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Everything posted by MZanzi

  1. If so, what's your excuse for such boorish behavior?
  2. ^^You lame so shut the f@ck up.
  3. ^^Jb I don't think you're worrying too much. .... Get my drift?
  4. Personally I think the idea of legalizing drugs is absolutely ludicrous.
  5. waryee JB adiga ma elton john baad qaraabo tihin wa kuside?
  6. ^^^LooL@ glasses. i dont really remember what you was wearing laakin jeans kugu dhagn baad xirneed lol sxb dad badan ba bac kuxirantahay SOL oo addeer kugu hayo
  7. war aniga ciyaalka wan ka celiya laakin raga waaweyn wale madhex galo waan isku fiirsada
  8. LooL@ask the black pple waryaa I have seen Ngonge's picture waa african casiir cabay
  9. Ngonge Do black people ever get sunburned (This is an honest question)?
  10. loooooooooool@ileen nin cas ban ahaa .... mayee nin salxanyo dheer baad aheed
  11. Jb marka aragtid holiday ayuu aada war ninka waaba taajir isnacay
  12. sxb niman raliyo ah ayaa jiro oo ciyaalka xataa nappies kabadalo mar marna kastuumoyinka udhaqo dumarka
  13. There was this really beautifull indian girl...I don't know what kind of indian but she didnt believe in proper hygiene such as soap and indians usually turn me off...well the ones that have that kind of tradition of not using deordant....nothing worst than a stinky WOMEN.
  14. ma gabar halaishukaamiya ayaad leedahay?
  15. Wiilkan yaroo joobanaha ah ayaad leedahay duqa.It's strange that he's younger than A&T,and ngonge
  16. ^^^adeer masoonka ayaa kuhaayo saw adiga is QUOTE Gareenaayo
  17. Many women who receive gifts all of the time have nothing but the gifts.sxbtaa sariirta hadi xaga rugby tackle ka meel lagu saaray maxeey kalo rabtaa taas ayaba gift kafiican
  18. sayid somali inboow waa lafaaaaya sayid, lafahaa mataxan yihiin?
  19. ibti maxaad naftaada uhafri nin hindi meesha kuma heyside ee ngonge walalkis tolnimo uguurso
  20. ^^keep the nagging practice going as they say "practice makes a woMan perfect".
  21. Adigu maskax la'aanteeda halkeebad ku aragtay? misa quruxdaad udiiidan tahay
  22. In my opion, your aren't even mature enough to date
  23. Originally posted by LayZie G.: ^awwwwwwwwwww@abaayo fufu. Did I offend you? Why wouldn't you want to embrace your beautiful hips? Why Do You Bob Your G-string Girl I definitely don't know any 40 year old women that wear g strings. ... I guess if that's what you like, don't stop but be careful who you tell about that ... )
  24. Lazy stop showing me ur G-string i dont do islaamaha