Caano Geel

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Everything posted by Caano Geel

  1. do you have to do a website? - i mean since your mentioning the web, i assume that you have cs experience. If so, get in touch. mahadsanid
  2. sweet, whats your problem? post it
  3. No longer the infamous, but the virtuous. Congrats boss, wishing you and your family much happiness
  4. why u got any offers .. and lets not question the reprisals
  5. ^^ hey warsan, the woman paid me a complement, leave her be.
  6. ^ norf, i was agreeing with you on the 'Arabism'. And saying that i agreed with criteque of social customs - i dont imagine that there is any other way in which we could learn to about the merit of our own values.
  7. Libaax saaxiib, i understand your predicement, but i have to say i didnt see what was specifically 'anti-islamic' about biixi's post. Certainly it was against the grain and expressed a strong viewpoint but it did not refer to religion - but a political / idealogical expression. The antethesis of which is presented by members of this forum in a countless number of other posts. The point is that by deleting that post, your setting a precedence that may be too high to maintain - specifically 'we disagree with you, so it goes'. Having had the oppotunity to hear thoughts first hand, i know they do not correspond to such a possition. In effect this will mean that we either pick one 'officially sanctioned' veiwpoint and remove anything which deviates from it. Or act to mediate in effect becoming refrees and silence anything that is not the 'middle ground' Either way we would sadly be crushing a valuable opportunity to enable peepz to learn of each other thoughs, to expand their horizons and engade in debate, as well as undermining what is in effect a great 'public service' that the forum offers.
  8. sir, under what criterea will anti-islam be judged?
  9. thanks nuur. if any one is interested,, this is the source
  10. norf: saaxiib i have to agree, Arabism -- along with my current favourite of: 'Islamo-facsist-extremism' From the economist a few weeks back make my hair stand on end. But the point is not this, this not a question of faith but custom, of accepting it rejecting or just tolerating it. Because i grow a beard or wear a xijaab i do not gain piety, nor does the lack of them make me impious. What we are witnessing here goes beyond any 'need', these are extrovert signs that express ones belonging to a group and most groups in society whether religious or secular express this -- just look at the hiphop uniform to the scarlet robes of buddhist monks. That said what gets to me is the expression/assumption that this is the 'only' way. The one we all know well by know which expresses that 'we have all the answers and ours is the only true path'. This is an exclusive-or decision leading to a 'you with us or against us' - and outside of the sanctity or my very personal faith, I'm sorry but i have my mind to tell me what i think is right or wrong. So that i don't have keep on reinventing the wheel, i must also engage with others to learn from them and let them learn from me. At the very least, i must understand where they are coming from and basis of the ir views. That is exactly the point here, you cannot blow the whistle and shout 'sheydaan' as soon as some one objects or criticises. We are discussing customs not and i repeat NOT faith. Customs are learnt, taught and reasoned about. Only the sheep close their eyes and blindly follow. So people please don't silence the man before, you've examined what you think.
  11. lool nice one bix. as far as i understand and i'm sure i'll be corrected but ninjaab is the cultural translation of a tenentant .. or you boys gonna tell us every other form of dress worn by muslmim women is wrong? but give credit were its due, the baby face killas sure have the incumbant murderers runnin.
  12. ^ bob, I second that nomination
  13. hey dude, 'storming' is a tad far strong for a culture where its 'generally considered inappropriate for women to speak to men they are neither married nor related to in public' no? woz it like from from ground-zero?
  14. Caano Geel


    yes lovely pics, so what she doing running across se. asia other than being true to her maryooley genes? shehehehehe, did some one tell you 'baasa-boor bey dhiibaan'?
  15. Caano Geel


    right .. so exactly what are you doing in veitnam other than picking up vietnamese girls .. and rather successfully by the sounds of things may i add .
  16. so what date are you gonna go then saaxiib? i mean just gimme a rough plan, you know so that i have my diary free to attend your matrydom
  17. really tho! how many times can you read such tripe and keep your mouth shut! if these people have their way we'll be fcuked from behind while we have our heads in the sand.
  18. I've read the book and i have to say taht i was glad to have read it, but i didnt like it much. The intent is noble and i agree with the message. but i found the material sparse and somewhat shallow. I didnt like the name droppings many along the line so 'my very important friends at blah' and parts of it felt like i was reading the an over steched news report, and i really didnt like the somaliland this and that crap. Basically lots of themes, none of them given any of the depth they deserved. On the good side, his analogy of Ayan Xirsi and Yasin Xassan Cumar (one of the london bombers) was inspired and painfully acute and accurate, and the cycle doesnt look like its gonna stop. You could see that was he urging for some form of unity -- the 'we can rise above our differences type' but on the whole, the book felt impersonal, the 'brand new second hand' type.
  19. for fcuk sake, i've had it with this bullshit preaching. Man face the world around you, it's hungry, it stinks and yes surprise, we're all gonna die. You wanna preach, preach about how AIDS victims leave orphans 'cos they cant afford the dollars for the drugs. Or how a man has to carry the gun 'cos thats the only card life has thrown his direction. You wanna make a difference, cough-up to pay for their drugs and rehabilitation . fcuk the West, US, UN, Christian Europe, Zionist states, Gaza, Lebanon, Marocco, Malaysia, Brunei Somalia, Egypt, Syria. And most of all, fcuk your battle grounds and fcuk your bombs and your Punt-we-can-only-define-our-selves-in-the-language-of of-our-enslavers-land State.
  20. Brace yourself, The world as we now it is finished! really, whats going on! this is the second time i'm having this message addressed to me in as many days. only the last person was urging me to get married before hell broke lose.
  21. ^ ol' news man seen it, and burnt the t-shirt
  22. actually this is one of my fav's you can see more here
  23. Zidane headbutt outrage: new video evidence By Lester Haines Published Thursday 13th July 2006 11:57 GMT Pity if you will poor old Zinadine Zidane: sent off during the World Cup final for a serious infraction of FIFA's "no headbutting Italians" rule and now reduced to the status of French national hero with enough cash in the bank to enjoy a lifetime of truffles, stuffed songbirds and fine vintage champagne. Indeed, while the rest of the world was struggling to contain its outrage at Zidane's unsportsmanlike use of the Glasgow handshake, Jacques Chirac counterattacked with: "I would like to express all the respect that I have for a man who represents at the same time all the most beautiful values of sport, the greatest human qualities one can imagine, and who has honoured French sport and, simply, France." Well, therein lies the rub, mon ami. How you view the whole thing depends largely on your national perspective, as nicely demonstrated by a viral email we received this morning: As seen by the Germans: As seen by the French: As seen by the Italians: As seen by the Americans: As seen by the press: Terrific. For the record, we at Vulture Central believe that - contrary to current wisdom - the Materazzi-felling incident was provoked not by references to Zidane's mother and his Algerian ancestry, but rather the suggestion that Italian wine may be of equal, or superior, quality to its French equivalent. In the circumstances, Zidane's reaction as the embodiment of France was understandable. Let's face it, the Bastille was stormed for less. source
  24. Originally posted by Real Estate Guy: quote: I love North Korea, they can bomb South Korea any time. You Communist :mad: ^ maan thats so dirty! lol