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Everything posted by Showqi

  1. Aaliyyah, life is been great. Happy new year since I haven't spoke to you a long time and all the best in 2013
  2. Hayaay Aaliyah AF Soomaaligeedu waa khatar. Mar hadii ay tidhi waa in aynaan ku tiirsanaan ummad shisheeye. Back to the topic illaahay wuxuu ina siiyey waddan hodan ah. Laakiin waxaa ina qAribay Qabiil iyo jaahilnomo
  3. Unfortunately the word that Alpha is looking for is talent, and not skills. Because any body can learn and have skills. But talent in the other hand is something that you born with.
  4. Showqi

    Fanny Names

    Ma ogtahay:confused: in Coofle iyo Xaaji Xunjuf ey iska ashaataan Wyre uu ku heesay Oba hiloowlow bogga iyo beerkey duleela Alpha Blondy aanu lahayn timo jilicsan Waan kaftamayaa. Yaan leeygu xanaaqin:D
  5. Oba sxb iminka ayey ku haboon tahay in aad erey cusub oo Soomaali ah inoo sameyso. since Raamsade said that we dont have a Somali word for euthanasia. Oba go for it euthanasia maxaad ku macneyn lahayd?
  6. ^ Garoonkii ay ku soo cago dhigan laheyd in loo xaadho ayey dooneysaa dee!!! mafiiqdii, iskoobihii iyo xaaqinkii inoo soo qaad yaa Taleexi
  7. Wey duushay waxaa ku xigi doonta wey soo cago dhigatay;)
  8. Showqi

    and I am single

    Bluelicious;907923 wrote: Haha you remembered the race to the 3000 huh well that is still on. Good to see you alive and doing well. Blue, too bad my average is 2.31 mar dhow quurta ayaad i soo qabaneysaa:mad:
  9. Showqi

    and I am single

    ^ Single wuu ka daalay, hada he is looking for Dirac, Guntiino iyo abuu Cabaaya:D
  10. Coofle;907929 wrote: Ma kii xidigta october ka soo bixi jiray ee uu idaajaa turjumay...Ma dhamaystirayn baan filayaaye,,,Did you get your hands on the full version No Coofle I am talking about the real book, I was 8 or 9 years old when I red. My uncle bought the book for him self. After Robinson Crusoe I red many other Somali novels all of them bought by my uncle.
  11. My first book was Robinson Crusoe the Somali version. My first English book was The L Shaped Room
  12. Showqi

    and I am single

    Hey Blue, 2493-2393 = 100 damn I gotta start trolling more:D
  13. Showqi

    and I am single

    Apophis;907912 wrote: Sorry Wyre but this stats are misleading. Out of the 7 billion humans, slightly more than 3.5 billion will be female, then you'll have to exclude those who are married, old(er) and for myriad of other reason will not be suitable. If you do that you'll find your chances are even lower than you think. Hang in there buddy Kuwa caruurta ahana ka saar, kuwa waalan iyo kuwa foosha xunna xagaa u weeci. Haye todobadii billion maxaa ka soo hadhay:D:
  14. Abwaan, sxb Oba Iyo dad kale oo badan ayaa jira oo erayo cusub iska sameysta (Oba maalin dhoweyto wuxuu halkan ku soo qoray: ilmo habreed iyo ilmo eedo). Laakiin aniga ereyga iga xanaajiya markasta oo aan maqlo ama meel ka akhristo waa ereyga dibadbaxayaasha:mad::mad: oo ay ula jeedaan dadka banaanbaxa sameynaya. Taleexi, af Soomaaligii dad baa ku tuntey
  15. Aaliyyah;907663 wrote: I have never heard this phrase being used. But, wouldnt it make more sense if you said "Imtixaankii waan ka gudbay" ...ka gudbay instead of ku gudbay. Ku gudbay waxaaban u fahmi laha waan joojiyay LOL.. Aaliyah, in good old days Somali teachers use to use this sentenice: hebel wuu dhacay Iyo heblaayo wey gudubtey, just to tell their students who failed and who passed the exam
  16. Aniga Siday iila muuqato waa: imtixaankii waan ku dhacay ama waan ku gudbey. Apo, imtixaankii waan marey macneheedu waxa weeyaan I did the test. But it doesn't say wather you passed or failed the test
  17. Showqi


    Haatu;907204 wrote: Sxb ha i caynin. I don't chew. Sxb ma ku caayayo ee bal avatar-kaaga eeg maxaad calaalineysaa dee:D
  18. Showqi


    Haatu;907069 wrote: Ar ka daa Haatu sxb qaadka aad calaalinayso goorma ayaad adigu ka kaceysaa?
  19. I think Alpha is Baagamuudo once again. waxan oo hadal ah!
  20. Oba, look at Kismaayo's picture how much sea do you see? The Kismaayo picture that you posted is covering more sea area than a land. Yaakheey indho sarcaadka naga dhaaf;)
  21. Kismaayo iyo Marko maxaa is bar bar dhigay!!! Of course Kismaayo ayaa weyn. Marko cadeey waa magaalo yar, lug ayaad kaga bixi kartaa magaalada dhinac ilaa ka dhinac.
  22. Oba, caruurta Eedadaa dhashay waxaad isku tihiin ilma'abti. Waayo Aabahaa ayaa Abti u ah caruurta ay Eedadaa dhashay.
  23. Showqi


    Adigu waxaad u taqanaa cantrabaqash, laakiin anagu waxaanu u naqanaa jirjiroole:cool:
  24. Showqi


    Interesting video. Stoic thanks for sharing. Alpha, Christmas party-gii aad gurigaaga ka dhigeysay miyaad ilowday! maxaad cadaanka u ceebeyneysaa maanta:p
  25. For me 2012 was the year that the most of my expectations came out, of course with hard work. And for the Somali nation it was the year that we chaised away Al-Shabaab. Coofle, I am very happy for you sxb. Wish you all the best adiga iyo xaajiyadaada in 2013