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Everything posted by raula

  1. ^^^^Behold the desires a juvenile heart will trek Best thoughts sprout Each memento jolts with anxiety… Caressing your flank & your inner most wounds Once it strikes the vulnerable point Sending striking sensations top to toe Like a perfectly choreographed symphony Permeating as the dust settles Choking the desire in your cores Branded……………………………… Secrets exposed…records of defects As peers bear witness to the storytelling Of comrades’ ‘business’ concluded last night… Only the tamer, can brag about The fathom of spiteful camel, Only grown men……………………… Can only ride those waves of emotions Without shattering the full beauty Of a woman’s melancholy and gaiety Those lacking in craft can’t bear this A qualified won’t fear riding An unbroken horse, without a saddle… Guided by intimacy, strong shoulders Mind you a shelter and a shield Of your most intimate moments Reflection true to character, Like the wisdom of a discreet camel herder So you ask my dear lad, dream or an illusion? Perhaps you do bare a barren camel’s insight Let not your fantasies carry you to lost way And cast you as a hero...Short of fathoming that Poetry is a woman you do not betray To abuse her desires is a sin! (Implied rendition of the poem above: it’s about the youngsters of today who boast & dispose of their love affairs like an enchanted season unlike true gentlemen (grown men) discreet at it like a cosseted financial credit).
  2. down (USA) under they call them COYOTE & they smuggle all kinds of 'commodities'
  3. laamuhu waa inaad mid qabsataa mandhow...yaadna dhexda ka bixin
  4. hadeyba xanaaqde waaba fiicantahay...waxan is iri tolow show belo kale la geli doona...xariifad iga dheh!
  5. ^^^you oughta do something about your "deficiencies" hadii kale..once you are hitting the 40th mark..meel kale baad ka dareemi wale:D hada intaad bashaash yar tahay..bal is qabo baan ku oran laha..oo dhandhanaanka isku taxaluuji inaad dhedhemis..or you'll miss out on much more:D
  6. Sportsman is plenty in Kenyan market. Maadeey..mise tiftif mise qoladee la jirtaa adi waa yaabe!
  7. ^^^eheh..appealing hakaa sarto! wale mar dhow muriidi iyo quruxlow lee noqonee noh..iska jir
  8. Carafaat-love that song..thx for the lyrics. Ina mooge baan jeclahay asalka heesta leh. Would love to get the lyrics of this song by Qalinle..some years baa la'igu baabe (ku waashe) heestani..lol. http://www.heesta.com/daar_hees.php?id=514
  9. there was a rapper in America that was named Old dirty bast*&^..mmmhhh!
  10. love the map..there isn't a sijui shah w/out sanjibiil & dhege yare..(given that the spices come from Ardul-zanzibar & surroundings). Great website thx Carafaat. Wyre huuno dee beeriis w/out toasted & pounded cumin is no bariis-see camal adi..ma wax qali baad nasoo ag dhigi laheed?
  11. hope to visit there as well someday. By Narniah's assertion's they sound like somali's except the much respect to women part (OK Joke maybe)! no wonder they are reaching out in #'s to the Somali's back home. Either way, Great!. A great SOL'er who is on extended sabbatical (me thinks ) lived in Turkey for long-Warrior of Light! Hope she could dish out some advise for others-or see's this thread!
  12. U wlc dada. My thinking was that you were looking for studies specifically on Somali's that have MS-hence the research sites i listed ! but if you were requesting diagnosis/txt(treatment), etiology etc of the disease then as Coofle mentioned-there are plenty on the net (English however).
  13. ^^waad iga yaabise..are you working for the DOD (Dept of defense) or DHS (Dept of Homeland security)..now that they have Ethnic mapping in collaboration w/FBI
  14. Hard for me to respond to everything above. Nonetheless, I didn't say you can't state your opinions because you don't have kids. You can be an expert w/out having the experience but i only meant to let know that its hard to generalize & blanket all daycares as being bad experience for your children? Known facts? yes there are daycare centers that are bad, but again you are generalizing all daycares (given whether they are centers, in-home, outdoor/adventure...maid as in shaqaale back home for well to do families where a maid takes care of the kids & maybe some other chores at home-its a form of unstructured daycare). N'ways there are differences even in how a mother nurtures her child compared to the father. Because you entrust you child to relatives or a mother or a father at home doesn't mean that that child is safe from maltreatment nor immune to some disease. Again i think you overshoot on this issues. All in all-don't take my response as a mere characterization of who you are & what you believe i was merely stating an opinion as you did. However we can beg to differ & stand by our analysis if you like. I hope you understand that its not personal I was just responding to your analysis walaalo.
  15. lol@ Showqi...add the dangerous album. Speaking of dangerous album..one of my older sis-who's wadaad now (no music at all) back in her high school days(boarding in Kenya) was into M-Jackson & one day bought the dangerous album & used to DJ for us...i brought it to her attention few years back when visiting & waxey ii tiri...'acuudu bilaah" upon seeing the cover..lool.
  16. :D :D salaala...ati K....nini woi woi walahi karibu kofi kapata mshenzi huyo omondi Wyre this made my day -mucho gracias amigo
  17. munirah;842390 wrote: What's so interesting about watching a bunch of guys in their shorts running after a ball? Men! looooooooool -though i like futbol the ball part got me giggling neva looked at it from that side!
  18. Malika;842081 wrote: Is there information on MS [multiple sclerosis] in Somali that any of you medics know? I found some in the MS society website - hadhee jiiraan anymore baal ii sheega. Not sure of MS links in somali except the UK link you got-but here are some research on the disease on either immigrants (mostly europeans/iranians etc) Vit D association & comparison btwn white & AFrican american MS patients in USA. A nationwide survey of the prevalence of multiple sclerosis in immigrant populations of Sweden. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22207619 The emerging role of vitamin D binding protein in multiple sclerosis. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21042807 Rapid disease course in African Americans with multiple sclerosis http://www.msif.org/en/research/ms_research_news/rapid_disease_co.html http://www.msif.org/en/
  19. raula

    ila qosol

    ^^^lol. given his attitude i didn't notice..though if the incident had occurred & i was close by..sure i would be laughing w/the jokster awful.
  20. raula

    ila qosol

    ^^^awesome thx Showqi. I was actually @costco on monday evening..
  21. Granted everyone has opinions on life-but let's not be convinced w/our generalizations especially if you don’t have kids. Surely, there are daycares that are awful, but would it make a difference if you took them to a Somali-daycare centers/muslim owned-just because we share culture & religion similarities? There are shades of generosities from all walks of life & so are many deviants out there (gaal ama qaraabo ha noqdaan). You can’t have KODAK moments Blue, about every milestone in life..what is considered milestones in life by the way..is it only when your child is growing up from their nascent years or at time recovering from terminal disease miraculously. Besides there are skills acquired by a child whether its in a daycare setting or they stay w/qaraabo/maid or parents. As its mentioned-our fate has been determined by Allah s.w. even before they open their eyes-doesn’t mean you don’t work hard in life either way-Allah s.w. Knows. Nonetheless, both partners at times have careers/school/work restrictions et cetera that they can’t negotiate about or otherwise would jeopardize their lifestyles (which at times is depended on by other family members-for instance if you support relatives/humanitarian work), unless the life of the kid(s) are in danger. If they are able to negotiate schedules so as to avoid paying daycare dues-well & good, otherwise at their own discretion. Bottom line-there is more to life & many roads to success