Caano Geel

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Everything posted by Caano Geel

  1. Taako bell So does that make it wrong for US to bomb Iraqi's but ok to bomb Somalis? Given the backing it had the TFG would be irrational if it were ever to consider peace talks in earnest. It simply knew to hold out long enough and the US taxpayers money would seduce ethiopia to the war chant. And that is exactly what it did. Dont be foolish enough to think that politics is anything more than power games. And the winner is decided by a war of attrition.
  2. rear admiral xaarle Those are all mere numbers as long as am concerned,nothing matters at this stage than peace and peace has a price. Please dont let me quote you out of context but -- but number are we talking of here .. 65% is that mean, median or modal avarage, what is the stantard deviation for your distribution.. does is skew left or right, or is it normal - have you though about the kurtosis of your distribution yet? Q. How many people make up 65% of your family or your friends, or the people you see every day ... do u actually know how to use such a ratio? lemma: Human lives are not numbers. proof: 1diot. Ceyra ingriiska baad ku dharagtey, markaas baad noo sheegeysaa how to count death. Dude, the baked beans on white loafs on the taxpayers money has scrambled what ever resemblance of brain cells you once had
  3. Am justifying that there are casualties in a War.Civilians or Combatants,it doesn't count. What, death doesn't count?
  4. PI I don't think the testimony of butchers, night watchmen, and goat-herders are credible. What do the intellectuals of the cities say? The Doctors, Professors, and literate folks? Why? Don't they have mouths, brains, eyes, or are they just not *human* enough for you unless they hold 3 PhD's each. -- That is just about the most arrogant, elitist statement i've read today.
  5. rear-admiral I'm confused what are you justifying? -- that its ok to kill people -- so long as you were trying for 'al-quaks'?
  6. Caano Geel


    ^ seriously tho' U people, bariis iyo lug ari oo qalashay hadaadan helin, you have no appetite. Reminds me of the time i made tasty king praws (with the head and antennas still there) for my family. My father didnt know whether to try killing it on the plate or run away from it in case it went for his jugular.... Its crazy how many somalis that you meet that say 'I dont eat X', then u ask, have they have tried X or seen it outside of a somali kitchen where its incinerated to an inch of becoming pure carbon? -- To which you get an answer of 'war maxaad ogtahay, nagatag' Buuxo, nextime just close your eyes, chew and think of ari 'baac baac' dhahaayo. Val I remember the look on your face as you 'nibbled' on the calamari. It still brings tears of joy to me .. anyhow considering how much you nibbled, it doesnt count
  7. Taako beel when was the last time a private and popular media station was shutdown in Canada or the UK. And at that, if registration is the case, why only shutdown the stations listed above instead of every station. You cannot claim that is a part of the 'normal' process when it is applied to only 4 stations.
  8. ^ Che, yes, i went to that school, yaasiin something or other, can u remeber its full name?
  9. Taako bell ^ as you guys said before the ICU where backwards cave men, the TFG waa reer magaaglki, bringing progress .... ... or are they just taking a leaf out of their chain masters book. so give us a justification with out telling us 'its no worse than before' - in MM's words baliis.
  10. Right girls, The bar has been set, get practicing .. no more of this three left feet cra p.
  11. no such thing as a coffee addict, just a coffee lover
  12. guys, i also like the name in the last picture
  13. Caano Geel


    1. its tasty 2. go to real sushi place, not the supermarket or revolving table places, and tell teh waiters that you are new to the raw fish thing, and could they give a few recomendations to start you off
  14. V You say it straight girl - lets just hope the young man doesnt have to read your comment! Well done Abdusalam, does anyone know the boy?
  15. yaa xasuusta bar fiat . Duke and pose, come out of the woodwork and explain the illustrious TFG far sighted action to us .. please
  16. olol, where did u get this from?
  18. Nomadic_Princess looooooooll aahhhhh heheheheheheh looooooll ..
  19. Point. First of all i dont think it as day dream, maybe a pipe dream . The basic point. there no somali can be said to have suffered more than another - we have all been on the recieving end of the predetory behaviour of these theives. Now, the majority of the successful trails that have taken place have been optimistic, (south africa, chilli, ireland, romania next year wrt to the communists ....) The aim is not just necessarily punishment, but recognistion. By recognising the infighting between these men was directly responsible for the current state, we are: 1. Learning from the experience 2. Addressing the grievances of the people they have effected. 3.Drawring a real line under the saga rather than justifying it as a means to an end - an end which is disgraceful at that. The practicality: If we, that includes we -including YOU, are willing to say that these men are responsible for the actions that were carried out under their orders/names, then every one faces the same rule. This means that every death-lord is bought in front of a jury consisting of the somali peers and interogated of their actions and the charged placed against them, and asked to justify their actions, made to publically apologise, stripped of their privilages and sent home - if their clan or what ever wishes to judge as heroes and place accalades on them, fine, but the nation doesn't. So i think making every one subject to the same law and applying would convince people, and if dont appear we charge them and name them as cowards for not having the moral strength to take responsability for their actions. - As for a law, the Belgian law is most internationally progressive one wrt human rights that i know off, so ist good enough for me . G They are tame because their former enamies have more arms now. Not because they have any respect for the system. As was written before, the best description of Somali politics is a zero sum game, some always gets fcked. And they will wait or try to bring about their turn to do the same.. u dont need examples. So lets not treat the Bush-Zenawi regime as a disinterested/benevolent party. Caamir Caamir, the b astards have made all of us refugees, and killed enough of our relatives and friends over the years - so as you can imagine, i've always hated the b astards, and i apologise that i wasnt loud enough about it on this forum before. wrt US policy in somalia, with that reasoning, you also justify Iraq, If the us attacks Iran, your statement justifies it and applied universally - because i assume you are interested in the best outcome for somalia and not any particular party, that statement basically justifies any other action in which a protagonist declares a threat imagined or real.. The only thing that matters in their declaration - to hell with law, reason, evidence, and responsability. I'm sorry, but such a world is called anarchic and i don't want it - in fact please list for me who what countries support the US action. Now your reasoning wrt professor Samatar remark, i think is interesting. For one, you chose to pick 1 action over all the possible and real actions in a the 17 year mania of somalia. Two, you picked an action which was on the back of a hightened ethiopian activity in somalia. Now i dont intend to justify suicide bombings, but you cannot remove that action from the contex. Further, given the number of 'mad mullahs' are professed to be in somalia, At the height of their power, we experienced one such action. So do you not think when you say that 'reality speaks other wise', your defining reality in terms of 1 action. If we were hiding leagions of suicide bombers, then why wernt there more attempts at the very least. Next look at the support for the ICU, in this forum if nothing else, and question why. Do you think we are all Indha-cade's second cousins, oe we like death and destruction or that we believe a wahabi interpretation of sharia to best our ideal law of governance, or just plain dumb and we dont see the big picture. On the contarary, we see the big picture, and we have a different interpretation. We disagree with the basis of formation and the people in the TFG. Let me ask you what 'tribal elder' represented you, what interests did they profess for you, did they say something about the your education, your childrens, your health, your rights, or did they discuss dhulka iyo maalka ey iyaga xakumaan? So lets not give the deathlord(s) a chance, lets ask him how many people were killed because of his power strugles, how many were maimed, how does he feel about that, why did he give those orders, then throw the barely litterate b astard to the wind. We have legions of better eductated people with sense of of humanity and a vision beyond their title that could step up to the place and we could have respect for.
  20. ^ Point, ... can we try at least. I suspect that you would get a more cross population support than a well funded ethiopian invasion
  21. Taako bell, G i suppose your passport trumps all them .. Unless of course you happen to be an Ethiopian, or an American, then its ok to wage war in somalia... right?
  22. G For real. What do you call Xussian, Yalaxow, Yusuf, Qarnaye, Hiiraale, Shatigadud, Madobe, Shire. By standers, unfortunate enough to get caught up in the crossfire? Btw. I'm glad i made u laugh, its a shame that the subject was that the perpetuators of crimes should be made accountable for their actions.
  23. Rear admiral Xalane Forieng fighters .... bisinka, war what neo- camp did you attend.