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Everything posted by Abyan

  1. Be true to yourself and ACCEPT what you are(for better or worse), being somali is part of you, the day you start denying that and feeling ashamed is the day your nonsomali coworkers and people around you aad respect ka waayni doontid. How can they respect you if you cant respect a part of you? As cliche as this might sound, be the change you want to see in somalis.
  2. Waxaan xasuustaa waqti ee naag walba dhalatay 1983, the magic number now is 1984.
  3. Omg that is graphic, the way they were flying, are they alive? People, wear your seatbelts or sheekadii richard aad arki doontiin. (reer UK get me ) http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=xaSqVlgKB6s
  4. Woow so you guys will be like falling off planes. Brave iyo nus. Go carting would just do for me, you know it's closer to the ground Share the reviews afterwards.
  5. You hint that you are available, and if farax doesnt approach you,well, he's not into you..
  6. ^^^ kakaka kadaa, no one likes left overs
  7. Abyan

    Nomad to Harvard

    Originally posted by Geel_jire: ^ REDSEA sxb aan ku baro one of funniest maahmaah aan xamar ka soo bartay "habar weliba xaarkay dhashay bay xaayow tidhaa" roughly meaning qof weliba bahashiisa u carfoon Carfooon weey dhaaftey aan umaleeyaa sheekadiisa, it's more like "ubaxeey, udgoon badanee"
  8. I would say , through friends and family network because they know you and qofka eey ku baraan farahiisa waalahaayaa. You don't have to go and tell them that you're looking, they'll probably ask you before. Soomaali waad iska taqaantaa. hadalka la qodqodo ee ku dhereeyaan. At that time, just mention briefly that you're ready to settle. Last but not least make sure you screen the guy that your friends and family have brought foward properly ,even though they've screened him before. Adunya gadoon aa lagu juraa, kii khamriga cabaaye xataa geber fiican uu rabaa.
  9. Lol for some reason I thought this thread was about jacaylbaro . Oh well, I see you're still alive.
  10. Abyan


    Speaking of weapons, there was a time that shop robbery was common in our place, and of course it's against the law to carry a weapon. So my dad used to carry a hammer in his pocket on his way home, just incase someone jumped him, and his excuse to the police would be, "i was going to fix my door." I now have a hammer in my car, it's legal after all
  11. ^^ Tell me about. If somalia had a large scale of immigration,cheating the welfare system while at the same time our pensioners who had been tax payers all their lives are forced to sell their houses for care, then yes I would feel the same. I sound like a somali national party There was this somali translator that said something like this, sarcastically. Somalis are nomads, When it rains and is green, the camels provide milk and nomads do not endouver. They discuss and talk at nights while playing games. But when the drought comes, nomads will work harder than any european farmer. They ensure the camels, cows and goats survive in the desert. When the same people come here, as it rains all the time - social welfare, child benefit, housing benefit and all contributions. It is the nomadic life that people sit and take it easy throughout the year , sitting at a cafe and talkng. When you have it so good, then why should you work.
  12. I know^^ Regardless of their opinion , people should respect their privacy. I mean come on,Their personal details have been thrown out on the internet. No one deserves that.
  13. I'll be there, but do you like have to reveal yourself? Uhm coz i like cruising sol anonymous...
  14. Why Is Autism Rate So High For Somalis In Minneappolis? http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=xUf4L6UQhbk Apparentely autism is on the rise in somali communities not only in minneappolis. It is time we raise this issue. Autism signs and symptoms http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=mc1H0aVqn20 Red Flags that Parents Should Note: * does not respond to his/her name. * cannot explain what he/she wants. * language skills are slow to develop or speech is delayed. * doesn't follow directions. * at times, seems to be deaf. * doesn't point or wave "bye-bye." * used to say a few words or babble, but now doesn't. * throws intense or violent tantrums. * has odd movement patterns. * is overly active, uncooperative, or resistant. * doesn't know how to play with toys. * doesn't smile when smiled at. * has poor eye contact. * gets "stuck" doing the same things over and over and can't move on to other things. * seems to prefer to play alone. * gets things for him/herself only. * is very independent for his/her age. * does things "early" compared to other children. * seems to be in his/her "own world." * seems to tune people out. * is not interested in other children. * walks on his/her toes. * shows unusual attachments to toys, objects, or schedules (i.e., always holding a string or having to put socks on before pants). * spends a lot of time lining things up or putting things in a certain order. Finally, what parents of children within the autism spectrum long have known . A link between mercury in childhood vaccines and an increase in autism. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/06/22/eveningnews/main625458.shtml
  15. Originally posted by Crystal_Clear: "The court heard that Mr Jones had ended his long-term but "open relationship" with Monti towards the end of May last year. " "A woman who ripped off her ex-boyfriend's testicle with her bare hands has been sent to prison. " "was jailed for two-and-a-half years. " "Doctors were unable to re-attach the organ. " Maybe am over reacting but this woman got off way too easy, 2 years?, I bet she´ll be out on paroll, a year after. Maskaxdeeda haduu juusta yahay , this sounds plain xaasid nimo, lakor dhabay lahoos dhabay. "If I aint having his baby ,then no one will" mentality iga dheh. Poor guy, no one deserves that.
  16. Nimaaankaan qaraarka haayo maxaa waaye. This is just embarrasing. I really think this thread is promoting a subliminal message of racism. So, you mean that a somali woman oo calafkeeda noqday a revert fell short? That all somali men are better than reverts? This thread is an insult to all our muslim brothers that have entered this beautiful deen. But I shouldn´t be suprised, every race has their narrowminded people. Thinking their superior or should try to preserve their "dying" heritage. The prophet salaalahu aleyhi wasalam said in his last sermon, "All mankind is from Adam, and an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor does a black have any superiority over a white, except by piety and good action." Intaan hadeey niigu filneen, know that,every individual can marry who they please and there´s not a darn thing you can do.
  17. Originally posted by Adam-Zayla: Squids!! the colossal ones, the giant ones, the humboldt ones, the tiny ones i hate them, i hate them, i hate them all WHAT the Hell is THAT!!! Ilaaheey aan kuugu dhaarshee, is this a real picture ama waa photoshopped...*Shocked* :eek:
  18. I agree there lily. Also, child molesters are very calculative when it comes to grooming the kids. Because they get their power through bribing the kids with sweets and secrecy. The most effective means of protecting our children is communication. They have to feel comfortable discussing sensitive matters with us. If they feel they can talk with you about their true feelings and that they will not be "put down" for it, then they will be more likely to tell you when they are put in an uncomfortable situation by a child molester. There was a time, when a man snatched kids in our area. I had a talk with my 8 year old brother not to accept sweets from strangers and I felt I had to scare him more by saying they put poison in it. ( i know it´s bad, but i had to tell him that, aad ayuu u madax adkaay) I found this link, it has alot of tips. http://www.find-missing-children.org/Safety%20Brochure/safetytipsforchildrenbrochure.htm Although weey iska information badantahay, i say better safe than sorry.
  19. Abyan


    kakaka, yahooy "omo" maa tiri. That was not good for your hair, very rough indeed. We used omo for the clothes back in kenya. But I heard siliid macsaro is good for the hair. I agree with urban, your avatar is quite distracting.
  20. Abyan


    ^^people are voting. Try the mascara and tell me how it goes. Cinro caaneed hadee eheen oo eey da´ keente, well, you can still use the mascara. Facaada haka harin oo waraabaha meesha yuu kuugu cunin, is habeey aan ku dhahay
  21. Originally posted by Maryan Run: To make a long story short, after coming to the house on one high-noon, very hot day with his usual flirty tone, he asked for cold water, she gave him water mixed with soap/salt/saliva among other things. My hooyo rocks. ps: Whatever happened to the original love interest? The older sister? I hope it was more than saliva,aniga xaaqada hergebka aan ugu tufi lahaay.
  22. Abyan


    Maybe it´s cinro caaneed. My younger brother has it on his left side of his head. He plucked it once and it became worse. Now he just uses mascara to brush it off Xarago iga dheh
  23. Abyan


    I see there are quite a few new members here, feel free to take part of the poll.