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Everything posted by MZanzi

  1. Jb fulay xun baatahay wale, Ibti unbaad bur bursata ...wir sayid somali meel iska saaaray maanto dhan buu ku baacsanaayay adigana dhagool baad iska dhigtay
  2. jaceel belive it or not ...i Like a&T like a fat kid Love Cake lol Laakin ..sometimes he'z out of order!
  3. sayid somal ...adigu maanta ma dagaal raadis baa tahay?
  4. A&T.. There are degrees of shyness, of course, but I find a very shy and quiet man quite frustrating to have a conversation with. I hate having to carry an entire conversation, choosing every topic, asking all the questions and getting two and three word answers - it's exhausting! Confidence isn't acquired just by dating, flirting or even approaching girls. Confidence is an inner growth thing. Working on other aspects of your life and your accomplishments will help greatly in regards to your self esteem and confidence. ps:A&T adiga iyo xishood kala dheer huuno, ma ninkaadan qashinka qufto
  5. Women do not like shy guys. Confidence is the sexiest thing a man can have.
  6. I regularly drop massive gas bombs mid-flight and can`t smell anything. but I smell a big fight ... ya'll can watch @ ESPN 3
  7. Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: ^Nuriya (Afro) Bal noo nuuri hadda. I see the avaitar is still there! Salaan sare. ? balaayo ku nuurisay salaaan hoose awooowe ninyoho ayaantaan beesanaai aad noqotay
  8. Originally posted by NGONGE: Bax warya. Bax ban ku edhi. .. he got what he deserved
  9. lool JB....adigiiba so jarmaaaday markaas aniga wax iga sheeege
  10. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: ^Rambo qardada yaree hee!
  11. Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: Morning trollers; When you receive this letter, I know you will all be saying 'o! no more dacwo and gar!' no more nonsensical oldies talk'. But I have no alternative. And it is not a fiction. NGONGE is ruining my family life. My wife thinks I am dating NGONGE (she thinks Ngonge is code-name for someone I am in love with). Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooool Let me see if i can laugh like KK style Kix kix kix dhiq dhiq dhiq thanks for making me laugh so hard
  12. Every single Saturday mornings have to wake up to the sound of my neighbor that makes a lot of noise, and all this at about 7 just 4 h's after I went to bed. After waking up to the noise, I already know my mom will give me my Saturday assignments, such as vacuuming the house, doing the laundry, or dusting the house, and I always have something that I have to fix, which I know will probably take me the whole afternoon because it will be almost beyond fixing. After I finishing fixing whatever I had to fix, I know my lil sisters will ask me to do or fix something she did wrong on the computer, and as soon as I sit down and start to fixing other problems other than the ones she told me, she starts yapping about how I shouldn't use that computer because I have a laptop. And now you see why I hate Saturdays EDIT: Morning Jb...hw you doing today?
  13. loooooooool@PASSPORT KA LUGAYNAYA
  14. LoooL Lily Wiil xoog furan waxaan ula jeeday wiil si wanaagsan u shaqeesanayo .. misa adiga sikalad ufasiratay lol
  15. nowadays it's so common to see single mothers from aussie and Euro' oo africa guur u aadan ... laakin i dont think only single moms are into this b'ness even university graduate sisters kaso guursaday QAARADA MADOW kuwo badan oo aqaano aa kaso guursaden wiilal xoog furan masha'allah soo xambaarteen EDIT: dumarki qaarba caqliga lugaha ka galay wiilyar beey inta soo guursadan beey rabaan inu iska ag fadhiyo ayado islaan ah waxey dhali karto dhashay .... lool@faynuus wale runta aa ka hadashay yaa qeylo u adkeesan karo ....malin walba aan kaso waday subax walba halagu dhaho xanuun waaye
  16. Originally posted by Canjeex: Ps: Naga qalee nooh with your avatar aryaa xaad indhaaada tusay sawirkaan hadi uu ku dhibaayo waa laisdabaaliya waxaan arkin aa laiska dhigaa waana laga si socdaa
  17. loooooooooooooool@walaasha aa dhilo ah weeey kusugtay walee
  18. I believe this kid is a good preacher .
  19. There is no doubt that each nation on the face of the earth has the right to implement rules and regulations to protect its identity, mission, and its society against any danger. And there is a penalty for those who leave Islam only in one case, if apostates endangers the security and interest of the Muslim community and cause harm and mischief in the land where Muslims live, and in such cases, only the Muslim ruler should consider them to be danger and threat to society and in this case the punishment will be implemented. On the other hand, there is no harm in ignoring the apostasy of an individual as long as he or she does not harm the nation.
  20. ninyoho gaariga meel qaldan ayaad kuso parking gareesatay Somalidi kale ayaa isdulkoodi waqti looga hadlo lawaayay markaasad kuwo gaaloobay waa ladilay iyo maxa lagu dilay meesha laso shir tageeso PS.ninyoho illaahay qaatuma haku hagaajiyo adoo muslim illaahay ka dhigay hadaa gaalo raac noqotay wale dhib aduun & mid aaqiraba waa ku dambeen Marka illaahay haku so hanuuuniyo waa kuso duceynaaya
  21. ^^^^ileeen A&t MAR MAR wuu xishooda oo dumarka agtooda waxyabaha qaar kuma sheego ..taas maba aanan ogeen
  22. You're a good writer and I hope you know that:)
  23. where'z A&T now is he fabricating another story