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Everything posted by MZanzi

  1. Most of all i hate all those a$$holes that think that they have the right to insult and abuse women, verbaly or physicaly it makes my gust turn black and want to cut the balls of all of them!! Sometimes you can't let the rotten aplles stink up the whole barrel. You also shouldn't sterotype all somali men because then you will wind up hurting the few that aren't that and in turn create that which you hate.
  2. Wow. This is very interesting that people take the time to analyze the lives of others Love is love. It has no color, no size, no shape and no preference. The fact that love is unconditional says that it doesn’t depend on “the color of his/her skin”. as long as the brother is muslim or the sister hais guursadaan ma ahane haisku dhamaadan
  3. Ngonge your the one who put the spot light on me....markaasad hada gadaasheda so mar ileeday bax mr ARAB
  4. LoooL CL are u talking from experience?lol CL mbona uko kimya leo?
  5. Maaanta aniga miyeey iga kiin tustay ?
  6. A&T ratiga Ngonge wuu kurarye yaa kufiri doono
  7. huyo babu ambaye anapost picha za wazimu anazipata wapi
  8. lool Nuune widaayow riyada xun malashego eey hooyadey igu dhahday marka midaan mid la sheegi karo ma ahan
  9. subxanllah First I'd like to say hello. I'm one of those people who dreams from the moment I fall asleep to the moment I awake. I have many more good dreams than bad ones. But I had a really bad one last night. Today was a bad day for me. Nothing seemed to go right i hope tonight's dream should be better. I never have had two bad dreams in a row. EDIT: Ngonge ..eedo aan kuduceeye inaga badal sawirka
  10. Abtigiis war bal BBC dhageeso walaahi qosolka ayaa kaa dhamaanaayo ceeebta maanta ka dhacday allow ceeb astur ... loool@i'm still laughing @ this line " CID KAA FUTA XUN MAJIDHO eeyahow eeygo dhalay ..
  11. fariid fariiid dhalay politicaly am with you and the rest who are againts Yeey xaaladuna waa jam jam adigu bal iska waran baryahan dambe sibaad u farga gaxleeneysa
  12. ninyoho maanta mushaarki markaad qaadatay waad isku dhex yaacday ....bal maxaan wax jar ka tuura anaa twin towers laiga soo tuuray
  13. Unknown adiga mar marka qaar waxa u hadasha sidi qof LUUBAAN & FOOX isku soo shiday
  14. Unknown why dont you answer the question ..waa adiga dib ujoogsadaye
  15. Dear Editor: If I ever get my hands on you ... $tupid prick ... Yours Grampy witch Witchie
  16. Hassan by anychance are u related to him?
  17. i'm scared ..the jabiso will kick my a$$ and i know u wont help me out
  18. lol Aaaliyah that's true back home our house was very close to Siliga amerikanka every afternoon they use to walk pass infront of our house waan daba ordi jirnay wale
  19. LooL Aliyah somalida dadka korka cad in aad looga xiiseeyo maba oga inankan