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Everything posted by raula

  1. lol@showqi..hedhe..mid kula fahantaa mahee ...yaana jidka lagaga dhaqaaqin.
  2. wow..wish i had the chance to see Xamar in its glory days..or to come!
  3. MMA mesha maa adi lagugu fashile..mise ku fashilmate..
  4. raula

    what is rooxan?

    ^^^forget this marqaan's...drive to Ventura or even better up North to Monterrey/half-moon bay & chill..tha's the cure for ruuxamo.
  5. raula

    random pics

    ^^^hedhe adna hana qalbi ruxin nini hi sasa
  6. ^^^ma saas baa! bes xaal qaado Haatu
  7. ^^hedhe...dhagna laguma dhigine..iska liq cilkaaga oo ubax yaro xiiso ah meesha soo gasho. kabax ROCK this & somaliweyn shekadooda..mise wale weyba kutarxiili..back to GARISSA & since you've given up your citizenship..you are toast bro
  8. Nice. We'll leave Fracking & Oil & et cetera exploration to reer puntland lol...OK OK its a joke..don't go on attack. Dabrow ..wa xagee melahaasi?
  9. raula

    what is rooxan?

    Carafaat..kusoo biir adna...anaku qolomaa tahay kumaweydiineyne
  10. war hedhahaya..hablaha yar yar jadh haka tuurina dee..waa inkusidee..intaad waano iyo heelo uu tumi laheeden baad balo ugu shekeyseen hada..now hopefully they don't suppose that we infer all men are dayuus & useless..
  11. ^^indeed chopped bits hence my support for the toolbox (including as i have said previously a 'nutcracker') <--not the film nor classic song..but the tool.
  12. XX..I am aware. thx. Showqi...see adi uu aragna huuno
  13. raula

    what is rooxan?

    aheey..waan ka qore sxb
  14. raula


    FB..watch out or I'll make a citizen's arrest
  15. aah..ciidi caseyd ee Gedo..Nice pics!
  16. raula

    random pics

    MMA-odeygaa caloosha kuusan oo finland gabdhahaa cadaanka la sawiran ma adigaa
  17. The 1st koshin Clip's song-I believe the original waxaa leh Ahmed Mooge.
  18. more mchongoano's... wewe ni mshamba wa kung'oa hadi saa za kulala badala ung'orote unafanaya ngolololololo!!! ati kwenyu mumesota hadi hadi mnakulanga sembe na picha ya kuku.. Ati wewe ni mjinga hadi uliomba charger ulipoenda kusajiliwa - "iko wapi charger ya hii electronic voting card ama inatumia solar" http://www.kichizi.com/mchongoano/popular/page4/#p
  19. raula

    what is rooxan?

    ^^nini imekufundisha hiyo mambo au umetibiwa...sema tu hamna atayekuangalia kivingine
  20. raula


    I was gonna say Farax B...you outta visit NJ. Besides can't do that stuff now in MN while driving ! if i see you..you best believe ama call the popo
  21. wale ragu soomaliyeed mar hadey qadiyad iyo qabiil/qolo qolo maskaxdu ka gasho..waxey noqdaan cajiin qamiidhey...yac! allow amuuraha dhumarka meelaha ku nool uu sahal...saa waxan iyo kuwaan kadaran bey uu sacab tumaayan.
  22. raula

    what is rooxan?

    lol@Nuune wale inaad caadi aheyn. oo rooxantu mise ruuxamaha waxaan moode iney Mingisku iney walaalo ahaayene hadey isku mid aheen..mise waxbaan isku qaldaaya..