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Everything posted by raula

  1. ^^LOVE the prefontaine ..wished i lived there. N'ways Saw Mo Farah along w/USA's (kenyan original) Benard Lagat once compete & was fantastic to watch the Camaraderie between these two powerhouse athletes. They were training together as well. Well, the kenyan's are here! they've slowed a bit in the last races..but i hope London redeems them again. I hope they can hold on to the steeplechase as always
  2. ^^^^ naga daa adna.. Ngonge-hadaad saas uu seexatid...ado nin weyn ah..I am thinking xaajiyada sariirta iyo qolkaba iney kuu baneyse saa gantalada habeenkii aad rido..iney shimbiraha london iyo luuq uu dhaxeeyan ey bidaan
  3. Faarax-Brawn;838323 wrote: Shati lee maiska dhahdidoo yaa north yakhee? hehehehehe...adna daandaasi ma iska dhahdidoo.. NORF..afkii baa na qalocde just trying to pronounce that! mucho gracias!
  4. Che...ala Che..maxaan ku dhahnaa hada..what's this ..remnants of the East-coast flooding Ilaahey hanoo naxaristo... *****walks to get 3rd cup of caffeine.
  5. JB..wax kalaad ula jeedaye..maad shegtid war hedhahaya..waa sarbeeb ee ka jooga hadaba..
  6. Ibti-you are a classy lady indeed ! you didn't stoop to such nonsense (retaliation) as your cause to the poor/the less privileged would've been undermined. Keep up the noble work sista!
  7. ****follow this link: http://sph.bu.edu/careerservices/viewjob.aspx?flat=1&id=2591 ***sometimes we get a bad rap as Somali-Minnesotan's but this is pretty awesome-You betcha I am proud. University of Minnesota (UMN): Founded in 1851, UMN is the fourth largest university in the United States, with over 51,000 students. The UMN Academic Health Center consists of all UMN health-related Schools, including the Medical School, the Schools of Public Health, Nursing and Dentistry and the College of Veterinary Medicine. UMN AHC schools are among the top public insitutions in the nation in NIH funding (Medical School, #12, School of Public Health, #1, School of Nursing, #14, School of Dentistry, #15). Unique strengths of the UMN in global health include 1) the $53 million USAID-sponsored RESPOND program, which is the largest veterinary public health program in the nation; 2) the International Network for Strategic Initiatives in Global HIV Trials (INSIGHT) HIV clinical trials network; 3) pioneering global health tracks in Pediatrics and Internal Medicine residencies; 4) the first Division of Global Pediatrics in the country; 5) the CTSI and accompanying CTSA grant; and 6) a strong international education program,
  8. must be a full moon somewhere..or its just the start of an Epidemic?
  9. ^^ aren't you the lucky one-blessed indeed! To the Q: No. many in the Diasporas are undiagnosed Histrionics!
  10. Che-wat a coincidence I was just reading about that Kenyan guy..OMG!
  11. Xaaji Xunjuf;836973 wrote: Bisinka wamaxay ta buraan eeh is rog rogaysa, kulaha i am rachel balayo ku rachesyey hahahahahaha..wale kursigii baan ka dhace reading this XX..walahi you r' a clown I hope i don't encounter her in the dark alley's of Minnesota. LOOOOOL@Abwaan.
  12. Rudy...in ATL...on the D/L could mean something different watch out now
  13. Love her indubitable spirits & beauty!
  14. Coofle;835962 wrote: Raula Waad mahadsantahay, Ducadana Ilaahay ha aqbalo waa iskaga baahanahaye...80 hours per week always you have to do the home chores by yourself ,plus studying textbook after coming home and having on-call nights every week.... Ajarkaygu waa in dadka kale ka bato....lolz...pl Showqi , Muqdisho ayaa waxa la iigu sheegay in ay jiraan process la yidhaa "Faadumo Soon-Qaad"; Faadumo Bisha Ramadaan ayay kuu mehersanaanaysaa, Cuntada iyo hawlaha kale ka sokaw, Xataa cibaadada ayay kaa caawinaysaa "Ilayn guurku waa Iimaanka Badhkiiye" Walbahaarka caashaquna waa dagayaa......Bishu markay dhamaatana Meherkeegii iyo Xaal-maris baad iskugu daraysaa ood iska diraysaa,, Waaban la dhacay system-ka, Faadumo-Soon qaad... Diintu waxay ka qabto bal Wyre ha inoo sheego isagaa Wahaabiyada inooga dhawaaye... Coofle...wale inaad sii fiican marid uu noqon hadaad mar howshaan dhex geshid kana baxdid..waayo dheg jalaq siin meysid hasaawahad mesha ku bar'goyse..nafsadaada iyo nuxur kaagana hadhaawicin..maxaa yele..dumarku raxaadooda hasaaweba hanoqotee..waa maskaxdiyan! So you or she for that matter is attached from get go..Like the Salmon.. Showqi-saas ba laga rabaa..is noole mandhow!
  15. Insha-allah all the best walaalo. Don't forget yourself & be enticed/consumed by the beauty of the people/place that your forget the vultures as well..as the swahili's says "Usisahau ubaharia kwa sababu ya unahodha. Do not forget what it is to be a sailor because of being a captain yourself." It would be nice as others said if you started a blog wise one!
  16. Salam. Salam. Yeah same here..Its a beautiful day indeed. SocialCam iyo et cetera..I don't even entertain too much. I ask for little in life..just like my tea..w/little sugar (I let the palates do the adventure & dance if any) there is too much sensationalism & temptations now days. At least my few ayeeyo friends are still around-we can chat over shah w/our gambar's in tow if need be!
  17. ^^^wat happened pre-1997 just nosy!
  18. ^^^lol. Hedhe ilaahey hakula garab qabto insha-allah waxaan kugu duceynaaya..at least..waraaqihii adi iyo showqi qori jirteen in mid insha-allah laga soo jawaabo suxuur iyo afur keligaa wale waa dhib iyo walbahaarka hasaawaha kugu darsamane..IA qeyr. I'll be busy w/grad school prep as well & family-Insha-allah waxaan ka baryeyna Allah s.w. inuu qatimada iyo barakada bishaas no badiyoo nona sahlo. for sure this fasting will be long!
  19. winding conversations. N'ways from what i have seen @ the hospital in terms of HIV/AIDS...ilaahey hano sahlo. I hope couples measure in each other the worth of each one’s noble compassion to respect the house of marriage, especially when children are involved. Hope in all that happens, that we are gracious to one another. Only Allah s.w. can full control of our destinies.
  20. raula

    Welcome me.

    ^^I order you to...its good for your cardio..& mental physique! so go on!
  21. raula

    Who's who?

    showqi..,sidii ay islamihii gedo baadiyeheeda oran jireen..."koleytaba wax nool mesha kuma arkin.." istaqfurulah...lol war hedhe dambi hanoo xambarin hada. I have idea!
  22. raula

    Who's who?

    ^^you're next ee iska jir hadaba
  23. Taleexi;835151 wrote: By: Hassan M. Abukar May 25, 2012 . who is close and kind to her family. She is active in her community, and the husband is the one who is perfectly content to be in the background. Taleexi..i won't find it bizarre as it happens in our community often..Unethical..perhaps--I am sure you have been cautioned trying to mediate between couples... nonetheless her concerns are legitimate...until otherwise proven. Now you mentioned HER FAMILY...well hasn't she been good to his family & his well being as well? Do they have a family of their own? They should talk & work their issues out..since they seem to be enlightened to know that something has changed in their lives. Maybe he should invite her to this trips (yes her schedule is busy) but docs get some time off ...