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Everything posted by S.O.S

  1. Xiinfaniin, dear brother, I haven't read your points (lack of time), but did so with much attention to the title you gave this thread, and I can only come to one conclusion: Nothing went wrong, in fact, I could argue the opposite if I only had more time to do so
  2. My people will not be the sacrificial lamb What's wrong with that if it's done so in the name of Allah my brother? Are your people dearer to you than was Al-Khalil (pbuh) to his son Isma'il (pbuh)? The people of Jubba region are my people too, and I'm proud of them for sacrificing many of the things they did, and indeed continue to do so. Take a break from all the news reports, I'm sure you'll come to your old stands again
  3. Gabaygan waxaa tiriyay Sayid Maxamed Cabdile Xasan mudo hadda laga joogo 100 sano. Sayidku wuxuu ka gabyey Xilligaas xaalada halgankii jihaadka ee daraawiishta maantana waxaad arkaysaa inuu isla gabayganu khuseeyo arinta manta waayo waagaas uu ka hadlayay ama ka gabayayey munaafaqiintii ama dadkii caqabada ku ahaa halganka iyo danaha umada Soomaaliyeed ee u adeegayey cadawga maantana way u adeegayaan wuxuuna siydku ka tiriyay Eebe janadii ha ka waraabiyee tixdan gabaygaa oo markaad dhuuxdo aad ogaanayso micnaheeda qarnigii tagay iyo qarniganban. Wuxuuna ku bilaabay sidan: Doodan waxaan u leeyahay dumarkiyo caruurtoo Dadkii idinka waynaa hadday idin duleeyeen Dambi kama ay yaabine cuntay idinka doorteen Duunyaa la dhaafsaday dugsigaad galeeyseen Dameerkuna ma yeelen halkay talo ku daysteen Dab intay shideen bay dalaq idinku siiyeen Doox intay qodeen bay ciid idinku daadsheen Nin idiin damqanayaa idinkama dambeeyee Hadaydaan digtoonaan daad bay idin qaadiye Duleedada kufaartaa dacas idinku laynoo Naf dalkaaga doonaysaa firaash looma daadshee Dabkan aan shidaayaa daawadiina weeyee Dariiqii rasuulkiyo dawga ha ka baydhina Gabayga iyo gogol-dhigga ka horeeyaba waxaa ku deeqay Cabdullahi Faysal Faarax link
  4. Qore: Dr. Cabdullaahi Xasan Maxamuud
  5. S.O.S

    A/Y is DEAD

    It seems that, with fairly high probability, indeed the old man has departed yesterday to his transitional seat of Al-Barsakh.
  6. "Government forces" vs "Islamic militiamen". by lenin Anyone would think that media outlets were deliberately trying to confuse and bewilder people with their reporting of the crisis in Somalia. Depending on who you read, "government forces" or "forces loyal to Somalia's government" have been fighting "Islamist militiamen" or "Islamic militiamen". The "government forces" are, of course, the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) led by "President" Abdullahi Yusuf and supported not only by "Ethiopian troops" as the WaPo has it, but most significantly by the United States. The trouble with the label "government forces" is that they do not govern in any meaningful sense, and represent no significant constituency within Somalia. Since international 'peace talks' secured the TFG in 2004, they have not controlled any significant part of the country. They are a loose and unpopular collection of warlords who now control only one town: Baidoa, which The Observer describes as "the temporary capital". No no - Mogadishu is the capital. I checked. The "Islamist militiamen" are the Islamic Courts Council who do represent a popular constituency, and do in fact government from Mogadishu. Earlier this year it was reported that, despite the ICC's success in defeating the US-backed warlords back in July, the CIA and US private military 'contractors' (mercenaries) would continue to to support the TFG. Leaked e-mails from one such mercenary outfit, Select Armor, discusses meetings with CIA agents and Abdullahi Yusuf, and remarks that several British mercenary outfits were looking to get involved - one can think of a few who would be well-placed to do so. The e-mails also refer to the "****s" at the UN, who are nevertheless "on side" on the basic question of supporting the TFG. It certainly is - the UN Security Council only yesterday authorised the use of African troops to support "government forces". Now, when I say the "government forces" are a collection of warlords, I mean it in roughly the same sense that the current ruling elite of Afghanistan are warlords: military commanders whose main source of revenue is violent extortion, and traffic in people and drugs. The US has, more or less since the collapse of the state led by Siad Barre in 1991, first fought and then relied upon these people to keep the country safe for American investors. One of the results of the Iranian Revolution in 1979 was the discovery of a treasury trove of documentation about US foreign policy involving the Shah. One of those revelations was the Safari Club, a coalition of states initially directed by Kissinger to coordinate anticommunist interventions in African states. Siad Barre, a Greater Somalia nationalist and a brutal ruler who tended to disappear dissidents into secret prisons, initially tended to orient toward the Soviet Union, but when he tried to invade and annexe the Ogdalen, a region claimed by Ethiopia, Cuban troops directed by the SU repelled his forces. Consequently, the Safari Club offered him the arms that he would need to take the Ogdalen if he would only tear up his treaties with the Soviet Union. Since it was not in the US interests, however, this deal was not followed through, although America supported Barre until he was overthrown in 1991, not least because of the access he allowed US oil corporations. Today, the equivalent of the old Safari Group in relation to Somalia is the Contact Group created by the State Department earlier this year, composed of America and several EU states. Formally promoting dialogue between the TFG and the ICC, this group is providing illicit military support to the otherwise beleaguered military commanders. If 6,000 Ethiopian troops are now assisting the "government forces", it is because the Contact Group has, through the UNSC given it the green light. The war is clearly a war between the Somali people, who want a strong, stable and independent central government run by the Islamic Courts, and the "international community" who want the country subordinated to imperialist interests. The impression given by the news coverage of this fighting, which could indeed result in a regional conflagration, is that there are these inscrutable black people, some of them scary Muslims, who are inexplicably fighting one another over some obscure doctrinal disputes, while the West stands helplessly by. It is a chaotic story, in which facts aren't given any coherence. The Observer mentions the UNSC's "controversial" resolution, but displays no awareness of the significance of this, nor does it mention its previous revelations of mercenary involvement. It mentions that US policy could be viewed as "taking sides", but doesn't mention that this is because the US is in fact "taking sides". It mentions that the UNSC policy of supporting African troops to support the TFG is driven by the US, but then goes on to describe such troops as "foreign peacekeepers". The US is acting "controversially", but no one knows why. It supports "peacekeepers" who "take sides" but it is not clear if the US is in fact taking sides, and for what reasons. All is a muddle. Is this incoherence and confusion what liberal hacks mean by their insistence on "nuance"? link
  7. CIA with Ethiopia vs Somalia: another U.S. proxy war "The press must not be allowed to make this about Ethiopia, or Ethiopia violating the territorial integrity of Somalia,” The same violations as the US junta is guilty of in neighboring Sudan which still refuses an invasion by twenty-two-thousand (22.000) so called "peace keepers" THE LAWLESS US WITH ETHIOPIA IS VIOLATING THE TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY OF SOMALIA Henk Ruyssenaars - Ex Africa correspondent FPF - Dec. 27th 2006 - Today The New York Times in it's daily stream of propaganda confirms the support of the US junta's CIA for this new war against Somalia, another inhuman atrocity by the US using the usual and ******, worn out pretext: "American intelligence officials theorize that the Islamists, who wrested control of Mogadishu in June from a coalition of warlords supported by the Central Intelligence Agency, have ties to a Qaeda cell based in East Africa that is responsible for the bombings of the American Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998." And if that wasn't enough to enlarge the usual pack of lies by Washington: "A spokeswoman for the State Department, Janelle Hironimus, said Ethiopia was trying to stem the flow of outside arms shipments to the Islamists. Ms. Hironimus added that Washington was concerned about reports that the Islamists were using child soldiers and abusing Ethiopian prisoners of war." This is absolutely baloney, scare mongering propaganda. None of this is true of course but the US propaganda mill grinds on against better human judgement. THE PRESS MUST NOT BE ALLOWED... According to the New York Times: "On Tuesday, a day after an Ethiopian jet strafed the airport in Mogadishu, the capital, the State Department issued internal guidance to staff members, instructing officials to play down the invasion in public statements. “Should the press focus on the role of Ethiopia inside Somalia,” read a copy of the guidelines that was given to The New York Times by an American official here, “emphasize that this is a distraction from the issue of dialogue between the T.F.I.’s and Islamic courts and shift the focus back to the need for dialogue.” T.F.I. is an abbreviation for the weak transitional government in Somalia. “The press must not be allowed to make this about Ethiopia, or Ethiopia violating the territorial integrity of Somalia,” the guidance said.* The same violations as the US junta is guilty of in neighboring Sudan which still refuses an invasion by twenty-two-thousand (22.000) so called "peace keepers": an illegal occupation by heavily armed US/UN troops in oil rich Darfur to get the natural resources there. Also there the US junta makes the civil wars and other problems, nd then uses the by them run United Nations to solve it killing and drilling under a UN fig leaf of humanitarian help. ETHIOPIA HAS HAD THIS FALSE "HUMANITARIAN HELP" BY THE US, IT'S IMF, THE WORLD BANK, THE FAKE NGO'S AND SIMILAR KILLING AND ROBBING GROUPS FOR TEN YEARS: THE LIFE EXPECTANCY HAS BEEN LOWERED TO FORTY-FIVE (45) YEARS. WHICH HELP? THEY KILL PEOPLE DAILY AND BY THE MILLIONS! In a comment called Somalia in A Hole And Digging Faster, David Seaton writes: "If you thought Bush was going to "go quietly" you are in for another think. Perhaps Bush's only chance to avoid his own personal humiliation is to widen and deepen the crisis. He is looking at a level of failure, exposure to ridicule and universal repudiation that few human beings will ever have to face. Although he makes much of his Christianity he doesn't seem to cultivate the Christian virtues of meekness, humility, repentance and truthfulness. The failure of conspicuously Christian, Jimmy Carter's presidency is nothing beside Bush's and if I can't imagine Bush resigning himself to a lifetime of redemption through good works... is this a failure of my imagination? So be prepared for universal collapse, catastrophe and war. Bush is his own little apocalypse." DS* This is what via FPF was published yesterday: "US backed Ethiopia declares war on Somalia" - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/vtrwd "IN SOMALIA, A RECKLESS U.S. PROXY WAR." In a comment even published by the 'International Herald Tribune' Salim Lone writes from Nairobi about this new incredible breach of all laws* and decency by the US junta in the article: "Undeterred by the horrors and setbacks in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon, the Bush administration has opened another battlefront in the Muslim world. With full U.S. backing and military training, at least 15,000 Ethiopian troops have entered Somalia in an illegal war of aggression against the Union of Islamic Courts, which controls almost the entire south of the country. As with Iraq in 2003, the United States has cast this as a war to curtail terrorism, but its real goal is to obtain a direct foothold in a highly strategic region by establishing a client regime there. The Horn of Africa is newly oil-rich, and lies just miles from Saudi Arabia, overlooking the daily passage of large numbers of oil tankers and warships through the Red Sea. General John Abizaid, the current U.S. military chief of the Iraq war, was in Ethiopia this month, and President Hu Jintao of China visited Kenya, Sudan and Ethiopia earlier this year to pursue oil and trade agreements. The U.S. instigation of war between Ethiopia and Somalia, two of world's poorest countries already struggling with massive humanitarian disasters, is reckless in the extreme. Unlike in the run-up to Iraq, independent experts, including from the European Union, were united in warning that this war could destabilize the whole region even if America succeeds in its goal of toppling the Islamic Courts. THOUSANDS OF NEW ANTI-U.S. MILITANTS AND TERRORISTS An insurgency by Somalis, millions of whom live in Kenya and Ethiopia, will surely ensue, and attract thousands of new anti-U.S. militants and terrorists. With so much of the world convulsed by crisis, little attention has been paid to this unfolding disaster in the Horn. The UN Security Council, however, did take up the issue, and in another craven act which will further cement its reputation as an anti-Muslim body, bowed to American and British pressure to authorize a regional peacekeeping force to enter Somalia to protect the transitional government, which is fighting the Islamic Courts. The new UN resolution states that the world body acted to "restore peace and stability." But as all major international news organizations have reported, this year Somalia finally experienced its first respite from 16 years of utter lawlessness and terror at the hands of the marauding warlords who drove out UN peace keepers in 1993, when 18 American soldiers were killed. Since 1993, there had been no Security Council interest in sending peacekeepers to Somalia, but as peace and order took hold, a multilateral force was suddenly deemed necessary — because it was the Islamic Courts Union that had brought about this stability. Astonishingly, the Islamists had succeeded in defeating the warlords primarily through rallying people to their side by creating law and order through the application of Shariah law, which Somalis universally practice. DOMINATED BY THE WARLORDS AND TERRORISTS The transitional government, on the other hand, is dominated by the warlords and terrorists who drove out American forces in 1993. Organized in Kenya by U.S. regional allies, it is so completely devoid of internal support that it has turned to Somalia's arch- enemy, Ethiopia, for assistance. If this war continues, it will affect the whole region, do serious harm to U.S. interests and threaten Kenya, the only island of stability in this corner of Africa. Ethiopia is at even greater risk, as a dictatorship with little popular support and beset also by two large internal revolts, by the Western Somalis and Oromos. It is also mired in a conflict with Eritrea, which has denied it secure access to seaports. The best antidote to terrorism in Somalia is stability, which the Islamic Courts have provided. The Islamists have strong public support, which has grown in the face of U.S. and Ethiopian interventions. As in other Muslim-Western conflicts, the world needs to engage with the Islamists to secure peace. [andend] - 2006 The International Herald Tribune - Story Url.: http://iht.com/bin/print.php?id=4017649 [ September 21, 2010, 05:39 PM: Message edited by: Nur ]
  8. Sh Nuuroow, Ciddii IIMAAN u ehel ahayd, wajiyadooda way ka muuqatay maalmahan; cidaan IIMAAN u ehel ahayna, iyaga wajiyadooda way ka muuqataa maalmahan oo dhan.
  9. Collective repentance Dear brothers and sisters, let’s consult with each other so we may strengthen our Iman in Allah and steadfastness in our pursuance to please Him, seek his blessings and commit ourselves to His way. I put forward to you the collective repentance hypothesis, which if proved to be correct, will make easier for us to unite in patience and perseverance. This follows: If the best of all repentance is Hijrah and the best of all Hijrah is Jihad, then Jihad must be a collective repentance. If true, then, three conditions of repentance becomes necessary; a) regret, b) abandonment of the regretful action and c) vowing never to repeat. If we do not wish to go back to the days of anarchy, chaos and wrongdoing, then Jihad must continue for many years to come!
  10. A/C, Waa aanan fogayn qolooyinku way badnaayeen. Haddase, laba qolo kaliyata ayaa loo kala baxay: 1) Qolooyin ku midoobay Xaqqa iyo 2) qolooyin isku bahaystay baadilka Marka, su'aasha keliya ee na hortaala maanta waa: Qoladee nahay? Ma Reer Xaqq mise Reer Baadil? Anigu waxaan ahay, Ilaahay mahaddii, Reer Xaqq; dad fara badan oo aanan ogayn inaan isku qolo nahay ayaan ogaaday maalmahan dambe waana la saaxiibay:). Kuwo kale oon moodi jiray inaan isku qolo nayayna, markaan ogaaday in aanan ahayn waan la colloobay :mad Yaa sidaydoo kale dad kula saaxiibay Xaqq, kuwo kalena kula colloobay Baadil? Mise waa kaligay?
  11. In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful Believers! Fear Allah as you rightly should, and do not allow death to overtake you before you have surrendered yourselves truly to Him. Hold fast, all of you together, to the bond with Allah and do not be disunited. And remember the blessings Allah has bestowed on you: how, when you were enemies (to one another) He united your hearts and, by His grace, you have become brothers; and how, when you were on the brink of an abyss of fire. He saved you from it. Thus Allah makes clear His revelations to you, so that you may be rightly guided. (The House of Imran, "Al Imran": 3: 102-3) Commentary by Sayyid Qutb Translation: A. A. Salahi and S. A. Shamsi Structure of Muslim Community Our commentary over the last two issues was devoted to the two verses preceding the present passage. These included a stern warning to the believers not to listen to the people of earlier revelation or accept any guidance from them in matters of faith. The warning ran as follows: Believers! If you pay heed to some of those who have been given revelation, they will cause you to renounce the truth after you have accepted the faith. But how can you sink into disbelief when Allah’s revelations are being recited to you and His messenger is in your midst? He who holds fast to Allah has already been guided along a straight path. Allah follows this warning with an address to the Muslim community, directing it to the fact that it cannot hope to implement the Islamic way of life or to fulfil the great trust. Allah has placed on it and made its fulfilment the goal of its existence, unless it acquires the two basic qualities of faith and brotherhood the Muslim community acquires its strength and becomes able to play its role in human life and history, namely, the role of enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong. In other words, it promotes every good thing in human life and purges it from every evil. These are the two pillars upon which the structure of the Muslim community is built. If either of them collapses, the very existence of the community is undermined, and its great role comes to nothing. The first pillar is that of faith and fear of Allah. It is only through such fear that man can fulfil his duties towards Allah because it makes man always alert. He does not lose sight of his duty for a moment of day or night. Fear of Allah Believers! Fear Allah as you rightly should. This command is given in such general terms in order to heighten its effect. It thus makes the believer keen to achieve this goal for fearing Allah as He should rightly be feared, according to man’s understanding and ability. This is a road which attracts man more and more as he walks further and further. The nearer he draws to Allah through fearing Him, the higher the goal he sets for himself. He will continuously try to achieve a greater position, so as to make his heart always alert, never asleep. Surrender to Allah Do not allow death to overtake you before you have surrendered yourselves truly to Him. Death is beyond the reach of our knowledge. No man can be certain when death will overtake him. Hence, if anyone wants to die a Muslim, in the full sense of the word, he must surrender himself to Allah right here and now. He must also abide by the requirements of this surrender all the time. The fact that Islam is mentioned after the command to have fear of Allah points to its wider sense and implications: total submission to Allah, complete obedience and implementation of His method and making His Book the final arbiter in all affairs. This is the meaning which pervades the whole Surah and all its verses. This is the first pillar of Iman (Faith). Without it, no human grouping can be described as Islamic. No divine method of life can come into operation in any community. There will be only ignorant methods and ignorant leadership of man. In such a situation the rightly-guided Islamic leadership does not come into existence. Bond of Brotherhood The other pillar is the bond of brotherhood, based on the love of Allah and the implementation of His method: Hold fast, all of you together, to the bond with Allah and do not be disunited. And remember the blessings Allah has bestowed on you; how, when you were enemies (to one another) He united your hearts and, by His grace, you have become brothers. It’s brotherhood which has its roots in the fear of Allah and surrendering to Him. In other words, it is derived from the first pillar. Its cornerstone is to hold fast to the bond with Allah, that is, the fulfilment of His commands and the implementation of His law. It cannot have any other basis, concept, goal or bond. Hold fast, all of you together, to the bond with Allah and do not be disunited. This brotherhood which holds fast to a strong bond with Allah is a blessing with which Allah has favoured the first Muslim community. It is a blessing which Allah always grants to those of His servants whom He loves. He reminds the first Muslim community here of this blessing, recalling first how enmity was rife among them in their pre-Islamic days. No enmity was fiercer than that which existed between the Aws and the Khazraj, the two Arab tribes in Yathrib, the city which came to be called Madinah. Alongside them lived the Jews who were always trying to perpetuate this hostility in order to weaken both tribes and destroy all ties between them. It is in such an atmosphere of hatred that the Jews work and flourish. Allah, however, united the hearts of both Arab tribes with the tie of Islam. It is only through Islam that such mutually hostile hearts could be united. It was only through the bond of Allah to which all can hold fast that they could become, by Allah’s grace, brothers. Historical grudges, killings of vengeance, personal ambitions and racial ties would be reduced into significance when compared to the bond of brotherhood which unites all under the banner of Allah, the Almighty: And remember the blessings Allah has bestowed on you: how, when you were enemies (to one another) He united your hearts and, by His grace, you have become brothers. Hearts United He also reminds them of His grace in the form of saving them from fire after they were about to fall in it. He has saved them when he guided them to hold fast to the bond of Allah, i.e. the first pillar, and when he united their hearts so that they became brothers, i.e. the second pillar: When you were on the brink of an abyss of fire. He saved you from it. We note here that the Qur’an refers to man’s heart which is the centre of feelings and bonds. It does not say: “He united you.” It refers to their deeply-seated feelings: He united your hearts. Their hearts are thus described as a solid group, united by Allah on the basis of His convenant. We also have here a vivid description of their hearts: You were on the brink of an abyss of fire. At the very moment when the fall into the abyss is expected, those hearts feel Allah’s hand as it reaches and saves them. They feel Allah’s bond stretched to them in order to protect them. We find them saved after being exposed to a great danger. It is a very vivid, heart-touching scene which is raised before our eyes despite the lapse of many centuries. Allah has simply made His revelations clear to them. The final comment on the second of our present two verses applies to them fully: Thus Allah makes clear His revelations to you, so that you may be rightly guided.
  12. ^^Tell me who you consider to be a legitimate sheikh and I'll tell who I consider legitimate sheikhas.
  13. Suufiyiin calooshood ushaqaystayaal ah oo si fiican loo yaqaano waxay yihiin miyaad hadda moodaysaan inaad erreyadooda dadka ku siri kartaan? Waxaan kuu aqaanaa kuwo u' duceeyo ciidama Tigreega markasta oo ay dagaal damcaan inay ku qaadaan Muslimiinta, oo wax cusub ma'aha. Waxa kaliya ee sanadadan cusub ayaa ah magaca maqaar-saarka laga dhigtay ee ah Ahlu Sunna Wal-Jamaacah, iyagoo ooga dhow magaca ah Ahlu Shirki Wal-Tafarruq!
  14. Is there a way we can take these habashes of the forum? Conversing in Af-Soomaali would be the first step
  15. Thanks for pointing that out to us Sh Nur. In my understanding, the motive of intend in the quoted verse is not disclosing subsequent activity, only the apparent or hidden nature of the motive concerning given activity; and Allah always forgives whom He wishes, and punishes whom He wishes. I was specifically referring to the saying of the prophet (peace be upon him): "Allah has forgiven my Ummah for thoughts that cross their minds, as long as they do not speak or act upon" What's your opinion and can both narrations be reconciled in that matter?
  16. When I came to a file marked "Lustful Thoughts", I felt a chill run through my body. I pulled the file out only an inch, not willing to test its size, and drew out a card. I shuddered at its detailed content. I felt sick to think that such a moment had been recorded. All our hidden evil thoughts that never come to act are forgiven by the Grace of Allah (swt): No recording of such courtesy exist, hopefully, one worry less.
  17. S.O.S


    Birlab weeye diinteennu bilic, bad iyo miisaane. Ballantaan Ilaah kula galniyo, badiya Qowlkiisa. Anaa badan anaa beel u wacan, biyo Shariifeed'a. Haku jabin baliidnimo adduun, birimo sheydaane. I like the above lines as well. When we deal in valuables, no sane human being would expect to have it free; it should naturally be exchanged for a worthy price. Allah endowed us with His Mercy when He guided us and made us Muslims, as Islam our way: Faith –the most valuable possession in this world. Yet, we think it's free! :confused:
  18. S.O.S


    Abwaan: Maxamed Cabdiqaadir Daauud [stanza]. Gabay: Bil Ramadaan. 8/10/2005 [M]. 5/9/1926 [H]. Inkastoon bariyo sheekh aheyn, boorte laga yaabay. Hayeeshee burhaan baa jirtiyo, Eebbe bixintiiye. Gabyaa baarisaan ahay haddaan, lay bakhshiisheyne. Ha barteen ninkaan ahay bulshadu, hana bacleeleene. Bulshooy soon barbaartaay tukada, waa bil Ramadaane. Baryadiyo Quraankana badshaay, baababkaa furane. Baaddilkiyo xummaha beylahaay, baliyo waa jaane. Masaajiidda buuxshaay dadyahow, baratan weeyaane. Bishan waa bishuu Eebbe qiray, barakadeediiye. Waa bisheey Baqriyo soo dageen, Bariyo Yaasiine. Habeen baaxad weyn baa jiree, badiya soo jeedka. Boqolaal bilood iyo uluuf, bari wax sii dheere. Birlab weeye diinteennu bilic, bad iyo miisaane. Ballantaan Ilaah kula galniyo, badiya Qowlkiisa. Anaa badan anaa beel u wacan, biyo Shariifeed'a. Haku jabin baliidnimo adduun, birimo sheydaane. Bulshooy soon barbaartaay tukada, waa bil Ramadaane. Beytullaahigaa weyn tagoo, boorka ka afuufa. Taraawiixda beegsado camira, baraha liibaanta. Xanta buusa beentiyo laqwigoo, fura burhaantiinna. Bismillaahi baan leennihiyo, Eebboow nagu beege. Barya oo Ilaah caabudoo, baraka weydiista. U bislaada diinteennan bilan, een barxamin jeerne. Balwaddana illaawoo ka taga, baal isaga tuura. Bilaash laguma hela kheyr ninkii, baafinahayoowe. Waa inaad Bukhaariga cabtood, diinta barataaye. Waa inaad kun baal iyo kun beyd, beerka galisaaye. Waa inaad buxuur iyo ku tahay, baraha diiwaane. Bilaash diintu nooguma imaan, bagiyo dheeldheele. Balaayiin shihiid baa jiroo, loo bud-dhigay jeere. Beerkii rag baa loo cunoo, bari u moodeene. Badar iyo wixii Uxud ka dhacay, barate shaalleeye. Barqo kulul markii lays helee, balawgu yoohaamay. Bir cartammi yagoor baalan iyo, waramo boobaa'a. Gammaan booda seef baaxad weyn, laysku beerqaadye. Boorrintii Rasuulkaba markii, kuman la baandheeyay. [NNKH]. Kun bireysan kumanyaal baqdiyo, kuman la soo boobay. Iyo qaar bartii lagu qabtoo, beerka laga laaday. Birjeex iyo nin geesiya markuu, boqol nin shaandheeyay. Ma baqeyn asxaabtuye, markey bari ku ruux-weyday. Markuu baratankii weerarkaba, baraha maansheeyay. Goortuu rag badan dhiig-bexee, biyo ku eedaaday. Beynaadku goortuu qoslee, laysku wada boobay. Billaawaha markii lays daree, beyda lays gooyay. Ka baal iyo ka baal iyo ka baal, boorku ka habaasye. Naftii-hure bareeriyo shihiid, biri-ma-laabteen'a. Goortuu kufriga baangad iyo, burar ku liishaamay. Inta baal ku duushiyo markuu, Galow baroordiiqay. Kuwi buurta joogeen markuu, faraxu baasheeyay. Oo ay butaacaha jabsheen, qanimo baal-raaca. Barti shuhaddadeey kaga tageen, baabah laga yeelye. Baladaa khilaafkaa dhigiyo, ballanbaxoodiiye. Birmadkii markuu soo mirkecee, baarka lays taabtay. Bir haliili booddiyo fallaar, laysku beerdooxye. Bayuur bey kufrigu laaqimeen, oo la baabi'ie. Waa key bastood wada noqdeen, ee la baacsaday'e. Hadba bari wixii lagu hardamo, gooba barakeysan. Dagaal lagu baduuqmiyo, waxeey geeri badataaba. Hadba guluf wuxuu soo boxoo, lababogleeyaaba. Faltankii Wallaan lagaga badin, binu-xammaastiie. Intaa kuu bayaanshaye ku baro, budulka taariikhda. Baroosimaha suugaantu waa, been la dirirkeede. Barrin weeye gabaygoo war waa, biyo xariireede. Ma bisleeyay maansada xaqaa, lagu bacriinshaae. Gaaladoo balaayiin ohoo, joogta baladkoo dhan. Bagaan iyo nimaan diin laheyn, uu arligu booxo. Ayeey geesiyaal soo bexeen, beylahtirayaale. Addin yaa Bilaal baa la yidhi, barigi kheyraade. [AKR]. Bilaash diintu nooguma imaan, bagiyo dheeldheele. Bir afkeed ayaa lagu alkumay, bilic wanaageeye. Kun baa boqonta loo heeray, iyo geesiyaal badane. Sumayaa bareer loogu dilay, baratankeediie. [AKR]. Sayid Cali markuu soo bexee, loogu bogay diinta. [AKR]. Wajigiisa baas lama tusoo, nuur ha buuxiyoe. Soodhkiisi goortuu la baxay, looga kala beydhye. Balaw buu fuley oo dhan yidhi, binu-ibliiskiie. Birmadkiyo dhibkuba wuu badnaa, lays barruujaae. Asxaabtuba marbey beegsadeen, balad Xabuushaade. Boqranoow Rasuulkiyo Saddiiq, bohol ku dhuunteene. [AKR-L]. Rabbi baa badbaadshaye kufrigu, biri ma seejeene. Nabigii Ilaah uu boqree, boorrin jiray diinta. [NNKH]. Wadku baaqan maayee haddii, uu bud galay maanta. Inaan baranna diintaa habboon, oon ka boganaaye. Waa inaan bartuu maray waqeen, beegsannaa abide. Source: Somaliwide +
  19. ...one of the maney we'll have to put up with Craig Murray's insights Article from Muslim News Must-see blogspot (don't miss the intro-video)
  20. But to be silent about Court’s obvious mishaps defeats the purpose of our declared support. Brother Xiinfaniin, to criticise the court at this critical stage equates to oppose its inherent nature, for you can only share a platform with those who oppose its holistic mission: Agree we must; there are too few jump-wagons here! When the time is right and there are polarised opinions within the camp of this socio-revolutional movement, and we have one force triumphing over all other socially ill-thought forces, then criticism will undoubtedly serve some purpose. But according to my understanding, all criticism voiced at present serves nothing other that undermining or giving ammunition those who are ideologically opposed to the courts. So let those who are able and in a position, to privately express people's concerns about the direction and the future of our country to the courtsïƒ DO SO
  21. Unfortunately, our sisters always fail to utilise their full rights completely. On the aspect of finding the right man, it's the responsibility of the family and relatives of the sister, and to be precise, it's the sole responsibility of her mahrems to find her a suitable husband. All she has to do is ask, make her conditions known and be mentally prepared for it. Very simple!
  22. Dear brother Xiinfaniin, criticism must wait I insist! The only reason I put forward the strategic route argument was to show that there could be justified reasoning in the court's choices to prioritise their options in a manner, seemingly unwise to some of our commonly held viewpoints. It doesn't mean that (given what I know so far) I agree with them totally on this, but I understand that UIC's proclaimed noble causes is only human in its implementation, and what they deserve from men of understanding like you is advise and whatever tactical aid you're able to provide, and not (yet) public disproval of their (arguably) minor misjudgements, assuming you're correct on this one. To be more precise and clear, it's absolutely neither UIC's objectives nor in their interest to pursue with their adopted mission in places or areas where there're relative stability or functioning administrations. For that reason Puntland is off limits, so don't expect any military confrontation soon. It's also about securing stronger bargaining position when the Khartoum talks resume, because a negotiated peace settlement is the ultimate way forward as things stand at the moment (in line with the advices bombarded with them from all over the world by wise and competent individuals) giving in to the wishes of the people. The south could easily be sorted out as soon as the conditions are right. When I feel the conditions are right, believe me my dear brother, I'll be the first one to publicly demand end to all opportune commitments and voice my concerns regarding the neglected communities. I hope that'll help ease your sentiments; as Im too open-minded with regards to this uncertain art of state-craft
  23. Before the court rise, where all these pationated poeple have been? Disenfranchised by warlordism and dirty clan-politics, were you not yourself or were you eager participant? If we are all football-fans –including you, our great poet Timacade (Allah ha u naxariistee) did all the chanting for us back in 1967 when he said: Dugsi ma leh qabyaaladi, waxay dumiso mooyaane Hadaynaan xumaantiyo, dilkiyo daynin kala-qaatka Dibaddaan ka joognaa sharciga, daacadda Ilaahe Danbarkeedu waa Jahannabiyo, dogobkii naareede
  24. As usual, the Muslim Council of Briton and others are no fans of self-examination and reflection. Instead, they would rather lay the blame somewhere else! I've seen few other self-hating-Muslims expressing this very point! Interesting.
  25. Brother Xiinfaniin, I know that you are a man of understanding, and am very glad that we are principally on the same side whatever tactical differences; I talk war and you talk politics! Elaborating more on the significance of Galkacyo-route from military perspective is, if you know the most likely point of entry of your enemy, which, as you correctly noted would be Gedo/Bay region like they have done before and continue to do still, you cannot but be obliged to react. Depending on whatever situation one finds oneself in, in terms of strength in manpower and firepower, one has to confront either by attacking, trapping or distracting. Thus controlling this strategic route serves potentially the following: a) to distract the Ethiopian military planners since this route parallels with the provisional Ethiopian border, it means the courts could easily crossover into Ethiopian "territories" and attack them elsewhere, so the intensity and strategic focus of Ethiopia's military apparatus would severely be compromised by their necessary spread along the very long Ethio-Somali "border" (at least as far Gaalkacyo), b) this will also serve to isolate the TFG by cutting off all access from Puntland, which should protect them domestically from other undermining irregularities and hence strengthen the position of the courts. Therefore the situation as it is today dictates the current short-term oriented "women and children first" approach, but I've heard the courts are very inceptive in the sense that the lack of historic precedence (of a project of this kind) makes endeavours like this more likely. Criticism must wait I say; we all are required to cooperate, pray and play the midwife role to secure justice and stable future. w/c