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Everything posted by raula

  1. Apophis you got some news ? Yaabanow..ma aragte..it just makes sense eh.lol Malika alxamdulilah dada...mazuri tu hapa..although i am guessing tutakuwa na masherekeo hapa na kila mahali wasom wako..all for the best still..something to celebrate about. As for work, ulikuwa off kwa kuwa ramadani ama? Kila la heri walalo.
  2. Malika..lol..there goes..hopefully we won't have too many lost sheep..just want to attract some to the "plight" of ....... walahi i shoulda taken a vacation day from SOL.. what an awful planner am I
  3. I just wanted to attract a few flies Mandhowyaal..maad naga yareysaan boliticsgaa..I mean how many threads are we gonna have..that talks about the same thing.. I understand its historic..even i for once gambaarkeeygii kama kicin..laakin enuf ma ahan gracias
  4. ^^^^hedhe..bar yartaa meesha aad soo oode hanoogu hanjabin anaka (calashaan dumarka SOL)..bal adna hoo jacburiskaan Jawaabti malagu siinin jaalle jacBaro Jabta yar aad meesha kusoo jamacayse Joog baa laga kari waayo, Juugta kugu aasan baad la jareynasaaye… Jiifsan weydoo..jaceyl bug’ ah kuugu faafisee jin iyo jareerteeda jeel kugu xidhee.. jihadkiina qalbigey kuu jilcisee Jar beey ka tuudhe, jiraanka haku joogsanee.. jidkii baadan aqoonine..adaa jeel isku ridee… waa jamacidiyaan inantuyee, loox kugu jiide jacdu iska jir…jug baa kaa muqataaye… mandhow..ooda ha jabin, joog baa laga waaye.. as for nuunka...mandhow taada ma geli karo..sxb..
  5. ^^^still alive eh.. good to see ya around sis & no worry i will pass the message on to the "other" visionaries. Mucho gracias
  6. Hamblayo SOL. To celebrate my 10th year anniversary in SOL..i would like to ask for immunity from members like MMA...I think he knows what he did/doing to my sawaxiiliness Thx Mod (but then shucks..he's one of them..I ask LST to look into this vicious matter) taankis.
  7. ^^^loool..same here. "Are you a Shiite? Because when I saw you, I said to myself, "She aiight". this dude must be from Philly or Brooklyn..or Chitown..
  8. shaqo la'aan. Coofle..bal uu sheeg! Lol@gooni & hindhisadu..hehehe
  9. *Blessed;866401 wrote: ...waxan ka hadlaynay ilaalinta xuquuda baani aadamka".... Foolish man, xaaskaaga ka bilow. ma aragte..waalahi waa arin foolxun...marka hore muxuu xaasakta usoo taxey meesha sidii "trophies"...shidh! reer baadiye lacag heley.. since there is higher propensity of 'dark skinned' women being iron-deficient? I bet xaaska is "KNOCKED UP"..as in dee waa walac
  10. Reer Garissa+reer xamar =reer Bari...(all combined in this video).. kila mtu ni Koorneel (colonel) bwana...mogadishu is very Jam.... Reer bari wuxuu yiri....idaacada reer kuuriya ii shid..looooool reer xamar .............idaacado india ii shid..looool
  11. raula

    A new Bike

    lol@Apophis. Nin Y..yeah I suffer from scoliosis!
  12. ^^ watched this again lool...I wonder if the dude calls her what she would say..
  13. lol..aheey dee wa caynkaa...Funny walahi.
  14. loooooool @ some of the comments .. wale i haven't qosol like this in a while..walaahi my co-workers thought i was crying ina lilaahi waina ilaahay rajicuun..mandhowyaal kan tani saa uu gale..ilaahow maxaan dhahaa.. I almost pooped especially markey catamaayso..war ileen xubiyoow xaal qaado OBA..mucho gracias sxb!
  15. Anigu koleytaba wax aan la yaabo uma jeedi meesha..(except as i have mentioned in a different thread..dumarku waxey uu eg yihiin on the verge of hypertension if not diabetic already (& this is not an insult but just fact I think)...as usual..dumarkuu markeey ragu casheeyan/cunto loo guro baa lasoo gaarsiiya typical somali. Meel dumar loogu talagale..masjid-ka meeshey ku tuukadaan hanoqotee..its the most unkempt place & full of faults!
  16. ^^well didn't want to portray you as such or any of this people..but glad to see you've learned from your mistakes as is for many of us (i.e. to learn lessons in life). Pride is a poison in our communities..I wish we (somalis) could learn from some of our mistakes..not to say that we as a community will eventually be lacking in such calamities petty as they can seem..& life if full of vile temptations, but after such horrendous ordeals resulting/continue to suffer consequences of dragging civil war & corroded conscious thought..you think we would learn a few principles.
  17. Nin Y..you are calling them "Qashin" yet you have admitted that you have been in jail/spent time in xabsi.(dont know the duration) , what makes your case "honorable" ...or you were "falsely accused" ?
  18. Salaam all, Ngonge..what a cutie..& you wonder where she get's her personality :rolleyes: JB..dee waa ayadii iyo jinkeeda (BTW, JB waan ku miss-gareeye beryahaan xagee ka dhacde ) Norf shekadaas waxaan uu maleynaaya ahem **xaajiyada** ineey kuugu soo qarise/dirte ciyaalka...
  19. Mom & her relatives (those that played role in my mom's or our life) are important. Qabiil is useless. Juxa-i concur on the exaggeration of blood relations!
  20. ^^^lool..ka daa dee adna..anikiiba horey uugu sheegne..lol. Xishow! bal old gizzard..xagee ku maqneed all these years!
  21. ^^what's your point? religious tolerance? extremist muslims/others? what?
  22. they can loose a few marbles its all good..part of the election hysteria. My narrowed reading on this Ryan guys is he thinks he's the S&*T, sorta like the preppie/frat guys but i got-brains-bozo kinda type. he's something.
  23. on a side: dhuubo-dheex yar meesha oga ma jeedo tolow xagee kunoolayeen dumarkaani years prior? Other than that..more power to women parliamentarians.
  24. ^^Assume otherwise bro..He's not a doc..(Unless he was back in Somalia..which i haven't heard) & yes works/used to work @ the famous Mayo Clinic/Hospital in Rochester, Minnesota. Nonetheless, he's a wonderful individual & he deserves to be honored as a great man who's doing so much for his people/humanity.
  25. ^^^hedhe..waxba TO hanoo faanin..ilaahey korontodana ha idin daayo..waayo hadey shidnaan laheen wale ma adan meesha sii fadhin laheen...Hokey! MMA..I wouldn't care less for TO dee..I am a country gal..I would rather set my senses on rural Montana rather than big flashy, action..lights city like such. As long as waxaradeeyda ey meel ii daaqaan helaan..its all good!