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Everything posted by Daandurreey

  1. lool. These are moderates sheeq shareef supporters. maybe ahlu sunnah. hahehahe lool@halaal disco.
  2. duqa, why should one group disgust and the other intrigue you? they are all in the same line of business as far as Islam is concerned. isku qabiil maa tihiin. hehaheha these girls are doing what iman, k'naan and sugar rush do. no difference. they are all profiting from things that Islam discourages. As muslims, we have rules in this world and we should stick to them and avoid haraam business. these girls are running Haraam business just like others i mentioned. wareerka maxaa waaye?
  3. Why is ethiopia invading if 1. its territory is not attacked 2. shareef is not asking for its support. It is either one of them ciyaalkiinaan. We know #1 is not true because nobody attacked ethiopia. The only conclusion is that sheeq shareef asked for it. shareef is the biggest hypocrite this nation has ever produced. atleast yeey was honest and upfront about his ethiopian friends. this shareef stupido is just useless. ilaaheey ummado hako qabto ninkaan.
  4. johhny, it is not my fault you got your numbers totally messed up walaalkiis. nothing you say now will save you sheeq. everyone saw your poopoo maahinoo. buddy, be a good sport and say you thought 0.833 was greater than 1. looooooooool waa ku cafinaa. maskiin aa taheey.
  5. so after the sheeq shareef herd misunderstood the map initially, now their supporters are comming to the rescue making fun of the whole idea of this thread as if it matters. look at RR and Inspectors initial comments. loooooool. one would think these guys are as dumb as a rock. they thought the map was telling them the opposite. looooooooooooooooooo ool ibtisam, adiga you don't make any sense at all. if all of africa is a dark continent, but we say country x is in the best shape when it comes to progress (or in this case food supply), shouldn't we say "ilaaheey ha u siyaadiyo" and perhabs try to work on that even more? you are attacking people for saying "manshalah" as if you wanted that region also to join the rest. do you even know the meaning of "manshalah"? looooooooooool. you are not very bright are you? my god. there is a reason why puntland is in a better shape as far as food supply is concerned maaahinoo. if that irritated you (you seeem to pop up whenever puntland is mentioned) tough luck abaayo. nothing your cries online can do. simple ALERT is much better than VERY CRITICAL. I will take it anytime.
  6. brilliant johhny, your reply is needed on another post.
  7. johhny, you are busted. you are not good with math, are you? don't try to make excuses now. hahehahe sheeq shareef supporters are not good with math or logic. Yesterday they also misuderstood what this map was saying loooooooooooool. hehaheha.
  8. Originally posted by Recovering-Romantics : Correction: Yeey had 30 thousand Ethiopian troops. so you are saying if Shareef get 20K more AMISOM troops (he already has 10K) Hodan will be shelled and captured. ok. you are becoming more confused by your clanish worship of sheeq hotel. loool.
  9. Originally posted by Recovering-Romantics : Why am I surprised that the person who's entire wold-view is based on "clan is everything," is once again making clan insinuations? [/QB] adiga iska aamus ceebtaada. if you take a quick poll on somalionlin, almost everyone will tell you that confused RR is more clanist and hateful than NGOGNE will ever be. loool. and he is not a moron. that is a big difference. long live M society. hahehahe
  10. oh my god. so shareef never even had Hodan in the first place? waxeen run miyaa? that is even less than the area yeey controlled with his boys from puntland. shareef is is just done. finished.
  11. Originally posted by NGONGE: Heh@the less said the better No self awareness whatsoever! looooooooooooooooooo oooooooooool. i guess self awareness is for normal people. waxaan oo kaleeto aa maanto dhan necnec ka dhex wado forumka. no shame whatsoever for being clanish hururfle.
  12. maxruufe, your question are easy. Did Shariifka or his government start this latest round of fighting in Xamar? yes. shareef refused amisom occupiers to leave. he told shabaab "saaxiibyaaasheen waaye" AMISOM. shareef tried to assassinate al-shabaab commander. shareef spied for the US in nairobi. he gave lots of information to the interrogators. Did Shariifka not countless times sought and called a peaceful end of this quagmire of ours and who refused to heed his call, to even meet with him? shareef told the resistance he can't give them any high positions because they are in terrorist lists. he is worshipping the international community instead of being courageous. he is a coward who fears Ethiopian run AU and America. Walad Cabdalla aa meesha run gareeyo. Did Shariifka and his government facilitate by accepting and implementing shareecada in lagu dhaqmo, who was against that and still started this latest displacement in Xamar? It was a fake shareecah. his prime minister went on national television and told the world this is not real shareecah. it is not what the name says he said. it was also little disingenuous on his part to try to pull that trick. somalis didn't buy it. He was begging them to stop the fight publically and talk face to face on anywhere. On BBC Soomaali. And his opponents thought he was in a weak position and laughed at his peaceful offer, was that not what a leadership was required from? shareef doesn't need to go on tv to talk to resistance. this was an appeal for more money and to show the world he is interested in talking. he is more concerned with his own interests. EU, AUa and AMERICA is the target. more money is all he wants maahinoo? he is reer-baadiye oo kursi la fariisiyee. wax uu garanaayo aabo iska yar. And what exactly did you want him to do? Sit in his Filla Soomaaliya and wait the daily bombardment and do nothing? That is what Yeey used to say also. they attacked him in baidoa, jowhar, and everywhere he went. his supporters used to argue the same way. no difference. just a different guy from a different clan.
  13. ^^one of these days everyone on SOL will look at you like a moron. loool. shariif didn't kick ethiopians or anyone out of somalia. "the powers that be" decided it was time for change after al-shabaab and other fighters kept up the pressure on former goverment. sheeq shariif was in Nairobi spying for the US when these guys were fighting. soon the same authority will decide to change useless shariif because he is a failure. just watch it. I give them months. hehaheha. don't make a fool out of yourself with that "agreement" nonsense.
  14. ^^ shabeel, did i hit a raw nerve. Duke ma ka cabsanee. looool. wuu kuu imaanaa madaxuuna kaa garaacaa if he sees you making ****** mistakes like these. hehe hehe hehe ok seriously, you are just not the brightest bulb in the box here. you have hard time comprehending your own arguments. lool here you are arguing the occupiers number is not 10K but 3K. do you not see your own stupdity? I don't care if the occupiers are 200. it is a silly debate to be having maahinoo? wah. duqaan wareersan yaa wax fahamsiiyo.
  15. dowladaan waxeey ka dhamaan ladahey road iyo building aa qabsaneey. aawey dowladii ummada developement u sameen laheed oo reconcilliation keeni laheed. if this goverment thinks they will keep capturing roads till yoomal qiyaame, then tan doolad maaho ee waa lagu qasaarey. ummadaan dhibaateesan wax ma u soo socdaan. Ilaahayoww.
  16. excellent point. how long was shariif involved in the mogadishu wars and civilian displacements?. it shows this man is a natural warlord and i don't know how Amisomites rationalize their support for this incompetent man. dadkaan wee wareersan yihiin.
  17. ^shabeel you are still not making sense. the same paralel can be used that those who were against the old TFG are now supporting the same oppressive warlord filled illegitimate goverment shelling civilians with AMISOM tanks. Occupation is occupation my friend. look around the forum and tell me if the Amisomites of today are not just like Yusufites of the past. same argument. same rationalization. also amisom has 10,000. Ethiopia had 30,000. Are we now arguing which occupier has more troops on the ground. saan mee sheekadii gaartay shabeel? I suggest you learn from Duke and others on how to put out a good argument. loool.
  18. SOL Amisomites are a bunch of braindeads. look who they support now. - amisom occupation - selling of kismayo coast to kenya - killing of civilians by AMISOM shelling - ethiopian occupation of hiiraan - warlord maxamed dheer, qaybdiid running things - NGO and antarnashanal komyuuniti holding us hostage again what is their true cause? Worshipping personality (shareef)? dadkaan maba fekerooyaan. how is that support different from those who loved Yeey despite all his mistakes? they are the only confused bunch ee ani ila tahay.
  19. Originally posted by Daandurreey: Originally posted by Geel_jire: Norf sxb, what on earth has reduced you to this level ? Are you seriously arguing that because AMISOM hasn’t killed quite as many innocent civilians as the Ethiopians that they are not as bad? caqli ma jiro hee. norf maahinoo. on the other thread paragon is arguing with people over the death being 10 instead of 12. inaa lilaah. Amisomites maskax maleh. we are arguing shariif didn't kill 12 but the exact number he killed is 10 instead. Amisomites are a bunch of braindeads.
  20. ^ shabeel, more like you should learn who to write coherent statements. what doesn't support for alshabaab or lack thereof have to do with being against shareef tfg now? shareef is judged on his record maahinoo? he failed. Originally posted by General Duke: Xiin, if I am confused you must be insane. loooooooool. alla qosol badanaa. xiin's heart is good but he is just the most confused now.
  21. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ ANY, saaxib, ANY. What exactly has he done? Choose a Prime Minster that hardly speaks? Come up with the occasional faux pas? shariif is a failure. sad people are defending this man because he serves their clan or personal ego interests. yeey didn't succeed because of this same story. insurgency attacks --> foriegn troops defend --> civilians die --> opposition complains --> media talks --> everyone gives up on the goverment. hehe hehe. Karma is a biatch maahinoo. dowladiidkii hore oo dhan sheeko la mid ah maheesatoo. hadii dowlad dhisid laga wada sheqeen lahaay, waxaan oo dhan waa laga weenaan lahaa. somalia is a tool for NGO's, clan interest and personal egos. wax kaleeto meesha ma yaalo.
  22. Originally posted by Sherban Shabeel: But for the life of me, I will never understand people who were against Shabaab back in the day and who are against Shariif now. That's just being confused. you are the most confused guy on sol. you don't make sense aboowe. shariif was never Al-shabaab and that means a new guy will be either hated or supported based on his own record and not on someone else's record. so far shareef failed the somali people. Shariif left ICU ship to set up shop next to meles and AMISOM. he lost confidence of somali people maahinoo? he doesn't have support he used to have among somalis now. all wasted which is sad. maxaa loo taageeraa hidii meles saxiib noqdeen? wah. qasab miyaa? al-shabaab didn't change. still the same. still hate foriegn troops. still fighting for somali independence. iyaga lee difaacaayo dalkeena runta hedii la sheego.