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Posts posted by J.Lee

  1. ^Loooooooool. I haven't laughed that hard in awhile. Wait. Was that a threat?


    Baluu: Egg McMuffin is just plain nasty. It's waxy, unsalted, and the eggs are undercooked. I recommend the hotcakes though. Muy deliciouso


    Farm: I kind of tend to like everything when they are still babies too. :D

  2. ^I thought all elephants were giant.


    People. Hypocrisy (I see it in abundance nowadays). Lying without a good cause. Gossip. Egg McMuffin. My contact lens. Microorganisms. Denial. And most importantly people, children, men and women in particular.


    Oh and how could I forget sycophants.

  3. First, Midgaan is a derogatory term ina adeer, I believe the accepted form is Madhibaan. (Yaxar and Musa dhari is new to me). Second, Somalis aren't racist, they are prejudice: not all mind you but most.


    Third, what do Somalis have to show(achievements and etc) for themselves that can possibly justify their sense of superiority over the groups you mentioned? I would like to know them.


    I have always thought that discrimination was a projection of insecurity: why even care about what people think?

  4. Edmonton is a family town. Booming economy, immeasurable job opportunities, nice people, a bit country but nice nonetheless and oh, how could I forget about the affordable housing.


    On a negative note it's dull and dry as chaffed skin. Not to mention that you might see 5 bars within a two block radius. Horrible, just horrible.


    Scenery wasn't at all desirable either, but then again I might be a bit biased here: there are few cities, in my opinion, which can measure up to the Pacific Northwest.




    I met some girls that moved from VanCity there, they didn't like it at all.

  5. Aragtidaadi soo caashaqii mahelin: Isna cudur xanuun iyo ciil iga muu badin: Anfacada la cunayo: soo ceeshkii gama go'in. Cabidaana dhaayo: cunahaba ma mariyee


    As you can see love is a disease. :D But don't you fret Bishy, I'm working on a cure. Just give me some time walaal.


    Seriously, congrats dee. I hope this one lasts for however long you want it to last (Aamiin.)

  6. Let's escape to a place where logic is defied

    A place only envisioned by our mind's eye

    Of hearts, it caters: the morality of things

    It dismisses.

    A place where you and I can be one,

    Never to be done, never to be divided.

    Just always being.

    Let's escape from the troubles of life

    The untruths of lies, of unattainable heights

    Just you and I:

    A place where our mind inspires

    Our love intellectualizes

    Our vision designs

    A place where they can't deny

    Of unquestionable existence

    existing only.

    Way beyond the borders of the obvious

    Just like you and I.



    I just wrote this now. Kulmiye,very inspiring piece.

  7. I love YouTube. Are you kidding me


    Horta, about the second to last clip, War Eebaan kugu dhaarshe ma soomali bey ahaayeen? War ileen balaayo, walee iyo walee xilinta ee maanta dhalin yarada Somaaliyeed ee joogto waa mid laga naxa.


    Inaa ka taqaluso oo dharbaaxo ku wareeriyo ayaa i qabatay.



    * And end Ayeeyo moment *


    Inaba caadhi mo'oho

  8. She killed him in that book. I still haven't forgiven her for it.


    My favorite novels:


    -In Cold blood (Genius, I want to be like Capote when I grow up)

    -Anatomy of the Restlessness (the "never meant to be published" copy)

    -Stiff (If you want to know about the world of cadavers or even think about donating your body for the progressive use of science, I highly suggest reading. Very funny)


    I read Animal Farm in my sophmore year of High school. Totally went over my head.

  9. ^Preach Chile.


    Afwayne? Wow. War wax off and wax on.


    Whatever deeds that man did, evil or virtuous may they be he'll be answerable. After all alle gacantiisa ayuu ku jidhaa but you are still amongst the living: still alive to correct your misdeeds. Start now and repent for disrespecting the dead.


    Garaan was ethiopian :confused: lol Okay. Now, I have read it all. Care to cite your source walaal?

  10. ^I'm not. smile.gif


    Meeshaan waa ku wareeray walaal, cajiib weeye walee, ilaa maantoodhan waxaan u qabay inay inantu step by step instructions raadinayso then I come to find all she just wants to do is talk about it.


    What is there to talk about? What purpose would it serve? What are you exactly hoping to achieve by having such a banal (and I do use the word lightly) and repetitious topic?

  11. You actually pay attention to that harridan?


    She used to amuse me for awhile with her, "Pity me, I'm a black-Arab" attitude but it started getting annoying when she began suckling the phallus of Womanist everywhere, vigorously mind you.


    Now, I know it's one thing to share your experiences and voice the basic foundations that had a hand in shaping your personality but to do it to intentionally inspire pity is just disgusting, not to mention demeaning for all parties you claim to represent; may it be Egyptian, Oromo or Somali (To this day I don't know meeshaan ka soo galnay :confused: )

  12. Probability is still a possibility.


    Inadequate testing anyone? I'm so sick of these bast!rds. You'd think as much as they get paid, they'd find and warn people about the possible health risks before they deem it non-threatening.


    I just found out that the contact solution I have been using for the past couple of weeks may cause temporary blindness!!! 8 people had to have cornea transplants ka waran before they pulled it off the market.


    On the up-side, they're closer, more so now than ever, to finding the cure for AIDS; they actually started vaccinating volunteers.


    For fear of possible health risks though, the vaccine consists of a fragment (gene) of HIV that stimulates Killer T-Cells and a weaker POX gene that produces a quicker and an aggressive immune system response.


    Of course, they are not sure of the KTCs effectiveness against a future HIV strain and we'd have to wait 10 years before it's available but at least they made a breakthrough. Maansha'allah.


    I just thought I share.

  13. Kashafa, you are funny in a depressing way but she was asking for it miyaa sheekadaa wadid?


    I know, I know, it's not fair. Women(and men too) should have the right to take off their clothes in front of complete strangers and get jiggy wit it without fear of assualt.

    You damn Skippy they do! Just like you don't deserve to be assaulted because you are a teller at some bank.


    Every job has a hazard but you don't anticipate it to be expressed especially in a such a ugly, brutal way.

  14. My best friend (aside from the Hitler dudette) of four years is a guy and nothing, may I add, of the romantic sort ever materialized between us and that is because I simply refuse to see him in that light as does he; he is like an honorary brother to the little sister status that I hold in his eyes.


    That and I'm rarely any guy's type or rather ideal mate (loool :D ) Honestly, it isn't always so waa run, laakiinse it just depends on the people, how they define friendship and the parameters they choose to set or never cross in such a relationship.

  15. I have always believed that the only just punishment for a rapist was and will always be castration so I say to her, "dismember that lacrosse member!"



    There is only two ways this could play out:


    On one hand, we know she was sexually assaulted but by whom exactly? Was it almost the entire team or just one Dukie? What if it was consensual? Think back to the bathroom scene in the Life of David Gale (if you watched it) and the consequences that followed to discredit his integrity? It's not so far fetched.



    On the other hand, even if there was evidence that supported her case and proved that they [he]raped her, their [his] rich families [family]could bribe the police dept. and keep the DNA fingerprints from ever seeing the light of day.


    Either way, it's a no win situation, they could either argue that she initiated it, put the focus of attention on her lose Jezebel like morals (her being an exotic dancer being the "proof"). Also on her dire financial situation and that she did it for a monetary gain!!! Or they could cover it up and the Police can release a statement that would mollify the parents and pacify her supporters: that is that she was raped after she left the party.