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Everything posted by raula

  1. Well i saw a FOX last night in my neighborhood (I don't live far from the city) as i was driving back home. So, i stopped the car & watched it tip-toeing on south of my way. I am not sure who was more SHOCKED. The FOX sure was surprised, as i contemplated on what to do, i thought let it roam around & hopefully no hunter will find this one (WE HAVE LEGALIZED HUNTING SEASON FOR WOLVES in some of the MID-WEST States due to overpopulation). Well, needless to say i was on edge & even wore my glasses (use my specs only for reading & some rainy nights) coz i needed to see every square inch of ground/vegetation nearby as i unloaded from the car. ***Last time i saw a FOX(actually foxes as i encountered 3 that night) was in london. I Froze, read the shahadda, picked up a stick & was ready for battle.
  2. balo..oo ma saas baad isku jeceshihiin Even during a cock-fight (I have witnessed quite plenty in my small-town dwellings,)..there is one who's bruised a leaves bloody. Marka, Apo & Che..waxaad iska waashan baa iska yar..let live & forget dears!
  3. ^^^lol. Here is a funny text/SMS.."Kuna jamaa alikuwa amekula miraa mpaka akawa fullhandas akicheki nje aona mvua yanyesha akasema doh mke wangu atakuwa na wasi wasi kama sikuenda hapo hapo akachukuwa mwavuli akaenda kwa mke wake akamwambia mke wangu mvua yanyesha sana siezi kuja nyumbani nitakuja kesho"
  4. ^^^mpendwa za masiku Shikamo Seeker ushamaliza chuo ama? (lini tutakutembelea clinic yako )
  5. spectacular. Tadjourah-had some relatives go there to escape the summer heat-wave-NICE!
  6. I see..OBa hailayaabin mandhow dee mar mar baan sig'taaye (waa recovering sijui baan ahay)
  7. ^^^sanka is one of my fav as well. I can't find the lyrics (& don't have much time to post the lyrics here) but love this song by Ahmed Mooge (Weli/wali waa Caruuro) http://www.heesta.com/daar_hees.php?id=1875
  8. ^^^Even the old kamba boys (Les Wanyika) did have some hits for their countrymen but nothing about GARISSA though not born & bred in Nairobi (just few years)..I love MBILIA BEL's (Congolese, Queen of Rumba)"Nakei Nairobi" song. LOVE QALAFE song..Classic! (where is this place horta )
  9. ^^lol. Just made some Apple Crisp & will enjoy that w/some icecream
  10. Malika lol@the macalin's wife. Ma aragte..something about them women n'ways all good still. Yeah we loved Maulid days..they were grande w/food & sweets. I am not sure if other places did it but we had something called "SHAADHALI (swahili or in soomali SHAADALI)-For my sides it was always on THURSDAY EVENING/NIGHT. A family will bring to the masjid bread sandwiches w/tea while we do some SUBAC (only ciyaal dugsi after maghrib prayers before ishaa (Cishaa). this tradition stuck w/me hence my fav day of the week being THURSDAY till today. No matter what ,THURSDAY is what i look forward to of all days of the week. OH what memories (nostalgic indeed).
  11. raula

    Today I....

    This PM i had some ethnic food, fried plantains, Yucca (cassava sprinkled & fried w/lemon sauce) w/cucumber sauce & some rice & beans (YUM)
  12. ^^lol@Rambo. ma Nai baad ka dhacde beryahaan lol@ Apo. Mine was fresh of the boat from Somalia & we went to evening & weekend dugsi. He was learning Swa & we were figuring out af-somali, it was an adventure. One thing though..he used to say, always when laughing..don't laugh out loud that your teeth can be seen (very minamalist). This kid (clown of the city) was asked wat RAQABATUN (neck) meant in somali..& he said "QORAHA/QODHAHA)...loool...needless to say we saw Macalin's silver back tooth that day All in all though, what i learned those 4 years of schooling only were profound & has sustained me ever since ( I remember some things like it was yesterday)-All aspects of learning the religion (whether it was af-carabi, Tawxiid, Fiqi, etc) & translations of quran etc. Macalin Xasan-May Allah grant you Janna (amin). Macalin was mellow guy but his wife (haweeya) was another story (witch).
  13. ^^^true about the sense of humour-that's what made things stick!. I guess tis the rumors that we heard on our sides. Very informed sheikh both formally & spiritually & a wonderful philanthropist as well-Mansha-Allah. Thx both A & A.
  14. MMA you emotions though genuine seem clashed, at one point you are at awe by the savagery of the gangsters (whatever they name is) & on another, you are saying .."daqaankaan kenyaatiga laga keene"..or similar rhetoric..mandhow..its time you accept your kinfolk will have the worst kinds after all, look what they have done to their own brethren for the past 2+ decades. Allow uu naxariisto inanka geeriyoode-Amiin. May Allah protect us from the evil doers (somali or otherwise)-Amin.
  15. ^^likewise dear nuune. Heard of the recent developments in Nai..& hope all is situated. Will see you around walaal.
  16. I have heard of Sh. A. Bashir lectures & they are wonderful & current on issues. He's very knowledgeable Mansha-Allah & relates to youth & diasporas well. Speaking of Diasporas, i think he lives in OTTAWA? now & just concluded a series of lectures here in the Twin Cities, headed to Europe as i hear.
  17. Baashi at my current place of work..(HOSPITAL), we have a prayer room that serves all denominations that has no furnishings. Hence, Friday prayers are conducted there by muslim colleagues & joined by neighboring muslim employees (since the hospital is right in the heart of a major city)-even the Imams come from local masjids & centers. However, its ONLY MALE for Fridays. I, on the other hand, have my masala & use one of the office rooms (whether its my department or not). Good luck.
  18. As the swahili say..sabahal noor/kheyr (its actually almost mid-day in my neck of the woods). Salaams to all & hope all is well w/your families. Nuune-good to see you luv. & to all the ladies-mac mac.
  19. Pardon me..i guess i could post this in any thread but couldn't decide.. I think I am hanging on too long to my bucolic aesthetics -case in point..I was browsing the web recently & came upon GULED's music video (WAQTI is the song..)and decided to check it out..wow! A dude wearing tangarine/pineapple (the color exaggerated here for visual effects )colored tight pants interchangably & gals that got piercings & dipped on acid look alikes...but beautiful..i think i need an upgrade..mise? but then i can't imagine wat i date would look like w/such a dude.. miss thang "dude i like you scarf..where did you get it from? or & love those pants.." Bruno mars "yeah...well I am feeling your soul-sista glam..." Sorry I don't even know the lingo that they use nowdays..but i am still jamming to Salt N' Pepa's "what a mighty good man"..& Blackstreet's "NO diggity"..
  20. ^^lol..i wish i had that duckling (young) features..war I am an UPGRADED Ayeeyo..respect!
  21. raula

    Laila Adem

    ^^^miyaad is indha tiraysaa mise waa laguu so warame beryahaan..you ask the most weird q's? Wyre..no wonder you aren't shackled down yet..ileen waxaan baad isku mashquulisaa..wale adi iyo fiyow kala fog waxaad uu bahantahay...a viewing party of "hablayow hadmaad guursan doontan" classic somali ruwayad to understand how somali ladies are if you are looking for one that is..otherwise..hablahaan jalaqsan yeyn jadh kaa tuurin.
  22. Haatu I can't say i feel ya man.. sorry can't contribute much here.
  23. well glad I don't have to see those ads any more. Well, i prayed all night for Bachmann's loss but its was close..@least in our state..we are back to Democrats control of both houses & at the IRON RANGE (Rick Nolan is back in congress). Che...Yay for Warren right? She's got that Pelosi character (not sure how your statemen/women see her). Glad OBAMA won..despite the politics of ROMNEY..i couldn't stand FRAT-BOY Ryan in the white house. I'll take good ole JOE anyday
  24. carrying on the jokster theme...someone was telling me the other day..some dude made a massive blunder on VOA (Voice of America, a radio commentary) about OBAMA's birth place..instead of saying HONOLULU..the dude said "Hallelujah"...I was rollin' walaahi..of course it was UN-FILTERED somali..no pause/chance to edit/think before they speak sometimes. Some year back..a local party organizer left some flyers out..& i happened to look at one while coming out of a diner..at the end of the flyer was a small caption..saying "we do PRIVATE PARTS".....