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Everything posted by King_Sasa
Qudhac' now you talking like NGO, 90% illiteracy!!! were did you get your facts from? UN or Oxfam books? No brother, the region has excellent schools, even the Eil Afwayn has enough primary schools[2]. Another point is what is going to happen the school leavers? you want them to go to Hargeisa for their Higher education?
Qudhac, It would be nice the university to be built in Erigavo, but the problem with Erigavo is that is unsafe for larger development to take place, basically a single argument between to clans can destroy the whole thing, and since Badhan locates more of central to other parts of the region, this idea came to the conclusion of the university being based in Badhan and with dormitory the other students from outside Badhan can settle down. Another fact is that Badhan host 4 Secondary schools while Erigavo has only 2 secondary schools. I hope this has answered you question.
Galkacyu: Puntland mature approach to conflict resolution
King_Sasa replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Peace and negotiations is the best way to solve any conflict, But I doubt it Reer Baraxley will appreciate that, -
Shirkii mudadii u dambeysay uu ka socday Ololihiisu Minnesota Ee Cariga Maraykanka Ee lagaga hadlayay Sidii loogu sameyn lahaa Jaamacad heer Caalamiya Gobolka Sanaag gaar ahaan Xaruunta labaad Ee Gobolkaas Ee Badhan ayaa Xalay kusoo idlaatay Minnesota Waxaana kasoo qeyb galay dhamaan Bulshada kasoo jeeda Gobolada Sanaag, Haylaan iyo Bari ee ku dhaqan Minnesota. Waxaa magaalada Minneapolis kadhacay shir beryahanba lasugayay oo ku saabsan Jaamacad larabo in laga hirgeliyo ama laga aasaaso Somalia, gaar ahaan Gobolka Sanaag. Jaamacadan ayaa Gudiga ama Boardku isku raacay in loobixiyo Maakhir University kadib markii ay yeesheen shir u khaas ah habeenimadii jimcaha. Xalay oo ay bishu ahayd 12/26/2009 ayaa lagu qabtay shir aad u balaadhan oo ay dadwayne u dhashay gobolada Haylaand iyo Sanaag ka qeybaleen iyagoo tilmaamey iney u heelan yihiin yagleelka jaamacaasi laga hirgalinaaya gobolka Sanaag. Arinkan samaynta Maakhir University ayaa ahaa mid shucuurta dadku muujisay farxad iyo jacayl ama rabitaan sidii loo samaynlahaa Jaamacadaas wakhtiyada fooda inagu soo haya. Sikastaba ha’aatee waxaa goobtaa lagu casuumay inay khudbado dhaxalgal ah ka jeediyaan dad iyagu u dhashay gobolada aan kor ku xusnay kuwaas oo ka jeediyay goobtaas hadalo aan is orankarno waxayba noqonkaraan in qaybtood Jaamacadaa larabo in ladhiso laga dhigo ama ardayda labaro. Dadkaa hadalka jeediyay waxaa kamida Dr. Ali A. Hersi oo isagu ahaa nin shirka uga yimi Soomaaliya. Dr. Ali kadib markuu khudbad dheer halkaa ka jeediyay isagoo tilmaamay muhiimada iyo waxa loobaahanyahay in layeelo si jaamacadan loo hirgeliyo wakhtiyada soo socda sidhakhsa ah, ayuu ku tilmaamay inay tahay in wadashaqayn lagahelo dadka oo dhan khaasatan dadka iyagu khibrada u leh samaynta ama hirgelinta Jaamacadeed. Dadka uu tilmaamayo ama leh aqoontaa hirgelineed ama fududayneed habka Jaamacad lagu dhiso, ayaa iyana islagoobtaa ka hadlay oo uu kamidyahay Prof. Abshir Aw-yusuf. Abshir wuxuu tilmaamay kadib markuu isna khudbad dheer jeedshay in muhiimku yahay in Jaamacad lasameeyo si’aan ubadkeenu waxbarasho la’aani ku dhicin iyo inay gobola kale u aadaan iyagoo doonanaya waxaynu inaguba u samaynkarno oo ah inaan u hirgelino Jaamacad aan guryaha ay leeyihiin ka agfogayn islamarkaana kharash badan u baajinaysa taas oo macnaheedu yahay in Maakhir University loo sameeyo sida ugu dhakhsaha badan. Sidoo kale Prof. Abshir wuxuu tilmaamay inuu kashaqaynaayo samaynteeda inkastay ku qaadato iyo goorwalbay noqoto si ay Jaamacadaasi u hirgasho. Waxaa isna sidoo kale kahadlay Prof. ama Abwaan Siciid Salah Ahmed oo kasheekeeyay khubbadiisii dheerayd habkii uu tacliinta usoo maray iyo sidii uu ugu safray gobolo kale isagoo keliya usocday inuu waxbarasho kororsado. Dhulbadan ayuu tilmaamay Siciid oo ay kamid yihiin goobo ay Sanaag lafteedu kamidtahay, Hargeysa iyo waliba Muqdisho. Wuxuu tilmaamay xanuunka ay leedahay u safrida waxbarasho oo aanay dadka qaybtood awoodikarin inay helaan cid taageerta ama wada amaba kuhaysa meelaha ay u safrayaan, saas daraadeed ayuu hadalkiisa ku xoojiyay inaay muhiimtahay hirgelinta MaakhirUniversity. Waxaa kamid ahaa isna Dr. Siciid Fahia oo isna tilmaamay qaababka lagu hirgelinkaro Jaamacada isagoo taariikhda dib ugu noqday iyo wakhtiyadii uu hogaaminayay Jaamacadihii umada Soomaaliyeed gaar ahaan kuwii Muqdisho ku yaalay. Siciid wuxu tilmaamay inta kuliyadood iyo qaabka loosamaynayo Jaamacada. Ugu danbayntiina wuxuu tilmaamay baahida looqabo in lahirgeliyo MaakhirUniversity. Prof. Mohamed Jebril Caateeye ayaa isna hadal kiisii ku muujiyay in dadka gobolada Haylaand iyo Sanaag degaa ay yihiin ama ahaayeen dadkii iyagu ugu aqoonta badnaa gobolada Somalia maantana ay muhiim tahay inay noqdaan safka hore taasina waxa lagu helikaraa ay tahay in lahirgeliyo Maakhir University. Dr. Ali A. Fatah oo isna aad hadalkiisii ugu dheeraaday tilmaamayna in dhulka maakhir yahay dhul hodonku ah waxyaalo badan lehna wax aan gobolada ama wadamada kale lahayn oo ay kamidtahay dhirta calmadoow ayaa tilmaamay in Maakhir University laga hirgeliyaa ay tahay wax aad u wanaagsan oo muhiim ah uuna kaqayb yahay hirgelinteeda. Waxaa sidoo kale isna kahadlay Jiif Caaqil Caabi Farah Ali Ashuur oo isagu hadalka furay dadkana kusoo dhoweeyay madasha shirka tilmaamayna maanta baahida loo qabo furida ama hirgelinta Jaamacada Maakhir University. Waxaa isna kahadlay Col. Mohamed Abdi Qaac oo isaguna tilmaamay muhiimada ay Jaamacadu u leedahay marka dhinaca siyaasada laga eego dhulka Maakhir iyo region kaba. Sidoo kale waxaa kahadlay Abdirashid Ali Warsame oo ah madaxa Schoolka shirku ka dhacay ee Twine Cities International Elementary and High shcool. Abdirshiid wuxuu soo dhoweeyay dadwaynihii goobta yimi wuxuuna tilmaamay muhiimada waxbarashadu leedahay in ubadka wax labaro. Waxaa isna gabayo dheer oo aad u cajiib ah kajeediyay Abwan sheikh Cawil Siciid Ali Waraabe oo ah abwaan da’yar. Abwaanka hadaladii gabayga uu ku mariyay waxay ahaayeen kuwo uu ku tilmaamay goobta shirka iyo dadbadan oo uu Dr. Ali kamidyahay iyo waliba dhulka larabo in Jaamacadan laga hirgeliyo ee Waxaa isna kahadlay Gudoomiyaha Maakhir Development Group Abdullahi Salah tilmaamayna isagoo marka hore hambalyo usoo jeediyay reer Maakhir mahadna ujeediyay dadkii shirka kasoo qaybgalay ee uu Dr. Ali A. Hersi kamidyahay iyo dadka kale ee iyagu kahadlay ama kaqaybqaatay shirka. Waxaa isna kahadaly oo dhinaca dhalinta waxbarata metelayay Isse Ali Jama tilmaamayna aqoontu waxay tarto dhalinta iyo muhiimada ayleedahay. Waxaa sidoo kale tilmaamay muhiimada dhalinta waxbarashadu u leedahay dhalinta Abdirisaq Busta Yare. Sidoo kale Abdirisaq wuxuu tilmaamay in arinka loo istaago oo laga dhabeeyo muhiim inay tahay. Casha Mohamoud oo ku hadashay maga Hooyooyinka ayaa iyana tilmaamtay muhiimada in dhulkii waxlaga qabto ay leedahay iyo in aan lafadhiisan ee meesha laga kaco dadkiina wax looqabto. SAWIRO... . Sources- Dhahar.com
Ilaah ha u naxariisto
(Shiekh) Fuad Shangoole , a silly clanist according to Mujahid website
King_Sasa replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
lol loool loooooooooool, what a contradiction -
Ansaarul Islaam, Xisbul Islaam, Alshabaab, Alitixaad, al-ictisaam, al-tajamuc, ahlu sunah wal jamaaca, Maxaakimta, Al-Islaax, Al-akhwaan, Al-Waxda, maxaa hadhey tolow? alsucuud al somali miyaa hadhey? Walee Somali meeley u socotaa iga yaabshey, allow sahal.....
Any way, the argument will never stop, but the fact is that any camp belongs to specific clans so at the end, two different clans fought, and Now i hear there is more militia mobilization and new alliance is been created by the Raskanobin group are allied themselves with the Awramale group, whether is true or not only time will tell. Another point is that CARAB IYO GOWS BAA WAX ISUGU DHOW,WAANA IS QANIINAAN, That I mean, if two H**** clans fights then that is not new, so people shouldn’t make meal of it, even though these two know each other so well [W******* and Ma********]
Well said, Nassir, well presented argument,
Dhubad, after all that, u still in confusion, how come, the fighting is not about TWO Islamic militia but between TWO CLANS, one is hiding behind the Islamic Banner and the other one is simply defending themselves, is that hard to understand...
War yaaraheen,, dee naga daaya, every one of you is jumping into conclusion, list, this is how the whole saga is based. Alshabaab- Mixed with different groups, few *****, **** ****, ****,etc, basicly ragtag with comon idea of extremism. Raskamboni- Led by Turki boy... **** Caanoole- now Mucaskarka Alfurqan, Pure **** and some so called **** [ minority ***** etc] Ok, that is one thing, Secondly, the issue in Caanole and ***** stuff is that this small actors i.e Caanoole is traying to expand to so called **** land in Jubooyinka so it can bargain with the Raskamboni and Alshabab as they dont have any powere what so ever in Kismayo administrators so they have attacked Cabdalla Biroole in Buulo Haji area to claim that they also have land, and now the locals rejected and fought back killing few them, now if you read pro Canole website of Halgan which always Supported Canole +Cade, They reporting different than that if you read Laasqoray.net who always was pro Sanaag, so again, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE WHOLE TROUTH, BUT THE HALF OF IT. That is.. [ April 22, 2009, 11:24 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
LaasqorayNET has discovered that the hijacked American own tugboat was ferrying a toxic waste which is in the hands of the local Pirates in East of historical City of Laasqoray on the Coast of Sanaag region, North East of Somalia. Local elders have confirmed to LaasqorayNET that they have themselves visited the location of the hijacked tugboat while on negotiating the release of the boat and so suspicious tank that looked like chemical waste containers. Also, Elders have confirmed to us that the Italians offered quick money and without publicity in return of their release. On the other hand, one of the abductees has told the media that they were not part of the wider network of Somali Pirates but local fisher men who were defending their coastal area and they were willing to hand over the seamen to UN body after UN investigates. The Sanaag pirates are also holding another 2 Egyptian owned fishing trawlers that were fishing illegally in Sanaag waters on the red sea coast. Egypt and Italy are yet to talk about these 3 ships and that raises more questions about the intention of the hijacked vessels. It has been well documented that foreign countries had been dumping chemical and nuclear waste in Somali coastal areas in many years and that effected many locals with unknown diseases. Last year, locals reported that many people in the areas around the northeastern towns of Laasqoray and Durduri, on the Red Sea coast, are suffering from far higher than normal cases of respiratory infections, mouth ulcers and bleeding, abdominal haemorrhages and unusual skin infections In 2005, an UN report suggested that the current situation along the Somali coastline poses a very serious environmental hazard not only in Somalia but also in the eastern Africa sub-region. Few international media reported the toxic dump in Somalia’s coastal area and late last year Aljazeera reported well publicized article on the toxic waste in Somalia.[Read here]. Sources- Laasqoray.net
We were hoping for change and we got in return oppression of news providers and a pirate roaming around freely, I think is the time the media folk to arm themselves for protection.
One of the editors of LaasqorayNET, a Somali website based in Bosaaso, Somalia has been sent to jail for 2 years for alleged spreading fabricated stories and lies against the government and security officials and LaasqorayNET totally has rejected. Judge Abdi Aware of Bosaso city district court lowered the prosecution’s [General Ilkajir] request of three years jail term, sentencing the journalist to two years in jail. Jama Feyte, young and ambitious investigative journalist based in Bosaaso has been held in prison in Bosaso for 5 days before his so called trial in Bosaaso district court in which he was not provided with a lawyer or LaasqorayNET representatives in Bosaaso. He has carried many investigative reports in Sanaag and Puntland and he was well known reporter who with out hasitation reported on Pirates activities, human smuggling and other covered news. His arrest came after the interior minister Mr. Abdullahi Ahmed Jama Ilkajir [an American citizen and who hails from Sanaag] requested from Bosaaso Police authority to arrest Jama with baseless allegation that one of his local commanders was about to join Somaliland. LaasqorayNET are in consultation with lawyers in USA and in Europe in this issue as many leaders in Puntland are either American citizen or European citizen. Similarly, local journalist associations have called the court verdict an insult to justice and demanded the immediate release of Jama Feyte while the entire Somali journalists are strongly condemning the illegitimate arrest of Jama Feyte who was performing his job and his reports on the fact on the ground Burham Ahmed, the Secretary of MAP [Media Association of Puntland] told local media in Bosaaso, that there was not enough evidence to convict the journalist for such a long jail sentence. Source- LaasqorayNET
Garowe: The making of a new Capital: Faroole's plan..
King_Sasa replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Maasha Allah, We need to think forward, Puntland needs change and this is good start, I DO HOPE that is not false start and a man building his home town, other cities has to be built as well and most important is choosing a good governors across the state... long live Puntland -
Magaalada Badhan oo noqotey meelaha aadka ugu horumarey Puntland
King_Sasa replied to Koora-Tuunshe's topic in Politics
maasha allah, this is good developments, trees will planted soon insha allah -
Laas-Qoray: Puntland progress as Tuna factory reaches milestone:PICS
King_Sasa replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Maasha allah, development can unite us, all of us, Somaliland, puntland and Maakhir, I remeber being there and meeting with guys from Burco and Laascanood, equaly working with no politics at all, that was wonderfull and I hope that other cities and towns will do such developments.. Maasha allah again and Weldone for Laasqoray Folk for welcoming people equaly -
Here's the plot of Pirates of the Caribbean 4. The film opens with Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow dropping anchor in New York harbor. He descends on Wall Street with his mates and, after a quick costume change at Brooks Brothers, storms the boardrooms of Merrill Lynch, Citigroup, and other major firms. They don't need sabers to rake in the haul. Jack's a clever pirate. He takes advantage of the tools at hand. Applying mortgage-backed securities and collateralized debt obligations, Jack seizes billions of dollars in booty. He distributes huge bonuses to his crew for a job well done. And just before the government steps in to clean up the mess, the pirates scramble back to their ship and set sail. Quick question: why are more than a dozen of the world's navies converging on Somalia to battle pirates there instead of sailing into New York to capture the Wall Street pirates? Surely the global economy would be made more secure by forcing former Merrill Lynch CEO John Thain, who doled out $4 billion in executive bonuses even as his company was collapsing, to walk the gangplank than by cracking down on the bands of privateers in the Horn of Africa. "Pirate," like "terrorist," has always been a slippery term to define. Just as the British considered George Washington a terrorist rather than a freedom fighter, they portrayed John Paul Jones as a pirate rather than a naval hero. After the Revolutionary War, the shoe was on the other foot when the United States fought several pitched battles with the "Barbary pirates." These fearsome vessels, however, were not really pirate ships. Rather, they worked on behalf of several Barbary states that were part of the Ottoman empire. As Frank Lambert writes in The Barbary Wars, Algeria, Tripoli, and Morocco preferred traditional commerce and resorted to piracy largely because European powers refused to open their markets. If terrorism is the weapon of those on the political margins, piracy is the weapon of those on the economic margins. Fast forward to the latest piracy news. The newspapers have been full of stories about gangs preying on vessels passing through the Suez Canal and near the Somali coast. They seized dozens of ships last year -- including a Saudi tanker with $100 million worth of crude oil that yielded a $3 million ransom -- with the help of fast boats, GPS, and submachine guns. The pirates are currently negotiating for a comparable ransom before releasing a Ukrainian vessel that has 33 Russian tanks, heavy artillery, and grenade launchers. As Foreign Policy In Focus (FPIF) contributor Rubrick Biegon points out, the Somali pirates did not start out as Jack Sparrows. "Piracy in Somalia began because traditional coastal fishing became difficult after foreign fishing trawlers depleted local fish stocks," he writes in Somalia Piracy and the International Response. "Desperate fishermen started attacking trawlers until the trawler crews fought back with heavy weapons, leading the local fishermen to turn to other types of commercial vessels. The pirates prefer to call themselves the Somali 'coast guard,' noting that, prior to the recent spate of hijackings, they organized themselves to defend their communities from overfishing and, according to several accounts, to protect Somalia's coastline from toxic dumping by foreign vessels." Piracy blossomed in Somalia after Ethiopia invaded in 2006 with U.S. support and deposed the Islamic Courts Union. "Under the Courts, there was literally no piracy," observes one maritime security expert. "While many Somalis disapproved of some of the more fundamentalist ways of the original courts, most felt that they were well organized, disciplined, and effective civil administrators who had certainly provided Somalia with its first semblance of order and leadership since 1991," write FPIF contributors Gerald LeMelle and Michael Stulman in Africa Policy Outlook 2009. The anti-piracy campaign, argues FPIF contributor Francis Njubi Nesbitt, is a giant red herring. "Ethiopia's invasion of Somalia in December 2006, backed by the United States, sparked an Islamist resistance that led to thousands of civilian deaths, displaced over a million people, and depopulated the capital, Mogadishu," he writes in Somalia: Waiting for Obama. "But instead of focusing on the aftermath of this crisis and helping foster a peace process, the United States, European Union, and other international actors are engaged in the more dramatic and media-friendly anti-piracy campaign." Hussein Yusuf disagrees. "Somalia poses a grave danger to the United States and the Horn of Africa today," the FPIF contributor writes in What's Next for Somalia. "Despite the U.S. 'Global War on Terror,' piracy in the Gulf of Aden threatens the supply of oil and commercial trade to the West. Islamic extremists threaten the stability of this region more than ever." Yusuf and Nesbitt offer contrasting interpretations in their strategic dialogue on this topic. Everyone agrees, however, that the pirates of the Somali coast have raked in quite a lot of money, somewhere around $30 million in 2008. That's more than a few pearls and pieces of eight. But compare that to the bonuses that Wall Street employees took home last year: $18.4 billion. At least the Somali pirates were good at their jobs. Sources- Huffingtonpost
Well, it says that you from Akhiro so I gues you dont to have others to rise and discuss politics, right!!!!!!!!!!! Boos XEJIS,,,,
J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o, Soon I will publish Sheekh Is...kh, it just History......... lol
Sources- Laasqoray.net
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