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Everything posted by Liqaye

  1. Sida ay saaka baahisay Idaacadda Horn Afrik Wasiirka deegaanka & ka hor taga aafooyinka Max’ed Cusmaan Maye oo ka mid ahaa wasiirada sida weyn u taageersanaa madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf & ra’isul wasaare Geeddi, horayna u sheegay in uu Muqdisho tegayo marka ay tagaan madaxweynaha & ra’isul wasaaraha ayey sheegtay Idaacadu in uu soo gaaray Muqdisho. Maye ayaa sheegay in uu Jowhar lug kaga soo baxsaday, wuxuuna sheegay in magaaladaasi ay ka jirto caburin xoogan, isla markaana aysan xubnaha labada gole ee ku sugan Jowhar aysan xor u aheyn howlahooda, wuxuuna tilmaamay in taasi ay keentay inuu ka soo baxsado magaaladaasi oo uu sheegay in uu ka soo guureeyey. Wasiirka deegaanka ayaa ka mid ah wasiirada deegaanka ku leh Muqdisho, wuxuuna horay u deganaa degmada X/jajab, waana mas’uulkii ugu horreeyey ee ka soo baxsada xubnaha labada gole ee taageersan madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf & Geeddi. Dhinaca kale, xildhibaan Cali baashi Xaaji Max’uud oo xulufo la ahaa xubnaha labada gole ee Muqdisho ku sugan ayaa Kismaayo ka sheegay in uu ka go’ay garabka ay ku jiraan hogaamiyeyaasha hubeysan uuna taageersan yahay madaxweynaha & ra’isul wasaaraha, wuxuuna Muqdisho ku tilmaamay meel aan ammaan aheyn oo ay ka taliyaan hogaamiyeyaal hubeysan oo aan dooneyn in ay dowladdu shaqeyso. Cabdishakuur Cilmi Xasan Dayniile,Muqdisho Everything is going fine. Believe me.
  2. Hehe Aydeed Jr, Koogare, Abukar Cadane, Engineer Enow, Bashir Raage, Mohamed Dheere Is that the line up? :eek:
  3. Duke once again your reality is clashing with what actually happened, but as always I know that you will overcome the dichtomy most admirably. Is it very difficult holding to opposing ideas at the same time? Watching Kenya Television Network [K.T.N] the speaker of the parliament called for a secret ballot after the Prime minister said word for word what daddy told him to. THE SIDE THAT OPPPOSED A SECRET BALLOT WHERE FOR THE MOTION of bring the safka-hore to somalia. Perhaps they beleieved that so many people vying for influence in the new goverment would and those sponsored and puppetered by the ethiopians would not be so rash as to go against the resolution. For the first time the M.p's chose to think about their own [secterian] intreast by supporting the wishes of the somali people. Which leaves Duke and co. to dust of the old pom-poms.
  4. ^^^ Have as many votes as you would like, the fact of the matter is that the motion was only had 55 votes. It makes clear that inspite of the support that many of these men engoy from the ethiopians and the fact that this goverment has so undiplomaticaly given it self over to the cultivation of the ethiopians, that a mesure should be so un-popular and downright wrong that in a vote of aclamation, with all the opportunites for bribery and intimidation that entails. The goverment could only get 55 votes. Will nothing else show Yusuf's minons that the is no way Xamar will be policed by the ethiopians, or that indeed the people of Xamar will not fight over this issue. Something I believe was the whole point of the excercise.
  5. That about kills that initiative, with no western donor support A.U countries will not be a ble to support and maintain a military company 10KM's from home. If that does not finally bury, burn and destroy the hopes of those, that base the survival of this goverment on the pliancy and good humour of the xabashi. Nothing will.
  6. ^^^ oh no you should point that out, the assumption that is being worked on is that we have the attention span of little white mice. To clear things up will make it clear, somali news stations are all qabiil and opinion based the latter even in the western magazine, channels and newspapers. There fore there are no gospel truths. Hopefully that will make people think twice before putting up, Allpuntland Hatuuf Burtinle are liers posts.
  7. Dhageysiga dacwadii Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf ay ku soo oogeen qoyskii Suldaan Hurre oo ka billaabatay London Londan Maxkamadda baareysa dilkii Suldaan Axmed Max’uud Hurre oo lagu dilay tuulada Kala-beydh ee gobolka Nugaal taariikhdu markey aheyd 17-kii Ogoosto 2002-dii ayaa dib uga furantay magaalada London ee dalka Ingiriiska, waxeyna qoraal ay maxkamadu soo saartay ay ku sheegtay in 14-ka bisan oo ku beegneyd maalinimadii shalay in si rasmi ah loo furay dhageysiga dacwada Suldaan Hurre, waxaana ku eedeysan dilkaasi sida ay maxkamadu sheegtay C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo ah madaxweynaha Soomaaliya. Qoraal ay maxkamadu soo saartay 9-kii bishan la soo dhaafay ee Febraayo ayaa lagula socodsiiyey labada dhinac in maxkamadu dhaceyso 14-ka Maarso 2005-ta, iyadoo qoyska ALLAHA u naxariistee Suldaanka ay horay ugu guuleysteen in ay dacwad ay hordhigeen maxkamadda Civil-ka ay u gudbiso maxkamadda Criminal case-ka. Ehelada Suldaan Hurre ayaa horay u sheegay in dilka Suldaanka ay geysteen ilaaladii qaaska aheyd ee C/llaahi Yuusuf xilligii uu ahaa madaxweynaha Puntland uuna isagu amray in la dilo, , waxeyna sheegeen ehelada Suldaanka in horay lagaga dalbaday in ay ka waantoobaan dacwadan ayna qaateen magdhow intii ay doonaan ah taasoo ay sheegeen in ay diideen kuna adkeysteen in ay sii wadi doonaan maxkamadan inta ay ka kala cadaaneyso gacantii dishay suldaanka. C/llaahi Yuusuf ayaa isagu iska fogeeyey in uu amray shirqoolka dilka Suldaanka, balse wuxuu sheegay in ay dileen ilaaladiisa mar ay isku dayeen in ay qabtaan. Ku noqo beejka Cabdishakuur Cilmi Xasan ,Dayniile Muqdisho
  8. Wind.Talker- I will try to make it clear, Mohamed Dheere has always governed Jowhar area well, personaly he is a cut above the rest, the fact remaining that jowhar is a homgenous entity compared with other areas of somalia. Duke- He has touched a nerve in ceel-buur,people are tossing and turning with calool xanuun, even the camels have refused to be lead to the wells, until Dheere apologises most profusely. Tell me have you found any life sized posters of Dheere yet? But really do you expect people to divide on this issue. Sorry bro there is no kismayoo to fight over in this case
  9. Duke, let me explain something to you, I will assume since we have been on the boards a long time you will trynderstand what I am going to write then make a reply. You might support the goverment of Yussuf/Geedi for what ever good and credible reason, by the same token those that oppose Yussuf/Geedi might have the same credible reasons. But that is beside the point something that you waste net space on clearing up. If one want's to hide clan hatred with an angelic face and pretend that their position is in the higher moral plains then good for you, I dont suffer from such pretence. My proposal to you and all that are reading this is simple namely by supporting One worthless warlord like Mohamed Dheere in this instance where all he has done is claim That federal and National mogadishu you speak so highly of for his own clan, By claiming that since Yusuf was so far-sighted as to appoint someone from his clan he will be under the benevolent protection of His clan, where in all of the above are actions conducive to tha federal united somalia you talk about. Why is it that Dheere is the factotum in southern somalia and Suudi, Qanyare and others of their ilk are relagated to the ranks of toothless dogs? What is intrinsic about Dheere that you could say diffrentiates him from all the other muderous warlords that you pour scorn on? In supporting a warlords haraunge against other warlords where does the future federal somalia come in to play? The issue is simple, Somalia is a nation turn apart because of clan conflict and many lost opportunities, Alright, in usual vapidness you have dropped a line like it was such an inspiration of wisdom and presience. Again my question stands where does Dheere's atagonism of other clans and beating of war drums heal and solve all those issues? The restoration of state power and the limiting of clan power would go a long way. My contention is that the restoration of state power would be based on ideas that overgrow and undermine the impunities of clan power. Rather than giving them a new lease on life by supporting this or that warlord, this or that clan power. If the end game of The yusuf/geedi administration is as how it pictured on S.O.L i.e Xamar and the devil take the hindmost, you are more than welcome to it. But that will be about all.
  10. and it does concide so well with Adeeros coronation
  11. Maxaamed Dheere has always been there. Jowhar has alaways been guns free under his patronage. Why the sudden intreast?
  12. ^^^ Why is it that as mogadishu warlords are evicserated as turn-coats the Abdullahi Yusuf supporters put so much passionate hope in the support of this man Dheere, is he not a warlord as well, has't he not also broken countless agreements for peace in the Banadiir as well, Why does his support of Abdullahi Yusuf change these homegrown truths. Does he support Abdullahi Yusuf because they have made a pact among themselves like so many times before between other warlords, or has dheere Been a closet democrat all along and finds himself distastfully supporting Yusuf for the sake of the People? In the end somali politics practised by Duke, Jumatatu or wind.talker is a chronicle of talking up murders, killers, and the scum of the earth, in varying degrees at diffrent times and in diffrent combinations for the benefit of no one but the aforementioneed personages. Why is Duke so excited about the lambasting of qanyare by Dheere if it was Qanyare being the mantante of Yusuf, would he equally be elated by Qanyare's few home truths about Dheere who does not have a foothold in mogadishu and is trying to mess things up from far off Jowhar? Ofcourse he would every 3 rd article he puts up since he turned his attention to somaliaonline politics proves it. But he can be happy in keeping illustrious company. Finally would'nt someone who trully supports an inclusive goverment be ashamed by such qabiil remarks? Would that person hail, such remarks and give a thumbs up?
  13. ^^^that was not necccesary. It is intreasting how people on somaliaonline have become such experts on clan politics before we used to talk about monoliths, now the clan "from guriceel to whereever" is the number one enemy. I wont go into that but i think that in the end the only thing that will ensure the survival of the somali peace process is equitable development, and visionary leadership, unfortunately it seems that Cabdullahi Yusuf are refering BACK to the worn out nostrums, of demonisation and caricaturing of certain clans. In the end that was what destroyed somalia. The warlords who oppose Geedi if he had or had not been from banadiir would still have been suprised to find a non-combatant intellectual amongst their midst, and in the end a breaking of the assumptions was what was needed in somali politics. The federal charter states clearly that the Prime-minister is the executive, and in that sense Geedi is still finding his flow, hopefully this preiod of learning will end soon because, he has set out neither bold propositions or helped to break any other assumptions in somalia politics. Common wisdom dismisses him as kobeqade he has the oppurtunity to change that assumption positively by setting out his policies and realising his responsibilities. Simpo.Ize
  14. 2 sano oo dood iyo caro dhex maraysay Ergada soomaalida ee shirkii dib u heshiisinta ka socday Kenya waxaa ugu dambeyntii lagu guuleystay in cagaha loo taago Baarlamaanka soomaaliyeed, kaas oo doortay Madaxweyne, iyadoo hoggaamiyihii la doortay isna soo magacabay Ra’iisul Wasaare 52 jir oo ka soo jeedo beel hubeysan laakiin isaga lagu sheegay inuu yahay Siyaasi rayid ah. Hoggaamiyeyaashii beeleed ee hubeysanaa oo uu ka mid ahaa Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf waxay isku bedeleen oo ay gashteen Shaar Qaran, laakiin qolofka ayaa waxay ka yihiin Qaran hoosna Qabiil, waxaana taasi daliil u ah marka ay hadlayaan waxay leeyihiin :haddaan nahay hoggaamiyeyasha ****** , Hadaan nahay kuwa ******* , Digil iyo Mirifle ama Beesha Shanaad, waxaana adag in mar kale soomaliya oo Qaran ah la arko lagana dhex arko Beesha Caalamka . Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf waxaa uu u muuqda inuu weli iska bixnin shaarka Beeshiisa, marka aad aragto ama aad dhageysato khudbadaha uu jeedinayo, sidoo kale dhaqanka Madaxweynaha ayaa waxaa uu noqday mid aad u liito siyaasad ahaan, wuxuuna ka soo bixi waayay ballantii uu galay markii uu ka hadlayay xafladdii dhaartiisa 14 October ee sanadkii hore, taas oo ahayd inuu isu bedelay hoggaamiye Nabadeed oo dagaalka joojin doona, taas mar kale ayaa soo muuqatay, bal dib u xusuuso hadalkii Madaxweynaha ka jeediyay Magaalada Jowhar dhamaadkii bishii hore. Cali Maxamed Geeddi waxaa weeye hoggaamiye rayid ah oo ka soo jeedo Degmada Cadale ee Gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe, laakiin beeshiisa ayaa imanka waxay awood ku leedahay Magaalada Muqdisho , tii oo saas tahay hadana Geeddi waxaa uu noqday Nin jeebka ugu jiro Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf wax kastana waxaa uu ku soo gaabiyay (Nacam) maxaa yeelay Nin weyn wedkiis waa yaqaane iskuma shideyn inuu dhinac maro hadalada Madaxweynaha. Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan markii horeba waxaa uu ku yimid kursiga uu ku fadhiyo dagaal lagula jiro Siyaasadda Itoobiya, waxaa doortay intii ka soo horjeeday Siyaasadda Itoobiya, Cayab Itoobiya loo qabo ayaa loo doortay, laakiin taas ma soconin waayo Madaxweynaha iyo Geeddi waxay ka mid yihiin Ilmaha Addis ababa. Iyadoo ay saas tahay ayuu haddana shariifku waxaa uu ka mid noqday Gacanta 3 aad ee Maxamed Qanyare, taas ayaa lagu xantaa, laakiin ma aha mid la beenin karo, meel walba waa ka wadaagan Shariifka iyo Maxamed Qanyare, sidaas waxaa ku doodaya qaar ka mid ah dadweynaha soomaaliyed . Cali Geeddi oo u muuqdan in shaqdiisa marti ka yahay , C/llaahi oo is mooday in isaga mooye cid kale jirin iyo Shariifka oo isna is leh adiga ayaa ah goobta biya ku soo shiban doonan ee yaa lagaa helin cabsi waxay keeni doonan Qatar xun oo taariikhda gasha. Hadaba kala duwanaasha u dhaxeeya 3 nin ee Dowladda ugu sareysa, iyo dhawaaqa ka soo yeeraya qabqabliyaasha dagaalka soomaaliya,ayaa waxaa la aaminsan yahay in mar kale soomaaliya dhab shidan oo laga soo shiday dal deris la aha dhexda ka gesho. Waxay tahay Wadada kaliya ee xaalada lagu qaboon jin karo iyo dariiqa kaliya ee furan si wax looga qabto kala jab iyo burbur sababa inuu hal bacaad lagu lisay noqdo shirkii dib u heshiisiinta Soomaalida ee dalka Kenya loo joogay 2-da sano iyo ka badan waa in Madaxweynaha iyo Ra’iisul wasaaraha ay noqdaan kuwa wax badan kala eega, iskna ilaaliya inay danaha shisheeye fuliyaan, waana inay kasbadaan Kalsoonida Shacabka. waxaa soo diyariyay Nuradiin macallin mukhtar(Diinow) ama
  15. I failed to see the joke here? Are you guys saying Col Yey who had been selected by few warlords or Col. Cade Muse who had been selected by 40 or so men is in better shape than Darmaan who had also been chosen by a handful of people? If you compare the three, Darmaan is the one who is working right from the capital. That gives him an edge if you ask me. What passions a little pockmarked city can create.
  16. Kind of reminds me of that famous Bari poet who hopes that the people of the north-east will never tire until there are MIG's flying over cabuudwaaq village. Dreams die hard.
  17. This was a very intreasting article. Although sometimes I wish that the somali intellectual would go beyong apologies, and adopting the position of explaining this odd nation to people who could not care less. Even demons like the turk Ziya Golkap where more constructive in their destructiveness than these purveyors of common wisdom in new bottles.
  18. Although the death of Maskhadov would be a blow to the chechen independence movement, the longing by all chechens for a free and independent chechen state is bigger than the image of one man.
  19. The new AMERICAN Quran: a dangerous trick A new Quran is being distributed in Kuwait, titled "The True Furqan". It is being described as the ayats of the Shaytan and Al-Furqan weekly magazine has found out that the two American printing companies;'Omega 2001' and 'Wine Press' are involved in the publishing of 'The True Furqan', a book which has also been titled 'The 21st Century Quran'! It is over 366 pages and is in both the Arabic and English languages... > >It is being distributed to our children in Kuwait in the private English schools! The book contains 77 Surats, which include Al-Fatiha, Al-Jana and Al-Injil. Instead of Bismillah, each Surat begins with a longer vesion of this incorporating the Christian belief of the three spirits. > >And this so called Quran opposes many Islamic beliefs. in one of its verse it describes having more than one wife as fornication, divorce being non-permissable and it uses a new system for the sharing out of the will, opposing the current one. It states that Jihad is HARAAM. > >This book even goes as far as attacking Allah, Subhanahu wa Tahala! > >All this is poisoning ourchildren at approx. $3. > >Brothers and Sisters please make sure you forward this email to as many people as possible so that we can stop this dangerous trick. Dont be personal think like a muslim even you are male or female as muslim can't go beyond the limits and law given by Allah > >Please tell everyone you know and may Allah reward you.
  20. Is their a somali equivalent to vertigo? Dulka iyo ciirka kulahaa. Wasiirka labeenta iyo hinraacana?
  21. I am sure the puntlanders on somaliaonline will be more than happy to spoon feed us the biography of the man that can now claim to be adressed as his excellency the president. All I can say is that as of 10:00am east africa time, Ahmed Xashi was defeated to the presidency by Gen. Cadde Musse. His VP will be Xasan Daahir Afqurac. We somalis are very special people we now have three presidents as well as 144 ministers when both the goverment in the north and the nairobi outfit have their ministerial appointments added up. It is my scincere wish that the new head of puntland recognizes this growing employment sector of the somali economy by appointing at least 60 ministers. It shall be taken as a sign of what it is bold and forthright leadership.
  22. The ship was shelled by a warlord who is said to control "pockets" of north mogadishu.
  23. I would like to know if it was very difficult to post the worst pictures one could get of mogadishu post it under a neutral title then make them most stunning turn around by posting up 3 better pictures of irreleevant developments with the normal helping of dismal english grammer? Because if it was I was not paying attention. In the end mogadishu is a testament to a somali traits that is evident in every somali cities recent history namely although somalis might inflict damage on themselves they survive and it remains to be seen if they will posper Burco, Kismayoo, Galkaacyo and baidoa come to mind. Forgive me if I have forgotten to add your particular tuulo to the list. Samurai keep posting those impartial pics, obviously you are much better informed than us. Is it just me or do people realise4 that thesum total of somali development cannot be measured in the opening of expatriate hotels or another telecom company?
  24. Beyond somalis and this boards infatuation with Abdullahi Yusuf, I think that the article had a clear point to make. Namely after such a skewered process as the one that has made genocidiares and criminals in to presidents and MP's somalis sould not expect much from this goverment whomever might have been elected to lead it.