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Everything posted by raula

  1. ^^lol..hakusoo dhejin mandhow ka qalee..laakin u sheeg MMA..wa isaga KORONTO iyo faankeeda naga dhaadhacshee. Showqi..runta maad iska sheegtid..hal mar hadeyba madax wareer kugu noqoto..waad ka heli laheed mid saan kugu booyoyso.
  2. hehehe..I actually had a 4 day trip from Nai-Mandera-Gedo region back some years back (this was right after the famine then came the rains)..& believe me it was adventure indeed but HAATU would beg to differ. N'ways that's another convo. Sorry for hijacking the thread
  3. ^^well i didn't have that 'good of an accent' to mimic. So NO, You?
  4. raula

    Fitness Freaks

    I've never been fit nor a freak (in accordance to my understanding of Ludacris's definition of 'freak' ), but always been proven to be FINE & DAINTY -say many witnesses. thx. & for those who suffer from this syndrome-best of luck & wishes.
  5. Hope is all what we cling to life for..whatchu talking about! aren't you catching the boat to xamar? Free mandela wooriya(as the kenyan's say it..). I still use my student card whenever i go back to Kenya
  6. there you go, no worries-just teasing ya:D
  7. wax kenyati oo kaa naxo anaa ka jire..mandhow yaada waqti kuu lumin waanu heeshiineynaa lol..haye xaal qaado..& KDF iyo kitambulisho is weydiis mar dhow baad ka bixi..lol
  8. ^^^^looooooooooooool..yeah I am a stickler for such as well..i almost flew off my chair Bad-OSS(osman?) indeed. OB..adi iyo kenyati hate-ration...lol armaad uu dhimataa
  9. ^^ tell me about it..& somalis have become immune to such atrocities.. PS: i am not defending KDF..
  10. ^^we should hang out then IF i get there (I'll denounce my kenyatti once past the border) haye?
  11. you don't mix shah iyo qaxwa ya walad..waku sidee..shaahu waa casariyee..& qaxwa..in the AM. If it didn't work, maybe its time to get another fix of something else Salaam all. Jacpher..wlc..jiin lee adi hanagu noqon. So tha's the wedding NG was talking about!..mmhh!
  12. Haatu shouldn't you know better since you've lived amongst the kenyans? Not to say that they are benign but really I think these foot soldiers are clueless of what their rapacious officials have planned/are after (territorial waters; a pressure from those international fishing industries & so called maritime warriors floating the Indian ocean coast waiting for a chance to drill…)…laakin as Apophis said..I wouldn’t ruminate twice for an Ethio or Ugandan/burundi & the rest of these hardcore military juntas setting foot in Somalia-they are more vicious in both their actions & intent (not to say the duration they’ve been around)…xaraanta.. They are all the same in any case…ala soomaliyeey. Laakin waxaan la yaabanahay..dadkeena..quick to do a hatchet job on the kenyan troops..yet the AMISOM iyo Ethio troops..Djibouti..don't receive the same mock! (Ok, you could claim the Azania project..) but look at O-land..atrocities?
  13. hahaha..love kids so innocent. if they were adults...they would come out guns drawn
  14. Pardon me..I didn't even think i had any emoticon there..long story short...I apologize for the mishap. Thx Blackflash. & Somalia..I am a lady.
  15. Ina lilaahi waina ileyhi rajicuun..samir iyo imaan to the family. What a tragedy
  16. guerilla;872602 wrote: I've never understood the appeal of rap music, you've heard one ego centric mule yap about daddy issues, designer hats and all night fecking (it's always got to be all night), over soulless background music accompanied by an annoying female voice singing lines not remotely related to the rest of the song, you've heard them all. Rubbish. lol..@ all night. As J. Fox said..you start @11:58/11:59pm & can go all night dee..as NG says Wax fahan As for the clip--not much a fan of Rap ..so didn't even watch it
  17. raula


    chubacka;871411 wrote: ^ Big brother syndrome heh? ma aragte..aint he humble beryahaan..need to check what's on his Kool-Aid cup
  18. ^^mrs Moons take a break from SOL iyo hasaaweheeda. Yeyna ka waalin these loosers mesha ka buuxo (excluding beloved moi ) they won't give you anything fruitful & sound advise for the treacherous first 5yrs before the dust settles & to know you mate more (which will never happen he-your mate that is- will keep surprising you by the way..so expect the unexpected).
  19. ^^good kid. Apo, how do you know don't mess w/a sista tha's packin' bro!
  20. yani nimesahau hata kumsalimu dada..Malkia salaam mpendwa mazuri tu kwetu hamna neno.
  21. ^^ on a side,many somalis are getting/have gun permits:D not sure they understand the real dangers of keeping it at home or carrying it around. But then it could just be an 'exported habit' from the last 20+yrs:D
  22. ^^^absolutely Ibti. U wlc Juxa & best of travels.
  23. Salaam all, Juxa safar salaama sis..so noqodo nabada adi iyo reerka. It will be definately more enjoyable if you are travelling w/family if you haven't been there the longest... (as for advice, don't take plenty of your light colored goonos-skirts, take some tan colored ones..because of bus iyo too much bacaad..or even rain..depending on area.& so are the blouses/tops. If you aren't used to it..get one or two Baati/the loose dirac & some cabaayas if you can..otherwise you can buy more baati when you get there..). As for shoes..Carry perhaps a pair of pumps..for visiting dignitaries:D some qurbo-joog friends..otherwise they will just be sitting in your suitcase..unless the relatives there don't take them already...many flats if you can..& no safari boots lol). Even the geeljire relative there owns a cell-phone , LET MOM/OLDER SISTER..deal w/them. Adi waxaad tiraahda...hooyo baan maalkii dhan uu dhiibe Always travel w/mom unless heading out to venture non-relative area/explore. PS: I couldn't stay w/out some scented lotion & some moisturizing lipstick/gloss:D Enjoy & do bring back stories/pics when returns. Salaam.