Chat is very big problem and it is affecting Somali society in so many ways…. First, for those chewing,,, it makes them mentally ill… all they think about is how they would get a little peace for just 2night and start all over tomorrow.. They forget their families and spend the whole money on Chat… If they don’t have the money they would kill for someone…â€Remember the Somali girl killed in Minneapolis last WeeK’’’..
Second of all…. This Chat,, is driving Somalia crazy… I don’t know if you guy realized but everyday about $100K leaves from Somalia to either Kenya or to Ethiopia….. that money can build a whole nation,,, but we never think about it….Also, the days that no Chat arrives in Somalia is the day more people die… for instance, if there is Chat today,, all those animals that chew chat will sit down somewhere after few hours of it is arrival… But if there is no Chat,,, they become Wild animal from the forest… there are more killings and more raping…
To say it all,,,,,,,,,, I believe Chat is one little **** evil sent from hell…. And it will take years to come to find a solution for it…