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Everything posted by raula

  1. its sickening to see that the women & children are the true sufferers of this mayhem. Allow no sahal.
  2. raula

    Heart Song.

    ^^ok naona lazima tukupeleke mskitini. Nini hi mambo ovyo ovyo!
  3. Rift valley ina bamba we...njoo kwetu kwanza..
  4. Oday somal, I will not go into elaborating nor compare as they are different countries w/different tumultous histories here. But adi intaad is faanineysid ama dadka (afrikaanka kale yaseysid), balse manta adoo qurbaha joogo..let's compare how others will be receptive to you when you say "I am from Somalia" & "I am from S. Africa". ka sheekee bal. diintu waxey tiri..."isla weynidu ma wanaagsano"..(paraphrased). Hence haka faanin dadka kale idinkoo isku mid ah...made from turaab (clay). As for stats: we were independent long before S. Africa, they are more modernized country than Somalia in terms of economies (& that comes with its pros/cons)...i.e.crime rate/prostitution/etc.
  5. I remember back while in Africa (sometime mid 90's), when the zambian football team's (one revered those days..could have won the African cup perhaps) plane went down & not sure if there were survivors (or a few maybe)...we were so sad...(East African's).
  6. Calling others just like you Animals to begin with is discriminatory. What makes you think you are no Animal considering what you have/your fellow Somalis have done in their country/people/nationhood et cetera? ElPunto- I concur….
  7. Wow boondhere...subxanallah...walalo isku xishoo...hadeyba kaa tahay kaftan...in afkaaga wanaajisid baa kuu wacan.. As other mentioned ...its not nice to glorify others faults, nor criticizing them either indeed...as the hadith narrated by Abu horayrah r.c The messenger of Allah said " Allah will cover up on the Day of judgement the defects (Faults) of the one who covers up faults of the others in this world " (Bokhary) Another Hadith speaking of imprecating others...many hadiths that you are helping in empowering Satan/Devil...Narrated by Abu Horayrah (r.c.) "A man who had drunk wine was brought to the prophet and he asked us to beat him; some struck him with their hands, some with their garments (making a whip) and some with their sandals. When he (drunkard) had gone, some of the people said "May Allah disgrace you!" He (the prophet s.a.w.) said, "DO NOT SAY SO (REBUKE HIM NOT). DO NOT HELP THE DEVIL TO OVERPOWER HIM." (bokhary) FB: I've heard of the same...not sure if the Quran & Hadith specifically says Hair is more extreme or the other cawrah's...however, the Culamaa/translators of the hadith's/Quran perhaps make it this way. Allahu aclam..Others can chime in...certainly. one of the verses about covering...is this "O Prophet! Tell your wives and daughters and the believing women that they should draw over themselves their jilbab (outer garments) (when in public); this will be more conducive to their being recognized (as decent women) and not harassed. But God is indeed oft-forgiving, most merciful. (33:59)"
  8. zinginepo hapa: mburudike basi... demu wako ni mshot, yee uji support kwa pavement jo Mbuyu wako huhepa job kwenda kuswing na gate budako fala hadi alipoingia k-bu aliambia konda amshikie chuma ndio atoe pesa. Nyinyi wadosi mna screen kubwa mpaka Tom & Jerry wakikimbishana wanapumzikia katikati juu ya kuchoka. ati wewe ni bow-legged na manzi wako knock-kneed, hadi mkisimama pamoja, mnaspell OX! ati spectacles zako ni thick mpaka ukiangalia atlas, una ona watu waki wave! basi..since mie mtu wa ushago....this is my kinda "Wewe mshamba mara yako ya kwanza kununua ballgum ulisema hutaki ya green ati haijaiva"....loool
  9. raula

    Heart Song.

    ^^we're enjoying a mild winter here. Best of coziness to you ma man.
  10. A friend sent me this link, thought might be interesting (sorry if its duplicate/aware already).I dont keep up much w/politics. http://ayyaantuu.com/horn-of-africa-news/ethiopia/ethiopia-offers-britain-land-in-exchange-for-zeila-port-of-somaliland-1946/
  11. raula

    Heart Song.

    Mal & Bob salaama kwenu. Winter karibu kwisha...hajampta bado....tabu kweli kwanza..akiendelea kwandika..mambo ka "heart song" ...na mengine mengi. BOB...I know..maskaxdaa waxaa ka buuxo dreams of Kismaayo iyo JELLO. dhexda is xir baan ku iri...ee mesha ka kac misee mardhow cirrooleyda baan kugu dareeyna lol. Baashi...good to see you walaal. Bal nasoo gaar markaad Dinkytown iyo agagaarkeeda mareysid. lol.
  12. raula

    Heart Song.

    asiye kuharibu kichwa kwanza siye mke...dee waad uu baahantahay mid in ka waasho. lol
  13. ^^just a passing thought. Disregard if it makes no sense to ya!
  14. Pitiful watching this team's get new jerseys's, cleats when women/children/mothers/elderly are dying & hunger-stricken somewhere nearby. (This isn't only PL/ but Somalia's in general). Ma fahmo ragaan soomaliyeed...May Allah s.w. have mercy on our souls-Amin. Same thing, when you see pictures of pupils, schools, businesses......dumarkii wexey noqdeen alaab (I can marry 3/4+ women, she takes care of the household, raise the kids...do all the chores..& now days even work outside the house....)see wax uu hagaagayaan..if the dude's job is just for reproduction & Footie *&$#. Pardon me.
  15. ^^^lol, waryaa your LBC/Campton jokes might piss off some ladies... I hope people make wise choices, & if they can't stick together, then be conscious & be considerate of (especially the children) & be civil w/one another. I know some sista's back in Kenya that are married to Kenyan's. What makes them different that parading yourself at the masjid & marrying a revert or otherwise, is that many of them grew up generations with the kenyan's, understand & know their cultures or has intertwined, so they don't see much difference in themselves (at least not visibly). I am guessing this will be the situation with our youth somalis here in the diaspora. As for who to look for: avoid talkative, always has something to say about everything girls/too opinionated. on the other hand, one who has no Xishood (whether is talkative, etc) in front of your boys (I don't care if she's the 1st lady...)if she's somali, it would be wise to be a bit reserved, maybe leave the room/house when the hubby/boyfriend & his boys are there for IFTAR et cetera. It tenses the air if she's around every instance. As for religious, perhaps ask her in one of your first interviews "what are the 5 pillars of islam? & which one's have you accomplished at this point?" ***(caution: skewed comment approaching)**** a lady who listen's to Qaraami (ah Nimco dareen, hebel yare, .....king whoever....etc won't cut it). Lastly, if you aren't all this to begin with yourself, dee naga daa sheekada ....
  16. raula

    Heart Song.

    Bob..may..ani ma'he adaa noqde jello..(na bado mama kayai hata hujampata nafkiri..) marka maxaa lagaa maqli lol Baashi..Dinkytown agagaarkeeda uun baa laiga hela. Shax shax dhinaceena..i hope reerka iney shax shax yihiin..naga gaarsii salaanta. Malika...Masiku dada?, naomba mko salama na afya la heri.