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Everything posted by J.Lee

  1. Mansha'allah, That was a very powerful piece. It described an array of emotions such as doubt, guilt, happiness, longing and anger so clearly like you were taking a journey with those emotions that you're not feeling at this particular moment yet are which makes you some what somber, quite weirded huh? Abaayo, I pray for you to be one day reunited with Mama Raula insha'allah and when you do tell my Cousin, I, Ms Word S. Mohamed G....S said Salaams.
  2. Caqiil, That is about the gist of it all brother. The article is very interesting and refreshing, I must say, after reading endless articles about what so and so region and its warlord er I mean "saviors", have "accomplished". What I find lacking in the article though it's eloquently written, is what causes one to become "pre-tuned, tribally-steered, regionally-programmed and intellectually confined" especially if one resides outside of Somalia. I know he mentioned the Internet but I think there is more to it than that. Don't You? Furthermore, If one wishes to solve a certain problem, they must attack the cause of the problem rather than the problem itself.For example, lets say you cut/pricked your finger, obviously there will be blood. One ought to then, of course apply pressure or put a band-aid on the finger in order to stop the blood which is a more effective method than just wiping your finger with a band-aid until there is no more blood. To summarize, I understand where the author is coming from and I'm inclined to agree with him but it seems to me as though he has lost all hope and has given up instead of finding a way for us, remaining hopeful individuals who aren't yet a pre-tuned audience to put a band-aid on our "self-inflicted wounds" rather than wiping the said band-aid on our wounds hoping they will heal without us having done nothing to further the healing process.
  3. J.Lee


    I’m who I’m But Am I who I’m? If I can’t be what I’m Then what can I be to be me? And if the me I think I’m Isn’t truly me, who am I? Am I who I believe to be? Or do I believe to be me Who I want to be Or wish to be Which am not truly me? Or is it truly me? Some one told me, You're an introvert I agreed but why? Is that who I believe to be me? want to be? or they wanted me to be? Who ever heard of, I wonder An 18 year old introvert Anti-social but socially conscious Expressing emotions through Spoken Word Words Not spoken nor heard But read by Strangers She has never met I simply ask Want to know If I'm as they say An introvert? And if that is who I’m And believed to be me Dear reader, I ask, Then who the hell would you be?
  4. I also knew that she as a Somali was circumcised like all other women from her culture including some famous ones like the model "Iman." Yes, she was returning to her male dominated world ruled by fear and superstition. Where women like her would be stoned and buried in a shallow grave without any further thought. What was the saying, ah yes Assuming makes an A!s out of you.......
  5. Besbaaso Word! You make me want to post my Senior project paper on here and school some people how primative our culture (along with many other cultures) really was before the practice of FGM was stopped by series of Protest and ralies especially in Hergeisa where an Imam stood up and condenmed the practice with the help of, I believe, Amnesty International. Mansha'allah. Furthermore, Do you know that a Sudanese man failed to penetrate his wife, who was circumcised, correctly and after continued frantic efforts caused much injury around his wife's sexual organ,eventually creating an open wound. The women expreinced tremendous pain each time they had intercourse and after some time [the women] developed suicidal depression. Also, woman who has being genitally mutilated has a higher chance of being infertile. I find it quite ironic that the practice that is supposed to stop one from having pre-marital sex renders one infertile when they are allowed to engage in sexual acts. Furthermore, way back in Somalia, as told to me by my Ayeeyo, some times Husbands who felt their wife's sexual organs weren't "tigth" or "closed" enough, would often dig a hole outside of their hut to signify how big it was thus shaming their wife in the process and branding her a loose woman which earns her the scorn of her neighbors and making her an outcast despite the tremendous pain she went through in the first place just to snare, er excuse me to have a husband.
  6. Dinki Winki, why does your nick remind me of one of the Teletubies, the Isn't Is in your question distracted me, whether it was a gramatical error or not, you asked in a such an obsecure way that answered the question itself rather than the question be begging an answer, Ya dig? To be precise, your question seemed as it was based on an assumption thus why I asked the question you qouted. Asa Pasta.
  7. Just one more question, isn't is possible to be "both a Negro and an American, without being cursed and spit upon by his fellows, without having the doors of Opportunity closed roughly in his face" in America now ??? LoL You, Dinki Winki, live in the UK. Just out of curiousity how do you know what life is like for a black person in America? Please, refrain from such a idiotic response as "I seen it in the movies/videos, etc." When I lived in a premodominately "urban" neighborhoods (Central District and Rainier/Genesse for my Siyaatal folks) in my younger years, I would see alot of celebrations held in honor of BHM and actually participate in them but As I grew older, I noticed the resentment that most African-americans have for those they call "Ethis", mostly the east Africans specifically Eritreans, Somalis and Ethiopians, simply because we didn't resemble "true africans" so I got tired of celebrating being "black" when they clearly didn't accept me as such,Basically I was like, excuse my rhetoric joggin, F!ck that Sh!t. I decided to learn more about my own history, culture, religion and the Somali people who died to give me independence. In conclusion, I really don't celebrate BHM and I haven't seen, despite our somewhat tolerable black populus, many blacks celebrating it either. Times have changed, if it ain't about MONEY and FAME, we ain't gonna show up. Point Blank! As the saying goes, Money talks, Bullsh!t walks.
  8. Originally posted by HornAfrique: quote: that Barre (Ilaahay ha u naxariisto) was shown somewhat brutally that he didn't have the support of his sub-clan, didn't they turn against him thus leaving him no choice but to accept Moi's invitation? Ms Word two of your "uncles" (literally) verbally whip lashing the late strongman didn't make him run away He decided the best course was the leave the situation in peace so as not complicate the situation in Gedo. Is that right, Well Mr.Horn I guess you are more knowledgeable of my family tree than I but it is factual knowledge dear, I'm sure you know by whom, that the "uncles" did indeed turn against "the strongman" since he was the reason they were fleeing in the first place. Though, I do agree that the "uncles" did want to reconcil with the rest of the Somali nation concerning some of the bad deeds that had been done in the name of their sub-clan. I was wondering what is the link between Hiraale and Biixi? Also, why is Adden often, regarded as an enemy per se, by the people of Gedo?
  9. The sati is new to me but foot binding, living by so many Asians, I'm quite familiar with it and have a seen a foot similar to the one in the picture. It's sore sight to see. Also, lest not we forget the most harmful of cultural practices, Female Genital Mutilation which was practiced in our own country.
  10. Originally posted by HornAfrique: That problem worked itself when Siad Barre, realizing the he didn't have a good chance of going back to power and not wanting to create divison between the community, decided to accept Daniel Arap Moi on his invitation to go to Kenya and from there on to Nigeria Interesting article Horn, the champion of, dare I say Gedonians. Mansha'allah, I hope they succeed in their endeavor insha'allah to bring prosperity and stability to the region. In regards to the above qoute, I was under the impression, correct me if i'm wrong, that Barre (Ilaahay ha u naxariisto) was shown somewhat brutally that he didn't have the support of his sub-clan, didn't they turn against him thus leaving him no choice but to accept Moi's invitation?
  11. ^^^ I think money is over-valued really but if Gates (lives right across the lake from me) gave me 1/3 of his share I wouldn't really mind. Yasser Arafat was a complete terrorist. Just because he was a muslim does not me he was incapable of being a terrorist. He was a human being and human beings are capable of anything. Dinki Winki, No where in my statement did I state he wasn't a terrorist because he was a Muslim and neither did I give a reason for my opinion. Your statement (the above qoute)is interesting. Both Isrealis and Palestian civilians deserve sympathy for they are innocent of the acts of "Terrorism" And furthermore, You're quite mistaken he did indeed want Peace with the Jewish People. In '93 during Clinton's term him and Then Isreali PM Yitzhak Rabin signed a peace declaration which they each recieved a Nobel Peace Prize for advocating return of Most Palestian Land but Rabin was assasinated by a Extremist Pro-Isreali who ironically didn't want to see peace between the two nation-states...... Also think about why some one would feel the need to strap a bomb to their body and turn themselves as a means of a weapon......as the saying goes Desperate acts call for desperate measure..... Study the US/France/UK policies in the Middle East and you will understand why groups such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad exist.
  12. Shit happens unless you're constipated (Word, 2005) Kcuf Valentines Day, I celebrate my love all year round. Everybody is entitled to their opinion and whether you choose to celebrate it or not is up to you but I just think V-day/Anniversaries are highly overated. I mean how is taking one out to dinner, buying flower that will wilt, and chocolate that will be eaten or childish teddy bears or toys prove your love or show some one you care? Postscriptum, In the words of Rodney King, Can we all just get along.....
  13. Secondly, My posts were merely meant to proof that when it comes to deplorable events in our History we rely the "general assumption" to be the truth rather than the truth itself. So what did I set to accomplish by this demonstration? To merely show that at times it is better to suspend judgement as a skeptic would in order to know the truth about Somali History or Events. Also to not let hatred influence your opinions thus make an hypocrite of you nor to stick to one point of view which might be the General assumption of one's clan rather than that view being derived by the Truth. Basically, to state consciousness is power, know both sides of the story before you form your opinion and brand it the truth. Where in the statement you qouted did I imply that my claim might be true whilst yours was biased? I'm confused here, abaayo in my previous posts I argued against your claim simply to show you how YOU CAME ACROSS TO ME at times. You were this biased,hatred driven person who believed her "clans" general assumption to be the truth. So as a demostration, I argued for the general assumption of those who supported the former regime as a proof how corrupt one's thinking can be if they believed these assumptions to be the Truth. Do I support the former regime? No and I don't have any cause to for I was but 3 when the president was ousted. Do I believe in those claims I argued for or yours? No, I don't therefore why I suspend my judgement on past events in somalia and be somewhat of a cynic. Note: The previous posts don't reflect my real opinions on past events. It was just a merely a demostration, if you will and I got tired of the back and forthness of it thus why I wrote the previous post. Whether they were killed because of clan lineage or treason, Only Allah knows and that is who I leave it up to.
  14. Originally posted by Xu: I have a good career plan and a back-up plan and Allah has given me enough intelligence and confidence So what is the beef? Most Somali elders I come across think I'm too Tall (when I'm really not, I just tend to wear high heels which give the impression that i'm 6'1)or have a "tomboyish" attitude. How do I know of their thoughts/feeling, they tell me, share it with me regardless of where we are at or whether I know them or not especially when it comes to my height. As I matured I learned to bear it whereas before I would just roll my eyes and say "and that is your problem because....." or "Mamo, what is your point?" cause their unwanted "advice" would bother me to the point I'd wish gassing people wasn't illegal. So just nod your head, smile and say "waa sax" regardless of what they are advicing you about.
  15. Indeed Allah is watching Us. Mansha'allah (I seem to be saying that alot of late) It's a very inspirational poem, the kind you could recite at a rally or a protest urging one to take stand to get the crowd anted up, that is how much it tugs at my heart strings. Afraid to sit alone at school? Tring to be cool; BUT TO ALLAH, MABE YOU LOOK A FOOL. Islam is like my skin, best friend, close kin; As i strive for my lord its my sharpest sword so i can move forward- All i need Is this creed to give me speed. And i should never feel alone cause my salah is my phone To the one who strengthens every bone Those lines are my favorite.
  16. J.Lee


    I got close to crying seriously I'm still misty-eyed. Mansha'allah you have found a woman who made you feel such emotions. Very describtive though you remind me of Jesse Jackson in your rhyme shceme. Wonderful piece.
  17. LoooooooooooooL, Why do you continue to make me laugh? when I think of the word Terrorist, what comes to my mind is some one who uses violence or intimidation as means to an end so I wonder how you concluded Arafat (May allah have mercy on him and Grant him enterance to Paradise)was a terrorist? Anyway as the saying goes, One Man's freedom fighter is another's Terrorist, so to each his own I guess.
  18. African Sky, I ought to ignore that show of Masculine idiocy but against my better judgement I won't. Aboowe, we had hit rock bottom when we blindly and blantly supported/advocated for a murder to became president of Somalia simply because, we share the same great great grandfather somewhere in our family tree. Capisce? India, before you post your reply I would first like to apoligize for my underhanded demonstration of how corrupt one's thinking can be when it comes to Somali Politcs or Past events. I bet you found my posts to be quite "retarded", "Sophmoronic", "hypocritical"and a wee bit "misinformed" while I accused you of the same things. Also, I bet you thought my views were biased because they were influenced by "My" Clan's general assumption rather than Factual knowledge. Firstly we were argueing whether The jazeera massacre occured because those somalis were the same clan as the SNM or because they were guilty of treason? I agreed with the later claim because that is what is believed by those who supported the former regime while you argued against it because that is what is believed by those wronged by the former regime.Some where along that line of thinking the truth/facts about that event simply disappeared and we in turn made it became nonfacts and lies because of our biased opinions. Secondly, My posts were merely meant to proof that when it comes to deplorable events in our History we rely the "general assumption" to be the truth rather than the truth itself. Lastly, It is hard for one to know "the truth" at times because how and why past events happened isn't agreed upon by the Somali people due to each clan, group, or person having their own version of the truth. (whether it that truth be influenced by Clan, parents or peers) So what did I set to accomplish by this demonstration? To merely show that at times it is better to suspend judgement as a skeptic would in order to know the truth about Somali History or Events. Also to not let hatred influence your opinions thus make an hypocrite of you nor to stick to one point of view which might be the General assumption of one's clan rather than that view being derived by the Truth. Basically, to state consciousness is power, know both sides of the story before you form your opinion and brand it the truth. I have learned because of the threads posted in SOL's politic section that If the truth sets one free, then somalis are all prisoners, and unfortunately will remain so because of their misplaced sense of loyalty toward their clan's "freedom fighter" (Warlord) rather than their Somali Brethren.
  19. I like the more modern version myself, Beside every good man stands a good woman Oh my how the times have changed.
  20. Practice what you Preach! If I'm an Ayeeyo, and I call you an Eedo that would make you an Great Great Grandmother/Abooto, The expert on the Hate disease. Naaheedheh, Nac Nac intaa iskadaasid I urge you,to make this fair though I'm quite sure Abooto that the concept is quite foreign to you, to provide facts supporting your claim. Oh again, before you get your knickers in a twist, here is a simple fact derived by reason through a simple comparison why what the government did might of been Just; The communist party in The United States face charges of Treason if and when the Government decides to charge them because they support communism, lenin's ideology which doesn't concide with the American political ideology of Liberalism. A ****** reason to many but a Just Reason to the Government , They can if and when they choose, jail the members and their families at any given time and none can gainsay them and I hope you do know that treason (regardless of definition or degree) is punishable by death. In Somalia at the time, being sympathetic to the SNM's cause meant you were Violating the allegiance toward your country/sovereign (treason)and supporting a group who were conspiring to overthrow and undermine the Governement. An Enemy of a State if you will. Those "Hundreds and Hundreds" of "Somalilanders", a # greatly exaggerated were linked with the SNM not because of Clan reasons but because they supported The SNM therefore were conspiring to overthrow the Governement. You on the other hand, claim they were killed simply because they were "somalilanders" and I disagree. I'm trying to make you understand that, it wasn't the reason they were "killed". And by facts abooto, If you mean cite a book/books supporting my claim I will try to do so Insha'allah On my next post and I do hope you do the same Abooto. Please, even though this isn't the O'reiley factor, lets make it a no SPIN ZONE and not qoute words out of context.
  21. Existing like a thought thunk Reality's objectafied optimist The object of one's Fantasy Sweet as A fruit rippened Hearts aphrodisiac Arousing Emotions Love, like a thinking thought Leads a life of its own, A Contradiction Gentle, Ruthless Weak, Strong Love is sophmoronic with Senior Status Of a Valedictorian
  22. Somali solutions for Somali problems I agree with you on that point but I don't think Somalis lack imganination. If they lack anything it's a sense of Unity, which is Unity of "Somalinimo", they are willing to come up with a solution if it only fosters the ends of ones clan rather than Somali people. Also one could translate "our problem" to mean their clan's problems rather than again, The somali people's problem therefore they might be providing solutions to solve the problems of their clan rather than the Somali people. Furthermore, another problem facing somalis is The incurable disease called Qabyaalad even Somali Politics is synonomous with Clan politics. Just take a look at the articles posted on this section alone, You could guess ones clan lineage by reading what they post and by their blind passion in defense of warlords/presidents because they are of the same Clan Family. Basically to answer your question, yes we are indifferent to "the somali" plight and lack postive creative imagination altogether. Somalinimo is dead, My qabiil rules is the mentality one must deal with nowadays just look at how many people replied to this post, we are quite hopeless.
  23. By '90, I was 4 eating mangos with pili pili in Nairobi and my biggest fear was getting cought by chokoras instead of a Militia Man with an RPG. From what I gathered, My family were kindly reminded (by series of events) that it was in their best interest to pack what they could since they were soon to be endangered species and leave the country and that was at a time when the war was actually just a rumor/speculation.
  24. J.Lee


    Juba, understood but It was an inside joke and I was merely being obtuse and trying to annoy Ms.Pepper Fine! I'm going to leave the Accountant Alone and huuno your jeep does a good job of moving.....moving one nearer to their grave, Do I make sense? Oh before I forget, I need more info about the Event.
  25. J.Lee

    The TEST

    Ma Saas baa? Hmmm, I thought you merely misspelled weirded dee but I do wonder how you arrived at the conclusion that I'm too young? And did you have to qoute me qouting him Dee? You're such a flip flopper