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Everything posted by MZanzi

  1. LoooooooooL@ I don’t need a facebook account’ said the boy calmly ‘I always use mummy’s one’ kan yari waa xariif
  2. loool@maisa sawidhay adigo aloolan sayid somali so dhawoow horta geed yaho gacmaha gaaban. walaaqa aad sheegesid xaw yahay
  3. Ibti someone aspiring to be a genetic researcher should study your genetics .saan arkay macaan maucune and you hardly gain weight lol@malagu so ceriye
  4. ^^^ nuune horta the good old days dumarka nimanka caloosha kuusan eey kuheesteen ma xasuusata calool kuus intu macawis cusub sabarhini so qaato oo xaafada dhex mushaaxi jireen
  5. lol walaale iska hadal nooh ...hadalka aniga wax maiga dhimaa waa ogtahaye walaashe iga yar atahay
  6. Aniga Bank maba aaminsani waaba laisku gaaada
  7. ^^LooL Juxa gymka qurux aa lo raadsada ya kugu dhahay ?
  8. LooooooooooL Jb waryaa wali mashakiba iga kajira ibti alxamdulilah xaalada waa bariga dhexe Juxa xayeesi salaaam reerka malagu faaya?
  9. Hey ibti cawa bariga & caafimadka kawaran
  10. Congratulation Jb I know your going to be the best gynecologist in Hargeisa welldone again
  11. ^^LoL adiga so adigan sidi faxyaasha aan magazine ad ku arko oo kale wali
  12. Subxanallah ilaahay haunaxariisto inti dhimatay war dumarka qaarkood maangaab sanaa
  13. FOOD is more powerful than any prescription weight loss pills , because the FOOD that you eat can either make you THIN or FAT. You don't get fat because of a lack of exercising, that's a myth. You get fat because you don't eat the right foods at the right intervals each day. PS:you need to eat more than 3 times per day to lose weight,Food is like a LIGHT SWITCH which can turn Fat Burning ON or OFF.but you must eat the right meals in the right patterns each day
  14. lol jaajuumow baas taraarax aad dhexda kaqabatay awoowe adiga kuma wadin hadalka
  15. The Siren adiga waan kuso duceyn ramadaanka insha'allah xaalkaadu masahlana PS: I wont respont to your thread again dambi socdo ayaad tahay
  16. ^^^ now i can see why you are often lost in thought because it's an unfamiliar territory for you.. Habeen wanaagsan and let us stop it here
  17. ^^you are about as sharp as the leading edge of KBS (Kenya Bus) PS:r u always this much in heat or just when paragon is around?
  18. I have been feeling the credit crunch bite recently. It got me thinking about how i can cut down on my fitness expenses. i spend most of my hard earned cash with supplements
  19. ^^^^Looooooool @'Maya bariga Jimco ma'aha, waase laga dhigi karaa Jimco! I am just wodering back home why jimcada beer loogu quraacan jiray lol
  20. kool kat mardhow maalinte Jimceesata aa kuxigi doonto misa maalin walba jimco mey kutahay
  21. lool@ wewe Msn,mgihana NgXamanina ...are you speaking Indigenous language lol