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Everything posted by Liqaye

  1. I suggest that admin deletes all articles with qabil names, the first thing that attracted me here was the absolute absence of qabiil names and/or bashing, as some have said new unfortunate ways of clan labeling have emerged. On such occasions I follow the following saying "Nin waliba wuxuu yahay ayuu ku moodaa" I hope this is not true. Although i might have diffrences with some nomads, i believe that they are over ideals and prescriptions for somalia. And nothing else.
  2. Waxa Qoray Eng. Faisal Cali Waraabe (Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga UCID). Maqaalkan waxaan u qoray in ummadda Soomaliyeed ee ku nool Geeska Afrika iyo inta wax ma garatada ah ee Xamar joogtaa ay ogaato cidda xumaysay Soomalinimadii iyo Cidda baabiisay himiladii Soomaliweyn iyo sidii loo khiyaameeyay dadkii reer Soomaliland ee qaarnimadoodii dhaafsaday midnimada oo ah sida ay xaqiiqadu tahay. Waxa kale oo qoralalkan aan ugu sheegayaa siyaasiyiinta ********* inay ogaadaan in dadkan maanta jooga ee Soomaliyeed aanay ahayn kii 60kii, oo maanta aanay khiyaamayn karin xitaa Mawliid Macaane. Waxaad moodaa in beyahan dambe intii u hanaqaday shirkan sannad jirka ah ee dalka Kenya , in Cabdillaahi Yuusuf uu isku dhigay madaxweynaha dowlada faderaalka ah ee ee Soomaliweyn- Somaliland iyo Somaliya. Cabdilalahi wuxuu uu muuqdaa nin ku guulaystay in uu soo celiyo dowladii lixdankii ee Governo ******* ee uu ku taamayay ilaa 1979 kii markii u ka dhicisoobay Afgembigii 9kii Apriil 1978kii iyo burburkii iyo isa soo dhiibkii jabhadii SSDF ee 1982. Cabdillahi wuxuu hoos u eegayaa macalimintiisii soo celin kariweyday dowladii *******, kuwaas oo ah Cabdirizaaq Xaaji Xuseen, marxuum Bardacad iyo Maxamed Abshir iyo yarkii firfircoona ee ka soo qalan jabiyay dugsigii Afweyne ee Daaroodaynta Soomaliya - Xassan Abshir. Cabdillaahi Yuusuf hadda wuxuu isku haystaa qofkii isku dhararin laha madaxdii Adduunka ee caanka noqotay siiba qarniikii 20naad. Cabdillaahi wuxuu isku haystaa in uu iska dhigi karo General Diigool ama Marshaal Tito. Labadaa hoggaamiyaba wuxuu isleeyahay waxbaad la wadagtaa . General Diigool waxuu ku guulaystay in uu sameeyo Jamhuuriyada 5aad ee Faransiska, halka uu Cabdillaahina is leeyahay waxaad ku guulaysatay in aad samayso Jamhuuriyadii 2aad ee ******. Marshal Tito wuxuu ku guulaystay in u abuuro dawladii Fadaraalka ahayd ee Yuguslaafiya oo ka kobnayd 8-d qowmiyodood oo kala jaad jaad ah. Cabdillaahi waxuu is leeyahay waxaad ku guulaysatay in aad ka adkaatay qabqablayaasha dagaal ee Soomaliya is la markaan aad ku guulaysatay in aad burburiso dawlada Somliland. Waxaynu eegi doonaa waxa ku kalifay in uu Cabdillaahi Yuusuf, hawadan beenta ah iyo hamadan aan suurtagalka ahayn isku laab raaciyay. Waxa lama huraan ah in aynu dib u raacno taariikhda siyaasadeed ee dalkii la odhan jiray Italy Somalia iyo Jamhuuriyadda Soomaliya ee 1960-1969. Waxaynu garan karnaa waxa ku kalifay in uu Cabdillaahi Yuusuf uu had iyo jeer u gashado kabo ka waaweyn, dhul aanu lahayna oo aanu xiitaa haysan awood uu ku qabsado uu mar kasta u sheegto sida Gobalada Mudug, Kismayo Sanaag iyo Sool markay noqoto arrimaha siyaasadeed ee Soomalida. Dowladii gumaysika ee Talyaanigu markay qabsanaysay Koonfuurta Soomaliya waxay heshiis la gashay Boqortooyadii ****** ee Gobalkii ********* ee Jamhuuriyadda Soomaliya . Hishiiskaasi waxa ka mid ahaa in ay ********** gacan ka siiyaan Talyaaniga in ay gacanta ku dhigaan qabaaa’ilka Soomaliyeed ee kale, ka dhibna ay abaal marin u siin doonto awooda hoose ee hoggaanka dhulka. ******teenku wuxuu gacan ka siiyay Talyaaniga sidii ay u qabsan lahayd qabaa’ilka Soomaalida. Talyaanigu markii uu ku guulaystay taladii iyo awoodii Soomaliya wuxuu ******teenka ugu abaal guday in uu ka dhiga Qabiilka ugu sareeya qabaa’ilka Soomaaliya isaga oo u dhiibay xilalka markaa ugu badnaa ee ay in ay Somalidu qabato. Mar kaliya ayay ****** noqdeen awooda labaad ee Soomaliya Italy ee ku xigta dadka Talyaaniga. Mamulkii hoose ee Soomaliya ayaa gacanta u galay dadkii ********** ee ka soo haajiray gobolka ********* ugu nolasha liitay dalka iyo gobalka mudug. Hogaankii siyaasadeed ee ********** waxuu ku guulaystay in uu gacanta ku dhigu maamulki talyaaniga ee Qaramadda Midoobay u igmadeen in ay Soomaliya gobanimo garsiiyaan muddo 10 sanadood ah. Waxa kale u ay gacanta ku dhigeen Wakiilki Q.M. kamaal-Diin oo aha nin Masriya. Kamaal-Diin waxay ka raarideen in ay ka soo jeedaan carab oo ay ka duwanyihiin ****** iyo dad kale ee Soomalida uu ka soo jeeda Bantuu. U diyaar galowgii gobanimada 60ka , waxa Kamaal-Diin ka dhisay dhaaman tuulooyinka ****** iyo Mudugta ****** Madarasado Af Carabi ah, waxaanu Xamar ka dhisay dugsigii sare ee Allaahiga, oo sida la wada ogayahay khaas uu aha dadka ******. Dhinaca kalana Talyaanigu wuxuu ku caweeyay ****** in uu tuula kasta oo ay dagaan, amba ha ahaato gobalka ****** amba ha ahaato Wagooyiga Mudug in ay ka degaan degmo si ay u yeeshaan xubno Baarlamaan marka dowladnimo la helo. Taliskii Talyaanigu waxuu u diyaariyay ****** in ay la wareegaan talada Soomaliya 1960. ****** waxuu gacanta ku dhigay awooda dalka 70% tallada iyo hogaanka Booliska 80%. Waxay la wareegiin dhul beeraadkii iyo magaalada Kismaayo oo ay dhismaheeda yeesheen 90%. Waxa ay aad uga faa'idaysteen Baankii Credito De Somaliya oo ganacsatadoodu kaligood ay aamaahda ka heli jiriin. Waxaa u fududaatay ****** in ay la wareegaan dhismayaashii iyo Beerihii asandooyinka ee shabiga Talyaangu iska ibinayeen markii xornimaddu soo dhawaaty. Mar kaliya ayey ********** isla heleen awood dhaqaale iyo awood xukun. Waxay isticmaleen habkii gumaysiga ee ahaa (Qaybi oo Xukun). Waxay aad u kala qaybiyeen Beelaha ****** iyaga oo is aamin dara wayn ku kala dhex riday Beelaha ****** iyo taas u ilaa maanta taagan. ****** iyagan qaar bay u sheegeen in ay ka soo jeedaan ******* marka ay ku guulaysteen in ay hogaanka u hayaan sida Suube. Markii 60kii la gaadhay, hogaankii siyaasaadda ee ********** waxuu ahaa quwada kaliya ee isku duuban ee qorsha siyaasadeed oo danatooda ah lahaa. Waxay qorsheeyeen siidi ay awooda dalka gacanta ugu dhigi lahaayeen iyo sidii ayna uga bixi lahayn waligeed. waxay qorasheeyeen kuna guulaysteen in maamulka dalka 50% ay qayb u qataan 50% kalaana in ay ka shaqeeyaan siidi ay wax u ga helilahaayeen. Baarlamaankii konfuurta ee 60kii waxay degmooyinkii yar yaraa ee Talyaanko u qorshay in ay ku helaan kurasii u guyeen 33%. kuraasida guud ee Soomaliya oo ka kobnaa 60 markii danbana ay ka dhigeen 90 kursi. Kursiga xubin Baarlamaan ee ********** waxuu joogay 70-100 cod halka u kursiga dadka kale joogay 1000-2000 oo cod. Waxaa kale oo ay ku guulaysteen in ay gacanta ku dhigaan ciidanka Booliiska, markaa ma jirin ciidan mililatari oo konfuurtu amba Somaliya lahayd. Hogaanka adag ee ********* waxay ka shaqayeen in dalku qaato habka dowladnimo ee dalka Talyaaniga oo ah habka (Parliamentary System), habkaas oo ay fulita dowladu leeday Madaxweyne maamuus iyo Raa'isal wasaare fulineed. Marka waxay qorshayeen siidi ay u qaadan lahayeen Raa'isal wasaaraha awood leh, waanay ku guulaysteen Waxay noqdeen Beesha kaliya ee leh aqlabiyad balaadhan ee baarlamaanka ah, Raa'isal wasaare iyo talladi ciidanka Booliiska, waa quwad aan la horjoogsan karin. Markii Soomaaliland keentay fikradii isku darka labada dal, ********** ma filayn in ay arintaasi suurtagal noqonayso, waxay arkayeen in Soomaliland la imaan doonto shuroodo kuwaas oo isbel ku keenidoon qorshahoodii iyo samigoodi awooda, marka waxay u diyaar ahaayeen in ay gaashanka ku dhuftaan isku darkii laba dal, mar hadduu wax yeelayo dantoodii Beelnimo. Markii reer Soomaliland yidhahdeen midnimo bilaa shuuruud ah, ********* farxad iyo filanshawaa ayay ka noqotay. Siyaasiyiin reer konfuurid ah oo waxa jiray damiir leh oo danaynayay niyaad waanaga reer Soomaliland ee ku fakaray in si xaq ah loo qaybiyo awooda dalka mar haddii ay reer Soomaliland xilkii dusha ka saareen reer Soomaliya, oo soo jeediyay in wax loo qaybsaado siidi laba dal, oo uu midna qato madaxwynaha midna qaato RaaisaL wasaaraha dalka. Markiiba waxa ka howlgalay siyaasiyiintii ********** si aanay arintaasi u dhacdeen. Iyaga oo isticmaalaya habkii guumaysiga ee (Qaybi oo Xukun) ayay hogaankii reer soomaliland oo marka ay hayso jibadii Somaliweyn( greater Somalia) oo aan qabiil maskaxda ku haynin ku bilaabeen in ay reer u kala saaraan, si ay meesha uga saaran figrada laba dal- Somaliya iyo Soomaliland oo ay ka dhigaan Qabaa'il ku soo biiray qabaa'iilkoodda kale , awood qaybsigana loo daayo siidii ay qabaa'ilka Soomaliya hore ugu qaybsadeen. Hoggaanka reer Somaliland wax dan ah oo uga sokeeya danta soomaliweyn ma jirin, shacbigu aad ayay uga baqayeen haddii ay diidaan qaybta la siiyo. Khiyaamo ********** ayay ku timid in dalkii Somaliland loola macamilo shakhsiyaad lana siiyo 3 saddex Wasiir iyo guddomiyaha Baarlamaanka-( Khiyaamadii qarnigii 20aad iyo Masiibadii reer Soomaliland dheh) Jamhuuriyaddii Soomaaliya 1960-1969 Muddadii 1960- 1969, waxaynu odhan karnaa in ay ahayd wakhtigii dahabiga ahaa ee beesha ********** (Golden Time), waana ta uu ku hamiyayo maanta Cabdillaahi Yuusuf in uu soo celiyo. Wakhtigaasi waa markii ********** si rasmi ah u mulkiyeen awooddii Soomaliya iyo Somaliland. Waxay ku guulaysteen in xataa Madaxweynenimadii aan awooda distuuri aan lahayn ee lagu khiyameenayay beesha ****** ee magac u yaalka ahaa in aanu ka baxsan ee ay mariyeen in la doorto Aadan Cabdillaahi Xasan, oo ahaa nin la xidid ah oo qabay Taliyaha Ciidaanka Booliiska Gen. Maxamed Abshir Edadii. Sannadihii i 1960- 67, waxay lahaayeen Shan Wasiir oo uu ka mid yahay wasiirka arrimaha gudaha iyo Taliyaha ciidanka Boliiska iyo Raysal Wasaaraha. Sanbadihii 1967-69, waxay lahayeen 5 Wasiir oo uu ka mid yahay Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha iyo Madaxweynaha. Siyaasiinta ********** waxay awoodeen in ay labadii Beelood ee gobalada Somaliland iyo Soomaliya ee lahaa labada Raysal Wasaare in ay khiyaameeyaan oo ay ku caameeyaan laba jago oo aan awood Dastuuri ah lahayn, kuwaas oo kala ahaa Madaxweyne iyo gudomiyaha Baarlamaanka. Intaa waxa ka darnaa iyagaoo la soo baxay labada nin ee ay labadaa jago la rabeen. Waxaad odhan kartaa wakhtigaa wax qaan gaadh siyaasadeed lahaa ma jirin oo aan ********** ahayn. Beryahaa waxa soo baxay hadal badan oo sheegaya awoodaha qayral caadiga ah ee ********** dadka ******ku wuxuu ku shirbiyay ( Marna Rashiid marna Risaaq, inta kale ma Rootibaa). waxay la yaabeen markii la badalay 1964 Raysal Wasaarihii Cabdirashiid , ********* ayaa la magacabay Cabdirisaaq **********. Wakhtigaa maagaalada Kismaayo waxa loo bixiyey Alabaama state, iyada oo aan qof aan ********** ahayni guri ka dhisan karin shaqana ka qabsan karin, Kismaayo awoodeeda 100% ********** ayaa gacanta ku hayay ilaa uu Shire Suudi oo ahaa guddoomiyihii Jubadda Hoose xukunkii Siyaad Bare iyo Cascasay oo la dhashay Siyaad Barre ay ka xoreeyeen. Dawladii Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya waxay kula baxday Governo. waxa mudan in aynu weedhan layaabka xanbaarsan darisno. , ***** waa laf ka soo jeeda reerka ********** , waxay u gaybsamaan saddex jilib: · ***** · ***** · *****. Markaa waxa muuqata in weedhani ka turjimayso saamiiga saddexdan jilib oo aan midkoodna lahayn magaalo micno leh amba ay ku noolyihiin 1000 qof, marka laga reebo ****** oo dhinac ka daga GAalkacayo, oo u ahayd ta ugu dadka yar marka laga reebo Boosaasso siddeedii magaalo madax gobaleed ee Jamhuuriyaddii Soomaliya ka kobnayd intii ka horaysay taliskii Afweyne. Markaa aynu eegno waxay ka heleen jagooyinka sarsare ee Jamhuuriyaddii Soomaliya waa sidan. · *******- Raysal Wassaare iyo hal Wasiir 1960-64, iyo Xoghaye Guud ee xisbigii SYL oo awood buuxda lahaa 1967-69, Madaxweyne iyo Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha. · ****** - Waasiir, Taliyaha Booliiska , iyo Madaxweynaha oo seediigii ahaa. · ***** iyana waxay heleen Raysal Wasaare iyo Wasiir ****** kumay ekaan in ay hantiyaan dawladii iyo Baarlamaanka oo keliya ee waxay gacanta ku dhigeen xisbiyadii siyaasada, xisbigii SYL, oo markii danbe u xub siibtay hay’ad ********** lahaa. waxay qabsadeen jagadii Xoghayihii Guud oo u dhigmaysay jagada Raysal Wasaaraha, Yaasiin Nuur Bide ayaa jagadaa hayay, marka waxay marayeen in aanay kuraasida ********** ee baarlamaanku ku ekaan dhulka gaar ahaan ay u degaan ee ay awood u yeeshaan in ay ka soo baxaan gobalada Koonfuur oo dhan. Waxa Yaasiin u suurto gashay in uu xubno ********** ah ka soo sharaxo magalooyinka Jawhar, Xamar, Marka, Jilib, Kismayo iyo Xudun,oo inta badan ay ku guulaysteen. Dhinaca kale xisbigii ugu adkaa xagga mucaaradka ee siyaasada bidixda raacsanaa SDU-( Calan Cas) oo taageero laxaad leh ka heli jirtay dawladihii Shuuciga waxay tala ahaan gacanta u galiyeen madaxna uga dhigeen ********* Bardacad oo ahaa nin ****** ku gaamurtay hase ahaatee Soomaali u xidhay shaadh guduudan. Bardacad magac xisgiga SDU wuxuu sannadkii ku helii jiray deeq waxbarasho oo dalalkii shuuciga ahaa ay bixin jireen, deeqdaas oo dhammayd ilaa 300 oo arday, ha u badato dalkii Midawga Soofiyeti oo kaligii bixin jiray ilaa 120 arday. 300 ee arday boqolkii 80% waxay ahaayeen ********** 20% kalena waxa ay ahaayeen waxay cagaha ku qataan sida ***** , *****, ***** iyo ******. Markaa waxa u suurtagashay ****** in ay wixi kuuraasi Baarlamaan ka soo baxa SDU-na ay gcanta ku dhigaan, taas oo marka lagu daro magaalooyinka kale ee konfuurta kuurasdii Baarlamanka ee ********** kor u kaceen 25%, tusaale ahaan waxa suurtgal noqotay in Xamar ay ka soo baxaan dhinac SDU-da Bardacad iyo Cabdi Casiis Nuur Xersi, *****, oo ahaa shoodhe ********** . Marka halkas ayay ka timi naanaystan GOVERNO *******. Waxay siyaasiinta ********** qorsheeyeen xitaa haddii uu mucaaradtku ka guulaystaan doraashooyinka in qofka Raysal Wasaaraha ahi noqdo qof ********** ah. Mar qudha ayuu ********* noqday Qoyskii Soomaliya xukumayay ( The Ruling Family of Somalia). Awoodaa badani dhibaato iyo nabcaansho fara badan ayay u keentay Beesha. Waa mar’e qabaa’ilkii Soomaliyeed oo dhan ayaa cadaawad u qaaday xitaa kuwii ay ku lahayeen dan ******* baanu wadnaa, waa taa labaade iyago sii laxaad leh dhulkoodii kaga soo haajiray, dhul aanay lahayna degay oo ay maal gashadeen. Dhibaatadadaasi waxay si xoog leh u dareemeen markii ay ****** ka saareen koonfuur sannadkii 1992 oo dhan, oo ay xitaa daafici kari waayeen magaalada kismaayo . Mahad waxa leh Siyaad Barre oo dabayaaqadii xukunkiisii u sameeyay Dekedda yar ee Tuulada Boosaaso. Taariikhda Soomaliyeed lama sheegin meel ay dagaaladii qabaa’ilka ay ********** guul ku keenin, hase ahaatee waxaad moodaa in ay siyaasadii Qarnigii 20aad ay Soomali kaga badiyeen in kasta oo ay cidhib iyo cawaaqib xun ku yeelatay. Waxa isweydiin leh halkuu kaga jiray Col. Cabdillaahi Yuusuf, Sannadahaa Barwaaqada. Kornaylku wuxuu ahaa AMIIR ka tirsan ciidankii xoogga Soomaaliya, wuxuu ahaa hoggaamiye aan muran ku jirin isaga oo isku diyaarinaya hoggaanka siyaasada ee jiilka dambe, wuxuu qaabilsana waxbarashada saraakiisha xoogga dalka , halkaas oo boqolkiiba 50% uu ka dhigii jiray ********** saraakiisha dibaada waxbaraashada u tagaysa. Arrintaas waxay wax ugu tartay markii u 1978-79 uu maleegayay afgambigii dhicisoobay iyo markii uu sameeyay Jabhadii la jabiyay ee SSDF Laakiin Kornayka iyo Siyaasiinta ********** waxay garan waayeen in ay qortaan askar ka soo jeeda Beelaha ay kabaha ku qataan si ay u difaacaan dawladooda, sidii Siyaad Barre sameeyay. Cabdillahi wuu ka awood badnaa Gen. Daa’uud waad iska garan karntaa kornayl yar oo qoyskoodu awoodda dalka haystaan inaanay cidna is hortaagi karin. Markii Gen. Siyaad uu qabtay hoggaanka xoogii Soomaliyeed, waxay noqotay jagadaasi tii kaliya ee gacanta ********** amba ciyaal ********** ka maqnayd dalka oo dhan, ka bacdi ********** waxaynu odhan karnaa waxay si buuxda u mulkiyeen awoodihii Baarlamaanka, Xukuumada, Asxaabta , Booliiska iyo xooga dalka. Waagaa lama maqli jirin Beelaha **** ee Konfurtii Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya, Beesha ********a, ********* waxay ka raarideen dadka in ay dhammantood degaan Itoobiyana ay qaxooti ku yihiin. Tuulada Afmadow ee jubada hoos ayay u ogaladeen. Cabdillahi kama haybadaysan jirin Gen. Siyaad oo markaa ay tol la'aaani haysatay oo ********* magan u ahaa. Waagaa marka la waydiiyo qof ********** ah haybta Siyaad Barre waxay ku Jawabi jireen " Waa Ciyaalo ********** " Hoggaanka siyaassada ee ********* kumay guulaysan khiyaamaynta iyo boobkii taladii dawaladii J. Soomaliya ee sanaadadii 1960kii ee waxay sii fiicaan ugu guulaysteen been ka sheega taariikhda Soomalida, sida ay dhulka u kala degaan iyo tirada Beelaha Soomaalida. Haddii aad akhrisatid Buugaagta J. Somalia laga qoray waxaad arkaysa in ay been ********* iyo Afweyne ka buuxaan. Cabdillaahi Yusuf wuxuu qabaa in ay Soomalida ku nool dalkii J.Soomaliya ay u qaybsanto **** iyo ****, Daaroodna ka kooban yahay ********** iyo in yar oo soo raacda, sidaa awgeed ay lama huraantahay in ********** yeesho 40% markay timaado awood qaybsi Soomaliyeed. Afganbigii Siyaad Barre ee 1969 , waxuu ahaa inqillaab ******* . Markii la arkay sida ********* awoodii dalka ay u boobeen iyaga oo afka ka leh waa qaybtii ******* . Markii la arkay Beelihi Soomaliyeed ee kale oo aad isugu abaabulay, sidii samayntii Xisbigi SNC iyo kalmada ***** oo israaciisay beelaha ***** , ***** , ********** , ****** iyo *** oo dhan dadka Soomaliyeed ee J.somaliya 80%. Markii la arkay in jagadi dalka ugu awooda badnayd gacanta u gashay reer Somaliland . Cabdillahi Yusuf iyo Afganbigi 1969. Ayaa Siyaad ku fakaray in afganbi la saameeyo, si loo sii wado xukunka Darood ee Soomaliya oo ay khatar galinayso hunguri weynaanta awoodeed iyo xirfad xumida siyaasadeed ee ********** . Siyaad barre wuxu isticmaalay saraakiil badan oo Soomaliyeed oo dhallinaryo ah. Maslan markuu qoranayay saraakiishii ***** oo door weyn ka qaadatay afganbigi siyaad, wuxuu odhanjiray," waa in aynu dalka ka badbaadina musuqmaasuq iyo qabyaalada." Markuu Saraakiisha reer konfurta la hadlayaana waxuu odhan jiray" sidee waaye awoodii dalku- Raysal Wasaaruhu waxay gacanta u gashay reer Waqooyi". Marka uu la hadlayo saraakiisha ***** ayuu sheegi jiray runta, waxaanu odhan jiray" awoodii dalku gacanta ********* way ka sii baxaysaa , waayo ********* ****** wax uma ogola, Isna kaligii ma hayn karo". Col. Cabdillhi yusuf, waxuuu ahaa saraakiishii ********** ee ugu horayntii loo soo bandhigay. Waxa loo mariyay arintaa saraakiil ***** ah. waxa la sheegay in ay saraakiishaasi ay Kornelka ku casumeen Baar lambar konto (no.50) , oo ku yaalay wadada u dhaxaysa Afgoye iyo Marka. Waxaa la sheegay markay u soo bandhigeen in ay haboontahay in ay sameeyaan afganbi ***** sii loo soo eiliyo awoodii dawalada oo hadda gacanta u gashay ***** , danihi ****** ay khatar ku jiraan. Cabdillhi waxuu waydiistay saraakiishii in ay siiyaan saddex malmood in uu arinta kaga soo fakaro. Waxaa la sheegay in saddexdii malmood ka bacdi ay isla meeshi ku kulmeen, Cabdillhai waxuu yidhi" Markan eegay sida tolkay yahay maanta iyo sida u noqonayo afganbiga ka bacdii, waxaan door biday siida u maanta yahay". Cabdillahi siidas ayu afgnbigi ***** u diiday, isaga oo u muujiyay in aanu wax ***** ah danaynayn. Sidaas ayaana loogu badalay gobalada Wagooyi, markii afganibigi guulaystayna loo xidhay. Sida ayuu afganibigi u noqay, Kacaan : ********* , ******* iyo *****,( M.O.D.) bilaa ********* . Cabdillahi yusuf waxuu forsadiisi uriyay markii dagalkii J.S. Soomaliya iyo Itoobia sannadkii 1977, markaas oo Cabdillahi u dhowr sano maareeye ka ahaa wakalad, markii xabsiga laga sii daayay, ayaa dagaaladii loogu yeedhay isaga iyo wax alaale iyo waxii militari ah ee shaqo raa'yid hayay , sida Xasan Kayd, Caydiid , Cawil, Cabdillahi waxaa taliye looga dhigay qaybta dagaalka ee SIDAAMO, IYO BAALI., waxuu gacant ku dhigay ciidankii qaybti 60aad ee gobalka Bay iyo dhoor gaas u fadhiyay gobalda Gedo iyo Xudun iyo ciidamo badan iyo sannad laga kaxiiyay gobalka Banaadir. Dhinaca Waqooyina waxa taliyaha dagaalka laga dhigay Kornel Cirro. Markaa si yar ayay awoodii xooga dalku gacanta u gashay ********* , laakiin dadku waxuu ku jeeday dagaalka iyo xoreynta Soomali galbeed , taas oo ahayd fursad kale oo soo martay, tiiyo markaa Itoobiya dhexdooda ay ka socotay dagal sokeeye. Cabdillahi iyo Cirro, waxay ka shaqeeyeen in dagaalka Soomaliya lagu jabiyo, intaan xitaa Ruushka iyo xulafadoodo aanay gacanta siinin Itoobia. Cirro waxuu bilaabay in uu curyaamiyo dagalka, isaga oo marka la soo weydiisto Nafto diri jiray Bensiin, marka rassaas la weydiistan diri jiray mid qalad ah. Dhinaca kalana Cabdillahi wax dagaal ah ma qaadin, ujeedaasina waxay ahayd nabad ilaa markii dagaalkii dhamanayay. Labada kornel waxay qorsheeyeen sidii Soomaali dagalkan ugu jabi lahayd ka bacadina dadka iyo ciidamada oo cadhaysan ay afgani ********* u sameen lahaayeen. Cirro waxuu sameeyey wax alaale iyo wixii uu is yidhi ciidaamado ha ka gadoodeen. Markuu Sabataajkii dhamayay ayuu bilaabay inuu laayo saraakiil iyo ciidamo ka badan 200 oo saraakil xigeena ahaa. Taariikhdaa taas markhaati iiga ah, haddaanad warkeeda haynin bal adiguba dabagal ku samee. Cabdillahi waxuu sii ficaan fursad ugu helay markii Soomalida laga soo saaray Itoobia, ee ciidamadii oo dhan la fadhiisiyay soohdinta. Markaas magaalooyinka oo dhan ciidama ma joogaan, oo xitaa Xamar waxay ahayd baylah. Sidii lagu yaqaanay Cabdillahi Iyo Ciro , afganbigii waxay ku koobeen ********** , markaas ayey dadka kuwaali jireen shookooyin iyo naxdintii guuldaradii dagaalka iyo jabkii lama filaanka aha ee Soomaliya, 9kii April 1978 ayay afganbigi ka dhucisoobay ku kaceen. Markii u ka fashilmay Xamar waxaa la ga baqaayay inuu Cabdillahi soo dhaqaajo ciidamadiisii fadhiyay gobalka Gedo. Markaa Baydhabana way madhneyd Xamarna cidla ayay ahayd. 10 malmood ayuu hal madfac oo kaliya oo yaalay Xamar kantaroolka loga baxo Xamar- Afgoye. Taageerayasha afganbiguna ay naawilayeen oo ay lahaayeen Cabdillahi Buur Xakaba ayuu oo socdaa. Waxaa noqotay wax la qaadan waayay in Cabdillahi yuusuf ka cararay wixii oo ciidan ahaa, markuu ka war helay Inqilaabkii wuu dhicisoobay. Cabdillahi ma dagaal galin ciidamadiisa, qorshahaa sarakiisha ********* ayaa ahaa in la burburiyo ciidamada waqooyiga , ciidamadda Cabdillahina ay qabtaan Xamar. Markuu Cabdillahi helay telegraamka waxa la yidhi waxuu la joogay ciidamad Geedweyn ee Luuq iyo Doolow u dhexeeya. Waxa la yidhi kalmad ma uu odhan ee intuu gadhigiisii ku dhacay ayuu xadka Ethiopia ka talaabay oo uu Axmaaro isku dhiibay. Waxa la isku raacay Wakhtigaas inuu Cabdillahi si hawl yar uu xamar u qabsan lahaa, maadaama aanay wax ciidani joogin Xamar. Halkaa waxa laga qiyaasi karaa isku halyn la'aanta Cabdillahi Yuusuf iyo awoodiisa Hogaaminta Ciidan dagaalba. Cabdillahi Yusuf iyo SSDF. Cabdillahi wuxuu u abuuray SSDF in ay Soomaali ka daba timaado, si uu dalka ugu qabsado markaana uu ka sameeyo dawlad ***** oo aan ku dhisneyn qaybi oo xukun, laakiin ku dhisan xoog iyo caabudis tii Siyaad Barre la mid ah. Dhinaca kale sameyntii jabada SSDF Beela badan ayay ku soo dhaweysay xukuumadii Siyaad Barre. Cabdillahi iyo SSDF wax ay yeeleen ma jirin taliskii Siyaad Barre laakiin wuxuu wax yeelay ********* oo uu ka dilay nin doorkii ka horyimi taladiisii sida Dr. Cabdillahi Faash iyo Kornel ILGiir iyo qaar kale o badan. Waxaa isna u wiiqay jilibka reer ***** oo ku sameeyay dil fara badan. Waxay u muuqataa in *********ku ka dhaqan duwan yahay soomalida kale. Dhaqanka Soomalida kama suurta gasho in ay Beeli Beel xoog ku maquuniso oo ay ku amar ku taagleyso si ay ugu ogalaato beesha la ga xoog roonaada talada iyo maamulka Beesha kale. Markaad aragtid sida **** aanay ugu aarin dadkoodii Cabdillahi Yusuf dilay sida Soomaalidu yeeli jirtay. Markaad aragtid sida Cabdillahi u qabsaday dekada Boosaassa 1995 ee ka bacdina uu yidhi waxaan sameenayaa dawalad goboleed la yidha Puntland ee u xarun uga dhigtay Garoowe.Markad aragktid dagaalkii sokeeyey ee ka dhex dhacay Cabdillahi yusuf iyo Xasan Abshir iyo Jamac Ali jamc oo isku dhinac ahaa, u micnu ahaa **** oo la dagaalamay ***** sida uu xoog ugu muqooniyay ee xitaa Generaalkii ******* ee ka soo gurmaday dalka Canada uu qasab kaga dhigay in uu ogaalaado xukunkiisa. Isku soo xooriyoo ma jirto beel kale oo Soomaliyeed oo isku dawladaysa. Halgankii hubaysna ee SNM, USC, SPM iyo SDA. Halgamadii huubaysana ee ay ku kaceen jabhadahaasi waxay ka midaysnaayeen in ay ridaan xukunki Siyaad Barre iyo dafoorqiiq jabhaadii SSDF oo la soo saftay 1983, taliskii Afweyne, haase ahaatii Jabhad kasta waxay lahayd qorsha u gaar ah. Waxaa mudan in la ogeeysiiyo shacbiga reer Soomaliland in 80% xasuuqii ka dhacay dalkeena iyo xabaalaha tuulan ee sannadkii 1988 ay gaysteen Morgan iyo askartiisi Dafoorqiiq ee ex. SSDF. SNM waxaa halgankeeda u saldhig ahaa in ay soo ceshaato qarnimadii Somaliland . USC. Waxaa saldhig u ahaa inaanay madaxnimada J. Soomaliya cid kale qaadan. SPM. waxaa saldig u ahaa inaan mar dambe lagu odhan qaxooti, tuulada Afmadowna la qoondeen. SDA. waxaa saldhig u ahaa in aanay ogalan wax aan aheen dawlad Fadraali ah, Afkoodina soo ceshadaan iyo gobaladii Afweyne ka qaaday. Cabdillahi yusuf waxuu raba inuu intaas o qorshe iyo himilo oo ay wataan 95% soomalidii ku noolid dalkii J. Soomaliya inuu burburiyo oo uu suurtagaliyo inuu saacadda lixdankii (60kii) ku ciliyo. Markaa shirka Kenya ee sannadka iyo dheeradka socday waxaa weeye ( Cabdillahi ayaa raba inuu surtgal ka dhigo waxaan suurtoobeynin) sida kale ( ********** VS the rest of Somalis) Qormaddii, Eng.Faisal CAli Waraabe. Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga UCID. Soo DIray: [ January 22, 2004, 11:15 AM: Message edited by: Admin ]
  3. Somalia's warlords: Feeding on a failed state Abdulqawi A. Yusuf IHT Wednesday, January 21, 2004 Somalia's warlords PARIS Political solutions have been found for several longstanding conflicts in Africa in 2003 - in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Liberia and Burundi. The political arrangements in these countries may not necessarily usher in permanent peace and stability, but they at least afford an opportunity to work toward such goals. . Unfortunately, this is not the case for Somalia, where anarchy, violence and chaos have prevailed for 15 years. A national reconciliation conference - the 13th of its kind - has been sitting in Nairobi for 15 months, unable to cobble together a transitional government. As usual, all possible solutions are stymied by warlords, warmongers and wannabe presidents. . Who are these foes of peace and reconciliation in Somalia? . The warlords are the worst of the lot. They carry primary responsibility for the agony of the Somali people. They frustrated the United Nations peacekeeping operation in Somalia in the early 1990's, and since then have been undermining all efforts to pacify the country or to set up an effective national government. Their armed militias have murdered hundreds of thousands of Somalis and forced more than a million into exile. . The warlords have neither an ideology nor a political agenda. Their actions are solely driven by the pursuit of illicit enrichment and war booty. The individual fiefdoms they have carved out are used as a base for the exploitation of confiscated properties, plantations, ports and airports, as well as for drug trafficking, the issuance of fishing licenses for foreign concerns and for arms trade. . Because of the fortunes made by the first few warlords after the ouster of the dictator Muhammad Siad Barre in 1991, their numbers have been increasing in the last few years. In the capital, Mogadishu, there are no less than six warlords, each controlling a different section of the city and its rural hinterland. . The warlords are opposed to the creation of effective central or provincial governments, because of the danger such authority would pose for their illegitimate businesses. None of them, of course, would refuse if offered to head such a government, but none would accept a government led by another. . Then there are the warmongers, the financiers and business allies of the warlords. They run the plantations and manage the ports and airports; they organize the drug-trafficking and arms trade; they establish contacts with foreign companies for banana exports and fishing licenses. They promote the image of the warlords to the outside world as "faction leaders" or "clan elders," and generally put their racketeering activities in a positive light. Every year or two, they print new banknotes which are exchanged against the dollars or euros received by the impoverished population as remittances from relatives abroad. . The warmongers are as loath to have a peaceful settlement of the Somali crisis as the warlords. An end to the chaos and warlord-created fiefdoms would sound the death-knell for their insidious power. . Then there are the legions of wannabe presidents. Some of these have already anointed themselves - at present, between Mogadishu and the self-declared states of Puntland and Somaliland, there are no less than five presidents and several prime ministers. . Others are perpetual candidates for leadership. At the national reconciliation conference held in Djibouti in 2000, a transitional Parliament of 254 members was selected and charged with the task of electing the president of a provisional government. Forty-five of the deputies, almost one-fifth, immediately submitted their candidacies for the post. . The same circus is being re-enacted at the neverending Nairobi talks, with more than 60 declared candidates among 365 delegates. Most of the pretenders are disciples of the deceased dictator, Siad Barre, under whom they had served. They dream of a lifetime presidency and instant wealth. Whoever among the wannabe presidents does not win the keys to the shop will do everything in his power to thwart its exploitation by others. . Somehow, Somalis will have to find a solution to their sorrowful predicament. They will have to find in themselves as well as in their history and culture the wherewithal to overthrow the yoke of their homegrown oppressors. . The odds of this happening are long unless they get a helping hand from other countries, especially their neighbors, as well as from Europe and the United States. Such assistance should no longer be in the form of futile reconciliation conferences, but should focus on criminal prosecution, sanctions and isolation of those responsible for the unending chaos and conflict in Somalia. Die-hard warlords will never reconcile or disarm unless forced to. In the absence of a credible legal system in Somalia, only coercive measures by the international community could help bring to an end their criminal and murderous enterprises. The freezing of the warlords' ill-gotten assets, travel bans on them and their families, sanctions on foreign corporations doing business with them and the establishment of an international commission of inquiry on massacres and mass murders committed by them and their armed thugs would go a long way to pave the way for a real peace in Somalia. . Equally effective would be targeted assistance to those regions and areas where peace and stability have been secured through civilian-based governance. Helping those relatively calm provinces develop new institutions of self-government and laying the groundwork at the local level for democratic structures and mechanisms would serve as a powerful incentive for others to follow. On the basis of such self-governing units, a new Somali state could be established, perhaps with a federal structure. Attempts to find a magic formula for a rotating presidency among Somalia's warlords, warmongers and wannabe presidents are doomed to failure. . Warlordism breeds not only domestic terrorism and mayhem, but can provide a useful cover for international terrorist activities. The sooner the Somali people are helped to get rid of warlords, the faster another potential safe haven for terrorists will have been removed from the map. . The writer is general editor of the African Yearbook of International Law and a former lecturer in law at Somali National University, Mogadishu. < < Back to Start of Article Somalia's warlords PARIS Political solutions have been found for several longstanding conflicts in Africa in 2003 - in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Liberia and Burundi. The political arrangements in these countries may not necessarily usher in permanent peace and stability, but they at least afford an opportunity to work toward such goals. . Unfortunately, this is not the case for Somalia, where anarchy, violence and chaos have prevailed for 15 years. A national reconciliation conference - the 13th of its kind - has been sitting in Nairobi for 15 months, unable to cobble together a transitional government. As usual, all possible solutions are stymied by warlords, warmongers and wannabe presidents. . Who are these foes of peace and reconciliation in Somalia? . The warlords are the worst of the lot. They carry primary responsibility for the agony of the Somali people. They frustrated the United Nations peacekeeping operation in Somalia in the early 1990's, and since then have been undermining all efforts to pacify the country or to set up an effective national government. Their armed militias have murdered hundreds of thousands of Somalis and forced more than a million into exile. . The warlords have neither an ideology nor a political agenda. Their actions are solely driven by the pursuit of illicit enrichment and war booty. The individual fiefdoms they have carved out are used as a base for the exploitation of confiscated properties, plantations, ports and airports, as well as for drug trafficking, the issuance of fishing licenses for foreign concerns and for arms trade. . Because of the fortunes made by the first few warlords after the ouster of the dictator Muhammad Siad Barre in 1991, their numbers have been increasing in the last few years. In the capital, Mogadishu, there are no less than six warlords, each controlling a different section of the city and its rural hinterland. . The warlords are opposed to the creation of effective central or provincial governments, because of the danger such authority would pose for their illegitimate businesses. None of them, of course, would refuse if offered to head such a government, but none would accept a government led by another. . Then there are the warmongers, the financiers and business allies of the warlords. They run the plantations and manage the ports and airports; they organize the drug-trafficking and arms trade; they establish contacts with foreign companies for banana exports and fishing licenses. They promote the image of the warlords to the outside world as "faction leaders" or "clan elders," and generally put their racketeering activities in a positive light. Every year or two, they print new banknotes which are exchanged against the dollars or euros received by the impoverished population as remittances from relatives abroad. . The warmongers are as loath to have a peaceful settlement of the Somali crisis as the warlords. An end to the chaos and warlord-created fiefdoms would sound the death-knell for their insidious power. . Then there are the legions of wannabe presidents. Some of these have already anointed themselves - at present, between Mogadishu and the self-declared states of Puntland and Somaliland, there are no less than five presidents and several prime ministers. . Others are perpetual candidates for leadership. At the national reconciliation conference held in Djibouti in 2000, a transitional Parliament of 254 members was selected and charged with the task of electing the president of a provisional government. Forty-five of the deputies, almost one-fifth, immediately submitted their candidacies for the post. . The same circus is being re-enacted at the neverending Nairobi talks, with more than 60 declared candidates among 365 delegates. Most of the pretenders are disciples of the deceased dictator, Siad Barre, under whom they had served. They dream of a lifetime presidency and instant wealth. Whoever among the wannabe presidents does not win the keys to the shop will do everything in his power to thwart its exploitation by others. . Somehow, Somalis will have to find a solution to their sorrowful predicament. They will have to find in themselves as well as in their history and culture the wherewithal to overthrow the yoke of their homegrown oppressors. . The odds of this happening are long unless they get a helping hand from other countries, especially their neighbors, as well as from Europe and the United States. Such assistance should no longer be in the form of futile reconciliation conferences, but should focus on criminal prosecution, sanctions and isolation of those responsible for the unending chaos and conflict in Somalia. Die-hard warlords will never reconcile or disarm unless forced to. In the absence of a credible legal system in Somalia, only coercive measures by the international community could help bring to an end their criminal and murderous enterprises. The freezing of the warlords' ill-gotten assets, travel bans on them and their families, sanctions on foreign corporations doing business with them and the establishment of an international commission of inquiry on massacres and mass murders committed by them and their armed thugs would go a long way to pave the way for a real peace in Somalia. . Equally effective would be targeted assistance to those regions and areas where peace and stability have been secured through civilian-based governance. Helping those relatively calm provinces develop new institutions of self-government and laying the groundwork at the local level for democratic structures and mechanisms would serve as a powerful incentive for others to follow. On the basis of such self-governing units, a new Somali state could be established, perhaps with a federal structure. Attempts to find a magic formula for a rotating presidency among Somalia's warlords, warmongers and wannabe presidents are doomed to failure. . Warlordism breeds not only domestic terrorism and mayhem, but can provide a useful cover for international terrorist activities. The sooner the Somali people are helped to get rid of warlords, the faster another potential safe haven for terrorists will have been removed from the map. . The writer is general editor of the African Yearbook of International Law and a former lecturer in law at Somali National University, Mogadishu. Somalia's warlords PARIS Political solutions have been found for several longstanding conflicts in Africa in 2003 - in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Liberia and Burundi. The political arrangements in these countries may not necessarily usher in permanent peace and stability, but they at least afford an opportunity to work toward such goals. . Unfortunately, this is not the case for Somalia, where anarchy, violence and chaos have prevailed for 15 years. A national reconciliation conference - the 13th of its kind - has been sitting in Nairobi for 15 months, unable to cobble together a transitional government. As usual, all possible solutions are stymied by warlords, warmongers and wannabe presidents. . Who are these foes of peace and reconciliation in Somalia? . The warlords are the worst of the lot. They carry primary responsibility for the agony of the Somali people. They frustrated the United Nations peacekeeping operation in Somalia in the early 1990's, and since then have been undermining all efforts to pacify the country or to set up an effective national government. Their armed militias have murdered hundreds of thousands of Somalis and forced more than a million into exile. . The warlords have neither an ideology nor a political agenda. Their actions are solely driven by the pursuit of illicit enrichment and war booty. The individual fiefdoms they have carved out are used as a base for the exploitation of confiscated properties, plantations, ports and airports, as well as for drug trafficking, the issuance of fishing licenses for foreign concerns and for arms trade. . Because of the fortunes made by the first few warlords after the ouster of the dictator Muhammad Siad Barre in 1991, their numbers have been increasing in the last few years. In the capital, Mogadishu, there are no less than six warlords, each controlling a different section of the city and its rural hinterland. . The warlords are opposed to the creation of effective central or provincial governments, because of the danger such authority would pose for their illegitimate businesses. None of them, of course, would refuse if offered to head such a government, but none would accept a government led by another. . Then there are the warmongers, the financiers and business allies of the warlords. They run the plantations and manage the ports and airports; they organize the drug-trafficking and arms trade; they establish contacts with foreign companies for banana exports and fishing licenses. They promote the image of the warlords to the outside world as "faction leaders" or "clan elders," and generally put their racketeering activities in a positive light. Every year or two, they print new banknotes which are exchanged against the dollars or euros received by the impoverished population as remittances from relatives abroad. . The warmongers are as loath to have a peaceful settlement of the Somali crisis as the warlords. An end to the chaos and warlord-created fiefdoms would sound the death-knell for their insidious power. . Then there are the legions of wannabe presidents. Some of these have already anointed themselves - at present, between Mogadishu and the self-declared states of Puntland and Somaliland, there are no less than five presidents and several prime ministers. . Others are perpetual candidates for leadership. At the national reconciliation conference held in Djibouti in 2000, a transitional Parliament of 254 members was selected and charged with the task of electing the president of a provisional government. Forty-five of the deputies, almost one-fifth, immediately submitted their candidacies for the post. . The same circus is being re-enacted at the neverending Nairobi talks, with more than 60 declared candidates among 365 delegates. Most of the pretenders are disciples of the deceased dictator, Siad Barre, under whom they had served. They dream of a lifetime presidency and instant wealth. Whoever among the wannabe presidents does not win the keys to the shop will do everything in his power to thwart its exploitation by others. . Somehow, Somalis will have to find a solution to their sorrowful predicament. They will have to find in themselves as well as in their history and culture the wherewithal to overthrow the yoke of their homegrown oppressors. . The odds of this happening are long unless they get a helping hand from other countries, especially their neighbors, as well as from Europe and the United States. Such assistance should no longer be in the form of futile reconciliation conferences, but should focus on criminal prosecution, sanctions and isolation of those responsible for the unending chaos and conflict in Somalia. Die-hard warlords will never reconcile or disarm unless forced to. In the absence of a credible legal system in Somalia, only coercive measures by the international community could help bring to an end their criminal and murderous enterprises. The freezing of the warlords' ill-gotten assets, travel bans on them and their families, sanctions on foreign corporations doing business with them and the establishment of an international commission of inquiry on massacres and mass murders committed by them and their armed thugs would go a long way to pave the way for a real peace in Somalia. . Equally effective would be targeted assistance to those regions and areas where peace and stability have been secured through civilian-based governance. Helping those relatively calm provinces develop new institutions of self-government and laying the groundwork at the local level for democratic structures and mechanisms would serve as a powerful incentive for others to follow. On the basis of such self-governing units, a new Somali state could be established, perhaps with a federal structure. Attempts to find a magic formula for a rotating presidency among Somalia's warlords, warmongers and wannabe presidents are doomed to failure. . Warlordism breeds not only domestic terrorism and mayhem, but can provide a useful cover for international terrorist activities. The sooner the Somali people are helped to get rid of warlords, the faster another potential safe haven for terrorists will have been removed from the map. . The writer is general editor of the African Yearbook of International Law and a former lecturer in law at Somali National University, Mogadishu. Somalia's warlords PARIS Political solutions have been found for several longstanding conflicts in Africa in 2003 - in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Liberia and Burundi. The political arrangements in these countries may not necessarily usher in permanent peace and stability, but they at least afford an opportunity to work toward such goals. . Unfortunately, this is not the case for Somalia, where anarchy, violence and chaos have prevailed for 15 years. A national reconciliation conference - the 13th of its kind - has been sitting in Nairobi for 15 months, unable to cobble together a transitional government. As usual, all possible solutions are stymied by warlords, warmongers and wannabe presidents. . Who are these foes of peace and reconciliation in Somalia? . The warlords are the worst of the lot. They carry primary responsibility for the agony of the Somali people. They frustrated the United Nations peacekeeping operation in Somalia in the early 1990's, and since then have been undermining all efforts to pacify the country or to set up an effective national government. Their armed militias have murdered hundreds of thousands of Somalis and forced more than a million into exile. . The warlords have neither an ideology nor a political agenda. Their actions are solely driven by the pursuit of illicit enrichment and war booty. The individual fiefdoms they have carved out are used as a base for the exploitation of confiscated properties, plantations, ports and airports, as well as for drug trafficking, the issuance of fishing licenses for foreign concerns and for arms trade. . Because of the fortunes made by the first few warlords after the ouster of the dictator Muhammad Siad Barre in 1991, their numbers have been increasing in the last few years. In the capital, Mogadishu, there are no less than six warlords, each controlling a different section of the city and its rural hinterland. . The warlords are opposed to the creation of effective central or provincial governments, because of the danger such authority would pose for their illegitimate businesses. None of them, of course, would refuse if offered to head such a government, but none would accept a government led by another. . Then there are the warmongers, the financiers and business allies of the warlords. They run the plantations and manage the ports and airports; they organize the drug-trafficking and arms trade; they establish contacts with foreign companies for banana exports and fishing licenses. They promote the image of the warlords to the outside world as "faction leaders" or "clan elders," and generally put their racketeering activities in a positive light. Every year or two, they print new banknotes which are exchanged against the dollars or euros received by the impoverished population as remittances from relatives abroad. . The warmongers are as loath to have a peaceful settlement of the Somali crisis as the warlords. An end to the chaos and warlord-created fiefdoms would sound the death-knell for their insidious power. . Then there are the legions of wannabe presidents. Some of these have already anointed themselves - at present, between Mogadishu and the self-declared states of Puntland and Somaliland, there are no less than five presidents and several prime ministers. . Others are perpetual candidates for leadership. At the national reconciliation conference held in Djibouti in 2000, a transitional Parliament of 254 members was selected and charged with the task of electing the president of a provisional government. Forty-five of the deputies, almost one-fifth, immediately submitted their candidacies for the post. . The same circus is being re-enacted at the neverending Nairobi talks, with more than 60 declared candidates among 365 delegates. Most of the pretenders are disciples of the deceased dictator, Siad Barre, under whom they had served. They dream of a lifetime presidency and instant wealth. Whoever among the wannabe presidents does not win the keys to the shop will do everything in his power to thwart its exploitation by others. . Somehow, Somalis will have to find a solution to their sorrowful predicament. They will have to find in themselves as well as in their history and culture the wherewithal to overthrow the yoke of their homegrown oppressors. . The odds of this happening are long unless they get a helping hand from other countries, especially their neighbors, as well as from Europe and the United States. Such assistance should no longer be in the form of futile reconciliation conferences, but should focus on criminal prosecution, sanctions and isolation of those responsible for the unending chaos and conflict in Somalia. Die-hard warlords will never reconcile or disarm unless forced to. In the absence of a credible legal system in Somalia, only coercive measures by the international community could help bring to an end their criminal and murderous enterprises. The freezing of the warlords' ill-gotten assets, travel bans on them and their families, sanctions on foreign corporations doing business with them and the establishment of an international commission of inquiry on massacres and mass murders committed by them and their armed thugs would go a long way to pave the way for a real peace in Somalia. . Equally effective would be targeted assistance to those regions and areas where peace and stability have been secured through civilian-based governance. Helping those relatively calm provinces develop new institutions of self-government and laying the groundwork at the local level for democratic structures and mechanisms would serve as a powerful incentive for others to follow. On the basis of such self-governing units, a new Somali state could be established, perhaps with a federal structure. Attempts to find a magic formula for a rotating presidency among Somalia's warlords, warmongers and wannabe presidents are doomed to failure. . Warlordism breeds not only domestic terrorism and mayhem, but can provide a useful cover for international terrorist activities. The sooner the Somali people are helped to get rid of warlords, the faster another potential safe haven for terrorists will have been removed from the map. . The writer is general editor of the African Yearbook of International Law and a former lecturer in law at Somali National University, Mogadishu. article page in the international herald tribune
  4. Somaliweyn.(Washington,January 21,2004)Washington: Wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda ee dalka maraykanka qaybta qaabilsan waaxda socdaalka ayaa waxay soo saartay bishani aynu ku jiro ee January 16-keedii baaq ay u dirayso dhammaan dadka maraykanka ah ee ku sugan waddanka Jibouti inay ka feejignaadan falal argagixiso oo lagula kaco, Warbixintani ay qortay waaxda socdaalka ee wasaaradda Arrimaha dibadda ee maraykanku waxay tibaaxday in ay heleen warar lagu kalsoonyahay oo sheegaya in Al-qaacida si weyn uga shaqayso Jamhuuriyadda Jibouti ayna qorshaynayso sidii ay weeraro ugu qaadi lahayd dadka maraykanka ah ee ku sugan waddanka Jibouti, xarumaha maraykanku ku leeyahay Jamhuuriyadda Jibouti iyo weliba goobaha kiniisadaha ah ee ay ku cibaadaystaan dadka maraykanka ah ee socdaalka ku yimaadda Jamhuuriyadda Jibouti, warbixintani oo lagu qoray bogga Websiteka ee waaxda arrimaha Dibadda ee dalka maraykanku waxay uga digtay dadka maraykanka ah ee u safraya Jamhuuriyadda Jibouti inay feejignaan dheeraad ah qaatan, lana soo xidhiidhan goobaha ugu dhaw ee safaarad maraykan ah ku taallo, ugu danbaytii waxay waaxda Socdaalka ee wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda ee dalka maraykanku (State Department) ugu baaqaysa dhamaan shacabka maraykanka ah ee u safraya Jamhuuriyadda Jibouti inay soo wacaan telephone kani: +253-35-39-95 oo ah Safaaradda maraykanku ku leedahay Jamhuuriyadda Jibouti. Waa markii labaad ee sidani oo kale dawladda maraykanku uga soo saartay warbixin ay u dirayso muwaadiniinta maraykanka ah inay ka foojignaadan safarkooga Jamhuuriyadda Jibouti, lama garan karo waxa wakhtigani kelifay digniintani balse sida laga warqabo waxaa ku sugan Jamhuuriyadda Jibouti tiro kooban oo ah ciidanka bedda ee dalka maraykanka iyo weliba shaqaale kooban oo u shaqeeya keliya Safaaradda maraykanka ee ku taalla Magaalada Jibouti ee xarunta Jamhuuriyadda Jibouti. N.B: Warbixintani oo ku qoran afka Ingiiriska waxaad ka heli karta bogga internetka ee waaxda arrimaha dibadda ee dalka maraykanka ama guji Links kan: Waxaa soo turjumay: MOHAMED ABDI HASSAN (DIRIDHABA) KARACHI, PAKISTAN.
  5. UPDATE AS OF 22 OF JANUARY 2004 Degmada Ceel buur oo dib ugu soo laabtay noloshii Ceelbuur Sida ay noogu xaqijiyeen qadka taleefoonka magaalada Ceelbuur masuuliyiin ku sugan halkaa in ay dib ugu soo laabteen magaaladasi dadkii horey uga qaxay ayadoo nabaddu ay aad u wanagsan tahay . Masuulka ayaa noo sheegay in aynan magaalada wax dagaal ah ka dhicin meelaha ay dagaalada ay ka dhaceyna ay tahay tuulooyinka ku teedsan degmeda Ceelbuur ,waxuuna sheegay in ay hadda ku guda jiraan sidii ay u soo celin la haayeen adeegyadi bulshada sida Iskuladii iyo cafimaadka oo baryahaan hakadka galay . Waxa kale uu inoo sheegay in dhinacooda diyaar u yihiin nabadda waligoodna geelooda isla daaqi jirey labada qolo ayadoona jirin wax dhibaata ah asagoona sheegay in dhinacooda ay dhoowrayaan xabad joojintii lagu gaaray shalay magaalada Guriceel oo ah meesha ay ka socota waan waanta labadii beelood ee dagaalka ku dhexmaray nawaaxiga degmada Ceelbuur . Masuulka ayaa ka codsaday hayadaha samafalka ah in ay la soo gaaraan kaalmo deg deg ah si wax loogu qabto dayoowga ku bara kacay dagaalka oo hadda dib ugu soo laabanaya gurayahooda.
  6. HobyoNet Muqdisho.Khamiis,22-Jan-04. Wararka naga soo gaarayaa magaalada Laas Caanood ee gobolka Sool ayaa sheegaya in wasiirka difaaca ee maamulka Somaliland Mr. Ismaaciil Cumar Aadan (Bos) oo dhawaan gaaraya degaanka Yagoori oo ka tirsan gobolka Toghdeer ayaa kulan la yeeshay wadaado halkaasi degan oo ah kuwa loo yaqaano Rabiiciyada ama Timo kala baran kuwaasoo uu madax ka yahay Sheekh Maxamed Rabiic. Wadaadadan oo la sheegay iney aad u hubeysan yihiin ayaa waxaa la sheegay iney maamulka Daahir Riyaale wel-wel ka muujiyeen in haddii ay weerar ku qaadaan magaalada Laas Caano ay dhabar jebin uga imaan karto wadadaasi oo sida la sheegay aan ilaa hadda kooxna la safan balse ay u badan yihiin wadada dadka ka soo jeeda gobolka Sool. Waxaana la sheegay in wasiirka uu ka codsadeen maamulka wadaadaasi iney hubkooda waa-weyn ku soo wareejigaan maamulka Somaliland ama ay caddeyeen iney maamulkaasi taageersan yihiin kana qeyb qaataan abaabulka dagaal ee lagu soo celinaayo gobolada Sool & Sanaag Bari, wuxuuna wasiirka sheegay iney jiraan rag ku gabanaaya magaca diineed oo dhowaan yimid degaanka isla markaasna fal dhibaato ah ka fuliyay Somaliland, waxeyna labada dhinac ku balameen iney kulan kale yeeshaan.
  7. natural-born losers Brother ayoub, although I understand your opinion I dont see the relevance IF this article is true. IF it is true it means only the final desintigration of the WSLF, the umbrella liberation movement of somalia galbeed into another clan faction, expending their energies on nonsensical involvements. But that again is IF the article is truthfull.
  8. Bari nomad, i see you understand were people are coming from, a grass roots movement for peace and democracy in the areas of nugaal and bari have been usurped and overshadowed by abdullahi, does the present war-mongering in sool have the support and approbation of nomads such as your self? Or does puntland feel that expansion takes precedence over the establishemnt of social amenities and services. You might agree and describe the later as more important then surely you are a boon to puntland, but those that believe there is any casus belli for violence in sool, should remove the cloak that they wear of being punites and should declare and announce their political position, that being under the thumb of yusuf and his henchmen. Then undoubtedly there would be a clear separation between puntland and yusuf, consequently there would be no need for a topic such as this one.
  9. Thank you bro Soyaal , wind-talker it showcases the humanity of all somalis, and as you said there a two sides to every coin.
  10. But you must admit Geediid that the people that write for SHASNA are great novelists, i am waiting to see a serialisation of all the issues, it would be better than the pickwick papers, putting even dickens to shame.... Just look at the beggining In Djibouti a restless Ghelle was brewing a battle plan to foil the Nairobi outcome All i could have thought of is " it was a cold and stormy night, as the lord sauron ghelle..." you may continue as you please.
  11. hehehe Casey please clear up the state of the article. For reliable news, I suggest Only the editor would have any love for that publication bro bari
  12. I love you to Bari, forgive me if I dont say it, only i was raised in a house where being affectionate, ment a digsi aimed at your head.
  13. South of the tana any person chanced upon was an ethiopian once upon a time, whilst the land of punt streached from zeila to alula. But what does that have to do with abdullahis feifdom and its policies?
  14. My sweet heart smithy, the part of my post you have high lighted is my infered attept to make clear to your self , and others, the odd thinking you have about the hospital at dayniile and all who would critsize abdullahi yusuf. Are you feeling kind of put out bro?
  15. Oww come on inapti odweyne let this be a lesson to you that the only thing you can predict in politics and the fate of nations, is that they will be un-predictable.
  16. Lol beer-hindi according to the garowe trio has set up a system of goverment that would put liberty, le abbes seyeis and all the bewigged men deliberating aside tha banks of the potomac top shame. I asked the same question concerning kismayoo to one of the trio, the particular one i have no recollection as they all seem to be glazing and meshing into one persona, he did not have an answer and neither does minister smithy, he is the right jilib, of jilib of laafo you know.
  17. Lol- that is a new term neo-shiftist? maybe lakkad is a forum that will enlighten us all.
  18. And i would rather you realised that this is a forum and your missteps are plain to see! I would rather you realised hot air doesn not translate over the net. I would rather you would put down the keyboard that is dripping with bile at all these people that build hospitals,............. or do not build hospitals,......... or indeed as it has been said build clan hospitals .........or as you put any type of hospital, indeed put down that keyboard and get to sool and let us see what your contribution would be?
  19. Well lander i will be suprised if i know.....and more to the point so will the puntlanders. Like i said somaliland although I am against it attepts at "independence" is straightfoward about its goals and it's hallucinations never change. Lakiin this troupe that comes out dancing for yusuf doesnt remotley know what their on about, exept of course trying to keep peoples heads down by hurling accusations of qabiil!
  20. Smith said: However I wonder are they going to treat only QAYNYARES clans folk up in DAYNIILE hospital or the other poor folk as well will you enlighten us dear HOOGANKA? Let me ask you a counter question, where were the victims of clan warfare in the environs of xeerale treated? You should complain about the CLAN Hospital in the clan dominated area of Mogadishu, shame so far away from nationalism Well there are clan hospitals if you can call them that and clan states. Tell me then what was the point of this post, if indeed this is a clan hospital, would you rather that all those that fought in galgaduud regardless of clan should die?
  21. Bro smith said: Hooganka dear brother, the people of Puntland are part of Somalia, just like Texas is part of the US and Queensland is part of Australia. However you seem to mix up seperation or secession with federalism or decentralisation of government, I suggest you read up on it. Question smith the countries that you bring up have a federal constitution, these are not centralised nations whos provinces have decided to amalgamate am then call the governor president of puntland. Also if you re-read my posts instead of getting so flustered youy would understand that the point you are making is superflous and outside of our disscusion. Also the fact that Puntland works makes your argument a tad bit silly, it is more successful than the whole of central/south Somalia, its cities and regions are amongst the most peaceful the former republic, even in Las Ano with all the talk of war produced less casualties than Ceel Buur, Beled weyne, Kismayu and Mogadishu in the same period. In this post and others my argument has not been that it has been un-succesfull but rather it's success is something that cannot be duplicated or acheived on the same basis of a clan federation as in other parts of somalia. To make it even more clearer to you can you explain why puntland has not gone the whole hog and included the southern mudug in their clan calculations, would it have worked, if not why not? SOOL is part of the Somali republic, its people are supporters of a united Somali state and that is the main reason they support Puntland, however they are also part of the same clan as the rest of BARI, MUDUG AND NUGAAL regions remember dear boy, that some of the most powerful figures in Puntland today are from SOOL, SANAG AND AYN Sool is somali and yet a part of puntland....whilst powerfull memebers of puntland are from these areas, so consequently scince the clans of sool are the same as puntlands, then puntland has a right to them? Because when we put aside the red-herring that is the word somalia in the puntland administrations lexicon, this is the statement you are making? However it suits your own ego to believe that Puntland is the creation of one evil doer and exists for that one man, its a very infentile, simplistic and irrational argument, but all you have offered so far is of that nature No sir it suits YOUR ego to assume that any oppisiton to uncle yusuf is opossition to puntland again i will repeat my position on puntland that others have understood but that you seem hell bent on contradiciting. Puntland is a grassroots creation for peace and prosperity in the three provinces that has been usurped by yusuf and his supporters, as a concept alsoi it would lead to the blakanisation of the somali polity. maad fahanteey hajaadhi? You wish us to believ that Abdullahi Yusuf is a pathetic failure, yet he can single handedly creat a new state built on a new system of government and then maintain that state all on his own, what a failuer indeed. That clearly means that the idea of abdillahi yusuf "creating" and maintaining puntland suits YOUR ego rather than mine. Your statement bellitle's the accopmlishments of the people who's cause you seem to trumpet. Also could you please make clear what new innovations yusuf has created in puntland, is it the regecting of the wishes of the parliament and by extension the people of puntland by using force to return to garowe or is it the use of clan calculations to maintain the stability of this areas. Or the usurption of the rights of the free people of somalia? Baashi as you can see we agree more than we disagree, re-read my comments to smith and look the clear delianation of three strands in my answer. A] Puntland was created by the people of this area, the odaayals and the dhalin yaaro, and the bussiness people in search of peace and tranquility. B] The usurption of the will of the people of puntland, and the support this usurption gets from people who support yusuf, and whatever position he might take in the somali peace talks (notice how they use puntland and somalia interchangebly as the need arises} and in the sool issue (again notice the use of puntland and somalialand). C) And that fact that a clan federation might have worked in the interim in these areas but another vision is needed for somalia as a whole. Hope the whole topic makes clear to you my position.
  22. Walee abdiqassim looks very bored maybe because he has already told the old man he does not know where his medication is.
  23. Mobb are you sure you didnt believe in this, because even gediid and others can see that it is written the un-reproducable mind set of and best style and literture of SHASNA. All i was waiting to see if egal would offer to sell cocaine for the jewish mafia and i would have been convinced beyond a doubt.
  24. Baashi said- Col. Yusuf is no angel and no one can deny he rules with fist iron - his dictatorial style speaks volumes...Nevertheless I support Puntland State in which he is the absolute king; the alternative is not pretty considering his insistence to hold on to power by any means necessary. Alright that IS understandble but the alternative as you have stated is not appreciable, precisley because of this mans viciousness he would rather see puntland and by extension somalia destroyed than succumb to the wishes of the people, consequently is this man that the garowe trio jump up in arms to defend no better than the rest of the petty men of war in somalia? Let me also agree with you that PL is a political creation of its constituents, which happen to be members of the same tribe. Support and consent of its residents is what makes the area a “recovery zone” - still there is room for improvement. They are not threat to their neighbors for one thing. They choose to move on with their lives yet they are absolutely and unequivocally for united, inclusive, and peaceful Somalia when and if the consent of all concerned participants materializes. Well this simple statement of the clan make up of puntland I THOUGHT COULD NOT POSSIBLY BE DEBATED, unfortunatley all the garowe trio have been able to do is hurl accusations of qabiil towards anybody that brings up the fact, something i might add that does their feifdom more harm than good. Sir the mechanics behind the creation of a recovery zone based on clan affiliation and a nation state based on ALL clans submiting to the JUSTICE that is the laws of the land is two very diffrent things. We all support what the people of nugaal and bari have done for them selves but dont you join me in stating that all this has occured INSPITE of yusuf, and is survivng DESPITE yusufs attempts at curtailing what little peacefull activities go on in the areas? The part were you talk about the PEOPLE OF PUNTLAND not being a threat to their neighbours i agree with, but yusufs militia in sool is more than enough of a threat to the residents of this area. Finally, my position is Somalia would be better place if its polity can unite behind other political policies other than clan platforms. In reality and on the ground that is not the case. Yes that might be your position but is somalia an area that can be governed only and exclusively by the consent of the various clans there, or as i have stated does not a legitimate country need a national raison d' etre that goes beyond the clan calculations that make a clannisticaly homogenous part of somalia work. Lastly as a somali i take issue with yusufs claims for being in sool as being in support of somali weyn, all they have succeded in doing is to destabilize and alienate the people of sool and SOMALILAND, by his blink-or-you-wont-see-it claims to sool and sanaag. The only reason they are there is clan, and god willing the people of sool will weigh the overlordship of yusuf with atleast the attempts at democracy in somaliland and the spirit of the times in the WHOLE OF SOMALIA that is not singing the tune of yusuf and force, as they are doing considering the already sizeable split in their polity. A somalia united gobol by gobol in a fair and just way, where every tulo in somali can make a choice in their futures rather than invasions by warlords beating a tired and discredited durbaan. So ask a puntlander where sool is going and depending on his mood it is going back to somalia, or is an integral part of puntland or is making it own desicion. Raali ahoow lakiin i am very suspicious of this fued that is being pinned on SOMALIS rather than yusuf and his militia.
  25. Smith said: I am a Somali a supporter of the Puntland state and my allegiance is to the people of Puntland first So what is that supposed to mean that your allegience to puntland takes precedence to your allegience to somalia?