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Everything posted by raula

  1. wyre;885563 wrote: Kericho Town Clerk: Gutoga leo gugunywa na gufuruta sigara sisi nagshagataasa. Haguna!! Charipu wee taona!!! :D Viva LIFT VARREY Jamgee (Hello in Kanandi) Wyre & the rest
  2. raula


    So che & stoic are still alive ....GREEEAAAAT! ***i heard from some of the news snippets that though the Arlington cemetary is closed that still the TOMB of the UNKNOWN is still guarded..wow! as Sandy was packing the off shore...a newscaster somewhere in the midwest said.."a SITUATION is unfolding in the JERSEY SHORE..I repeat a SITUATION is unfolding in the JERSEY SHORE..." stay tuned & indeed it was hell break loose lol@ Letterman w/no audience Well i don't wish for Sandy & the likes to befell in my midwestern prairies..I wish for once i could be home for weather related calamities..They only time i remember was CLASSES being cancelled at the UNI i was attending during 9/11..man was i a happy camper Stay safe folks
  3. damn they wasted a classic NDOMBOLO..on stiff guys:D that's a disgrace.
  4. ^^^kabax meesha adi Nin-yaaban....thank god i don't know you (I think) lest i ended up on the cover of your stories like Taylor Swift's charades
  5. raula

    Niiko ?

    I agree I dont like the sound of LAB DANCE as well..& perhaps should be banned. Raamsade..really? the giraffe dance is how i get down dee didn't know it was hideous
  6. warya Nin-walaan dish dee..would love to know who the lady is so that i can pass some cookies to. Speaking of Safari-the one w/the mic..is becoming more stern being in front of the camera nowdays-I have seen him in some other community videos. **At first, my heart started beating...I was like..GOSH is this like TMZ..did Nin-waalan find some old videos of you back in your hay days then when you said "HE"..i was like alxamdulilah.
  7. U R wlc. Its all politics-Reps & Dems. However, I think the Somalis in St-Cloud are more concerned w/Somalia's issues than what's happening in, let alone, Minnesota. But you are right-this congresswoman has gone far extreme & she's caught the attention of many however she's on her turf & that's tough to beat. We shall see!
  8. ^^or when you get grey hair on your nostrils.. Now how coincidental that NN & I did both say "holy smokes".. I guess its a mid-western thang
  9. when i first started reading & it said "male friend who bought a house" & seems like the only person he has given a tour to is you for now OR at least you two were alone during the tour says A LOT..sister Lab..you might assume that the brother..."is just a friend" but he might think of you differently. Well, my advise sister is if you can still afford to pay rent..RENT, otherwise don't muddy the waters-you can ruin your relationship/friendship. **ehem..I would have said differently during my free-loading college days (but then my family would've had my head on platter)if i lived w/a male friend. N'ways the world is complicated! STAY AWAY.
  10. wyre;882060 wrote: chuki ya nini kati yetu sisi na wasonjos kutoka Somalia???? wataka kutuuwa bure ndugu yangu oh nostalgia. I was listening to Les wanyika the other day..the only thing missing was sitting by the canteen nearby drinking fanta Wyre-i think you are from kitale lol. kidding
  11. holy smokes..the Alabama dude is really gonna get the REAL AMERICAN EXPERIENCE. Mississippi & Alabama are the worst places to be stalled in prison.
  12. Naxar....there are somalis that live in St. Cloud but my guess is that they are not as strong-hold/vocal as the twin cities malis. Now, after that paper factory fire..there are some cadaan that are pissed off..(If you have watched the ads lately) as well the community is suffering..so if she can be outdone..I hope those that lost their jobs hence their livelihood will boot that LUNATIC. However, we are talking about greater Minnesota here..& these cadaan's CLING TO THEIR GUNS & CROSES. I will be a happy Minnesotan come post-election if she's outbet! **she's isn't on my district but gosh i would have loved to do that GLITTER-ATTACK/BOMB on her
  13. I can't wait for this to be over..tired of the ads. I can't imagine living in OHIO or one of those swing states at this time.
  14. Apart from the presidential campaign ..I can't wait for Michelle Bachmann to be out of office..she's really one of a kind!
  15. I wonder what a peaceful somalia will look like in the "future"..i can ponder on this then..now gotta worry about all types of fanatics & loonies.
  16. ^^^looool at the two up top. War hedhahaaya..waxaa la yiri dee..beauty is ........(you know the phrase)..marka I will stick w/my MANDINGO/ERIKA BADU look. Oba...i am sure you will look at the kenya GEO-POLITICAL situation differently if i post my pic w/a kanga..maad naga deysid adoo dhan waad isku dardarsami...& besides I really really despise the cambulo soomali..I would rather have maharagwe iyo SUKUMA WIKI than that stuff. Wyre..maxaan dhahaa dee huuno you are gone w/the wind..adi mid reer somali baa ka waashe..adoo dhan caadi ma tihid beryahaan...ilaahey S.w. miyirka hakuu so cesho mandhow.
  17. I can't tell which one is better since I hardly wear dirac & hasn't rocked a Guntino yet..but there are gals that really do look mansha-allah on these attires-kudos to them. What i rock is however......a KANGA..(as the somalis call it Gareys)..but not the guntino wrapping way..but more like the swahilis wear it. As well it could be my bucolic taste but i collect MALQABADOOYIN (or singular: Malqabad)
  18. che-glad you made it alive but seriously dude..what are you a coach-hopper
  19. Jacaylbaro;876390 wrote: Ma xijaab baad xidhnayd ? may i was looking like beyonce dee My supervisor is getting on my nerves beryahaan..I need some vacation walahi:D