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Everything posted by raula

  1. Che -Guevara;842971 wrote: ^That's outright pedophilia. Minors are bought and sold, and pimp out. Precisely put. I don't know what you mean by reconciling religion & lifestyle as they are intertwined-as in true/honest believers abide by the religious doctrines hence dictates how they carry on w/their lifestyles, no? As for those who deviate from religious guidelines...will surely face grave punishments in the afterlife. Now this isn't to say that there are no transgressors in any religion-but i won't be the one to judge whether the act of deviating is considered minor or major constituents of sin-Allah s.w. knows. Ok-I watched the Afghanistan's dancing boys..subxanallah! I can't even fathom how they call themselves Mujahideen & yet live double lives..but then money & power depress one’s reason on forbidden boundaries.
  2. Congrats Abtigiis! All the best Insha-allah to the kids. Moonlight-mandhow armu odeyga wadnaha fariista cuntadaa salida badan..instead Masago/mesego haloo tumo!
  3. So MMA is related-to late sheikh AUN Innaa Lilaahi waina ileyhi raajicuun. Samir iyo Imaan to the family.
  4. looks like some of the folks (S. African bushmen) from "the Gods must be crazy" movie-classic.
  5. raula


    Carafaat;841000 wrote: Cajiib, reer galbeedka Hargeysa wax kasta wee cunaan. Even dhirta ayee cunaan. lol 'dhirta' iyo cambaabur is the staple food of Djibouti Eid maba ahan hadii xafaada labadaa laga waayo! hadii kale kooranka ka tegi
  6. ^^^hadii wax kaa gelin mandhow "dhuuqitaan" af kyuk kuma micneen laheed..as tuujiye used to say..wareer badanaa FB: sukuma wiki tu! Abtigiis
  7. OMG! this is really troubling for a woman to watch!
  8. abtigiis wale kirli karkaraayad sheeda uuga muuqataa loooooool@ 'dhuuqid' ba'a ma nanac baa! Ayoub
  9. ^^^couldn't agree more. I don't know if its either pettiness/vanity/pride etc but even the most pauper somali (nasab) person seems to want artificials-medication/utensils/household goods/clothes..imported stuff that they are hardly aware of what's it entails..hence the whole degradation of somali minorities (tumaal/********* clans etc for there subsistence ingenuity). Dim prospects but i hope we learn from our mistakes all these years..and go back to some basics..hand washing/sanitation etc-could at least minimize the impacts of some food borne illnesses such as cholera/dysentry and as you have mentioned child mortality rates.
  10. Some carry on those pitiful habits to the diaspora. Shame Walahi!
  11. ^^that's what i thought as well. Indeed No Tigers in Africa (except in the Zoo's).
  12. ^^^I did (waan arke the previous post). But got me just curious..since i wasn't gonna question until he posted this story....inanku maskaxdii buu hada na qase.. Marka wuxu ma macdan baa.... Ehem: clarification, NG or others: NGONGE's stuff or whateva isn't really my bizwax!
  13. ^^^ looks like the case of Monique (the AA female comedian). Leopard=Monique & her chubbies ; Cheetah=Skinny B*&^Ches.
  14. Ngonge-I am sorry but i don't get the idea of this thread? wassup:D
  15. Showqi;839656 wrote: Nin xun buu ku moodey. Doesn't prove anything yet. Wyre: I think whoever asked..wanted to know if she's making an investment or a flop! So aint nothing wrong w/proving! Che clown
  16. where are Shujui-1 (totti...) & shaqsi (Q-Leap)?
  17. Correction: I meant Greyhound (dog breed) not Jaguar..
  18. Coofle-aad baad uu mahadsantahay..the article is a wonderful read. I am aware of the somali minorities/untouchables as some might call them.I guess its some somali dialects on how they refer such people to. Thx again.
  19. ^^^I think Blue right Wyre. Its rare for Cheetah's to climb trees unlike how Leopards are!The cheetah is lean (hence for built for speed) & a bit taller..in the hind limbs..more closely resemble the shape of a jaguar. Ok i might be confused as well. I thought in somali Haramcad = Tiger ? or could it be Cheetah? since we have no Tiger's in Africa (Imported from Asia) & leopard = Shabeel ? No?
  20. Waa maxay "Beelaha la hayb sooco" pardon me? Sad but happens! “He that is proud eats up himself: pride is his own glass, his own trumpet, his own chronicle.” ― William Shakespeare
  21. Blessed-rest assured there are few collegiate somali's that i have seen-though nothing close to the caliber or Abdi Bile & Mo Farah & the likes. Huuno somali iyo faan...some think nin baahan baa ordaa. But it takes a village to raise a runner indeed. Its funny coz somalidu qabayaalad bey ku dhiiqdaan.. comparable to their kenyan counterparts where some qabiils (or races/sect's) are known for their Running (long distance) strength. *****By the way..betcha i know the relatives of some of those 10K runners:D ( I was once adopted by the Kalenjin) I even have a kalenjin name. They are cool peoples
  22. 2012 Entry / Start Lists *The 2012 preliminary entry list will be continually updated below as each event is released. Read more: PreClassic.com - The official Prefontaine Classic website - Start Lists - 2012 Entry / Start Lists http://www.runnerspace.com/eprofile.php?event_id=120#ixzz1wwDjqZGi ***this is what i meant by the Kenyan's are here the 10K 10,000m KENYAN OYMPIC TRIALS ROTICH, LUCAS, KEN KIPCHOGE, ELIUD, KEN BETT, EMMANUEL, KEN TANUI, PAUL, KEN MBISHEI, TITUS, KEN BETT, JOSEPHAT, KEN KIPTOO, MARK, KEN KIRUI, GEOFFREY, KEN KAROKI, BITAN, KEN KIGEN, MIKE, KEN MASAI, MOSES, KEN MASAI, DENIS, KEN KIPROP, WILSON, KEN KOGO, MICAH, KEN CHELIMO, KEVIN, KEN
  23. ^^^adna iyo criminology & conspiracies naga daa yaqee! Che..walahi i thought of you when i saw the tele..ala masakiinkii uun baa kuhaaye markiiyoo dhan. Glad you are fine as fiddle