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Everything posted by raula

  1. faarah22;822541 wrote: am not getting you raula? are you implying it's created by gaalo to depopulate africa or......just the read the paper well. sometimes we give other human beings way much power and consideration. when simple truth is most things are outside human power and evolve in their own distinct ways. ..walaalo..first if the virus ensued from its own natural cause as to how it spread/hence referring to the etiology of the disease/virus...then its contradicting for me to imply or infer for that matter that its was created by gaalo for whatever reason one being depopulation..right? However, i was merely pointing out that the origin & or etiology of the virus/disease spectrum is usually the (again) core difference for those scientists that study & advocate for the disease & the denialists who range from logics of the origin/etiology, "a white man's tool to depopulate Africa/some parts of the world", et cetera (hence my opinion of what the article was about). OR i misinterpreted it? So brother Farah-my opinion is neither in favor nor contrary to what has been established already!
  2. ^^nothing much new there...just the etiology of the disease & its spread to other parts of the world. however, the etiology of the disease is at most some of the fundamental divergence of view between advocates & denialist societies in HIV/AIDS.
  3. Positive;743667 wrote: Erayada aan calaamadiyey micnahoodu waa sidan: dhudhubo = dhul godan oo biyo mareen ah; jidhaan; gacan. dulundulcaynayaan = ku soconayaan aayar; marayaan qunyar. xareed = biyaha roobka. dulaamaayey = u duulayey iyagoo badan; isu raacayey iyagoo koox ah. manaystay = ku deeqay; ku galaday; siiyey. saxansaxo = ur udgoon oo dabaysha roobku wadato. bulhan( bulxan, bulhaan) = sawaxan; dhawaaq hoose oo dad iyo xoolo ah. Alle-kood(nimo) = Alle inkir; qiritaan la'aan in Ilaahay jiro; qofka Ilaahay wax xun ka sheega. jaan = cagta hoose qaybta dhulka la dhigo; socod. magac dhebis = magac sheegis; ku dhawaaqis magac. agaasinka = maamul; qof ama koox mas'uul ka ah hawl. xifaaltan = foorjo;kaftan suunkii dhexda furanay = isu diyaarinay in aan (aad ) u dheregno. hamuun = gaajo; baahi carrif = micnayn; sheegis waxa loola jeedo (eray). qoomamayso = ka shalayso; isku canaanato. yasaan = hoosaysiiyaan; liidaan; inay iyagu ka sareeyaan mooda. Gebo-gebadii sheeko xariirada ayaa oo dhow. Insha-Allah cashar ama labo dambe ayeynu ku dhammays-tiri doonaa. Toosiye2 eerayada badankood waan fahme maadama lamuujiye micnahooda saxda ah..mise sidii loo tafsiiri karo..laakin some that i had q's about were...(see below)..nonetheless i interpreted them this way.... Dhudhubo=Tributaries? dulaamaayey=wave?
  4. Howdy folks! well i am trying so hard not to be irritated at times when i see some folks on the fastest lane of the freeway..driving like no one is watching...especially in the AM. The other day..there was this somali lady w/her toyota..driving perhaps 35mph..on the fast lane..holding everyone..ARRRGGGG..i promised once past 20 yrs of age..no drama..including road rage...et cetera.
  5. ^^^lol. Aheey. Sheedan ka fiirin un.
  6. wuu muraad ficanyahay baan maqle..laakinse ma hubin karo...calaa ya xaal...waa inan wanaagsan. JK..cool!
  7. congrats walaalo adi iyo xaaska.. @ taleexi..huuno dee dumar baa mesha ka buuxo..waku sidee adna!
  8. Babyface_2;43382 wrote: What Turns Me off in a Woman, hmmmm let's see: I'ma keep it simple, Ladies Pls, i don't care how good you look, smell, smile, twirk, and etc.. but pls you gotta take care of your underarms. ewww, yo that shit is mad nasty man, that kills it for me. I saw some females looked like they had "Don King" in a headlock, fa sho', it ain't sexy, that's all i'ma say about that. Holla~ loooooool..tis made my day..Oh wat a visual. As for me..there is something visibly irritating about ...nin gaaban, oo calool kuus ah..oo qosol dheer!
  9. FB tell him/her dee...there is plenty to see in MN..however, i have been to Columbus numerous times & actually liked it; can't say it beats Minnesota however.
  10. Ugaas..VCU..mmmhh maybe i will end sometime if things here in Midwest don't work...lol..yeah..activate your PM bro...you could be of help to many...like moi.
  11. ^^^lol@ garissa & alalaas. ma aragte mandhow...waaba naga xanaajiyen. I concur on nationalism & statehood (whatever they want to call themselves) don't fit in the same realm of logic. N'ways...they will all be doomed. dad qaranimo iyo qoomnimo garankerin wale waqtigooda wuu tirsanyahay IA.
  12. ^^song of Lawino...Super! Read this back in primary school-it is standard in E. Africa at least.
  13. ar maxey dhoocil xun meel ka boode. Talow Nuune ma kuwaano kale buu isha kula dhace asagoo Nyali iyo pirate beach wifeeynaayo. Nunka..ar ka carar baan ku dhihi lahaa..habraha iyo duqooshinka sixirka iyo unsiga isku qasaayo garab qabso baan ku oran la haa ani. hadii kale wale si fiican aad uu walaan noh.
  14. maxaa naga gale..MMA adi fara dheeridaa mandhow..teenanba uu yaabanahay.
  15. Gheele wa sidaa! Nuune..horta ma tegin mombasa (MMA say it like its supposed to be yah..dhiiga hanagu kicin yac)! laakin when i was travelling from Nai-Mandera via Garissa & others..its was wonderful by bus. MMA- ii sug mandhow..nuune dayuuradiisa hanagu qaade. lol
  16. ^^^nacam...but the flip-flopping baa ka daran so mahan..dhib maleh kuwa badan baa laqabo that predicament lol. Same here,..if i saw "joe 6-pack"
  17. Malika usheeg..nothing comes close to bongo & zanzi.. Nuune-mar hadaad gantaalo ku tilmaante..dee ishaad ku gubte ina adeer iska qiro laguma takooriye. Nice pics btw. Hope to see it sometime.
  18. Samafal..huuno neef baa iga soo baxde. walahi i didn't know how to respond even. In any case-adna cafwan & accepted.
  19. Nice. Had the opportunity to see Tinariwen in concert last year. Habib K engages his audience than for instance Vieux farka toure (Ali's son-who is as much talented as his dad but perhaps needs more experience-but awesome beats!)...few times. Habib was travelling w/a malian' tuarage singer known as AFEL BOCOUM (wow!). LOVE Youssou Ndour's call about SOMALIA during the famine-was passionate & spoke the truth about the so-called sheep-skin african leaders. As for Southern Africa-saw Oliver Mtukudzi on concert-superb beats more like what i used to listen to in Kenya!.
  20. Rudy don't make me blast you..as i remember you one of those new year's @ Hermosa beach?
  21. ^^I certainly don't remember what i was on then, perhaps an alter-ego that i have since lost/misplaced. Ar ya arke!
  22. Samafal;811654 wrote: ^take who? Dadka qaarkiis xikamad daro inaan lala hadlin baa la qaata, marka waan isaga aamusi. Aaliyah OK ayeeyo baa waxaas oo dhan ka fiican I hope we settled that bit walaalo..I am only a persona online..so don't go far as to question my xikmad (xikamaad) or lack thereof...I am responding to the 2nd point. I am not sure what made you jump to that conclusion but in any case raali ahow if i offended you as i was merely responding to your question. Xal qaado.