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Everything posted by raula

  1. MMA ma xaguu ka shekeenaya! STOIC-hadee unataka wabadilishie Ngombe ama simba au nini bwana..sini emblem ya nchi. By the way..you didn't used to drink MAZIWA YA NYAYO ama lol..
  2. tutu & FB..I myself is not well-versed in Nairoberry as some of you..but i remember bits. Now i had a friend from school that lived in Kileleshwa..but i used to go through Shauri Moyo ways..past Sec 3...na kule juu juu. Speaking of vichorochoro za ngara..you don't want to be caught between River-road sides kule junction ya Ngara na parklands Arya..sehemu zile..its full of rowdy characters..but hardly bothered students. As of Jamia mosque..used to pray there kila Friday...(had to carry kanga mbili kila ijuma..)then unateremka from Ngara..to the mosque or kuna kichorochoro moja from Ngara..sides there towards the mosque. Maybe mi ni old school, lakini everytime i go to Nairobi..the first nites what i eat was fish & chips..there is a way they make those chips..fatness to it...nothing compares...na pili pili..& some sausage..mama mia!
  3. ^^^let Allah s.w. be the ultimate judge; Unless you forgot..here are some excerpts: 'I want to go for Jihad in the way of Allah.' The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon Him) asked: "Is your mother alive?" He said: 'Yes.' He said: "Stay with her, for Jannah is under her feet." This idiomatic expression shows the degree of deference, respect and obedience that the children should show to their mother to earn her pleasure by continuous care and service, which leads to attaining the pleasure of Allah and His Paradise, the promised reward for all rightly guided and devout believers. Mothers have greater right and deserve more kindness, help service, good treatment and companionship than the fathers because the mother is the first one to care for the children and she suffers more directly with daily hardships in their upbringing. Bukhari and others report that Abu-Hurairah (may Allah exalt their mention) narrated: "A man came to the Prophet (Peace be upon Him) and asked him: 'O Prophet of Allah! Who is the most deserving and worthy of my good company?' Allah's Prophet (Peace be upon Him) answered: "Your mother." The man asked: 'Who comes next after her?' He said: "Your mother." The man asked again: 'Who comes next after her?' He said: "Your mother." The man asked again: 'Who comes next after her?' He said: "Your father." cited:http://womeninislam.ws/en/women-right-islam_mothers.aspx
  4. if regional politics & balkanization of Somalia was the motto for legendary somali leaders (that have passed & to come), then he's a leader from that era, in my opinion he's far from IT.
  5. ^^^balo ma kus kuska yar yar baa..lol. I dont think Sunset exists..but Maadey & MMA etc can tell you. The place has changed BOB..adaaba lagu iibsan markaad tagtid meesha. Iska jir.
  6. Once i watched the first Video..i was put off by the dude wearing "wife-beater" vest...(thought the video was bootleg made @ CAMPTON) but the other videos are Coolz! I agree w/Narniah..she can dance..unlike our usual TWO-STEP, one-hop..reverse...kinda moves that they put on somali videos. Nunka ..adi shimbirahaad la sheekeysataa miyaa? lol
  7. ^^^i was merely agreeing w/her day OFF..as in some time alone..she doesn't need to be tied to his hip all the time. If they can get away together, fine as a fiddle..otherwise..if all he can afford is a day...then let her pamper herself & maybe at the last moments spend time together. Trust me, if you got KIDS...then all the poetry & dinner blah blah..will be forgotten w/potty training lol..kidding. If you were in the states...book a cabin for a weekend somewhere in the wilderness (really) they are nice up there in MONTANA Nuune...Xisaab xil maleh..marka haduu yanyuroow..xisaabtamo..dee...calculator wexey sheegi.."to be continued". mandhow jar haka tuurin inaanka..ee waanoo uu baahanyahayey.
  8. St. Teresa's-is it still on 1st street up by the corner towards juja road from eastleigh? Maadey..enjoy bro. I eat bataati at least every 3 months or so..here in states..xiiso daraadeed. There was some old kids folktales/song we used to sing.. "bataati buun dubow..sagaarey/sagaarow sali macaaney..." something along those lines. MMA..adna Eastleigh baa cimriga kuugu dhici mandhow.
  9. ^^^lol..same here when i read the title.
  10. I concur w/Juxa. If you got kids, then you stay w/them and book her a night @hotel w/spa etc. Sometimes she needs to be alone w/out you nor the kids...lol. Then the next day..maybe the whole family. But at least give her a well-spent day OFF.
  11. raula

    Gedo (pics)

    Mahadsanid Gabbal.
  12. ^^^dhinacaad ka danqatid waan ogahay..bes marka kuguma furfuryaayo..alabiteeshen baan soo wade laakin!
  13. ^^oh YUM. For those that might have visited rural kenya..add yams(sweet potatoes) with NDUMA (or taro/arrowroot)...awesome array of legume dish. Maadey try baking them in the OVEN like fries w/OLIVE OIL. Tutu...12th street ilikuwa maskani ya mabestes i knew. I used to connect mat3 there to school, town, etc & back. The round-a-bout ile bado vile vile..Speaking of Bomas of Kenya (LOOOVE that place) i went there in 1996 for a show..& for someone who grew up in USHAGO..i was thrilled..my kinda stuff baan is iri..i was enjoying the show very much. Walahi islii wey is bedeshe...mararkii ugu dambeyse aan tagey..anaaba ku dhex lumey meesha.
  14. Garnaqsi;801047 wrote: Give the woman her own identity. She earned it. Indeed! she's a humble & generous & dedicated iron woman (along w/her children who have as well sacrificed so much for their motherland). May Allah s.w. reward them both here & in the afterlife I.A. As i mentioned before in another thread, i met her & one of her daughters here in the states and they are truly remarkable human beings. Inspiring!
  15. ^^^12th street..mmmhhh..something fishy??? lol
  16. raula

    Somali Bantus

    ^^^Ditto-Narniah & XX.
  17. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;792991 wrote: 'We' kulahaa. I and you both know inaa wiilo tahay, adiga iyo boorso waligaaga isqaadin nooh. ***munches on Malawax*** haka saarto MMA
  18. raula

    Heart Song.

    hee..mise tukupeleke kwa mzee Borana mingiska hakaa tume? ama ni weather ya kule chakutenda eh!
  19. MMA ..yeah we down for wateva! ya feel me!
  20. BOB...its not L.Naivasha...its L. Nakuru. Lol@max security...ati kurekebisha na haki..wapi? that's like being in Prison in Mexico...Allaha (s.w.) kuu sahlo
  21. Showqi..sxbtaa is probably already hign on that Juicy king she's carrying on her 'big" purse. Now that's wassup yo! i don't carry big purses but she can convince me otherwise!