Caano Geel
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Everything posted by Caano Geel
Yep, i've done no work all morning 'cos some *a*t*r* has sent me this and instead have been laughing my head off since. their little video is all also fantastic.
Originally posted by Castro: I'm happy to report Mr. Barreh is alive and well. He is with Sun Microsystems Inc. and back in Austin, TX. [/QB] Nice hunting, keep him sweet for us, i'm gonna need a job soon
Originally posted by xiinfaniin: JB, Dadku waa bahallo ilbaxay baad lasoo shirtag-teen. Not to mention that you are foolishly banging your head with the divine word (my be its divinity is in questions in your circles?) Waa inoo berri! Dadku waa bahallo ilbaxay baad lasoo shirtag-teen. walaal, runtii waad iga qoslisay. On the topic tho', the argument is not about the existance of divinity. There is a reason why its called evolution, NOT creation, as Jonny stated, the book was called the origin of species, NOT the origin of life. These are very different questions. Evolution does not question creation, but states how change works. There is nothing to say that thought mechanism is automatic, the guiding process of evolution, i.e the nature is not itself guided. And on this note, baashi, when u say: "I believe evolution in the sense of organism evolving to best adopt their environment in order to survive" you are inadvert. agreeing with johny. and the hypothesis of evolution. The scientific theory that explains creation is yet to be formulated ... as far as i know any way. Johny, however taking up the anti -- the process of evolution base on random mutation alone can also be very brittle. If we take the only life we know, earth, evolution tells us the robustness and symetry of life we see is purely based on random mutation and preference selection. So, robustness works in a limited sense. We see mass extinctions and things i.e. when a certain species is not able to adapt well/fast enough, but they are rare and rely too heavily on time and the peference mechanism (this doesnt inclume humans and their effects since social evolution is more powerfull that biological). which must be able to function fast enough before its window of opportunity fades. Clearly we see it works i.e. moths changing colour from white to grey to blend in the smog and avoid birds. But how the mechanism that triggers this fucntion and what it is encoded dont fully sit with evolution. Memetic theory partly deals with this but its still to be fully wedged in. the symetry mechanism is also interesting. So given all the possible mutations and permutations that can be produced by a random selection process, guided by a local NOT global evalutation mechanims; why are there consistant solutions? such those for sound and image processing? p.s. sorry i cant spell either
Khayr, friend i think u might be getting the wrong end of the argument. The point of the space is to discuss not assert. You are richer for knowing and questioning, since you seeing the boundaries of our understanding which make's clearer the role of our faith. The brothers and sisters have posted interesting arguments and fascinating discourses, which present a challange to our social and ethical foundations and that take guts to bring up in our community, for that at least you should commend them ...
Yoonis i've been looking into this for a bit, it is very cool. I am also interested in the ligusitic history of somali, its roots and relation to others in the cushtic family, its evolution, the patterns migration that produced it (if u can call it that) and so on .. . if u or any one else has any ideas or just pointers, please let me know 'fanks vewy vewy much
Originally posted by JustCause: Socod_badne, I am a bit confused with the above statement of yours, could you clarify it further please? I will just say now and don’t have the time to expand on it, that we live in non-deterministic universe! Don’t be like Einstein and say, “God doesn’t play dice with the universe!â€. [/QB] i agree, further the basis of evolutionary biology is a non-deterministic process, it doesnt say something will happen, it just comenst on the probability that certain events yield certain outcomes at a higher probability. Now philosopicaly i guess for me at least this would be the weakness (if that), and it relates to the method of argument which is post hoc and says that correlation implies causation. Now interestingly this a logical fallacy and an age old argument. The thing with a logical fallacy is that it is an error that is independent of the truth of the premises that led to the conclusion and dependent only on the structure of the argument. So for example although although data and experimenation support evolution, evolution cant nessecarily be true just because the data supports it, and it holds vice verca with regard to the creationism, i.e. something is, beacuse it is.
peepz regradless of how much i agree or disagree with u, u do realised that evolution is completely agaisnt the creationist principles of islam, unless u can justify how Adam and Eve were mitochondrial dna ... anyhow, out of curiosity who are biologists here, and how do you reconcile the two very different views, if it bothers u that is?
dude there are more on http://www.ruudelmendorp.dds.nl/ the videos somali*.wmv and bossaso.wmv are also interesting, cheers for the link
the dude helped develop the instruction set for the POWER 2 processors ... hardcore ... Coincidently along with a number of skinies they compiled a somali dictionary for translating computing terminology . It seems so strange, to have somali words for such things, let alone that they came up with a term for a multiplexer!! those must of been the days! .. fidel, this dude might be the best way to get hold of him, he hosts the dictionary Jaamac muuse jaamac 1991 london, dazed and confused
Yoonis, i dont have much of sense of humour, and as such i rarely read this section and therefore i'm not offended by other jokes cos i havent seem them and if i had, i would of been equally offended. now dont lets get all huphy, we dont like it cos its offensive and NOT funny. Them is old 'coon jokes, and there is a difference between insightful/poinant and offensive. Sorry mate, but this was just plain offensive.. so please, just remove it
Originally posted by tHe oNe aNd OnLy: so, let me get this str8, contraseptives are not encouraged but are acceptible if u wish to use them! right? dude, that seems to be the consensus ...
gentoooooooooooooo all the way
Can I get a wlc please indeed u can, welcome
welcome sis, how much are you worth?
Originally posted by The Flipmode..: ^^^^31 And kill not your children for fear of poverty. We provide for them and for you. Surely, the killing of them is a great sin. Is this the answer you requested coz contraception will automatically kill lot of would be children... But kill what? an egg or a sperm .. Then you'll screeming bloody murder at every menstruating woman and man that looses few of his 4 a day million sperms cells ..
Originally posted by Haddad: I think Admin should consider disabling that feature, at least after a time (like a week) of posting topics/comments. Hadad, yes however that would probably be a bit exterme i think, i mean i my self have self edit before and will do in the future, and that is personal choice. But this was a bit too large scale for my liking .. However i hadnt realised the severety of the situation, with regard to leaving and so on. It's a shame
Originally posted by Delta: Caano What are you trying to say exactly? Changing your skin is a bad disease? sis, i think it is colonial mentality and in that sense it is a psychological disease
Originally posted by The Flipmode..: Read the following Ayahs and Understand it meaning..You will find all available answers with you in a shortwhile. ...... Satisfied? NO Flib, man i hate answers like that. you say nothing... Look an honest question was posted regarding a fundamental choise in a persons lifestyle and you come out preaching. Whats that meant to do .. There is little that is clear in the passages that u posted. Texts such as that are scholary. they need people that are highly versed in them and their related content to be able to interpert them realise the message they convey, their subtleties and how you should use them. Which brings us back to u. How do u suggest ppl to use it ... i mean with a phrase like and Understand it meaning. what after 4 years of learning arabic, studying the quran, the hadiths, having lengthy discussion with scholars and contemplating on hillside! There is nothing clear cut in most of the text and you will only find answers in it if ou understand it in context, and i repeat context which takes a great amount of time, dedication and learning to build. So please dont just throw a few well placed quotes at people without u yourself understanding the context in which the question is posed.
Gurls, i dont mean to encroach on this ever growing beast of a topic, but i couldnt help posting this. I was wondering if any of u have ever heard of a song called: 'Yellow Fever' By the great 'original africa-man, Fela Kuti , it goes like this: code: Fela: There are several kinds of fevers. The fever of malaria ? Chorus: It's a sickness, a true sickness. Fela: And influenza ? Chorus: It's a sickness, a true sickness. Fela: And the fever of inflation ? Chorus: It's a sickness, a true sickness. Fela: And the fever of freedom ? Chorus: It's a sickness, a true sickness. Fela: And yellow fever in all that ? Chorus: It is a sickness, a true sickness. It's precisely the subject of this song. Fela: Then like that, you are a fashion victim : your eyes are yellow, your face is yellow, your body is yellow and your body is weak. But if you don't die inside, the yellow will fade away. Artificials gained you, man or woman, you will catch yourself, and it's your money which will do it for you. You will be yellower than yellow, you will have acne everywhere on your face. Your body will be two-tone on one side your yellow face and the other side your ass black like coal. And thus you believe yourself beautiful. My sister who said you are beautiful ? Chorus: You aren't beautiful at all. It's a lie. Fela: African woman, you attempt to change your beautiful skin, like you sissi who goes away over there. Stupid practice, ridiculous thing, fucking thing. Fela: Come on my dear, we are your pupils, teach us your method. Chorus: I finally have it my magic cream ! I bought it at the market with 40 nairas. Oh how beautiful will I be with it ! All the men will be at my feet. Fela: African woman, you attempt to change your beautiful skin, my sister. Stupid practice, ridiculous thing, fucking thing. There is a clip on amazon if you wanna listen to it ..
hi tHe oNe aNd OnLy, first, contraception is nothing new, people have practiced in many forms for a lon long long time. Take the good 'old-fashioned rubber for example, its history is that of the human race, there are even cave painting of it, while Ancient egyptians used animal gut and so on.. Herbal concoctions have the same history. And their aim was pretty much the of the modern pill which is now in the form of hormones. And i agree with you on i now "fear of not bening able to support a child is not an excuse" your right, it is not excuse, it is a justified reason. Not being able to support a child means not being able to fulfill all your duties as a parent and denying that child their fundamental rights, whether inshrined in religion or law and that is a stronger case. Second there is the right of your woman to decide the course and direction her body takes, since it is she that will have carry the heavier load (litterally as well ) after it is meant to be partnership. Therefore please take contraception seriously. First as method for shaping your family and second empowering yourself and your parner in the lifestyle you choose to lead. here are some links, an earlier discussion on the subject in SOL and condom history , hope they help.
ppl why are you deleting your posts?! if nothing else, it's not good for having a sense of continuity on the forum. [edit] Jacaylbaro, done, thanks
wlc, fat boy, but remember this is a skinny forum, gabdhaha ha nugu ceebeyn!
Originally posted by Baashi: The fact that she is bit honest and sincere in her views is a good thing for the forum discussion. Tone it down folks plz. i agree remarking on someones comment is one thing making a joke of it is another, but the girl's posts dont justify all out character assinations .. so peepz, please, we came here with dignity, lets leave that way ...