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Everything posted by raula

  1. @ Somalia..i think it means "SERVES"..does that make me smart if i did it good brain teaser!
  2. Taleexi;858038 wrote: Women empowerment seems to be a lucrative business in our community. - Xoogaa xawaashayn ah baanse sheekada ka dhadhamiyey, qof sideeda oo kale ah ( yacni indhuhu u furan yihiin, haysatana adeegyo si fudud uga samatabixin kara dacdarada haysata ) ma aha wax sahlan in lagu khasbo inay qof nafsadeedu diidan tahay la noolaato - haa hal asbuuc iyo wax la mid ah khasab-raaxaysi guureed waa loogu been guuri karaa balse inay sii joogto waa lack of courage at its best. W/all due respect..the 'lack of courage' you speak of is why abuse of all sorts is rampant in all social strata's involving women. Marka walaalo..it is lack of courage that a teenager or a young gal for that matter is to be betrothed to an 70yrs old gizzard back when..or even now to the Mujahideen's/'uncle' etc? is it lack of courage that the some gals are under duress forced into SEX RINGS/Slavery whether in the USA or other parts of the diaspora? Was it lack of courage some of our mothers were given to polygamous families (even though they turned out fine after the fact)? Is it lack of courage that many women endure sexual (or any other kind of) assault during war times...but still stick to the motto of gobanimo iyo guul awogeed...while the men abandon them for war/other women/financial gains/disease-afflictions such as HIV/AIDS..? I am not attacking Taleexi...just stating some painful facts..we are there because there are no other ways out...she was born in the diaspora doesn't mean she had the means/resources at her disposal. Since many of you guys seem to dismiss this as mere exaggeration of facts..but we all know it happens..then you might as well take her word for it...since we are not in her shoes. Besides..xageed ku maqashe..wax la yiraah "KHASAB-RAXEED"..(made up word miyaa) perhaps this is fetish arousal experienced by men..as sane women know..there is no pleasure in PAIN certainly in LOVE mar hadiii uu qasab yahay..wa hadii uu qalbigaagu weli murugo iyo naceyb ku jiro. Malika & Ibti..my sentiments precisely.
  3. we always like to blame others for our dreadful befelling. Nonetheless, this woman could be content w/her life as is given, except that as a mother its tough to have a child w/maladies as such horrific affliction of a disease as polio. Laakin kii qabey baan eed saari la haa..but he could be in no better shape than her..Allaha uu sahlo dumarkas iyo ciyaalkooda. Money won't buy happiness/love..nor would it clear up the skies for many.
  4. Hambalyo walaal...IA (Barakallahu laka wa baraka calaika wa jamaaca beynakuma fii kheyr). Remember be honest at all times, don't fret the little stuff & don't expect confetti falling from the skies all the times ).
  5. raula

    Hello all

    Indeed as coofle said..I second that! Hongera kaka..as the tradition goes...ya unguja..na sehemu hizo.....here are some KANGA writings.. 1.YARABI TUPE SALAMA TUISIHI KWA KUPENDANA -translation= GOD GIVE US PEACE TO LIVE IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER Je Wyre..maradhi yako ni ya pendo..ama? as this proverb articulates.."Ya mahaba ndweo maradhi upeo" =The intoxication of love is the ultimate disease Majibu =twakuombea mola akupoeshe kwa maradhi na nia yakutulie..mwanangu...indeed 2.NIPENDE KWA NIA NIPATE KUTULIA/ LOVE ME SO THAT I CAN RELAX..as in this case akupende kwa nia, upate kutulia. Tafadhali peleka Salamu kwa zawaj.
  6. Maf Kees;323229 wrote: Anyway, maybe its a Somali traditional belief that hyena meat is halal. Some Somalis believe that hyenas are hermaphrodites (half male/half female) because the female hyenas have extra male hormones that has made them at least as large as their male counterparts. Their clitoris is also therefore so big that it looks like a certified penis. Add to that that female hyenas are the leaders of each and every hyena clan wherever in Africa. For Somalis back in the day, I don't blame them for thinking hyenas were hermaphrodites. They wouldn't be the only one. European scientists used to believe that too. I wouldn't even get close to Hyena's let alone think of eating their meat..laakin this part got me thinking to give them the peculiar eye
  7. ^^^Hot-tempered, hot (temperature-wise) mise..?lol MMA-waan ku ogahay..beri baad mid sawaaxili jeclaatee maad iska qiraatid..waan ku bari lahaaye (the lingo) if you want to rekindle anything dee..
  8. ^^^indeed..there is a swahili saying "dawa ya moto ni moto" paraphrased..wixii kuluul baa wax kuluul/dab lagu gudaa!
  9. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;856972 wrote: Welcome Daa'uud, brother. We wiill welcome you open arms, unlike the little hands offered by a certain miss in Minnesota. Rawla, awalba open hands ma rabin. Haddii la igu soo dhaweynin open (____) maba rabi. so bood bood marka..oday biiqe walaahi ugali dhuunta kuu istaageyso lee ka dherjinaa -laakin ay kutubeey lee fursad kasoo qaado marka hore nooh & MN is a fine state by the way...so Chimera can relocate anytime..unlike visiting TO hehehe..
  10. raula

    Would you?

    ^^^well of course you would eh, no surprises there NG.
  11. Abtigiis;856590 wrote: They did what they came to do in the first place. Since going to international competitions have become the new way of helping your relatives to go abroad, the Somali Olympic Comittee must send people from my Tolkay to the next competition in accordance with the 4.5 arrangement. Qudhun iyo qabiil kama baxno, and that is why the country is shamed because of these false athletes. Dad quman oo orda lama waayeen ee naas-nuujin baa loo soo diray. I have never been impressed with the whole thing from the start. The rest I agree with Raamsade 100%. Kuwan diaspora ah ee ka hadlaya why is she staying are hypocrats. Why shouldn't she? Idinku maad patriotic noqotaan ood ku noqotaan dalkiinii, if at all you have better skills to survive there than the two false athletes. Allahu aclam if they are false athletes or not..but I wholeheartedly concur w/the latter part of your argument.
  12. ^^^lol...maya walaal..but i am resident of MN dee...besides saas taajir reeraha yaga ma ahan mandhow... MMA...Amsterdam ma saxiibtaa baa joogto maxaa uu faanineysaa..es koronto ku dhaanta Horta adi qof gacmo furan kugusoo dhaweynaaya iska yar mandhow..is qor qor bilaa liis. Apophis..You are right but this is not entirely the case at all times. I didn't say they shouldn't make "noise" but the touching part was a bit too much. I don't know about where you live but brother in my neck of woods that could turn into something unexpected. N'ways, the brothers made their point & glad both parties's issues were resolved.
  13. On another note..waxaan ka baqa..that 'former' security guard..might end up pulling something like the Oak Creek, Wisconsin Sikh Temple shooting or far worse.. Chimera-We Minnesotan's will wlc you w/OPEN HANDS Get away from those congested streets of london for a bit
  14. Apophis;856920 wrote: If they were "civilised" they would not have achieved their objective which was to get the two guards sent home. The owner was, initially, dismissive and d1ck1sh. He changed his tune when they, rightly, persisted. Raula-watch the whole clip and you'll see they were loud but well behaved. Apophis..well now that i did, glad the boys came out swinging for their sister..but man were they boiling...why the h*&^ do they have to surround & TOUCH & even WHISPER into someone's ear during a commotion? if someone had pulled out a gun..i think the lawyers would have looked at it as a threat & justified if any "self-defense' right was raised. OR they were that close to the cops...i betcha some of them now would be in Hennepin county jail for the night..As well, if you are asking for a resolution, you negotiate (this doesn't mean you forgo your target-i.e. get those security guards fired) but then you don't tell the other party HOW TO RUN THEIR BUSINESS? maxey inamadaan (i know some of them are well over 30+ ) is mooden? Wale qof cadaan ah saas laguma sameeyn laheen..laakin its because they have had enough of this Sabri guy/his associates & his business model. Laakin its the somalis that have gotten him to this point. Allow ya rag somaliyeed la murma..waaba hadey ku cunin maalin cad & you wonder why women can't be much in Parliament. ***OK, aniga waxaa igu darnaa..dumarka mesha ka qeylinaayo..koleytaba i wouldn't have been one of them..& reer-baadiye oo loo dhiibe phone-camera oo maqley Facebook/twitter/You TUBE etc
  15. raula

    Would you?

    ^^^like what for instance To the topic: Allahu aclam, as long as the person is decent -why not. Everyone needs someone to love & to be loved.
  16. Showqi-mandhow waxaad ka hadleysaa dad macquul ah..or wax garad noqon karo..there were even words being thrown out there in the vicinity of the riot-.."we don't share the same culture"...iyo bacaac. Marka showqi..seef-la-bood hadey kuu dhaleen maxaad ka sugi..its really Sad some are trying to calm the masses & reason/explain to the cops..& some are just plain adding fire to the fuel. A..thx-I saw upto the point where the cop is talking to the gal..but couldn't finish it (meeting).
  17. what the hell is going on ? what's w/the gal involved..S-Centric give us some details pls?
  18. Haatu..I Hear Garissa is getting too qabiiliiste nowdays..(I haven't lived there)but know someone..who did..& beryahaan waxaaba laga hor keena..horta qolmaad tahay hii ni kazi ya 20+ yrs of wasomali...infiltrating..or was it like this..prior? MMA--adi xaad qabsate..kontonkii sano lasoo dhaafe?
  19. yeah where is resident Che? last time i went 2004-traffic was crazy..& even worse were the drivers around the downtown zone. Food is expensive...if you like dining outside fine restuarants..& tipping is compulsory (I asked back then, if the friends/relatives would donate the money to my college tuition..but they said no). N'ways good luck. BTW, don't look out the window when landing...
  20. LayZie G.;854962 wrote: Canada will make history...the perfect game to Lady G I hope you aren't mending still...a broken heart . Well let's hope Canada can try to win the walking race/race walking in Rio (Ok tha was a JOKE)!
  21. heartbreaking walaahi, -but what do you except from phony & uninspired leaders who do not think even beyond their pockets & penises? Women, children & the elderly have by far suffered the casualties of this absurd & comatose Somali war. Allow no sahal IA. Maxaaba wadankii ku soo hare...qasiis, qurbo-joog, qaduuc iyo qudhun baas. ***Pardon me Maaddeey.
  22. Che -Guevara;856568 wrote: ^You have unresolved issues.... hehehe..fo sho
  23. ^^^^no no to calool kuus sis..its a serious lapse in my books-if you are 40's & below that is. higher than that..will have to be on case-by-case evaluation. I can deal w/bidaar but the latter (calool) added w/short statue..la xowla i will die of laughter before i even approach. N'ways i am no bidding/choosing now so will let "all the single ladies put their hands up" as beyonce says i think.