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Everything posted by rudy-Diiriye

  1. what u saying dont make no sense homie! snm did a brave thing, librated their land and let the political process do the rest. only somali place where different clans share power. somaliland is a good example to rest of somalis if u talk about sharing power.
  2. well the truth is that xamar has been reduced to dirt. no more standing buildings and 10s of thousands of ppl had been wipped out...! so i wanna ask tfg? why... do u kill our ppl. does it worth?..human criminal investigations should start soon. these ppl are nothing but war wongers.. they need to pay for this with heavy price.!!
  3. if it was any other women, sista i would have gone bullistic!! since its u...i would say... bow bow..! i repent...plz forgive me.. lool. i always try to do what a lady tells me to do.. only fools cross ladies power. not me though. remember the magic word here is ladies.... there r other definition words for the ones i dont respect. u get the point. i get the fealing that i am not well liked in down under!! is it that i bad mouth kangroos!! just wondering. peace be with u all down under including the kangroos.
  4. thats what bad leaders do! but why hold that red flag till thy king come!! why not go 4 the big price.. like go to the top of the mountain where u can see everything... that aint bad! its all good. it beats being at the side of naaso hablood mt and just having a limit vision!! lool. dont it.
  5. both yeey n riyaale are puppets and nothing more. amxaarow marching all the way to xamar has never happened in the history of somali ppl. the output of this, is misery and death to many innocent somali ppl. when i was in elementary, i learned one important lesson from one my classes. which is if your divided u fall but if your are together, u remain strong and defeat your enemy! see whats happening now! u get my point.
  6. good stuff warrior..! u ppl in europe have great opportunties... this beats getting wasted in those chaad mafrish rooms for sure. good stuff homie. keep it up.
  7. this is the lowest form of manhood period...! whether its a wife/husband, son/daugther or any one else..talibian shyte is over!! those guys were punch of guys who just wanned to beat up women cuz they couldnt get laid! lool. nobody should hit no 1... u get it. or shall i smack u on the head!!
  8. u right on the money, dead man tells no lies!! i petty tfg cheerleaders! who is gonna be giving them free skirts n boom booms when tfg moves to adis.lool.
  9. Originally posted by Kimiya: Some would argue that there’s a certain amount of risk associated with sharing ones photos, esp. where Faaraxs have access. :rolleyes: Whatever happened maintaining trust and respecting others? Faaraxs are a weird bunch, walah! faraax is your lest worry there sweetie. when u put anything on the net, its a public domain. only way to get it back, is to get a lawyer and sue the site. but then again, 99% of these pics are provided by the owners! so dont blame faaraxs for your missups.
  10. the indiscriminate shelling of amxaaro is not excusable nor will be forgotten. usually, civilian become targets when puppet leaders become desparate and reach for their anal instincts. this is the case in xamar. PPL UPRISING is taking place. this brave ppl have nothing to lose, their defending their land and homes. the invaders will pay a have price 2.
  11. waakana firino!! matag lee u soo wadaa! yo dukie when u gonna learn home boy, this jig up!! u r flirting with dead man...! u wasting your time.
  12. ppl u need to get up and standup... no need to crawl into a corner like lil puddy cat and just meeow..namean.. cuz if u dont, nobody else will. its time to do your part, call your news ppl and Rep/congress ppl and let them hear your voice. show that fligt 13 back bone is still alive n strong.
  13. typical xalimo, no one knows what they want... if i was a betting man.. i would bet here next husband will be a foreigner! loool. but i aint.
  14. Originally posted by Intuition: Aaaah, I needed to get that off my chest. salamz u said it there!! i just repeated it... nothing more.
  15. rudy-Diiriye


    some xalimoos are just getting on my nerves these days...! hey hey...u better watch yall.
  16. waar is dhaafa!! ma gaabdow baa tihiin oo waa iso ureysaan!! this what my dad use to tell us when my brothas fight...! and we use to just freeze. this war was the most stupidest war that ever happend. i guess somali lifes aint worth selig these days. Blame it on really bad leaders.
  17. say bilaal...! i just cant understand u and afkaabo in the same boat!! lool. i hope u hid your life jacket. cuz that homie aint got no life jacket with him. hes clueless. :confused:
  18. veeri naays chest!! tell me who is making good sense these days! we living in a world of moran sense these days!! join the club.
  19. lil tribal suckers still doing the cry me a wolf..! u know wolfs wear a lot of different clothings..! it was a war! i really dont have no sympathy for some one who invades n gets killed some where else which is not their homeland...! everyone should have to right to defend his homeland period..!
  20. be like rudy!! u haunt the boss, then azz kizzer n the likes dont come in your way cuz they do what boss tells them to do...! but make sure the women are in your corner..special your boss's wife!! u dont have even take her to lunch...just email her and invite her to lunch and then say...sorry something came up and i cant do it!! its the thought that counts for ladies mostly...u dig! lool otherwise, u be toast. yo, u gotta hit the boss where it hearts most..! lool. its about strategy if the boss is a lady...u r sol...! shyte outta of luck. the only boss who fired me was a lady boss!! :confused:
  21. are u ppl watching america at cross roads! last one is tomorrow nite... plz watched at tvs. its kol. 2 nite they had irshat n ayaan! very deep program. i gave it thumbs up.
  22. i kinda quit xalimos these days! they aint happening! only thang xalimoo wants these days is 20k wedding and then leave u homeless! u wanna do that! go ahead, make her day...! do what i did... tell her to pay for her wedding. she wants it, she should pay for it period. peace. american guys dont pay for it... the gals family pays for it!! veeeri neeys.
  23. jose caydeed open his mouth again!! talk about being famous for putting your foot in your mouth 24/7! i need to get name for this homie..! well afkaabo should be his name!!
  24. sanaag!! there is no sanaag live with it!! its was something created by siyad bare. its part of somaliland. :confused:
  25. may be he should go and see a dentist first!! how is he gonna see who hes appointing with them gano daadeer!! jeez. can u say get me a dentist?? ;(