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Somali PM says he needs one more year Friday, April 01, 2011 MOGADISHU — Prime Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed insists that he needs one more year to rid the country of an Al Qaeda affiliated Islamic insurgency and establish a stable government in war-torn Somalia. The fragile transitional government under Mohamed owes its survival to the backing of the international community and only governs a few districts of the capital, relying heavily on the 9,000-strong African Union Mission (AMISOM) to do so. Shebab Islamic militants control virtually all of south and central Somalia and a large part of the capital. But in mid-February pro-government forces launched a huge offensive on several fronts, including in Mogadishu, where they have reported good progress. "With AMISOM's help we're gaining ground every day," Mohamed said in an interview Thursday. He said he needs about a year to finish the job and that is why his government, due to step down in August, announced on Monday that it will continue in power for another 12 months. "We were only appointed recently... We still need some more time to defeat the Shebab. That is our priority," said Mohamed, who was appointed in November 2010. "The solution was to prolong the government's mandate until August 2012... for here on the ground we are still at war," against the Shebab, said Mohamed, whose offices at Villa Somalia are just a few hundred metres (yards) from the frontline. By then he expects to have finished "restoring security to Mogadishu and probably kicking the Shebab out of the rest of the south of the country." Then authorities will be in a position to draw up a draft constitution and a new law on political parties, he said, adding "we will establish good governance and put in place a transparent system and we will revamp public services and foster national reconciliation." The mandates of the government and the parliament were both supposed to end in August after an earlier two-year extension. The mandate of President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, who was elected by parliament in early 2009, was also supposed to end in August. Aides to Sharif say the extension of the government's mandate automatically entails a prolongation of the presidential mandate. Parliament decided unilaterally in early February to prolong its mandate by three years, drawing criticism from the international community that thinks the achievements to date of Somalia's 550 lawmakers have been meagre. Mohamed was appointed to replace Omar Abdirashid Sharmarke who quit after a protacted dispute with Sharif that paralysed Somalia's institutions for several months. "Our soldiers and our public servants have been paid for the past three months and that hadn't happened for the past 20 years," he said. "Look at the town, the people who are coming back," he said, mentioning renewed commercial activity in the government-held zone in Mogadishu as well as work carried out by the municipal authorities, such as street lighting, road repair and rubbish collection. "If we leave now before we finish our task, I am convinced the Shebab will be the ones who benefit," he said. "Things move forward only slowly. I can't achieve miracles. I need more time." Source: AFP
Kulan Xildhibaano ka tirsan ay maanta muqdisho ku yeesheen oo ay ku shegeen in warqada Mahiga ay aheyd mid meel ka dhac ku ah jiritaanka Dowladda Soomaliya Kadib markii shalay uu safar gaaban ku yimid Magaalada Muqdisho Ergayga gaarka ah ee Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsanarimaha Soomaaliya Augustine Mahiga islamarkaana uu waraaqado Casuumaad ah uu siiyay Madxda ugu sar sareysa dowladda KMG Soomaaliya ayaa arintaasi waxaa durba meel ka dhac ku tilmaamay qaar ka mid ah Mudanayaasha barlamanka oo kulan ku qaatay Magaalada Muqdisho. Xildhibaano ka tirsan barlamanka ayaa ka digay maanta kulan ay ku qateen muqdisho in shir ay soo qabanqaabiso Qaramada Midoobay oo la doonayo in uu ka dhaco dalka Kenya kaasi oo la’isugu yeeray Maamulka goboleedyada ka jira soomaliya iyo Mas’uuliyiinta dowladda KMG Soomaaliya in uusan aheyn mid la aqbali karo . Ugu horeyntii waxaa kulanka manta ka hadley Xildhibaan Cawad Axmed Cashara oo ka mid ah Mudanaayasha barlamanka Soomaaliya oo sheegay in waraqada Mahiga uu gaarsiiyay Mas’uuliyiinta ugu saraysa dowladda inay aheyd mid meel ka dhac ku ah Qaranimada dalka Soomaaliya. Cawad ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in warqadaasi lagu quray in shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay kala fakir duwan yihiin oo aan is xukumi karin, isagoo xusay in Mahiga uu yahay mid doonaya in uu kala qo qobo shacabka Soomaaliyeed oo isku af iyo isku diin intaba ah. Xildhibaan Cawad Axmed Cashara ayaa waxaa uu u mahadceliyay dowladda Jabuuti oo uu sheegay inay tahay dowladda mar waliba soo bandhigta shirqoolada lala damacsanyahay jiritaanka shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Sidoo kale Xildhibaan Cabdi Xaashi C/laahi ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in Mahiga iyo Qaramada Midoobay ay doonayaan in Soomaaliya oo horey qabiil qabiil ugu kala qeybiyeen ay iminkana doonayaan inay jufo jufo ay u kala qeebiyaan taasi oo uu tilmaamay in u jeedada ka dambeysa ay tahay in Mahiga uu doonayo in Soomaaliya uu ka dhigto Mashruuc aan dhamaad lahayn. Safarkaan ayey ku shegeen mid sidii inqilaabkii oo kale in xalada ergeyga qaramada midoobey u egtahey mid sida inqilaabkii oo kale ama faragalin ku ah jiritaanka dowlada somaliya ee hada dhisan.
Siyaasi Maxamed Cabdi Gandi oo magacaabey guddi dib u heshiisiin oo dhexdhexaadin doona qeybaha kala duwan ee beelaha ****** Siyaasi Maxamed Cabdi Gandi oo magacaabey guddi dib u heshiisiin oo dhexdhexaadin doona qeybaha kala duwan ee beelaha ****** ee kukala sugan Ethiopia iyo gobollada Jubbooyinka kadib markii uu soo ifbaxey khilaaf xooggan oo u dhexeeya labada dhinac kuna aadan maamulka gobollad Jubbooyinka. Fred Gaterese oo ah sarkaal ka tirsan xafiiska AMISOM ee magaalada Nairobi, ahna gacan yaraha Gaandi ayaa hoggaamin doona guddigaasi dib u heshiisiinta oo ay xubno ka yihiin xildhibaano ka tirsan Kenya oo u dhashey beesha ********. Odayaasha dhaqanka ee degmada Afmadow ee beesha ****** ayaa qaadacey shirkii lagu soo gabagabeyeey Nairobi ee Gaandi uu isugu magacaabey madaxweyne, iyagoo ku andacoodey in beelaha ****** ee Ethiopia iyo Kenya ay soo farageliyeen arrimaha gudaha ee Absamaha ku nool Koonfuurta Somalia. Guddigan cusub ee dib u heshiisiinta ayaa booqan doona magaalada Gaarisa oo ah halka laga hago siyaasadda beesha ******, hase yeeshee lama oga in odayaasha la marti qaadey ay halkaasi isugu imaan doonaan iyo in kale. Ninka hoggaaminaya Guddigan Fred Gaterese oo isu sheega inuu yahay khabiirka arimaha Somalia ee Midowga Afrika ayaa arrimaha Somalia faraha kula jirey tan iyo makrii la unkey maamulka AMISOM ee nabad ilaalinta, waxaana shaqada soo qorey adeerkii Nicholas Bwakira oo ahaa ergeygii hore ee Midowga Afrika ee arrimaha Somalia. Dhismaha maamulka Jubbooyinka ayaa ahaa mid muddo dheer khilaaf uu ka soo taagnaa, oo marxalado kala duwan sooo marey. Hase yeeshee waxaa markii dambe siyaasiyiinta beesha ****** ee reer Kenya oo uu horkacayo wasiiru dowlaha difaaca ee Kenya Maxamed Yusuf Xaaji ay ka dhaadhiciyeen in ina adeerkii Maxamed Yusuf Xaaji oo ka soo jeeda kilinka shanaad gacanta loo geliyo maamulka gobollada Jubbooyinka. Hase yeeshee beesha Maxamed Subeyr ayaa arintaasi ku gacan seyrye una aragtey arintan mid lagu gacan bidixeynayo danaha beeshooda. Siyaasiyiinta ****** ee reer Kenya ayaa kadib beesha Maxamed Subeyr kaga aargoostey inay baarlamanka ka tuuraan isyaasiga Cabdiraxmaan Colow oo ah kan keliya ee beesha Maxamed Subeyr kaga jirey baarlamanka Kenya. Siyaasadda beeleysiga ku dhisan ee Somalia ayaa laga yaabaa inay dhaliso iska hor imaadyo hor leh, maadaama aanu jirin mabda' siyaasadeed oo lagu badbaadinayo Somalia iyo shacabka masaakiinta ah ee ku dhamaanaya colaadaha aan joogsiga lahayn. Jimcaale Maxamed Hiraabe
Government Announce Re-opening of Roads to Bakara Market Hiiraan Online Staff Friday, April 01, 2011 The Somali Government and AMISOM have announced that they will work together to reopen roads to the Bakara Market which has been closed for more than one month, after fierce clashes erupted in Mogadishu's Industrial Road, the only road connecting Bakara Market with the rest of the city. In a joint press release, Somali minister of internal affairs and homeland Secuitry, Abdishakur Sheikh Hassan Farah, the governor of Mogadishu, Mohamud Ahmed Nur(Tarsan) and AMISOM commander, Nathan Mugisha, told the Somali media that they all agreed to reopen roads to the Bakara Market. AMISOM spokesman,Barigiye Bahugo, told reporters that AMISOM and the TFG did not close the roads to Bakara Market, but the Alshabab were behind the blocking of the Bakara roads as they dug deep trenches in the middle of the roads. '' The leaders of the Somali government and AMISOM have decided to help the Somali business community in Mogadishu by immediately reopening all roads under our control to the Bakara Market so that people and vehicles can travel to and from the market'', said AMISOM spakesman, Major Barigiye Bahugo. Major Bahugo said that people now access the Bakara Market using Aden Ade Road near the Parliament Building, adding that thousands of people travel on this road each day. However, the AMISOM spokesman acknowledged that heavy transport vehicles can not reach the Bakara Market, and called on the Ashabab to reopen the roads under their control they had closed to traffic.
Madaxweyne Sharif Sheikh Axmed oo caawa hortiisa lagu dhaariyay 11 xubnood oo isugu jira wasiir ku xigeeno iyo wasiiru-Dowlayaal (Daawo Sawirada) Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Soomaliya Mudane Sharif Sheikh Axmed ayaa caawa hortiisa lagu dhaariyay 11 xubnood oo isugu jira wasiir ku xigeeno iyo wasiiru-Dowlayaal kuwaas oo isla maanta R/wasaaraha xukuumadda KMG ee Soomaaliya mudane Maxamed C/llaahi Maxamed Farmaajo uu soo magacaabay. Munaasabadan oo ka dhacday xarunta Madaxtooyada ee Villa Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa goob joog ka ahaa Ra isul Wasaare ku xigeenka ahna Wasiirka Gaashaandhiga Cabdixakiim Fiqi wasiirro iyo xildhibaano ka tirsan Baarlamaanka ayaa waxaa lagu shaaciyay magacaabista Xubnahaan, ayadoo Agaasimaha Madaxtooyada Abshir Maxamed Axmed “Bukhaari” uu saxaafadda u akhriyay liiska oo u qornaa sidan: 1. Mudane C/casiis Xasan Maxamed “Laftagareen”, wasiiru-dowlaha wasaaradda Warfaafinta Boostaha iyo ISgaarsiinta. 2. Mudane Maxamed Sheekh Jaamac Negeeye, Wasiiru-Dowlaha wasaaradda Dastuurka, Federaalka iyo Dib-u-heshiisiinta. 3. Mudane Feysal Cumar Guuleed wasiiru-dowlaha wasaaradda Howlaha Guud iyo dib-u-dhiska. 4. Marwo Khadiijo Maxamed Diiriye, Wasiiru-Dowlaha wasaaradda Tamarta, Batroolka, Macdanta iyo Biyaha. 5. Mudane Daa’uud C/kariim Xaaji Cumar, wasiiru-Dowlaha wasaaradda Shaqada, arrimaha Bulshada, Dhallinyarada iyo Ciyaaraha. 6. Mudane Maxamed Cabdi Xayir Maareeye, Wasiiru-Dowlaha xiriirka arrimaha Baarlamaanka. 7. Mudane C/rashiid Maxamed “Xidig”, wasiir ku xigeenka wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga. 8. Mudane Axmed Xuseen Xasan, Wasiir ku xigeenka Wasaaradda Qorsheynta iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga ah. 9. Marwo Saciido Xasan Cusmaan, wasiir ku xigeenka wasaaradda Dastuurka, Federaalka iyo Dib u heshiisiinta. 10. Mudane Cali Sheekh C/llaahi Afgooye, wasiir ku xigeenkaWasaaradda Shaqada, Arrimaha Bulshada, Dhallinyarada iyo Ciyaaraha. 11. Mudane Saciid Maxamed Jimcaale, wasiir ku xigeenka wasaaradda Waxbarashada, Hidaha iyo Tacliinta sare. Madaxweyne Shariif oo dhaarinta masuuliyiintaan kaddib hadal kooban jeediyay ayaa sheegay in xubnahaani ay ka dhinaayeen golahii wasiirada ee dhawaan la dhisay, wuxuuna ku boorriyay in ay si wanaagsan uga soo baxaan waajibaadka loo igmaday, isagoo ugu duceeyay in uu Alle la garab galo. Malik Abdalla Agaasimaha Warfaafinta Xafiiska Madaxweynaha Muqdishu, Somalia mabdalla@presidency.gov.so
Somali PM asks for UK help in fight against al Shabaab militants Read more: http://www.allheadlinenews.com/briefs/articles/90043122?Somali%20PM%20asks%20for%20UK%20help%20in%20fight%20against%20al%20Shabaab%20militants#ixzz1IHjdH8KK With the beleaguered government of Somalia reiterating its commitment to clearing out what it calls foreign terrorists from the country, Prime Minister Mohammed Abdullahi Mohammed on Thursday asked the British government to join its fight against the al Shabaab militant group. clearpxl Mohammed made the request during a meeting with Matt Baugh, senior United Kingdom representative to Somalia, who on Thursday made a surprise visit to Mogadishu. Mohammed and Baugh discussed the bilateral relationship between Somalia and Britain as thousands of Somali refugees took refuge in the UK when the Somali government led by Maj. Gen. Mohammed Siad Barre was toppled and the country plunged into lawlessness and clan warfare. Baugh called for the Somali government to end the transitional period which the country was in for seven years. Before reaching the capital of Somalia, the British official stopped at Garowe, the capital of Somalia’s semi-autonomous state of Puntland, where he had meetings with regional authorities. It is the second time in less than five months for the UK official to visit Mogadishu. On Dec. 2, while visiting Mogadishu, Baugh said Britain will concentrate on underpinning the institutions of Somali government, pledging that Britain would cooperate with the newly formed government as much as possible Read more: http://www.allheadlinenews.com/briefs/articles/90043122?Somali%20PM%20asks%20for%20UK%20help%20in%20fight%20against%20al%20Shabaab%20militants#ixzz1IHjiDRo6
HAHAHA you could not resist loool
But you are cowke so stop distancing yourself from your many trolling nicks on so many sides of the somali political spectrum.... Abdirazak_ptl, Qodax Qorax e.t.c
Is that so Somalina, wayaahay go tell that to reer waamo :cool:
?? who called you a pirate?
March 26, 2011: Over the last week, the AU (African Union peacekeeper)/TNG (Transitional National Government) offensive has cleared Islamic radical fighters from over a third of the city. Al Shabaab, and its smaller allies, have lost the ability to stand up to these advances. At most, the Islamic radicals can delay the advance with snipers and the occasional ambush. The civilian population is largely hostile to the Islamic radical groups, and are more likely to provide accurate information to AU/TNG forces. http://www.strategypage.com/qnd/soma.../20110225.aspx
^^^ That basically is what is getting my goat, AZANIA has nothing to do with Somalis or Somali history, what that previous poster was refering to perhaps was Zanj/Zenj wich is still southern tanzania northern mozambique. Anyway what ever if Gandhi thinks that another website based mamuul goboleed is the solution then his 2 PHD dont mean much... Lakiin magacaas ceeb waaye walle.
^^^ Tell me cowke how lond do you think your trolling is going to last this time?
Somalia: British Delegation visited Garowe, meet SSC elders..pics
Liqaye replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Xaaji Xunjuf;707653 wrote: Liqaye but the case is different the TFG mandate is ending in august Mahiga and the UN are planning what will happen to the TFG after august that's what the so called Peace conference is all about sharif and faarmaajo feel like they are making progress and want to continue to be the head of state and head of government for another year atleast the UN disagrees A Somali peace conference under a tree is the way forward not in fancy hotels in nairobi and Djibouti and if you are going organize a real peace conference inside your Country you can decide who you will invite. So how would have the april confrence helped beyond putting more money into the pockets of the kenyan hotels and the UNPOS officials? The UN means nothing when it comes to this particular meeting, IGAD wants and extension and there is no choice but an extension until the meeting under the proverbial tree in Somalia happens. The reality on the ground is a Fait accompli the TFG or al-shabaab... while shabaab being in power might give you a wet dream the little bleached swahili Mahiga will not be the one to bring that about!
loool lets not use autism to describe this tendency, that would be wrong. You have to admit 20 years of the same old same old, and the rushed decision reached by a political opportunist Abdirahman Tuur [A.U.N] has really meant an ever shrinking clan mentality digging deeper and deeper into the cul de-sac called SNM land, but anyway triangle peeps can keep up at it as long as they want..... another 20 years means nothing in the long run.
Thereby your clan states recognition closer, did not work for 20 years with diffrent players...but its okay keep on flipping the same switch like an autistic kid expecting a different result.
No one is mad and its not working, its failing miserably...
Xaaji do you see know why its easier to copy paste than think critically? If the UN conference is pointless if alshabaab are not represented as you said then surely there is no point for the TFG to participate? as for puntland and all that who cares?
No one is mad, and it is propoganda, and from a neutral viewpoint not very good propoganda
Somaliland Government Plans to Enforce Compliance on Tax, Double Revenue
Liqaye replied to Siciid1986's topic in Politics
Are this statements true? The autonomous region expects government income to total $100 million this year, even after the government slashed tax rates and abolished other levies Somaliland’s government relies entirely on taxes for its budgetary expenses and is debt-free, Abdi said. Foreign assistance is not channeled through the government, he said. The World Bank is helping to train tax officials and the United States’ aid agency this week agreed to build 10 state revenue centers across Somaliland, Hassan Jama Mohamed, the Finance Ministry’s public finance management coordinator, said in Hargeisa yesterday. If so then very good work well done! -
Really is that all? a video clip of a fat little collaborationist? Somalis are united on many things including thinking how rediculous it is a woyane troll would try to pump propaganda bilge on SOL. for the consumption of Somalis.
LOOOOOL Xaji why is it a bad move adheer. We really want to hear
I guess then Mahiga's plans are dead in the water, NW somalia, the TFG and Galmudug have all showed him the door to the left .