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waa waqti aad iyo aad ugu haboon, inay ka soo degaan geedka gaaban ee ay mudada badan saaran yihiin,sababta oo ah waxaynu nahay sidii Qof mayd u yaalo,qof mayd u yaalaana fadhi uma eka balse waa inuu u xaydtaa qiima kasta oo ay ku kacayso,iyo raadin xoog kasta uu ku aasto maydka u yaala. Waxaan og soon nahay midnimo la diidaa inay dad keena iyo dalkeena Somaali Galbeed dib u sii ridayso,jabhado badan oo abuurmaa waxay dhaawac badan u leeyihiin xoriyada dhulkeena, iyo is raaca dad keena,waxan sidaa u leeyahay in dhaw garatada O.N.L.F ayaa halhays ka dhigta,hadii aadan taageersanayn O.N.L.F samayso Jabhad oo dhinacaga ka dagaalan,xageen ka dagaalamaa ,ma laba dal baa jira hal baan ogaa Ethiopia haysato? dooda kale ee in dhaw garatada O.N.L.F ay ku doodaan ayaa waxay tahay,magacan anagu dhulka uma aanan bixin ee istic maar ayaa bixiyey ,sidaa daraadeed hadan is tic maalo magaceeena SOOMALI GALBEED waxay Qadiyada noqonaysaa dhibaato dhex taala Jamhuuriyada Soomali iyo Ethiopia, sidaa daraadeed waa inaad samaysataa Jabhad ood dhinacaga ka dagaalantaa. Ma laba dalbaa jira hal dal baan ogaa oo Ethiopia haysato ? waa nasiib daro mana dagaalami karo qof aan u bislayn is raacinta dadkisa, nimaan diyaar u ahayn inuu wax ka tago si wax ugu hagaagan ,halkaan waxaa inooga soo baxaya in kuwa u ololaynaya O.N.L.F aanay diyaar u ahayn inay xoroobaan balse ay carqalad ku yihiin xoriyada Soomaali Galbeed,umad kasta oo u dagaalanta xoriyadeeda waxay diidaan magaca uu is ticmaar ugu yeedho waxay ku doodan magacooda,iyo meesha ay ku yaalaan,hal kan kuma kobi karo balse aan tusale yar idinku soo qaado dhulka inogu dhaw anoon idin fogayn ,wadan ay nu walaalo dhaba nahay ,ayuu isticmaarkii fransiisku u bixiyey COTE SOMALI FRENCAIS xeebta soomaliyeed ee fransiiska, mudoka dib 1967 ayuu ogaaday in magacani aanu u adeegayn mas laxadisa sidaa daraadeed ayuu u bixiyey FRENCH TERRITORY OF AFARS AND ISSAS la soco jabhadii markaa la dagaalamaysay fransiiska waxaa la oran jiray SOMALI COAST LIBERATION FRONT jabhada xoraynta xeebta soomaliyeed waqtigii xoriyada qaateen 1977 waxay la baxeen Djibouti , waa magac kale, waxba tusaale badan iigama baahna in dhaw garatada O.N.L.F waxba yaanan uga sheekayn dhulal badan ,wali ma aynu hayno hogaamiyayaal xoriyadu daacad ka tahay sida Toussaint Louverture rer Haiti ee xoriyada ka hor dhulkisa isticmaarku ugu yeeri jiray SAINT-DOMINGUE ee ka dagaalamay la dilayna isagoon dadkisu xorobin Qaadana magacoodii dhabta ahaa. HAITI waxaan la hadlayaa maaha in dhaw Garatada O.N.L.F balse waxaan la hadlayaa dhaman shacbi weynaha Soomali Galbeed taageera W.S.P.A Ha Taageerina dadka diidan midnimada Dadkiina iyo Xoog u helida is ticmaarka dhulkeena haysta,midnimo ogaada ma dheera xoriyadeenu Ahmed MUSE (afhayeenka W.S.PA) In particular i would like to see og-moti and sayfullahs response to this
well there they go at it again the somalilanders and the puntlanders. but i have a simple question to samurai. In a previous post you said that puntlanders made up a handsome majiority in the lower juba region specificaly waamo area. How can this be. The puntland regional borders the last time i looked does not extend to this area. So if the people are not from the one of the gobols of puntland how can they be called puntlanders. But on the other hand if you said this merely because the majiority clan in this area is the same as the majiority clan in puntland then you would be correct. Only that exposes what puntland is really about. Tell me do you have so much hope in this clan calculations that have dismembered the whole of somalia enough to be very smug whilst you are making the statement? simple question no need for the nacnac you feed the ingriis somalilanders.
Dadka Soomaaliyeed ay afkoodii hooyo kadoor bidaan afaf qalaad?W.Q A.C.M. Khayre iyo M.C.Cibaar Hordhac Qormadan aan ku magacownay af-qalaad aqoonta miyaa? Waxa kalifay in aan qorno, kadib markii aan aragnay xaaladda qatarta ah ee uu kusugan yahay afkeennii hooyo, kaasoo la dhihi karo waa xididka ugu muhiimsan ee maanta isku haya guud ahaan Soomaali weyn meel kasta oo ay joogto. Maadaama arimihii kale ee umadda isku hayey ay dhibaatooyin ka taagan yihiin; sida calankii,dhaqankii, dhulkii iyo wada dhalashadiiba. Soomaaliya waxa ay nasiib u yeelatay in ay kamid noqoto saddexda wadan ee qaaradda Afrika looga hadlo halka luqad, iyada oo labada kalana ay yihiin Swaziland iyo Lesotho oo ah wadamo aad u yar yar. Bal akhristow u fiirso nimcada Ilaahey nasiiyey ee aan laga faa’iidaysanayn. Wadanka aan dariska nahay ee Itoobiya, waxaa looga hadlaa in kabadan 70 luqadood oo leh 200 oo lahjadood. Hadaba qormadan haddii Alle idmo waxaan rabnaa in aan ku eegno su'aalo ay udub dhexaad u tahay: maxaa keenay dadka soomaaliyeed oo Ilaaheey nimcadaas ku galadaystay uuna siiyey hal af, in ay maanta kuwada xiriiraan luqado qalaad? Quursiga iyo ku qanacsanaan la'aanta Af- Soomaaliga Haddii aad u fiirsatid inta badan Soomaalida qurbe-joogta ah, mar mar waxaad isweydiinaysaa goorma ayay qasab noqotay in lagu wada xiriiro afaf qalaad ; sida kala qorashada telefoonada, cinwaanada iyo wixii lamid ah. Waxaa suurto gal ah in aan inteenna badan aragno laba qof oo soomaali ah oo ku xiiqsan ineey isku yeeriyaan lambar telefoon oo ka kooban toban lambar ama ka yar, maadaama labadooda midkood ay ku adagtahay luqadda wax leysugu yeerinayo, iyadoo lagaba yaabo in tobankaa lambar lagu kala sheego dhowr luqadood oo kala duwan sida ( oow, two, sei, acht …..iwm.).taasoo laga yaabo in waqti dheer uga dhumo,oo haddana waliba ay suurto gal tahay in wixii leysku yeerinayay qalad loo kala qorto. Hadaba walaalayaal miyeysan ahayn wax lays weydiiyo, maxaa na geliyay dhibaato aan alle nabadin? Oo keenay inaan quursanno kuna qanci weyno afkeenna qaaliga ah. Arinta kale oo aad layaabka u lehi waxa ay tahay, in qoraalada lagu soo bandhigayo bogagga ay Soomaalidu ku leeyihiin shabakadaha internetka badankoodu ay ku qoranyihiin luqadaha qalaad sida Ingiriisiga. Waa macquul in qoraaladda qaar loogu talo galay dad aan Soomaali ahayn. Waxase aan kahadlaynaa waa qoraallo aad arkaysid in loogu tala galay dadka Soomaaliyeed ,isla markaana lagu qorayo af ajnabi. Qormooyinkaas qaarkood malaha wax nuxur ah, waxaana intaa usii dheer dhaliil luqadeed. Waxa kale oo jira in dhalinyarada ku kortay qurbaha ay inta badan iskula xiriiraan luqadaha wadamada ay joogaan iyaga oo aan danaynayn luqadoodii asalka ahayd. Waxaana wax laga naxo ah in waalidiinta qaar ayba arrintaas ku faraxsanyihiin oo ayba ku faanayaan in aan caruurtoodu af-Soomaaligaba fahmin, laakiin ay ku gabyaan luqadaha qalaad!!. Dadka luqadaha kale wax ku soo bartay ayaa iyagana ku tacadiya luqada Soomaaliga,waxaadna arkaysaa marar badan iyada oo aysan hadaladooda lasocon karin dad aan aqoon ulahayn luqadaha qalaad oo ay isticmaalayaan. Lama inkiri karo in ay jiraan erayo-cilmiyeed badan oo aan weli la Soomaaliyeyn, laakiin ma ahan in 'off course, allora, iyo Maca-daalika' laga dhamaan waayo. Waxaa kale oo in laxuso mudan shirar badan oo weliba lagu magacaabo shirarka aqoonyahannada, kuwaasoo aad arkayso in la dafirayo af-soomaaligii laguna daadihinayo luqado qalaad. Shir dadka jooga ay 99% Soomaali yihiin ayaa waxaa dhacda in luqadda shirku ku socdo ay noqoto mid qalaad. Waa la yaabe, ma 1% ka ajnabiga ah ayaa lagu qadarinayaa arintaas, mise ku hadalka afka qalaad ayaaba, ammaan, iyo ilbaxnimo loo haystaa? Heerka ay gaartay xaqiraadda uusan mudneyn ee la xaqirayo af-soomaaliga waxaad si dhab ah uga arki kartaa dhaqanka qaabka daran oo ay la yimaadeen siyaasiyiin isku sheegga maanta Soomaalida horkaca. Bal u fiirso qoraaladda ka waramaya qorshahooda waxqabad ee ay soo bandhigeen kuwa isku sharaxaya hogaanka wadanka dhammaantood, imisa ayaa ku qoran af-soomaali? Imisa ayaase ku qoran af ingiriis? Waxaa lays weydiin karaa qoraaladani ma barnaamij loogu tala galay dadka Soomaaliyeed ineey aqristaan oo ay fahmaan si ay wax ugu qiimeeyaanbaa? Mise waa lifaaq lasocda arji ku socda qoom iyo qaarado kale?!!! Maxaa keenay in aan qiimeyno luqadaha qalaad? Sida aan ognahay waqtigii gumaysiga waxaa wadanka arimihiisa oo dhan mas'uul ka ahaa dowladihii yurub ee na haystay. Waqtigaas si qofku shaqo uga helo dowladda waxa uu ku qasnabaa in uu ku hadlo luqadda gumaystaha. Gumaystayaashuna waxa ay shaqooyinka yar yar ku aamini jireen Soomaalida luqadooda taqaanna. Taas oo aqoontiiba ka dhigtay ku hadalka luqaddii gumaystayaasha. Markii uu gumaysigu tagayna waxaa wadanka jagooyinkiisii dhaxal u helay dadkii luqadaha ajnabiga ah bartay. Marka la eego aqoonta kale waxaa xusid mudan in 1960kii Soomaalida aqoontoodu ay gaarsiisantahay heer jaamacadeed oo xitaa lagu daray ardadii jaamacadaha dhiganayay ay guud ahaan tiradoodu ahayd 27 qofood. In kasta oo xukunkii milatarigu uu hirgaliyey qorista iyo akhriska Af-soomaaliga ayna soo baxday halhayskii caanka noqday ee " afkii qalaad hamoodin carrabku qaldi maayee sidii caanaha qurquriyaay”, haddana arintaasi mahakin qiimayntii xad dhaafka ahayd ee ay dadka Soomaaliyeed u hayeen luqdaha qalaad. Taasna waxaa ka qayb qaatay maamul xumadii xukunkii milaratiga oo isaguna markiisa jagooyinkii muhiimka ahaa inta badan u dhiibay dad u daacad ah oo aan aqoontoodu dhaafsiisnayn qoridda iyo akhrinta Af-soomaaliga. Waxaana arrintaa ka marag kacaya hal ku dhaggii hirgalay ee "jaahil kacaan ah ayaa ka mudan jaamici kacaan diid ah". Xaalkii wuxuu noqday "ka dar oo dibi dhal"Arintaas iyo kuwo kalena waxay keeneen, in dadkii ayba lasii colloobaan luqaddoodii, qaar badanna ay la noqotayba in caddaalad darada iyo horumar la'aantii jirtay uuba Af-soomaaligu masuul ka ahaa. Bur burkii dowladdii dhexe ee Soomaaliya waxaa ay dhalisay taag darro ku sii timaadda isticmaalkii Af-soomaaliga. Waxaa meeshii ka baxay manhajkii dhexe ee waxbarashada Soomaalida oo kaalin weyn uga jiray kobcinta Afsoomaaliga sida horumarinta eray-cilmiyeedyada iwm. Waxa kale oo iyaduna meesha ka baxday luqad xirfadeedkii iyo tii maamul ee dowladda. Horraantii sagaashameeyadii, markii ay hay'adihii ajnabigu gargaarka iyo shaqooyinka u aadeen Soomaaliya, ayaa waxaa badatay baahidii iyo isticmaalkii afafka qalaad, waxaana cirka isku sii shareeray qiimahoodii. Waxaa kale oo door lixaad leh ka qaatay tabardarrada ku timid afkii soomaaliga, qixii ay dad u badan dhallinyaro oo soomaali ahi qurbaha ku yimaadeen. Taas oo lagama maarmaan ka dhigtay, in dadkaasi ay aad isugu howlaan barshada afafkii wadamada ay u qaxeen si ay ula qabsadaan nolosha cusub ee la soo deristay. Dhibaatooyinka ka dhalankara Af-soomaaliga oo dhuma Waxaa muuqata khatar weyn oo ka imaan karta dayicidda Af-soomaaliga, oo ay ugu horeyso in uu meesha ka baxo xiriir aad iyo aad muhiim u ahaa oo aan ku tilmaami karno xidid xooggan oo isku haya ummadda Soomaaliweyn. Waxaa muuqata inuu meesha ka baxayo xiriirka ehelada iyo isgarabsigii qaraabannimo. Waxaanan la wada soconnaa in loo kala turjumo caruur walaalo ah oo kala joogta labo qaaradood. Waxaa sidoo kale dhacda in waalid iyo carruurtiisii ay is fahmi waayaan oo ay dani qasabto in loo kala turjumo. Bal waa yaabe maxay isku yihiin dad iyagiiba loo kala afcelinayo?!. Halis aan la fududeysan karin ayaa iyaduna ka soo muuqata, xiriirka sii kala fogaanaya ee umadda iyo qaar aqoonyahannadeedii mustaqbalka ka mid ah. Maxaan ku timaami karnaa xaalka dhaqtar soomaaliyeed oo aan waxba ka fahmeeyn cabashada bukaankiisii soomaaliga ahaa? Waxaa taas lamid ah aqoonyahan aan ummaddiisii fahmayn; sida dhaqtar Soomaali ah oo aan afgaranayn bukaan Soomaali ah, ama injineer soomaaliyeed oo shaqaalihiisa weydiinaya waa maxay shub, tiir iwm. Dad badan oo aqoontoodu wax tar yeelan lahayd oo iska dhaadhiciya in aanay waxba qaban karin maadaama ayna luqadaha ajbaniga ku hadlin iwm. Halkaasna waxaa ka dhasha barabixin lagu sameeyo aqoon badan oo loo baahnaa. Muhimadda Ilaalinta luuqadda hooyo W aa arin aad u muhiim ah in la ogaado qiimaha ay dadka u leedahay luqadooda oo ah sharaftooda iyo jiritaankooda . Dadka Soomaaliyeed oo intooda badan cel celis ahaan jooga qurbaha 7 illaa 9 sano ayaa waxaa wax laga naxo ah in uu si xowli ah uga sii tirtirmayo afkoodii iyo dhaqankoodiiba, iyada oo ay dadyowga qaarkood oo ku noolaa qurbaha gaar ahaan wadamada reer galbeedka in kabadan 50 sano ay weli si wanaagsan u dhowrtaan luqadooda, dhaqankooda, diintooda iyo jiritaankoodaba. Dowladaha horay u maray ama ay hogaamiyaan dadka wax garadka ah waxaa lagu dadaalaa in la adkeeyo hirgalinta luqadda, xitaa waxa ay ku bixiyaan kharash iyo shaqo badan sidii luqadooda kor loogu qaadi lahaa. Bal aan fiirinno dadaalka ay u galaan adkaynta luqadooda wadamada ku bahoobay midowga Yurub. Golaha baarlamaanka Yurub waxa uu hadda kakoobanyahay 626 qof, taas oo lafilayo in ay noqoto illaa 732 marka ay kusoo biiraan wadamada cusub sanadka foodda inagusoo haya ee 2004ta. Waxaa xusid mudan in kulamada baarlamaanka, xubin kasta loo ogolyahay in ay ku hadasho luuqadeeda. Xubnahaas oo ka kala yimid wadamo kala duwan. Wadan walba waxa uu ku adkeystay in uu luuqaddiisa ku hadlo, hadalkaas oo isla markiiba la turjumayo . Turjumaadaas hadalka waxaa sii dheer kan qoraaladda ay xubnuhu soo gudbiyaan oo dhan. waxaana halkaas ku baxa lacago aad u farabadan oo gaaraya malaayiin doolar sanadkiiba. Xubnahaas baarlamaanka ku jira waxa ay u badan yihiin dad ku hadla luqadaha ay ka midka yihiin Ingiriiska iyo faransiiska iwm, kuwaas oo ay si fudud isugu af garankaraan. Laakiin waxa ay doorteen in xubin kasta ku hadasho luqadeeda, taas oo noo cadaynaysa sida dunida horay u martay ay u danaynayaan uguna dadaalayaan jiritaanka luqadooda asalka ah, tasoo ah dhaxalka ugu muhiimsan oo ay u dhaafayaan dhallaankooda. Talo soo jeedin inkastoo aad laysugu waafaqsanyahay faa'idooyinka barshada luqadaha qalaad , hadana taas macnaheedu marnaba ma noqoneyso in la illoobo oo daaqadda laga tuuro afkii hooyo. Si aan hadaba u wada ilaashanno nimacada ilaah noogu deeqay ee aan nasiibka u helnay, waxaan guud ahaan ummadda soomaaliweyn gaar ahaan kuwooda qurba joogta ah u soo jeedineynaa talooyinka soo socda: Waa in waaliddiintu ay xil weyn iska saaraan carruurtooda kuna ababiyaan jacaylka iyo barashada afka soomaaliga. Inta badan waxaa la arkay in caruurta lumisa luqaddoodu ay ka fogaadaan diintooda iyo dhaqankoodaba . Cilmi baarisyo lasameeyey ayaa waxaa ka cadaatay in caruurta luqadooda sida fiican u barata ay u fududaanayso barashada tan ajnabiga wadanka ay markaas kunool yihiin. Waa in aan ogaanno in ku faanka isticmaalka luqad qalaad aysan noo kordhineyn wax darajo ah haba yaraatee. Waxaana noo qurux badan in aan si raaxo leh u isticmaalno afkeenna hooyo. Waa inaan markasta ka foojignaanaa in aan qof Soomaali ah kula hadalno af qalaad sabab la'aan. Waana lagama maarmaan inaan ka qeyb qaadanno hirgelinta luqaddeenna, kana fogaanno wiiqiddiisa si toos ah iyo si dadbanba. Waa in aan oggaanno farqiga u dhaxeeya luqadda iyo cilmiga; luqaddu waxay ka mid tahay cilmiyada la barto, laakiin cilmi oo dhammi ma aha luqad. Hadaba waxaa habboon in qof kasta lagu qiimeeyo heerkiisa garasho iyo aqooneed. Waxaa naga talo ah in dadka sameeya qoraalada ama abaabula shirarka loogu tala galay dadka soomaalida ah ay isticmaalaan afka soomaaliga oo ah kan ay ugu fahmi ogyihiin, haddii aysan jirin sababo maangal ah oo qasab ka dhigaya in dadka wax loogu sheego af qalaad Axmed Cali M.Khayre, Ku takhasusa Qawaaniinta Caalamiga iyo tan Yurub, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Maxamed Cali Cibaar Ku takhasusa Hindisaha iyo Naqshadaynta magaalooyinka, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. Xigasho:Somalitalk
against taking in their countrymen, contending many are charlatans whose claims of Jewish descent are a ploy aimed at getting out of famine-ridden MEVASERET ZION, Israel — The arrival of thousands more Ethiopians in Israel has run into increasing opposition amid suspicions that many of the would-be immigrants may not be the descendants of Jews who converted to Christianity as they claim. Some earlier Ethiopian-Jewish immigrants have cautioned the government against taking in their countrymen, contending many are charlatans whose claims of Jewish descent are a ploy aimed at getting out of famine-ridden Ethiopia. "More than 60 percent [of the Falash Mura] have no connection to Israel," said Dani Adeno Abebe, an Ethiopian-Jewish journalist. "They are a crowd of hitchhikers," he said, warning that the government could face an influx of hundreds of thousands with spurious claims to a Jewish past. Unlike the 80,000 Ethiopian Jews in Israel, whose Jewish roots go back centuries, the Falash Mura claim descent from a community of Jews forced to abandon Judaism in the 19th century owing to persecution. Yeshambel Kassel Alazebech, 36, an Ethiopian farmer, waited six years in an overcrowded holding camp run by American-Jewish activists in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, before getting permission to immigrate to Israel six months ago. During that time, he said, he embraced his Jewish roots. "When we waited in Addis Ababa, we left our old ways behind us and started to keep Jewish ways, even before coming to Israel," he said. Now he lives with other Falash Mura in government-subsidized immigrant housing, studying for his formal conversion to Judaism and trying to acquire skills. Since 1991 — when dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam fled Ethiopia — thousands of Falash Mura have left their villages to live in mud huts in crowded camps in Addis Ababa and the northern city of Gondar in hopes of immigrating to Israel. Israel allows 300 Falash Mura a month to come to Israel. Many of Israel's Ethiopian Jews were brought to Israel in massive airlifts during times of crisis in 1984 and 1991 and received automatic citizenship. Avraham Neguise, founder of South Wing to Zion, a Falash Mura advocacy group, said the community numbers no more than 20,000 people already living at holding centers in Ethiopia. Falash Mura in Israel have held street protests to decry the government's inaction on its decision last year to lift immigration restrictions, accusing it of discrimination. "Tzipi discriminates against black Jews," read a sign at a recent protest, referring to Immigration Minister Tzipi Livni. At a recent ministerial meeting, Mrs. Livni and Interior Minister Avraham Poraz, said they would oppose further Falash Mura immigration until extra funds are allocated. "She does not say there is no money for Jews who come from other lands — only for us," Alem Ferde said. In the last decade, Israel let in more than a million immigrants from the former Soviet Union. Many of them, while of Jewish descent, belong to other faiths. Immigration Ministry spokesman Arik Foder rejects the accusations. "Nobody can accuse us of racism. Our investment in the Ethiopians is higher than for any other group of immigrants," he said. Mr. Foder, however, added: "If the number of immigrants increases, we will not be able to afford it." Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom went to Ethiopia last week, the first visit by an Israeli foreign minister in more than a decade. On Wednesday, he met with Falash Mura, telling them that Israel could not afford to bring them all at once because the issue was complex "including matters the finance minister will have to decide." Source: Washington Post
Well bro it seems we are being left to our own devices. How many times do you think that those wells have been fought over scince the good lords creation of them. First bows and arrows now anti aircraft guns mounted on technicals. But still the same ilka-dheer somalis gettig killed over the same arguments.
Obviously the people of sool and sanaag are divided down the middle although bro deep has tried to make a very spectacular about turn {obviously the somalis of sool and sanaag want close economic relations with puntland. but i hope it is recognized that that aint the POINT}. TO GIVE AN EXAMPLE IS NOT THE FOLLOWING PERSONAGE A CITIZEN OF SOOL. AND DOES HE NOT DESPISE THIS WARLORD AS MUCH AS ALL SOMALIS? by the by this fouad aden adde. the somaliland minister of rural affairs.
Ceelbuur Degmada Ceelbuur ee gobolka Galguduud oo labadii maalmood ee la soo dhaafay ay ka jireen dagaalo la iskula tegay gacmaha una dhexeeyay labadii beelood ee kal hore ku dagaalamay halkaasi ayey wararka naga soo gaaraya Ceelbuur waxey sheegayaan in dadkii ku dhaawacmay dagaalkaasi qaarkood dhaawacooda loo soo gudbiyay dhinaca Muqdisho, wuxuuna warku intaa ku daraya in 17 qofood oo ka mid ah dhaawacaasi uu mid ka mid ah ku geeriyooday wadada, halka kuwii kalena la keenay isbitalaada magaalada Muqdisho. Dadka ku dhaqan magaalada Dhuusamareeb ee xarunta gobolka Galguduud & deegaanka Guri ceel ee gobolkaasi ayaa walaac xoogan ka muujiyay dagaalka ka soo cusboonaaday Ceelbuur waxeyna baaq u soo jeediyeen beelaha ku dagaalamaya halkaasi iyaga oo baaqooda ku xusay in beelaha ku diriraya Ceelbuur ay googol nabadeed ugu fidinayaan Guriceel. Dhinaca kale, siyaasiyiinta & odayaasha u dhashay labada beelood ee ku dagaalamaya Ceelbuur kuna sugan magaalada Muqdisho ayaa iyaguna wada dedaalo lagu damimayo dagaaladaasi, waxeyna soo jeediyeen in si deg deg ah oo shuruud la’aan ah loo joojiyo xabada. Cabdishakuur Cilmi Xasan ,Dayniile Muqdisho
this is an update on the present situation Wareysiyo gaar gaar ah oo aanu la kala yeelanay Maamulaha dugsiga sare Ablaal & gabar ka mid aheyd ardayda iskuulkaasi oo sheegtay in waxbarashadeedii ay ku weyday niqaabkii ay xirneyd dartii Muqdisho Wareysi aanu la yeelannay 12/1/2004 Aamino Abuukar Nuur oo aheyd gabar ka mid ah ardayda dhigata dugsiga sare Ablaal (Ablaal Secondary School) ee ku yaal xaafada Bandar-wanaag ee degmada Huriwaa ayaa ku sheegtay wareysigaasi in ay ka mid aheyd ardayda wax ka barata iskuulka Ablaal lagagana soo eryay iskuulaasi Kadib markii sida ay sheegtay uu maamulaha iskuulka u sheegay in ay iska dhigto niqaabka (Insha shareeka) haddii kalena ay isaga tago iskuulka, ayna u sheegtay maamulka in ay door bideyso in aysan dhigin niqaabka haddii iskuulka ay sii dhigato & haddii ay ka tagtaba. “Maalintii ugu horeysay ee aan tegay iskuulka aniga oo xiran niqaabka ayuu igu yiri maamulaha iskuulka “waa kuma qoftan” markii aan isku sheegay ee uu i gartay-na wuxuu igu yiri iskuulkan laguma dhiganayo niqaab mana oggoli waxaana markaasi goob joog ahaa macalin Ibraahim & macalin Weheliye”ayey tiri Aamino Abuukar Nuur oo intaa ku daray in aysan horay u qaadan jirin niqaabka balse ay dhowaan bilowday in ay qaadato, waxeyna intaa ku dartay in ay jiraan arday gaareysa 5 oo horay u qaadan jiray niqaabka uuna macalinka u sheegay in uu qaati ka taagan yahay kuwaasi, uusan aqbaleyn qof kale oo xiray niqaabka Hadaba maamulaha dugsiga sare Ablaal oo la soo xiriiray boggan ayaa ka codsaday wariyayaasha bogga in ay soo booqdaan iskuulka ayna indhahooda ku soo arki karaan xaalada ay ku sugan yihiin ardayda wax ka dhigata iskuulkaasi, waxaana kormeerkii saaka ay wariyayaasha bogga ku tageen iskuulka ay ku soo arkeen qaar ka tirsan ardayda iskuulka oo xirnaa niqaabka kuwaasoo aad u tiri yaraa, wuxuuna sheegay maamulaha iskuulku in aysan ka suurtoobin in ay sidaa falaan ayna la yaab ku noqotay markii ay arkeen farriintii gabadha ay ku qortay Internet-ka, isaga oo intaa ku daray in maamulku kala jecleyn ardaygii xirta niqaabka & kii kale, ayna howshoodu tahay keliya in ay ardayda wax baraan kuna dedaalaan waxbarashadooda Gabadha cabashadeedu kuma saleysneyn niqaabka, waxaana keenay in iskuulka laga eryo markii ay qaar ka tirsan maamulka u geysatay aflagaado” ayuu yiri maamulaha iskuulka C/raxmaan Axmed Macalin (Ablaal) isaga oo ku ceceliyay in aysan iyagu kala jecleyn ardayda oo aysan qaarna u fasaxeyn niqaabka qaarna aysan u diideyn, wuxuuna intaa raaciyay in manhajka ay ardayda wax ku baraan uu ku saleysan yahay kii wasaaradii waxbarashada ayna u dhigaan ardayda dhammaan maadooyinka lagu barto iskuulada.
Aamino Abuukar Nuur “Waxaan waxbarasheydii ku waayay niqaabkii aan xirnaa dartii Muqdisho Aamino Abuukar Nuur oo ka mid aheyd ardayda wax ka dhigata Dusiga sare ee Ablaal (Ablaal Secondary School) ee ku yaal xaafada Huriwaa ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa qoraal ay soo gaarsiisay boogan ku sheegtay in ay waxbarashadeedii dugsiga sare ee ay ka dhiganeysay dugsiga sare ee Ablaal ay ku weysay xirashada niqaabka insha shareerka ah oo ay qaadato, uun ku amray maamulka iskuulkaasi in ay iska dhigto ama ay isaga tagto iskuulka, balse ay iyadu diiday taa oo ay ka doorbiday halkii ay iska dhigi laheyd niqaabka in ay isaga tagto waxbarashada. “Waxaa I qabsatay arrin aan ku wanaagsaneyn oo meel ka dhac ku ah sharceecada islaamka, kadib markii niqaabkii aan xirnaa dartii la igaga buriyay iskuulkii aan wax ka baranayay, welibana la iigugu hanjabay in aan iska dhigo niqaabka haddii kale aan waxbarashadeyda ku weyn doono, run ahaantii aniguna arrintaasi aad ayey igugu adkaatay in aan waxbarasho darteed u dhigo sheygii uu ALLE igu waajibiyay xirashadiisa, waxaana la isku dayay in macalimiintii qaarkood la igu diro, waxeyna aaqirkii ku soo uruurtay in iskuulkii la iga kansalo galkeygiina la i siiyo, markii aan codsaday warqadii bedelaada si aan ugu bedesho iskuul kale, soo noq-noqosha badan kadib waa la ii diiday” ayey tiri Aamina Abuukar Nuur oo ku tilmaantay maamulaha iskuulkaasi oo lagu magacaabo C/raxmaan Macalin Axmed (Ablaal) shaqsi ku kacay wax aan shareecada islaamka ku wanaagsaneyn, waxeyna sheegtay in maamuluhu ku adkeystay go’aankiisii diidmada ahaa, ayna haatan tahay qof guri joog ah oo aanan waxba baran. Cabdishakuur Cilmi Xasan ,Dayniile Muqdisho
thank you for sharing the link it is truly a case of letting the cat out of the bg. the bush admin is pissing its self trying to do damage control.
Modesty hit it on the head. I actually saw an interview he gave on CNN, well i he is not saying anything new really is he, he is just preaching the bible of secularism and diin-la'an that he sees as the progress for arabs and the world in general. Also the article he said these things in appeared LAST april, only the BBC being freaked out by all the attention it is getting from the hutton enquiry is doing its damndest to appear even handed.
Yes indeed he is one of the men that trully made somalis proud with his even handedness, and his incorruptibilty. Also he truly understood the meaning of a non-executive presidency. For more about his presidency read ghalibs ther price of dictatorship. Xiddig waalal, I truly hope that there are men comparable to him in the somali political firmament, there time will come 13 years of un-bridled qabyaalad and 21 of neptistic and gencidal qabyaalad, truly have taught somalis the importance of such men. Indeed he is not as respected as he should be. I would also include prime-minister abdirizaq as a man of honour to little respected.
III. On Unification A. The Report insinuates that the North was cheated because the Union Act was not properly and legally consummated. In the language of the ICG document: [T]he precipitate nature of the union had also left a number of legal questions pending. The two acts of union approved by the respective legislatures differed somewhat and no single legal document actually bound the two territories. The new national assembly recognized the error and passed a new act of union in January 1961, retroactive to the moment of independence, but some observers have argued that since the two territories were legally united, the new Act remained without force in the north.6 It is important to identify that the observers quoted in the previous sentence were consultants hired in 1992 by the regional administration in Hargeisa.7 It is also noteworthy to contrast such a claim with what Paolo Contini, the chief legal advisor to the new Somali Republic, wrote in his book in 1969: The decision to form a union was reached at a conference of Northern and Southern Somali leaders held in Mogadishu between April 16 and 22, 1960. A joint communiqué issued at the end of the conference announced it had been agreed that the two territories would be united on July 1, 1960; the new Somali Republic would be unitary, democratic and parliamentary State; the legislative bodies of the two territories would be merged into a National Assembly which would be set up 'in order to investigate and propose convenient solutions to the problems connected with the administrative, financial and judicial systems now in force in the two Territories'; the United Nations would be asked 'to supply experts who may help in accelerating the integration of the two Territories'. … On June 27, the day after independence, Somaliland's legislative Assembly passed 'The Union of Somaliland and Somalia Law,' incorporating the proposed Act of Union previously sent to Mogadishu. Section 1(a) stated that 'The State of Somaliland and the State of Somalia do hereby unite and shall forever remain united in a new, independent, democratic, unitary republic the name of which shall be the SOMALI REPUBLIC. Contini adds: There is no doubt that on the first of July a full and lawful union was formed by the will of the people of the two territories through their elected representatives. However, the legal formalities had not been completed in time… the matter was clarified seven months later by the adoption of the new Act of Union with retroactive effect as from July 1, 1960 for the whole of the Republic.8 The Union Act reads exactly as the Somaliland legislature wrote it. Another related matter the ICG Report misrepresents is how the constitution of the new Republic was developed. The fact is that Italian Somaliland, the United Nation’s Trusteeship, had an earlier start in constitution making than the British territory. Despite this, there were consultations between the leaders of the two regions, and United Nations experts assisted in the endeavor. The draft constitution was given to visiting northern leaders to review it and make changes as they saw fit. The Northerners liked the document and added only two articles (88 and 89). These additions dealt with public employees and mandated the creation of an independent public service commission, points incorporated into the document. The new parliament vetted the draft constitution which triggered public debate, particularly after the document was read, article by article, over the two national broadcasting stations: Radio Hargeisa and Mogadishu. Then came the constitutional plebiscite in 1961. Nearly three-fourths of the Republic’s voting population endorsed the constitution, with opposition limited to areas of the northern region centered on the Hargeisa, Burao, and Berbera triangle. This opposition accounted for nearly 52% of the northern region’s voting population, but areas west of Hargeisa and east of Burao overwhelmingly supported the constitution and there was a significant minority of voters in Hargeisa-Berbera-Burao coordinates that cast an affirmative endorsement. The plebiscite marked the state’s commitment to democratic rule, as it did not attempt to gerrymander the northern vote in order to manufacture artificial support for the charter in the North. This approach was reinforced by the impeccable way the parliamentary and local election of 1964 was conducted. Africa Report characterized the election as free and fair.9 Unfortunately, it will be the last election (including the recent ones in the North-Somaliland) where all contestants played by the rules
Actually i just got it off the net , so a pic was not available. I hope he is succesfull in what he is doing.
First of all brother smith i would like for you to review the statement you made, as much as you would like to convince your self and others that what is presently going on in sool&sannag is a considered tit for tat response between two political enetities, it is nothing but a simple and clear cut issue of qabil, the majiority of the people of sool and sanaag do not feel that they have been and will be given the treatment and political position they deem worthwhile in somaliland. So their second option is to side with their fellow clansmen in puntland. That in it self is understandble but the reaction that has been given by somaliland is not, typified by the following statement... People move in and out of sool&sannag but the land stays in somaliland. As brother che guevara has stated this will be a repition of the same bull headed mistakes of Siyad. One that is deemed to fail as spectacularly as the preivious one. But all this tiff has shown to right thinking people is the speciousness and falsity of the thinking of a somaliland speratist and a puntlander due to their having the same skewered view. One believes that a seccecion based upon and drawing legitamcy from the mistreatment of certain qabils is legitimate, whilst the other believes that a fedralism based upon qabil calculation is equally appropriate. The flaw i think is apparent. But it is a flaw that both camps share and one that looks like cosuins arguing to the rest of us. Baashi has made some worthwhile comments. The type i would e-mail to a local MP. Pity the fellow that would qualify as such is to high on qat and cant read worth a damn. :cool:
San Diego's Somali American community has one of its own on the police force. SAN DIEGO December 20, 2003 (La Times) — One community that claims him consists of industrious, hard-nosed cops, versed in street smarts. Another is a population of often-disoriented refugees, many traumatized by violence and war. His ability to merge both of these worlds has been the key to success for Abdiweli Heibeh — the first Somali American to become a police officer in San Diego and possibly the first nationwide. As Somalia dissolved into civil war in the early 1990s, refugees arrived in San Diego — about 6,000 to 8,000 eventually — concentrating in an area east of downtown that has come to be known as Little Mogadishu. "The city was overwhelmed, the Police Department was overwhelmed, the schools were overwhelmed," Heibeh said. Many Somali teenagers, who had been exposed to rape, torture and other acts of violence in their homeland, drifted into crime. Police also dealt with domestic violence and conflicts between the refugees and the city's large population of Southeast Asians, who share many of the neighborhoods in which the Somalis congregated. Efforts to resolve those issues were hampered by the refugees' mistrust of police. The Somalis were familiar with repressive, cruel and corrupt government authorities back home, and many expected similar treatment from police here. "When they see a police car, they get scared. They will run away," said Abdulahi Aidid, employment case manager at Horn of Africa Community Assn., a nonprofit agency based in San Diego's City Heights section, that assists East African immigrants. "Back home — and in the refugee camps in Kenya — they were robbed, arrested, tortured. The uniform reflects all of those things for them." Heibeh's role has been central to efforts by police here to bridge that gap. He is passionate about a career that allows him to serve his adopted homeland while assisting those from his motherland. "I can relate to both sides," said Heibeh, 43, who won political asylum in the United States in 1988. "I am a police officer and I was once a refugee, so I know how these people feel." In Somalia, the dispensing of justice is typically swift and brutal. Law enforcement officials often decide a suspect's fate on the spot. People can languish in jail for years, sometimes even those who have not been charged with crimes. Many violations, and almost all civil disputes, are mediated and resolved by clan elders. "Back home, being a police [officer] is not an honorable job because of the brutality and the corruption," Heibeh said. Cultural differences also can complicate encounters between immigrants and police. Beckoning someone with the index finger — a common gesture here when police summon a suspected offender — is considered an obscene gesture in Somalia. Most Somali women and children interviewed by a police officer will refuse to make eye contact — a sign of respect that an American might view as evasive or insolent. Somalis are prone to touch other people and infringe on their personal space to get attention — actions that are generally considered aggressive in American culture. They also are used to paying a fine to police officers in the field, behavior that might be perceived as an attempt at bribery by an American officer. Being familiar with both legal systems, Heibeh is able to dispel many of the stereotypes Somalis have about cops and stop problems before they explode into a crisis. "He's really smart, really sharp, just a good guy," said Sgt. Roy Moody, who heads the police department's Multi-Cultural Community Relations Office serving the City Heights neighborhood, which has a large concentration of Southeast Asian and East African immigrants. "We're lucky to have him," Moody said. Heibeh's beat is Little Mogadishu, a two-mile stretch of City Heights on University Avenue between 58th Street and Fairmont Avenue. On a typical day, Somali women dressed in brightly colored jilbabs — a strip of cloth that covers the head and neck and hangs to the waist — can be seen frequenting the numerous Somali-owned businesses that have sprouted in the neighborhood. Men wearing long skirt-like wraps and box-shaped skullcaps huddle for often-impromptu forums on street corners and at sidewalk cafes, a common pastime in their homeland. "My ears and eyes in reporting crime is the community," Heibeh said. "Unless we have that kind of trust, we are not going to be able to fight crime." Heibeh was born in Ethiopia to Somali parents, grew up in Somalia, and is fluent in Amharic and Somali, the principal languages of the two countries. Like most Somalis, he is a Muslim. He was a major in the army of Somali dictator Mohamed Siad Barre when he was sent to the United States in 1986 for advanced training at the air defense artillery school at Ft. Bliss in El Paso, Texas. A week before his 1987 graduation, he learned of trouble in his homeland and was advised by his brother not to return. Word came soon after that his father — a member of the country's ruling elite — had been executed. By 1991, the political turmoil had devolved into civil war. "I was fatherless, stateless, and my language skills were very poor," Heibeh recalled. "Instead of flying to Mogadishu, I flew to San Diego, and I'm still here." In the early years, he flitted from job to job: ice cream truck driver, security guard, cabdriver to name a few. He went back to school to study electronics, then accounting. He was able to hone his English, and soon secured part-time work as an interpreter at the San Diego courthouse. When an opening for a civilian community service officer arose in 1988, Heibeh knew he had found his calling. "I could teach Somalis about the laws in the U.S. — child abuse, domestic violence, personal safety, truancy and juvenile gangs," he said, noting that newcomers often were unaware of the most simple rules, such as when to dial 911. He was called on to educate recruits of the San Diego Police Department about East African culture. He and a fellow Somali who works in the department's civilian community relations office have written an 11-minute training video for police working in areas with large Somali populations. In 2000, Heibeh graduated from the police academy as a policeman, and he hasn't looked back. Some City Heights residents gush with pride when they talk about the achievement of this refugee-turned-cop. "He's a role model for the younger generation," said community leader Sahardid Ismail, who has been in this country for 11 years. "It will show them that if they go the right way, they can be like him. They can avoid crime and contribute to law enforcement in this country." Falis Budul, who runs a sewing class for the community's women, said Heibeh had helped Somali immigrants tackle "the basics." "Some people didn't even know what to do with a traffic ticket, where to go," said Budul, 34. "He has made it easier for everyone to adapt here." Heibeh, however, simply sees this as part of an honest day's work, and he is thrilled at being able to make a contribution in his adopted homeland. "The only thing I can do for this nation, to give them back what they gave to me, is to put my life on the line for this nation," said Heibeh, who counts about 100 relatives who have come to San Diego as refugees. "I'm happy when I am able to break down the barriers between the community and the police," he added. "And I enjoy doing what I do."
CAMP LEMONIER, Djibouti, Dec. 23, 2003 (AP) – Three high-definition television screens, a bank of green military radios and detailed maps line the walls. Laptop computers cover three rows of tables. And military officers like Lt. Cdr. Victor Cooper keep 24-hour vigil, tracking terrorists from afar. The Joint Operations Center, tucked inside a former French Foreign Legion post, is the heart of the Bush administration’s quiet battle against Islamic militants operating in six nations in East Africa and Yemen. From here, the U.S. military monitors Marine beach landings, Navy warships, Army infantry maneuvers and Air Force flights, keeping in close communication with Central Command headquarters in Qatar and troops in the field. And there are secret operations no one will talk about. The goal: to detect, disrupt and defeat the bad guys. On a recent day, U.S. soldiers trained with local troops in rural Ethiopia, civil affairs officers helped with rehab projects in Kenyan towns and Marines landed on a deserted beach in Djibouti. Offshore, NATO ships coordinated their operations with the task force, searching ships in international waters for weapons and terrorists. “We are the gathering point and dissemination point for all information,” Cooper, of Jackson, Miss., said, his calm, friendly demeanor a reflection of how U.S. forces fight terrorism here. Sometimes his job gets boring, he complained, but then that’s the idea. A day without terrorist activity is a successful day, troops say. The task force uses military training, humanitarian aid and intelligence operations to keep northeastern Africa and Yemen from becoming the next Afghanistan by strengthening local security forces and keeping terrorist groups from operating in the predominantly Muslim region, said Brig. Gen. Mastin Robeson, commander of the task force. The 1,800 personnel at Camp Lemonier coordinate U.S. military operations in Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Yemen and Djibouti, a region largely ignored before the war on terrorism. The region is now one of the war’s main theaters. “Here you have six countries that very positively desire to be partners in every way possible in the global war on terrorism,” Robeson said, leaving out Somalia, which doesn’t have a government. “We are empowering host nations to retake neighborhoods that people are trying to take from them, so you have, in our opinion, sovereign governments here, who are being invaded, who have been invaded ... with sleeper cells that are just now coming to life,” he added in an interview at his air-conditioned office. Djibouti, an arid nation the size of Massachusetts, has long been a strategic link between Africa and the Middle East, with trade ships sailing along the coast for centuries. The French carved the colony out of the Horn of Africa to control the point where the Red Sea opens into the Gulf of Aden, one of the busiest waterways in the world. The French Foreign Legion still keeps a brigade in Djibouti, and French forces train in the desert year-round as French Mirage fighter jets scream overhead. U.S. forces arrived in June 2002 at Camp Lemonier — a vacant, former Legion post — and the task force began operations from the tented camp last December. The Americans have built a permanent mess hall, gym and convenience store, but troops still live in dusty, crowded tents. The post employs hundreds of Djiboutian construction workers to rehabilitate the dilapidated French buildings in preparation for what military officials say will be a long stay. Past attacks The region has already suffered four terrorist attacks, all of them either claimed by, or attributed to, Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaida terrorist network. In August 1998, car bombs destroyed the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania; in October 2000 suicide bombers attacked the USS Cole while it was refueling in Yemen; and in November 2002 attackers tried to shoot down an Israeli airliner minutes before a car bomb destroyed a hotel on Kenya’s coast. Robeson said that his forces have disrupted several terrorist plots and that more than two dozen suspected terrorists have been detained in the region. He declined to provide details, citing diplomatic sensitivities and security reasons. The task force works with local military commanders to develop strategies to help countries fight terrorists, concentrating on better border security, coastal security, intelligence collection, customs departments and counterterrorism forces. In addition to support, medical and administrative staff from the Marines, Navy, Army and Air Force, Robeson has under his command a Marine helicopter detachment with four CH-53 Super Stallion helicopters, a U.S. Army infantry company, a U.S. Army Reserve civil affairs company, Navy cargo planes, military engineers and a special operations unit. The helicopters deliver troops and equipment throughout the region. The infantrymen have spent months training with Ethiopian troops and hope to eventually conduct joint exercises and border patrol operations. The civil affairs unit repairs clinics and schools as well as provides medical and veterinarian assistance to Muslims in rural areas, where terrorists may be recruiting new members by spreading anti-American messages. Responsibility for stopping ships possibly carrying al-Qaida members and weapons falls to a fleet of six to seven NATO ships, known as Combined Task Force-150. A French admiral is currently in command of the force, which boards several ships a week, said Lt. Cdr. Dean Matusek, a Navy liaison officer at Camp Lemonier. In January, the French navy plans joint operations with the Kenyan navy to work on coastal patrol techniques. U.S. Marines also plan to land in Kenya next month for joint training with the Kenyan army. When the task force identifies a suspected terrorist or detects a plot, local authorities are encouraged to take action first. But Robeson said his special operations troops are ready to act independently if necessary. “If I know there is a terrorist out there, and we have the means to go get him and someone else isn’t, will we go get him? You bet we will,” Robeson said. He refused to say whether his forces have snatched any terror suspects. Sharing intelligence The task force also works with what military personnel call OGAs, or “other government agencies,” such as the CIA and FBI. “We share information with each other; we share intelligence with each other. We find that there are places that we can do things that benefit them and there are places they can do things that benefit us,” Robeson said. “There are places where U.S. law permits us to spend our money and do things, and places U.S. law permits them.” Robeson said for such a small task force to cover such a large area, the operation relies heavily on intelligence collection. Uncovering and infiltrating regional terrorist groups has posed a major challenge to all intelligence and police agencies in the region, he said. “This is a closed society,” Robeson said. “But it was the same case with the (Ku Klux) Klan, and the same case with the Mafia. Infiltrating those two was tough; it is tough to get people on the inside.” Robeson said the ultimate goal is for all seven countries in the region to have their own modern methods of protecting their borders and coordinating their customs and intelligence activities so that terrorists have no chance of staging attacks or taking shelter in the region. “In truth, this is more of the model of how the global war on terrorism should be fought, not Iraq and Afghanistan,” Robeson said. -somaliland times
walahi i felt it as well bro. But the most intreasting part as psych sue has pointed out in another topic is the EYE.
At least we recognize that the present situation is being forced upon the people of sool & sanaag, by the present worthless leadership in hargeisa and garowe. they are little better than prostitutes selling them selves to what hallucination is presently in fashion. And they are truly the people who would benefit from violence and qabil. This forum and its memebers, i truly believe have taken a major step foward by recognizing this fact. I have to congratulate most nomads here, indeed i have taken back and eaten most of the thoughts i had of some people here. As long as this fact is recognized as being the truth of history and our present, the more relevent our disscusions will be.
SnW said: LETS HAVE THE OPINION OF THE PEOPLE WHO IT DIRECTLY EFECTS, SOMALILAND AND PUNTLAND Continue thinking like that bro, and you are dig yourselves a hole with your own teeth. Amongst the jealousies and petty inane rivalries of qabil warfare under other more polticaly acceptable names in this day and age, we still have the same nonsensical clan warfare that has plagued somalis scince day one. That i think affects all somali's regardless of what name their semi-literate leaders decide to call the collection of dried up wells the call a state. Apart from that i agree with SnW, war,strife,colad, is absolute last thing that people need. Although i have a question to ask some people, is it is just me or are people calling the hawd by an other name, and talking about it as if it is a piece of land that is anything but under the colonialism of ethiopia? Hallucinations can cross borders.
#10: "I think that gay marriage should be between a man and a woman." —Arnold Schwarzenegger, during the California recall campaign #9: When U.S. interrogators asked Saddam Hussein how he was, he responded: "I am sad because my people are in bondage." When offered a glass of water, he replied: "If I drink water I will have to go to the bathroom and how can I use the bathroom when my people are in bondage?" #8: "You think you are big enough to make me, you little wimp? Come on, come over here and make me, I dare you…You little fruitcake. You little fruitcake. I said you are a fruitcake." —Rep. Peter Stark (D-Calif.) to Rep. Scott McInnis (R-Colo.), after McInnis told him to "shut up" during a legislative dispute #7: "George Bush was not elected by a majority of the voters in the United States. He was appointed by God." —Lt. Gen. William Boykin, the defense undersecretary in charge of hunting down top terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan #6: "My vision is to make the most diverse state on earth, and we have people from every planet on the earth in this state. We have the sons and daughters of every, of people from every planet, of every country on earth." —Former California Gov. Gray Davis, during the recall campaign #5: "I still want to be the candidate for guys with Confederate flags in their pickup trucks." —Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean #4: "Maybe we need a very small nuke thrown off on Foggy Bottom to shake things up like Newt Gingrich wants to do." —Television evangelist and Christian Coalition founder Pat Robertson, on wiping out the State Department #3: "My answer is bring 'em on." —President George W. Bush, challenging militants attacking U.S. forces in Iraq #2: "Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns — the ones we don't know we don't know." —Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld And the award for the Dumbest Quote of 2003: "I triple guarantee you. There are no American infidels in Baghdad." —Iraqi Information Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf (AKA "Baghdad Bob") ~Compiled by Daniel Kurtzman,
stpaulchick said: Hey happy B-day gurl....I don't know why u didn't choose 1/'s much hehehehehe. Malaika happy birthday and a great year to you, only answer i need to have is if we will see your shadow in a certain continent.
the people of somalia where ever they are in somalia want peae and a goverment that recogizes their need for justice and equity. Xamar has survived and will survive. somalia has survived and will survive. The only thing we need to know is if somalia and somalis will learn anything from the civil war. I hope fellows like gediid notice how pathetic it is to reduce somali issues to ugly and pretty sister drivel. All we are faced with, each and every somalis are the men who would like to see evry tulo, and degmoyiin in somali aflame once more. Inshallah the people of somalia have suffered enuogh and that WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!!!!
hehehe this is a very funy post, you can pratically feel the genetic clock ticking in the womans section sometimes. I mean a very light bt equally incessant that crocodile i forget in which fairy tale it was. But ladies and gents just consider the heading of a topic for a moment. I am getting married .....but the position of groom is as yet unassigned. Sis, like rahima said either have iman, or throw yourself in front of the next sub-standard farax, or become a worried 24-28 year old that look 34-42 year old. Tawakal callahlah. right next to the kalimah and suratul fatiha, it is the greatest philosophy you can live by.