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Everything posted by raula

  1. ^^saw the cover yesterday & put the link on the medical/Public health on Camelmilk debate forum ...well, shame on Time to insinuate that those who don't breastfeed for longer than required periods aren't mother's ENOUGH
  2. Oh really…so why be for the sham roadmap then be against the distorted constitution when it’s a benchmark of the former? Interesting. Ok, I guess let’s see if he changes his mind after the sermon in Ethiopia.
  3. when get' a chance, please check out this yahoo link via Time magazine cover Re: Breastfeeding. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/cutline/time-breastfeeding-cover-sparks-immediate-controversy-151539970.html My perspective:-I think there is a fine line between incest & nurturing.....
  4. Now this big..FDA gives priority to review TRUVADA (one of HIV/AIDS medication) to be used for PrEP (Pre-exposure prophylaxis; as in HIV negative persons)..to reduce HIV/AIDS infections. From what i have heard..some studies were done in Africa-Botswana being one in heterosexual couples/individuals but they were inconclusive to general population & didn't show much improvement. However, some studies are being rolled out in USA-some states-MN being one if approved (by FDA in JUNE) to MSM (men who have sex w/men)populations. Here is the the article or some clips of it..via Gilead. http://www.gilead.com/pr_1660616 so what implications will this have on community virus? (what in general population is know as HERD immunity etc?), as well drug effects to HIV negative populations as some of these meds can cause/have led to other physiological imbalances e.g. kidney/cardiovascular diseases etc? Not sure now but will see...
  5. An article regarding Joint Pediatric TB vaccination w/HIV research in some parts of Africa. http://www.niaid.nih.gov/news/newsreleases/2012/Pages/AERAS.aspx "According to the WHO, in 2010 TB sickened 8.8 million people and killed 1.4 million people worldwide. It is a leading cause of death among people who are also infected with HIV. In Africa, there were an estimated 2.3 million TB cases and 254,000 TB deaths in 2010."...
  6. NGONGE;827909 wrote: Heh@raula. I actually I tell a lie. That was the most important thing that I like about sijuis. But to tell the truth, I have NEVER met a sijui that I didn't like (not even on SOL). ma ahan ! how could you not You can also listen to legendary musical groups like Culture club (mila na utamaduni) & Ikhwaani Safaa musical club, Zuhura Swalehe (from Mombasa, unlike siti & bi kidude who hail from zanzi). One of my Fav (sorry not sure how to paste you tube videos here yet) Binti Mombasa by zein l'badin . This is for you NGONGE-Enjoy! Wyre lol@makosa..so true! walendo's baa qalbigii iyo miyirkii iyo dhaqankii naga badele hada..laakin so true!
  7. Haatu;828208 wrote: ^ Then help me get my old pic back. Also, you know i'm sujui and don't understand your earlier quote that's it..that killed your appeal...especially for a MOD like MMA.....haba maqashiin Sijui iyo wax sawaxiili la dhaho..waxaad mooda iney gabar ka qaaden...yac
  8. raula

    Ramadan is..

    Ameen Aaliyyah. IA Blessed: LOL we're stuck but for the better insha-allah. Indeed hope we reap the rewards & blessing of the holy month to come. Narniah! some people do it 2 days/week i.e. mondays & thursdays..but that depends on your job/vocation/& if you attend school..could be difficult but maybe when you are home most times then fast those days to make up. All the best to you.
  9. raula

    Ramadan is..

    ^^^that's what lit' munchkin's will do to your brain InshaAllah-indeed a good reminder JZK. Well i would like to work on patience for Raga dumarka ka waalo..mise silciya..mise iskala weyn..and on....& the likes
  10. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;827732 wrote: By the way, Nayroobi ku arki jiray caleenta cagaaran ninka sawirka hore calaanjinaayo. It is more potent than jaadka and more cheaper. it was said. Soomaalida jaadka awoodi karin qarashkiisa cuni jiray. Magac baas lahayd. Aheey waan ka qore taa.. LOL @ Oday..
  11. Mansha-allah..watched her on a friend's Facebook page a while back..she is a superwoman.
  12. Surely that can't be the ONLY thing NG wakusidee adi
  13. Rudy i was just about to penalize JB for his erotic receptive gags & here you come along and smash the record..you are something walahi JB..if this teases you..dee cesh calaa..shekaadu hadey tan ka weynato..inaad isku dhex yaaci baan uu maleyn..
  14. XX ...well when you said wives..then that changed the whole scene for me as since the only male should be responsible for making sure peace prevails..laakin if its him who is instigating war/tensions..then he doesn't deserve any respect & those women to begin with. if you get off/high on others beating & abusing each other..aad mesha cilad ka dhex abuureysid.. you are perverse to say the least..& perhaps a bully. **If ever i become the minister or women affairs in Somalia sometime..i would suggest women to keep a toolbox including..nutcrackers
  15. ^^^don't know what you talking about bro me..naaaah, must be some other person.. A..waan ku ogahay inan masha-alla inaad tahay..& ofcourse the last things you'd take personal are some jokes..(though some could be thinning the line). Next time ii sheeg i got some peeps down in the Bay area, can swing by, who can smack some sense into his OLD G behind..
  16. ^^^yum..love plantains..just had some last week + cassava(yuka) & sweet potatoes (yams) at this haiti restuarant in town along w/. i concur w/Garowe gal..indeed if you add cream (even better a bit of heavy cream or even half & half-that some use for coffee/tea) & make the batter light (as in not so thick)..the beed comes out awesome. I do add small cream also when i am making french toast then top it w/crushed corn flakes before pan-frying (top skillet) it.
  17. lol A.. & Rudy. Bro..you rubbed the gal the wrong way when you said..how many bf's she got..she took it personal. N'ways, word of advice my my LA old Gangsta..too much sweet-like cheese cake kinda sHyte aint for everyone either & so is the real gangsta coolio reppin' so as they say in everything..in MODERATION
  18. raula

    Ha I Furin!

    Nice piece. I would like to agree w/Juxa laakin dumarka qaarkood intey qabiil, qaraabo iyo qiil raga xun xun uu raadinaayan mise uu sacab tuumaayan iyo qaar aad moodid in laf dhabarka laga siibe..bey uu badan yihin..marka some will be stuck w/slanted notion's. Kuwana dan nolaaleed (i.e. dependence especially if she's poor & has children) baa ku qasbi iney noloshaa qaabka daran kusii jiraan. Laakin caraweelo baa kareyse koleytaba. In any case..good reminder indeed. Koleytaba ani waxaan ku jiraa former Mrs Bobbitt's camp
  19. ^^interesting articles & perception put forth..but you confused me at what your perception is precisely. N'ways..you point out Ridley's Nurture vs Nature theory.......gene expression vulnerability.. ----(now speaking of susceptibility if indeed sunshine could/is the cure in relation w/role of Vit D mechanism is the the body..or genetics)...what about the flip-side of UV light & other harmful radiation exposure accelerating & more contributing to the malignancies of either skin cells in turn accelerating DNA proliferation adversely when naturally there is gaps in gene expression that counters such problem?- hence Skin cancer etc. As well-in the case of MN somali families/children to have been diagnosed w/Autism/ADHD...the conclusion is yet to be made-studies are in progress about this..now could be that the swedish scientists linked those families to Vit D deficiency et cetera..but that's not the case in MN (at least yet)..except the typical rumors of the British study & other linkages related worldwide. Now i know in USA-prenatal care enforces mothers to be to take prenatals + Vit D or the former only if the levels are higher (since VIT D has toxicity levels in the body...therefore monitored) but could be that the mother is not adherent or has slanted 'cultural & religious' or personal misconception about taking vitamins et cetera...nonetheless, let's not jump to conclusions yet..
  20. ^^if you get time..check out countrymate-Ngugi wa thiongo..among others. speaking of playwrights..one that sticks..that won the Nobel Prize in literature (the first in African literature) was Nigerian..'wole' sonyinka. His is brilliant but a bit controversial especially lately about 'religious fanaticism". In the some western (American at least) world lit classes..they you might come across Tsitsi Dangaremba (zimbabwe).