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Everything posted by raula

  1. loool@Malika & Maarodi for the visuals.. Damn skippy Malika..& will add "do you know who nutcracker was?" "well let me show you beefy :D"
  2. Salaam to all the sistas & Malika fo shizoo (re: pemba, unguja etc..well plan on it sometime..lol). OZ wlc back. Wat's this FBI business. Speaking of them. After listening to an except on VOA regarding harrassments i wonder if that immigration officer who held me for 1 hr was profiling me back when i visited London God i was about to walk to the American Embassy bloody briton. But then, Wale American system of justice is really F* up. Really when it comes to this kind of matters..better Britain on this. Allow noo sahal.
  3. ^^you need all the "artillery" in this kind of circumstance dee..get it (between pervert colleagues & hell-bent T-ban loonies; what's your pick eh )
  4. Abwaan seems like you know her personally-thx for that update. Indeed a deserving human being who has given much to her community.
  5. Damn..i wish i had "balls" like she Go & kick some A** Muna..hope to see you safe back in MN
  6. raula


    Blackflash;874249 wrote: I appease no one. All I've done is reply to a moronic post with two quotes. If calling out a racist makes me an uncle Tom, then that's your prerogative. Oh boy, you folks sure are hounding me these days. VELCOM to SOMALIA. don't sweat it..
  7. I see a paradox in your avatar & the lexis you've displayed above..Mr. Macalin ^^^
  8. Yeah they always have a say in everything & everything about this world. waa dad balaaya ah..but then they are our brothers & sisters maxaanu sameyna iska iloow. Hope you getting some peace back in the hinterlands salaam.
  9. Che i see your point..I got one sijui bloc too..& she says really who give a ......(not to you but to those really making this personal..madaxii baa na wareere..)
  10. no problemo..dhexda xiro baan ku iri..ma manzi watakupangia line now that they know you are disposed.
  11. lol@IBTI..dee kaa naqaskii buu kugu dhejiye ma tiri..Thank god its old news now
  12. Abtigiis;874129 wrote: waa runteed, tilmaan bay ku socotaa! qof xoolo ah ayaa loo soo tilmaamay ooy guur ka gaadhsiiso! :D hedhe..inanka aflagaadada ka daa..He is not in your “extramarital inelegance” league. Wyre....maxey guur kugu dadajin hadaad ba ka soo shanleyse adoo xero gelin right? You need time to reflect & heal & I mean give it time..IIA what Allah s.w. planned for you will be..but if something is too good to be true..it probably is. Allah knows. Just warning ya walaalo.
  13. General Duke;874280 wrote: I hope the answer to my question is the President has not declared war on Puntland State of Somalia. then what other answer are you desperately seeking? PM post won't be from your region mandhow..so the sooner you realize that..the better for your sanity..Iska iloow.
  14. horta somaalidii baaba isku wareersan..maxaa dad kale wax laga sheegi..
  15. let's hope the sanitation disposal pipes/system set up (if any) won't jam, then we have even more worse case of unhealthy living.
  16. JB..just don't parade the Mrs (s) & hold your breadth while airing .. Salaam all, kind of chilly here today. Sippin' on some qaxwa still & its 10:30am Malika so jealous that you went to Zanzi...shidh better get my act together to visit some warm place next year IA.
  17. ^^lol easy on the chap dee adna well if you know "everything about each other" then what more do you want
  18. NG & ^^ :D (not funny at all) NN..true dat i couldn't even read the article..the title smashed the records..to begin w/..the gods must be crazy
  19. calool jilicsenidaa hedhe? huuno sidii odkac bey dibada kuugu war wari...iska jir baan ku iri..waa sheydaamaad taasu..bax dheh. Wyre waa kusidee..ma custard baa laga dharjiyee markaad yaree.. (I feel like I am watching the video "jaceyl waa balaayo"-male version)...tolow aniga amuurahaan xagee iga mareen ? NG lol.
  20. chubacka;872940 wrote: My first job during college was in a coffee shop. Learnt to make great cappuccino there! Can't remember why I left, really enjoyed it. The longer you're there Nah, the better you will get and the easier the job will be, stick with it. And blow your wages on something really ******, just coz you can. My first job was in a coffee shop too (Starbucks ) Congrats Narniah & all the best. Just to let you know, sometimes you'll have to "kiss some A**) to get to where you need to in life/career-doesn't mean you sabotaging your values/self-worth but just that's part of work. As i was advised once-know which battles to fight & which ones not to get so hyped up about. At all costs avoid office gossip (always try to stay neutral & less involved).
  21. ^^nchi ya kadogoo..waxba iskuma haayana hadeey manta dagaal sax ah lagalo..(w/out intelligence support from Brits/int'l/US-africom) unlike the shifta's from Ethio iyo central africa. Mar hore bey dalkooda gubi lahaayen. N'ways you are right about foreign troops in general.