/dad's..friends..siblings..masjid..clan Africa...etc ....should be yours..). Stick to your surroundings.. Ina lilaahi waina ileyhi rajicuun...May peace be with your dad.
  7. Moonlight walaalo..it takes two to tango..so he's probably dumber than her..if he agrees to such.. BOB....adi iyo 'trust me'lol..then you continue to say no promises..& then you drop it..."I will take her to places never seen...yada yada.." STOIC....I hope your regrets have been superseded by the beautiful, wonderful bride/wife/spouse/companion you've got..we all learn from mistakes..at least you like/love each other & are happy to support each other. On the note...I got a friend who's doing a dinner party for close friends of both the bride & groom. I don't think it will cost even more than $500 max. Way to go gal.
  8. Bet R Moss is pinching himself.. Though like Manning...& Tuck & Co..can't stand anything NY..(especially their overpriced/"juiced" yankees..)So, rooting for Pat's & the boys..(as brady goes seeking for his 4th? ring..while Manning..goes for 2nd). Glad its not the Rodgers & co...Goodness...perhaps its my border rivalry.
  9. ^^^as Emily Dickinson once mentioned..the brain is wider than the sky...marka...don't unless you have the patience..(as was told Nabi Musa a.s...lol remember).
  10. ^^^Indeed, as always to the Exalted (Allah s.w.) only he can straighten us to the right path IA.
  11. (bride or the groom) should have firm ground on how they envision their marriage/life, so even if the brother/sister has the capacity to afford a grande wedding, should they spend it? (perhaps not)-maybe put it towards something long term etc. I have heard of.."walaahi i don't care about wedding..i don't even want it..BUT..my aunts..qaraabo/.....hebel hebel...would throw it anyway....are forcing me...." that's just bull.....Stick w/your decisions...because once you start w/wedding prep's (unless its the meher only..& its entailings)...nothing will be to perfection..so you'll add till you overspend...even its only women..buranbur....etc. ***I have always said.."just because your spouse is famous/has status i.e. doctor/MP/president/etc, doesn't mean you are also..." create your own path and be independent while you share the compassion & companionship of marriage. Salam.
  12. Garnaqsi;746582 wrote: I doubt there is a standard spelling of this name. The versions posted are probably valid variations of the name. As you probably know, for some words and names there is North-South pronunciation contrast that allows the interchange of the letter 'r' and the digraph 'dh'. dhib badnidaa inanyahay... wale inuu wan iyo waraabe isma wehelin karayaan
  13. ^^^hee xagee ka dhacde..Nebraska mise Denver..lol..kidding. As i hear beryahaan dhinac yahaas baa shidan. aa we still have decent ppl left in the winter state dee..
  14. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;780483 wrote: What is with this dude and his random, controversial questions. Why this and that ku haayaa intaa arkaayeba. War Soomaalida waa millions with dad xun, dad wanaagsan, dad jahwareersan, dad jacbursan, dad halaabay, dad toosan, dad naxaayo, dad aan naxeynin, dad waxbartay, dad badow ah, dad dalkooda iyo dadkooda wax u taro, dad aan u tarin. Soomaali wey wada yihiin waxaas dhan. loooool
  15. ^^^^Amen to that...& will add "To you be your religion and me my religion.”
  16. lol@Farax B... Blue...ka qalee masakiinka...
  17. Somalina..looks like some sort of irrigation system. Cool. This is hopeful
  18. All I could do was cry When we disembarked To safe lands beyond and Borders we do not cross To launch a new life; As our brothers were at arms With each other and brutal the battles Over invisible boundaries and business Of the west and colonial pleasures Indeed colonials; like mines buried Ready to explode at the slightest stroke They provoked the hatred within us… Long before we became independent Politically indifferent, and morally undressed But nothing had changed even then Our blood was as ruby Still known as the land of barefoot Countessas and potent orators… But they soon were into deep, Unskilled and unwavering on unfounded furors Over senseless worldly convictions… Do they not notice the dent on their population? The near obliteration of future lineages? To whom do you fight the battles for? The barren land that you’ve stripped Its greenery and scenic wildlife platform How do you define the worth of your women? As the vultures came to scavenge The hunters from the neighborly lands Refined their weaponry and coated their aid Knowing a country shackled to their “tribal” And imported religious allegiance Has been hosting a feast, where now All is free for the mighty swords… Ya Allah (s.w.)..grant me this wish… I am scared..unaware of the predators lurking.. I wish for an intervention from your angels To steal the moon..let it lit the corners of my world And heal the wounds of my brethrens Grant them wisdom and tame their currents For the ocean if solid with the blood of our Mothers..whom you blessed Jannah to be beneath her soles Oh Allah (s.w.)..grant me this wish…
  19. ^^good to see you back. Niko pale pale tu (as Kibaki says..hapo hapo..pale pale tu)
  20. OZ walahi nimechecki hiyo video ya churchill wakati huu utaiamini lol pole. Ati methali za kiswahili on mat's za mombasa..."meno mmoja, mswaki wa nini" "mdomo mkubwa, chapati waikunjiani.." looooool OZ vile umerudi mtaani Nairobi...bado mlikuwa na kile TV ya Sanyo..lol
  21. Ninku haduu raganimadiisu muujiyo..aheey..inta kale malayacni.