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Everything posted by Liqaye

  1. Anew somalia based on clannism and another on colonial legacy...... Is that supposed to make it clearer?
  2. Woooow what a fascinating piece of literture, tell me garowe trio what is going to be the next hit song, I suggest;;; after 13 years of positive articles from the west on somaliland we got one and its gonna change everything. But scincerly Af jooga looma adeego Dont imply that i am not proud of what the somalis of bari and nugaal have done for themselves, but do rightly understand that i despise all of the fadhi ku dirrir that have usurped a grass roots movement in those areas to a fiefdom that only some wrapped minds in the qurboyiin can comprehend. I think even the cheerleaders can comprehend that.
  3. Smithy i loved those pics and i felt that positive news from the nations CAPITAL would be worthwhile or would you rather potholed buildings for ever. as they say.... Kor waayeel waa wada indho and in the final analysis we will see who is being infantile.
  4. It seems the people of galgaduud will survive with out having to ask boontiland for neurosurgeons and such like. Isbitaalka dayniile oo maanta markii ugu horeysay la keenay dad ku soo dhaawacmay dagaalkii Ceelbuur Muqdisho Isbitaalka dayniile ee laga furay magaalada Muqdisho Jimcihii hore ayaa maanta la soo gaarsiiyay dad kala duwan oo ku soo dhaawacmay dagaalkii ka dhacay maalmihii la soo dhaafay degmada Ceelbuur ee gobolka Galguduud. Dadka la keenay isbitaalka dayniile ayaa ahaa dad uu soo gaaray dhaawacyo u badan caloosha & feeraha waxaana isla maanta Viisito & qaliin ku bilaabay dhaqaatiirta ka howlgasha isbitaalka dayniile ayadoona laga dareemayey isbitalka maanta mid aad u mashquulsan . Xaalada degmada Ceelbuur ee gobolka Galguduud ayey wararku sheegayaan in xalay & maanta ay xasiloon tahay wallow ay ka jirto cabsi la xiriirta in dagaal kale uu ka qarxo waxaana socda dedaal lagu daminayo xasaradaasi oo ay wadaan odayaasha & waxgaradka beelaha ku dagaalamay Ceelbuur
  5. Smith n western: Brother your simplistic arguments about Ethiopia and warlords are getting boring, these warlords exist and everyone made pacts with Ethiopia, from Egal when Abdirashi Sharmarke was president, to the dictator Siyad Barre, the relationship with Ethiopia has always existed. Remember that the EPRDF was sponsored by the Somali state That argument must have sounded real nice, whilst you were formullating it but under the light of scrutiny it is shallow, all of these people you have named have indeed made pacts with the devil from the somaliland egal to your uncle siyaad, to your uncle yusuf, all it means that these men used the enemy of our people to oppress and delay the aspirations of our people at every turn Secondly how in gods name do you put Egal the prime minister of somalia concluding agreements between two sovreign countries on the same par with the garowe maniac? Is this all i can expect from you. Or is your hallucination not worth a damn? Bro mobb i am sorry that aideed is such a bogeyman to you, but again i ask why do you suppose i supported him?
  6. Colonel af-gaduud.....well i thought you would have learnt the lesson from sending colonels to do dirty work. Tell me bro mobb i bet what ever flag boontiland chooses it will look good with your cheerleaders outfit. The Garowe trio. The ensemble evn has a catchy sound. Somalis in galgaduud will survive your old man or your accusations.
  7. Soyaal is a fly? well arent we the arrogant one.
  8. Loool we have already seen the article but that is a very pertinent question, i could feel your heart breaking over the net-lines. But dont take to close a look at our dusty little backwater or the next thing we will hear is that the people of galgaduud southern mudug and kebri dahar ran out of houses at midnight screaming we want unity with puntland.
  9. Loool ayub well that is what smith would have us to believe. :rolleyes: It is intreasting how sool sanaag can be part of somalia but the agrument has no relevancy to other somalis and at the same time be part of puntland AND somalia? Make a choice smithy I am a somali and neither puntland somaliland or the nugaal mafia speak for me. Capish misee we need to see mob deep in best cheerleader fashion to give you a -P-?
  10. bro smith said: Brother,LOL I dont deny that Ceel Buur exists I know it does because mindless violence occurs there every day, like yesterday when two clans killed over 20 people for the sake of what? Brother ask the British and US governements if Puntland exists, ask the UN and our neigbouring states. Or ask your relatives and friends if the know the state, you lack knowledge dear lad. As I knew before you only attacked Abdullahi because of clan hatred for Puntland, its evident that now you deny the state, do you see me denying Hobyo and Gurceel or the wells of Galgaduud? You talk high and mighty but what have your leaders, relatives done or Galgaduud what is Galgaduuds state today? Compare that neglected land of death,Xeeraare, Ceel Bur to the state of Puntland? Pathetic is a man who talks about other peoples houses while neglecting his own. Saaxib let me tell you something about somalis regardless of where they are and what they are, they are all the SAME or a better way to make it clear to you is this...xaabadi sugtey. Lad aww cmon is that all ruminate on this saying ....Shakhsi aan is xushmaynnin lama sharfo. The U.S the U.N and the ethiopians have their intrests a united somalia not being one of them, indeed if i were to ask them they would say they got a damned good trained monkey at the reins there but shhhhhhh dont tell nobody, gormaa jaajuusnimo habashida lagu faani jireey? You knew that i attacked abdullahi only because of qabil , well that is a nifty bit of telepathy you have got going on, does it happen often that poor blameless persecuted and miss understood abdullahi is attacked because of qabil, or do his supporters accuse all and sundry of that crime? Well i might be talking high and mighty if the only other ones in the convo are spitting out at you from the ditch of qabiil, bro but as for my relatives does not your abdullahi want to govern them, with no less than the acclaimed policies he has adopted in boontiland. My question to you is this the land you talk about indeed is not in puntland but it is in SOMALIA and there is were we part, i never make accusations against the people of puntland or gloat at their misfortune whilst pandering to the ethiopians, and accuse every one who might disagree with me of qabiil. I am not that shortsighted somalia will survive long after abdullahi is gone and you guys are major civil servants that managed to burn the i love you notes to the hepatitis -B sufferer of garowe.
  11. HobyoNet Khmiis,15-Jan-04. Wararka naga soo gaaraya Magaalada Kismaayo ee Gobolka Jubbada Hoose ayaa sheegaya inuu xalay magaaladaasi ka dhacay iska hor-imaad u dhaxeeya labada maleeshoyo oo kala taageersan Gudoomiyaha Isbaheysiga Dooxada Jubba Col. Barre Aadan Shire (Hiiraale) iyo Xoghayihiisa Guud ee Isbaheysiga Mr. Deeq Cali, waxaana la sheegay in iska horimaadkaasi uu ku dhintay hal ruux xalaada amaanka magaaladana ay ka sii dartay, iyadoo uu siyaasado iska soo horjeeda oo u dhaxeeya labada nin ayaa la sheegay iney salka ku heyso, qal-qalka iyo deganaasho la.aanta maalmahaan dmabe soo food saartay magaalada Kismaayo, Mr. Deeq cali ayaa ahaa wakiilka Isbaheysiga u matalaayay Shirka Mbagathi laguna eedeeyay inuu ku biiray Golaha SRRC-da Gacan saarna la leeyahay Dowlada Ethiopia,ayaa dhowaan soo gaaraya magaalada Kismaayo wuxuuna Gudoomiyaha ku eedeeyay inuu ku shaqeeynaayo kali talisnimo isagoo ku biiray Golaha samatabixinta wada tashi la,aan wuxuuna sheegay inuu isagu mas,uul ka yahay dhibaatada ,dagaalada ,isbaarooyinka iyo Isku dhacyada u dhaxeeya beelaha magaalada wada dega, waxaana laga dhex wadaa waan-waan u dhaxeysa labada mas,uul oo ay ku lug leeyihiin Waxgarad iyo Culimaau,diinka degaanka.
  12. Qayaxid daliileed. mobb why are you so nervous? Opposing puntland means opposing reer-hebel? Opposing abdullahi means i am a qabiilist? Maybe you did not understand my previous response ..Gogol rag waa godob la’aan..means my conscience is clean on that point and no hysterics on your part will make me bite. And perhaps that skewerd thinking is what is messing up somalia.
  13. Hehehe Bro smith no i donot believe that the murderers of the USC are better than him, but is the issue going to degenerate into a my warlord is better than your warlord? Forgive me also if i believe that one warlord in the company of warlords can vie for what ever is at stake, because they aint no diffrence! SnW said: Abdullahi is the president of Puntland like it or not. It doesnt not really matter if i like it or not cause like i said every warlord has a right to his fiefdom not with standing by what name he calls it or the bunting he covers it with. by the way what is puntland is it a regional administration or a country or can you tell me how much the pills cost that will make me feel that it actually exists?
  14. Gogol rag waa godob la’aan Well is there no somali equivalent to na'mean?
  15. Well the typical accusation that one is faced with is that you are qabilist if you dont smoke a person certain type of illusion? Mob deep before you come to the rescue like a third rate comic book hero i would like to turn your attention to some statements YOU have made, the most odious being when you clearly state that angel-eyes support for riyale is only because of his being from her own tribe, this in its self is not spectacular but the comments you made prior and following implied that she would support the devil himself if only he belonged to her qabiil. Well I ask you if what i have said is remotley close to that. I have stated that puntland is nothing but a clan calculation, with no attempt to include other clans in a worthwhile vision how ever erroneous such as the SNM has tried to do in somaliland. And at the end of it all this historical failure called ina yeey is trying to turn the people's attention towards a war in sool&sanaag. This are facts and all samurais prancing is doing is hurting my eyes. As for the ceel-buur part, well we were all born somewhere but it does not follow that i hold any truck with the USC. A rather redundant part of history. But anyhoo both of you can continue with this little comedy of errors called boontiland, somalis have weighed it and their originators and found them wanting.
  16. Golaha Wasiirada ee Puntland oo shirey Axmed Kismayo - BBCSomali.Com Golaha Wasiirrada ee maamulka Puntland ayaa kulan ay Axaddii ku yeesheen Garowe kaga dhawaaqey in gobolada Puntland lagu soo rogey Xaalad deg deg ah. Waxa kale oo Wasiirada Puntland ay kulankoodaas ka sheegeen in heegan la geliyay dhammaanba ciidanka daraawiishta ee dawlad goboleedka Puntland. Maxamed Cabdi Xaashi Kulankan ay Axaddii yeesheen golaha wasiirrada ee dawlad goboleedka Puntland ayaa waxa guddoominayay Madaxwayne ku xigeenka Puntland Maxameded Cabdi Xaashi oo ah ku simaha Madaxweynaha maadaama uu haatan dalka ka maqan yahay Cabdullaahi Yusuf Axmed. Ku dhawaaqidda xaaladda degdegga ah ee maamulka Puntland waxa ay ka dambaysay ka dib markii ay isa soo tatray xaaladda murugsan ee maalmahanba ka taagnayd gobolka Sool iyo cabsi badan oo laga qabo dagaal halkaa ka qarxa. Wasiirka Warfaafinta Punland Wasiirka wasaaradda warfaafinta ee maamulka Puntland Cabdikariim Cali Mahdi ayaa sheegay in ciidamo ka tirsan maamulka Somalilanad ay soo galeen meelo ka mid ah gudaha xuduudda ee Maamulka Puntland, taasina ay tahay sababta keentay ku dhawaaqidda xaaladda degdegga ah ee xilligan. Wasiirku waxa uu intaa ku daray in hawlaha maamulka intooda badan la joojin doono hawshuna ay u badnaan doonto difaaca dalka 'waa sida uu u dhigaye' tan iyo inta ay dhinac u dhacayso xaaladda gobolka Sool. Xaaladda Laascaanood Mar aan Axaddii la xiriiray magaalada Laascaano waxa la ii sheegay in ay jiraan ciidamo ka tirsan millateriga Somaliland oo soo gaaray tuulada Yagoori oo 50 Km. dhinaca Waqooyi ka xigta magaalada Laascaano waxa dadka qaarkiis ay sheegayaan in ciidamadaasi ayba halkaa soo dhaafeen. Wararka kale ee lagu kalsoon yahay ee ka imanaya magaalada Laascaano ayaa tilmaamaya in ciidamo ka tirsan daraawiishta Puntland oo ka kala yimi meelo kala duwan ay iyana gaareen magaalada Laascaano inkastoo uu wasiirka warfaafinta ee Puntland uu beeniyay inay ciidamo dheeraad ah halkaa u direen. Cabsida ka jirta Gobolka Sool Si kastoo ay noqotaba dadka ku nool gobolka Sool ayaa cabsi badan ka qaba dagaal halkaa ka dhaca, hase ahaatee xaaladda magaalada ayaa ilaa iyo hadda deggan iyadoo dadkuna si caadi ah u wato hawlihiisa caadiga ahaa. Odayaal ka tirsan gobolka Sool ayaa iyana Axadda waxay billaabeen dadaal looga gol leeyahay in lagu baajiyo dagaal la isaga hor yimaado waxayna isla Axaddii u dhaqaaqeen dhinaca tuulada Yagoori si ay wadahadal ula sameeyaan ciidamada Somaliland. Arrintan ayaa u muuqata inay faraha ka bixi karto haddii aysan labada maamul ku dhammayn wadahadal iyo waan waan, waana aragtida ay qabaan dadka intiisa badan.
  17. By Bill Ainashe, Washington, DC If recent reports from eastern parts of our country are something to go by, it seems that there are growing political insecurities and a looming military confrontation between Mr. Abdillahi Yusuf and the Rayale administration in Hargeisa. Both men are struggling in a vain attempt to gain political and military control of the dry and scarcely populated regions of Sool and Sanaag regions of the now defunct state of the former Somali Republic. Unfortunately, the conflict seems to be escalating to the brink of a destructive war with no viable political or military solutions in sight in the near future. The reason is that the two main rivals of the conflict Mr. Rayale on one side and Mr. Abdillahi Yusuf on the other are locking their horns in a desperate attempt to out maneuver each other with a devastating political, economic and military consequences. Not to mention the certain bloodshed, and lost of human life that will follow if indeed war breaks out, which, sadly seems the most likely scenario at the moment for the reasons stated below. In order to get some basic ideas of how the conflict is being played out and its likely outcome in the short term, it seems imperative to examine closely what is in the minds of the main actors, their apparent political objectives, the military and political options that are currently available to each camp. Obviously, the two key actors of the current conflict are Abdillahi Yusuf of the “Puntland” regional administration and Dahir Rayale Kahin of the self-declared “Republic of Somaliland”. Unfortunately, the Somali people in those regions are caught in the middle as the unwilling and innocent third participant of a conflict that has been forced upon them by outside forces. Mr. Abdillahi Yusuf is man who squandered his entire adult life in a military uniform; fighting wars, mainly guerilla wars, civil wars and violent armed confrontations with his political opponents. Hence, his political and logical mindset dictates that the best way to resolve conflict is by simply grabbing an AK-47 automatic riffle and eliminating political and military adversaries with brutal violence. Needless to say, Mr. Yusuf is trapped in violent psychological mindset, as he cannot comprehend conflict solutions beyond the barrel of the gun. Sadly, for him violence seems to be the best means for achieving political objectives. In a recent BBC Somali service interview Mr. Abdillahi Yusuf sounded like a tribal chief rather than a respectable Somali statesman. It seems that he believes wholeheartedly the illusive tribal demarcation lines rather than state borders based on political allegiance. More importantly, Mr. Abdillahi Yusuf has very little to loose politically if war breaks out. Indeed, he will reap hefty political rewards in the event of new civil war in those regions. Here is why: First, he will be able to expand the territories under his political and military control. Second, he will be able to reduce Somaliland to a tiny and politically insignificant enclave dominated by one tribe. Third, he will gain more political power and influence to demand a bigger share of future Somali political settlement. Last but not least, the dream of national unity and revival of Somalia under one flag will greatly be enhanced by reducing the secessionist political influence to less than 100 square miles radius of Hargeisa. On the other side of the political and the military demarcation lines, there is Mr. Rayale and his administration struggling to achieve political legitimacy after narrowly winning the recent presidential election. Mr. Rayale has everything to loose politically if Mr. Abdillahi Yusuf succeeds to consolidate his political and military power base by extending it to Sool and Sanaag regions. Indeed, by any analysis, it will most likely be the end of his administration if he fails to eject the militia that took control of Laas-Caanood by Mr. Abdillahi Yusuf’s orders. There are several reasons for the current political and military desperations of Mr. Rayale and his administration, which could sadly force him to take a suicidal military action. First, as stated above, there are many people who wrongly believe that the presidential election results were not conclusive enough to give the political legitimacy he needs to govern. Needless to say, that is false and flawed argument as the current constitution that the election was conducted under requires simple majority rather than qualified majority for determining the threshold to win or loose in any given election. Nevertheless, this gives Mr. Riyaale’s political adversaries, mainly Mr. Silanyo and his henchmen some ammunition and political energy to bark wildly and idiotically on the other side of the tribal fence. Second, he has been accused, in many occasions, that his enthusiasm for the decade long old unilateral secession of “Somaliland” from the rest of the country is at best lukewarm welcome and at worse a deceitful way of disguising his true political objectives, which is allegedly, to undermine the whole secessionist endeavor. In fairness, this accusation is nothing but a political smear campaign with a myopic tribalist ideology. And an attempt to underscore implicitly the fact that the people living in and around Mr. Rayale’s hometown are overwhelmingly against unilateral secession of Somaliland in fear of political and economic domination by Hargeisa and its political elite. Third, despites the limited political and military options that are realistically available for Mr. Rayale, he cannot afford politically to sit and wait. He knows that letting Mr. Abdillahi Yusuf to complete full annexation of Sool and Sanaag regions will undoubtedly mean the demise of Somaliland, as we know it. Indeed, it will certainly be the end of his administration and as a result the demise of his short political life! The sad thing is, taking hasty, poorly planned and ill-thought military action to eject Abdillahi Yusuf and his militia from Sool and Sanaag is very risky to say the least with colossal political, economic and military consequence that will undoubtedly be detrimental to the very existence of Somaliland. But he has no other choice but to act. The Tanzanian wise man, Mr. Abdirahman Babu commenting the Cold War conflict between the “West” and the Soviet Union and its politico-economic implications for the African continent, was once quoted as saying: when two elephants are making love it’s the grass that suffers and when they are fighting it is still the grass that pays the ultimate price of getting destroyed. For the simple and unfortunate reason of being on the wrong place at the wrong time with no power whatsoever to alter its doomed faith to destruction and death. In a similar fashion, it’s the innocent, the powerless, the poor and the economically disadvantaged Somali people in those regions that will ultimately pay with their lives, and resources for a conflict they could hardly comprehend its political and military objectives. Indeed if asked, the fast majority of the people in those regions would most probably prefer to be left alone and go about their daily business of herding their camels. Indeed, they could not care less the colors of the tribal flag that is flying in their town center at any given time. They learned the hard way that a change of a Warlord, tribal ruler or tribal flag never paid any positive economic or political dividend. On the contrary, it simply brings to them, misery, bloodshed, human loss of life and disastrous economic and financial consequences that are beyond believe. Sadly, the people also unwillingly become, in most cases, the innocent and the unwitting financial backers of all conflicts fought for issues they do not even understand. Like all armed conflicts in the past, the looming war is orchestrated on a dubious and irrational tribalist motives which will not help to bring about a lasting solution to the almost two decade long political anarchy in those regions and elsewhere in the country. In short, war is not the answer to the current conflict for the simple reason that innocent Somalis will die on both sides of the illusive tribal demarcation lines with political and economic repercussions of unimaginable magnitude. Sadly, there are no viable political and peaceful solutions on the horizon. However, I believe Mr. Abdillahi Yusuf could, if he wants to, come to his senses and let the people of those regions decide their political destiny by expressing their collective political will on a ballot box rather than at the barrel of a gun. Sadly, there are no political or economic incentives for him to do so. More importantly, for him success and defeat are something that can only be measured at the barrel of the gun rather than by political means with respect for democratic values and the collective political will of the people. Hence, war looks inevitable. I cannot help it but to keep thinking about Abdillahi Qarshe’s intellectually and emotionally challenging song of “Afrikaan Allahayow Maxaa laga Abuuraayey?” I wish someone knew. By Bill Ainashe Washington, DC. United States
  18. Yes it is suspicious but after seeing it I had to see what people had to say. Obedient servant kulahaa
  19. Af jabtay sideedii ma noqoto. Samurai said: Huuganka Ideolojiyada - Are you not forgetting the basic rule of engagement old son? In case you did not, I only engage people with brains and sth to offer. Need I say more! Weger, So the question I asked was too close to the truth? You have learnt the english but not yet how to express yourself. Well all i can say is your lack of response or rather the unnessecary one you gave, just drives another nail in to the MJ sultanate your nonsense is trying to obscure. But I am looking foward to exposing at every turn your fadhi ku dirrir.
  20. North-Eastern Province is the third largest province yet the poorest because of marginalisation. The people are dirt poor and will accept any form of humanitarian aid. There is no single tarmac road in the region. The roads are impassable during rainy seasons; health facilities are limited; the few schools lack facilities, and insecurity is common. They are a people traumatised by bad Government policies, injustices and poor representation. They have learnt not to trust the Government. Visit El-Danaba in Wajir North, you will find about 15,000 people displaced by the Government and rendered internal refugees living in makeshift camps for the past five years. They are threatened by starvation and diseases and resettlement has remained a distant dream. Such people are not likely to choose which aid to accept and which to reject. They are people on the edge. However, there are many non-governmental organisations providing some health services, food and drilling boreholes. Some of these organisations are from the West — GTZ of Germany, Danida from Denmark, ADRA from Maryland, USA, Sida from Sweden, Oxfam from Britain, the Red Cross Society, Care International from Canada, and others from the Middle East. One aid worker Anallina Tonelli was recently murdered in Somalia. She will always be remembered in Wajir for her selfless service. Therefore, one wonders why the Americans had to send Marines to distribute medicine in the province. Why not use the American Red Cross or the Adventist Relief Development Agency to do the same? Why not donate medicine through these NGOs? These questions make their motive suspect. They caused a riot in Garissa and were rejected in Wajir. If the Marines were there to tarmac Garissa-Mandera road, the crisis could have been averted. Perhaps American policy makers needed to study the region’s history before embarking on their mission — whatever the motive. The people have been victims of several massacres — Malka Mari, Wagalla, Garissa and the latest El-Danaba. They have suffered under two decades of emergency laws and discrimination. It is therefore not surprising that men in uniform are perceived as enemies or a threat even when they are only armed with medicine. The American policy makers were either insensitive in their humanitarian deployment or they have other motives. Conspiracy theories abound that the Americans want to use the region as a front on their global war against terrorism. The people here are predominantly Muslim and they are targets in the war against terrorism. The people are generally peaceful, though overwhelmed by ignorance, poverty, diseases and injustice. But they are not players on either side of the terrorism war. Other than becoming victims of the war on terrorism, the rape cases against British forces who were in Kenya on training is a case in point which we do not want revisited on a people traumatised by victimisation. There are also the allegations of foreign security agents torturing our people at the Coast. The Suppression of Terrorism Bill 2003 still pending in Parliament is modelled on the American Patriot Act. Once passed — and I hope it is not— the law is likely to take away some of our civil liberties. The Bill gives immense powers to security agents to victimise civilians without recourse to the due process. The people of NEP see a connection in all this and a repeat of what may be worse than the emergency laws. The current crisis in the province, provoked by the presence of American Marines providing medical aid, can be blamed on the Government. By Abukah Muhammed
  21. Good question to ask. But this one's reason for initiation was not water, it is land dispute and somali tribal feud, as far as I know. Like i said what else is new?
  22. / |/ / __/ _ | / |/ / __/ | /| / / __/ / /|_/ / / __ |/ / _/ | |/ |/ / /_/ /_/___/_/ |_/_/|_/___/ |__/|__/___/ Support MSANEWS, a project of learning and enlightenment "A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste" [ see footer for contact and other pertinent information ] ____________________________________________________________________________ Source: Liberty For the Muslim World Date: Thu, 12 Dec 1996 15:54:57 +0000 Email: Title: Liberty: Somalia Report: From Pres Mohamed Ibrahim Egal to PM Rabin TEXT: Liberty For the Muslim World, Postal Address: BM Freedom, London WC1N 3XX, U.K. Tel: 0181-4526210 Fax: 0181-4502019 Mob: 0468298219 Text of the letter sent by fax to former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin by President of the Republic of Somaliland Mohamed Ibrahim Egal. Republic of Somaliland The Presidency Our Ref: SLR/PO/ISPMI/7/95 Your Ref: ....................... 3 July 1995 Hargeisa His Excellency The Prime Minister of Israel Mr Yitshak Rabin Hakirya, Fax No. 972 2 513 950 Jerusalem, Israel. Your Excellency Establishing Strategic Partnership with the State of Israel In my capacity as the President of the Republic of Somaliland, an admirer of the state of Israel and the courage of its people, please accept my compliments and my people's profound felicitations to you, your Government, President and the people of Israel for their tenacity, strength and resourcefulness which had finally constrained its adversaries to make peace with the State of Israel. I have the honour of representing the people of Somaliland and its nascent state in this opportunity for seeking to establish amiable and strategic links with the State of Israel. It is important to note that our two nations have had strong links since time immemorial. Indicative of such historical links, stretching well before the advent of Islam to this date, is the influence of the Hebrew culture in Somaliland and how Jewish legends and their mystical powers are widely acknowledged and homage paid to them. In addition, the people of Somaliland are appreciative as they have an indelible memory of the fact that Israel was among the first three countries who recognised Somaliland after it declared its independence from Britain on 26th June 1960, alas, that independence lasted no more than four days as Somaliland entered into a voluntary union with the UN Trust Territory of Somalia on 1st July 1960, in the hope of creating Greater Somalia. Exactly, thirty five years later, the dreams of Greater Somalia are discredited and disavowed. It was under the union with Somalia that Somaliland found itself a pathetic captive within a ruthless, destructive and hostile state. Indeed, it was this union whose culmination was the tyrannous and repressive regime of the late Siyad Barre which brought about the enormous suffering, starvation and destruction in which the world had witnessed and came to notice, too well, during the past five years or so. The people of Somaliland have renounced such a union in May 1991 and reclaimed their independent sovereign entity, and nothing will make them reverse the decision to extricate themselves from the captivity of Somalia. The vice-president and the Foreign Minister of Somaliland have, recently, paid an official visit to Eritrea and while there met H.E. Ariel Kerem, the Ambassador of Israel in Eritrea, who furnished them with valuable advice and suggested that I, the President of Somaliland, should write to your Excellency, as the Prime Minister of Israel, in person, informing you about Somaliland's eagerness to establish an ex parte relationship based on strategic partnership with the State of Israel and sharing with you about my government's concerns and fears vis-a-vis the alarming menace emanating from the expansion of Islamic influence in our strategic region. As I am sure you are aware, at the height of the cold war Somalia's strategic geographical location was acknowledged by both sides (East/West). Today, however, although the West had won the cold war and the threat of communism appears to be vanishing in many parts of the world, we, in the Horn of Africa, are being threatened by a more sinister and pernicious enemy in the form of encroaching Islamic influence. It would be true to say that the State of Israel and its people are, perhaps, more aware and alert of such threats than most other countries, and know how perilous and pestilential the spread of Islamic influence would mean for the entire region. The political upheavals which have been taking place in the Horn of Africa and the lack of stability in the region could be aggravated further if the influence of Islamic Fundamentalism is not curtailed or contained very soon. Somaliland's concern is reinforced by the growing influence of the Saudis and the pro-Islamic Yemen, particularly ever since it had crushed and defeated the South Yemeni's courageous attempt to forsake or renounce its union with the north. Discovering that Eritrea is not interested [in] to act as an Arab satellite, both Sana' and Riyadh, as well as Khartoum (not to mention how pariah states like Iran and Libya are meddling into the internal affairs of my country), are now directing their efforts to force Somaliland to forfeit or withdraw its independence with the intention of installing a pro-Islamic Somali state (under a federal Somalia). This will most definitely render the control of both the north and southern coasts of the Red Sea to pro-Islamic regimes, with the exception of Eritrea and the miniature state of Djibouti which has no significance leaving the whole region to become a bed-rock for Islamic influence. Your Excellency, my government firmly believes that owing to this region's strategic geopolitical importance as a result of its propinquity to the oil routes and the narrow Babul-Mendeb entrance, as well as its proximity to the Gulf, the Middle East and the access to the Indian Ocean, it will be highly deleterious if such a strategic region falls almost entirely under the dominion of pro-Islamic regimes. Needless to say that this should be a portentous eventuality which will in turn adversely affect the national security of the State of Israel, and that of other countries in the Horn of Africa who are trying to recover from years, if not decades, of both man-made and natural disasters i.e. civil wars, military coups, draughts and famines, etc. In addition, since countries in the region are not politically stable the encroachment of Islamic influence will most certainly have a destabilising effect. For instance, in Ethiopia with its various nationalities and particularly with its large Muslim population, the expansion of pro-Islamists in the region would act as a tinder-box with the potential to enflame the entire region. Although the people of Somaliland are over 98% Muslims, they are, nevertheless, averse to adopt an antiquated Islamic Sharia Law as their way of living and governance. In contrast my government intends to make Somaliland a beacon of democracy and oasis for stability in this region of upheavals and turmoil. But this is unlikely to happen in the present climate, as we are ranged against by strong and powerful Islamic proxies whose primary aim is to put out such an illume of hope. A foretaste of what will happen if dark forces of Islamists will succeed in their pursuit of bringing in a passé or an out-moded system, could be seen in Mogadishu today, where a de facto administration from a coalition of Islamic proxies and minority tribal groups headed by not so long ago UN/International fugitive warlord General Aideed, where Islamic surrogates have been infringing people's human rights with impunity; people are being stoned to death for committing no crime other than fornication; and limbs are being chopped off for petty crimes such as mugging and burglary in a barbaric inhuman and uncivilised manner. My government has, in lieu of imposing Sharia Law on our people, just completed the draft of a new secular Constitution which is very liberal and mundane, for I am conscious that Sharia Law does not reflect the needs of my people who are aspiring to become a modern society. Pro-Islamists are hell bent on spreading their influence & version of Islam in the region, and are exploiting the plight of the people of Somaliland. Islamists are the kind of people inspired by a boundless hate who could even exculpate and excuse the crimes of the Holocaust. They have scant regard of the dire needs of the Somali people. All they are interested in is to have their way and are pouring arms and funds to set-up a pro-Islamic regime in our country and establish more Islamic proxies throughout the region. Their modus operandi is to take advantage of people's predicament and impose unsuitable Islamic regimes upon and unsuspecting people. Somalila nd is doing all it can to be a bulwark against the spread of Islamic fundamentalism and sees this as an international issue, thus would appreciate it if your Excellency would use your good offices & enormous influence in the West, particularly in the US, to alert them about the portentous/ominous situation developing in this region, so that they would not remain hapless on-lookers while their national/international interests are being threatened. I am absolutely certain that those Arab countries noted above, as well as Iran, will whip-up Islamic/Arab passion against Somaliland establishing amiable & strategic partnership with the State of Israel and thus could use this as a pretext to exacerbate our situation further both inside and outside Somaliland. However, those countries need to know that my government is not playing with empty emotions, as they often do, but playing pragmatism and real politick for the best interest of its people and country. The people of Somaliland have a daunting and onerous task to overcome their Islamist adversaries and contain the encroachment of Islamic influence, considering their strength, however, we are like David facing Goliath, but then there were an overwhelming odds against Israel when it defeated Arabs in three major wars. In order to surmount such an onerous task my government needs the support and assistance of the State of Israel, not only to defend our nascent state from the menace of pro-Islamist dark forces, but also in terms of relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction of this devastated country. In this regard my government has a number of priority areas where your Excellency's assistance is pivotal to the people of Somaliland, among these are: First, military equipment and counter insurgency experts. Second, conducting plebiscite on the issue of independence at the end of next year 1996 or early 1997. Third, relief and rehabilitation aid as well as development advisers, petroleum and mineral exploitation expertise. The people of Somaliland have full confidence in their government and are absolutely behind me in this historic decision of establishing strategic partnership with the state of Israel and I am determined to see it come into fruition. Shalom, I have the honour to remain, Your Obedient Servant Mohamed Ibrahim Egal President Republic of Somaliland ______________________________________________________________________________ __ __________ _ _______ ______ / |/ / __/ _ | / |/ / __/ | /| / / __/ / /|_/ / / __ |/ / _/ | |/ |/ / /_/ /_/___/_/ |_/_/|_/___/ |__/|__/___/ Views expressed on MSANEWS do not necessarily represent those of the MSANEWS editors, the Ohio State University or any of our associated staff and "watchers". Further distribution of material featured on this list may be restricted. 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  23. That is a sensible position to take. But watch out or the darawish will get you :eek:
  24. Illahay naxariistii jano ha siiyee Aadan Carab waxaa ka mid ragga ugu horeeya dhinaca gabayada , dabayaaqadii qanigii 19-aad, waxaadna moodaa in inuu Adan Carab hu hiranayo, raggii jamaamiirta murtida soomalida u ahaa sida. Cali dhuux, Ismail Mire, Qamaan Bulxan, Sayid M C Xasan, kuwaas ay qaar nolol isku soo gaaraneen qaaran, gabayana is weydaarsadeen. Gabaygan waa sadaal waxana uu Adan Carab tiriyey mar haatan laga joogo wakhti dheer, waxaana kaga hadlayey ama uu hal qabsanayey xukuumadii foosha xumayd ee Ingriiska, lakiin Adan meel kale ayuu u socday isagoo gabaygiisa ku bilaabayana,Wuxuu yidhi:- Ingiriis dalkiisii murxay oo cunay magoolkiisa Isagoo masaafira haddaan subax ka miidaanshey Oo lagu mintiday waw dhamayn minawarkaan fuullay. Maskab kama dhaxline wiilal baa helay macaankiiye Kun nin baa martabadii u haray ama muluugtiiye Inta kale mus ood laga rogtay meerayaan dibade . Sidii baan marqaafa u sitaa ama mareykaane Sidii baan mankaar lagu gubtay iyo milic u joogaaye Sidii baan maqaar ugu gam’aa meel la ii dhigaye Sidii baan madaal dheri karshiyo rodol u miistaaye Sidii baan macaash ugu gataa harag miciinkiise. Sidii baan miraa ugu gurtaa madaxa toomoode Sidii baan u macaluushanahay oo mud dhuubanahay Sidii baan manjaa ugu socdaa moodhar liidiiye . Sidii baan mawaashiga hayaan ugu maqiiqaaye Sidii baan martida caana qura ugu macsuumaaye Sidii baan taclliin uga madhnahay machadkii diimeede . Sidii baan macruufka u sugaa macallinkiisiiye Sidii baan madow ugu jiraa maato iyo ruuxe Sidii baan xafiis meel fog ii jira ugu muctaadaaye. Haddii laba nin oo wada muslima madaxda loo geeyo Sidii baa guddiga loo maraa wax u masaynayne Sidii baa miskiin tulu leh looga marayaaye . Kuwo midabka soomaali uun lagu malaynaayo Sidii buu kiniin uga mutaa maralka jiifaaye Sidii buu rumaan ugu murxaa kii maxbuus ahiye Sidii buu dalkii naga maqnaa muran u joogaaye. Marsadii jabuutaanba meli soo mihiib kicine Sidii baa sharcigu mayd uu yahay marwa lahayne Haddii dumar maxaajabad ahaa milicsi loo diido . Iminkey dharkoodoo mil mila suuqa marayaane Miidaanka noogama baqaan mana mastuurtaane Muqdishaba horteed waa dhaqneyn marag Illaahaaye. Isagaa maqsuuda ee wax kale looma maamuline. Bal muxuu micneeyoo na taray ministarkaan doortay Af uun malaba shicibkii haddii lagu mashaysiiyey Oo aan muraadba u qumayn mooye say noqone Waa nala madaarshaynayaa tan iyo maantiiye Mahdigii naloo sheegay iyo malihi beenowye. Manqaa lagu sabaa had iyo jeer muugga dhalanteede Hadba waxaan maqallaa boqol malyuun waa macaawina’e Maalkii arladaa loo qabtiyo meeye lacagtii!!!!!!. Mooskada ragga u duulayaa maylka tirinaaya Goormay waxay muujiyeen lagu manaafiici? Ma mardaadi baa socodka aan miiqna loo qabaneyn. Sow riigna noogama mudaan madasha Buuhoodle!!!! Bal intee muddaa oo sugnaa maaxda imanaysa Bal maxaase hay muuqatee marada loo qaatey. Mukhlis iyo haddaan lagu shaqeyn orod maleegnaana Ma xiniin yahay moodayaan muunad nala saaray Ma naftiina maara u qabtaa nimanka loo miiray . Maasha iyo haddii aan miilka saro malow miyey fuuli Ma mucaarid baan ahay hadaan xaqa ka maansooday Bal muxuu micneeyoo na taray ministarkaan doortay