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Everything posted by MZanzi

  1. MZanzi


    ma raga sidi inatareega uquuriya kujirtaa ragi sbxkey cunaaye oo kale lol
  2. MZanzi

    TSA Porn

    Taas baaba ugu daran Laakin fikradan ninki keenay mid inkaar qabo ahaa waxaas waxaaba igala si daran..last weenekd i went to a beach oo habarta seey kugu dhashay lagu galaayo lol.wale aw-galow ma shiixo
  3. MZanzi

    TSA Porn

    Lool@KK... Kastuumo bir hadi hoos laga xirto malaiska dhex arka horta
  4. LoL@Dhinac kale iska keen ......... Abu Nawas wale inu Nin farsamo badan yahay
  5. waxuushnimo carab ayaa laga so gaaray
  6. MZanzi


    wale naag qurineeso ninki dhinac seexda dhib qabo
  7. sharif is another sellout just like Abdullahi yusuf
  8. Mr kashafa Don't attack others. ... Challenge others' points of view and opinions, but do so respectfully and thoughtfully, without insult or personal attack..Sidi nin weyn oo kale figradaada udhiibo ceydan badan iska kala yaree
  9. lol@MS DD This is such a gossipy story, one that won't die for reason or another. Maybe Wentworth Miller is gay, maybe he isn't ..wale Ninka Ninkale ka cadeenaayo INU geesi geesi dhalay Yahay
  10. dont know what to think...its so sad to think that michael is dead..i would have like to see him happy after all he had done...but when you think about it..its about the sacrifice he made to give a chance to the others to be free and happy at the end...and they will always remember michael scofield like i will always remember him and this show.. but i was expecting it...we have to realize that this aint walt disney production and it cant always finish perfectly great for everybody but i think in general its a good ending... very sad but well done
  11. Aniga maalin walbaan kaneefeeeya casarki cag madhige wali ma maqashay
  12. Wale waad kacsantahay cawada haye
  13. Ninba Lagu yiri Faruurow maxaa ku faruuray Markaasu Yiri "F a d u u L " Ninkaadan 3 tuulo kayimid fadul badanida
  14. Big surprise -- that a terrorist organization would ignore a peace agreement. They don't want peace, so why would anyone be so stup!d to think that they do by making "peace deals". Qowsaaradan Gowsaha waa Weyn hala Cirib tiro Ayago iyo Carabta iswadato
  15. I have seen a lot of ugly light skinned girls. Almost all somliz are ....
  16. Even the natural act of giving birth renders a woman Basari... Laakin aniga waxaa iga sii yaabiyay naag walbo qurxoon, mid kafoolxun oo caqli badan baa remote ka uheeso
  17. LoooooL MR BEAn IS Back ..duqa wlcmm back.. ayaantaan badweyn aad dhex quustay aan umaleeeena markaasa sida ugu dhex dabaalaneesay biyo cabtay
  18. Jidkii adeerkooda maray oo foosha xumaa inu maro ayeey lajecleesteen asagana
  19. lol MMA, Cunugtaan wadaada Beezani yaasha ah waye
  20. Somalilanders keep following us and I dont mean twitter Meel walba somalia lagu sheego inteey isi so maqiiqan beey...somaliland laso bodayaan
  21. sheikhad yar baan kuheestay ileen music waad dhageestan ....insha'allah i will pray for you