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Posts posted by J.Lee

  1. A compliment given in regard to looks never appeals to me and this is something I have noticed for quite awhile now. I literally cringe whenever some feels inclined to share their appreciation of my looks, to a point that I find myself either giving them a bland smile or ignoring them rather than saying thank you, and it's not that I'm uncomfortable with how I look but the fact that they appreciate it enough to share it which irks me.


    You see, I hold this vision of myself as being like and looking like any other female on this planet and compliments threaten that view in the sense that it is given due to difference and in direct correlation with the varying degrees of beauty glimpsed [on your outer shell] by the naked eye: an eye which I wish was blind most of the time.


    Mida kale, though there are several incidents which sparked this hatred if you will, most of it stems from being singled out: I'm not one of those people that wish to blend in to the silent crowd but neither do I wish to be noticed; I would sit loudly you see in such a crowd laakiinse I abhor attention garnered due to my genetic design (that is if it's not of the mental kind) especially my outer appearance.


    Compliments are sort of like an invasion, a defiling of my women's body: since in order to give a compliment one must of have been looking and seeing (without permission)something they liked about me to a degree that they felt the strong need to share it with me....


    I'm kind of emotional at the moment so I'll stop right here.


    How do you (yes, you) feel about getting [or giving if that is your thing] compliments from [and to]strangers?

  2. Lol@Too sexy a voice (Couldn't resist) :D


    This dude is acting as if the Seahawks inay yihiin xaas lala qabo...God forbid. war xin badanidaa maandhow, don't be a sore looser (shhh! it's okay..shhh no, no no! you just need a hug) feel better!


    They say the truth shall come to the light: you better put on your shades cause the hawks that bright! (Hove!)


    Lool@I see them winning, just like you saw the Panthers and the Colts winning? loooool



  3. Qaalinkeed meaning qof masuul ka'ah?


    First, haduusan joogin, get a hold of him where ever he is at, and if by joogin you mean wuu geeriyooday, then who ever is the next responsible party (for her) la hadhal.


    Second, haduusan ka warheyn,it's your job to make sure inuu ka warhelo since you can't marry her without his permission.


    Line xariir ah oo waliba respectful ah u fur dee: mend the broken bridge if such neglect is the result of a parent-child argument/disagreement.

  4. Me and my nuccas don't dance, we just pull up our pants and do the rock-a-wave-now lean back! wha? lean back! :D


    I used to love to dance (c-walk and the Heel-toe) but due to old age and bones, I'm not flexible as I used to be: I just two step.


    Writing and reading (pleasure reading people) are my stress relievers: nothing says stress free like a caramel macchiato and a John Grisham novel.

  5. The people on the bus say, "wah wah wah; all through Detroit"... :D


    First: you picked the colts to win: they lost


    Second: you picked the panthers to win the 'bowl: a team which the hawks (quaw quaw) molested so badly, I thought we'd be charged with criminal sexual conduct. (LOL)


    Then you pick the steelers: man, o' man, now I know the future doesn't necessarily reason with the past, but given that your top two choices lost, I'm surely confident that this one (i.e, weepers loosers) will lose too. insha'allah! I just hope they remain gracious about their lose unlike Mr. cry me a river.


    Now now now..........haters


    I have nothing against the steerlers, that is as long as they don't stick that friggin' Somoan (I don't think he is human, and they need to stop feeding the cannibal green ugali) to our QB but if they do... :mad:


    Seahaaaaaaawks (aw aw aw aw quaaaaaaaw!)

  6. Bish bash: Alla beerka iyo sambabada! I love you too sweetheart.







    Isn't that the song played at the end of gariir?



    "Siyeedlaa muuminaa"


    I used to sing a different version laakiinse taa Eebe ha'iga cafiyo.


    And here are two more:



    Kun Kun

    Ala laba kun

    Kiilo iyo bar

    Kintaal weyn

    abaayey maacaantey

    Mac Isii. (there is a different version)




    Sha Sha Shaawiiste

    Na Na Naageeye

    Is Is istutus

    and on it goes...


    Banka ka kac! :D

  7. ^ :D I'm a girl.




    Waxaa nahay gabadhaha wabi

    Aan la waabin waligood

    Banka cowsha ka ceshaday

    Boqorada tigaadsheen

    Inta gob oo salaan ku leh

    Inta gun oo sad ku leh

    Saldhig laga horgeeyaa

    Oo saxin lagu salaama

    Sooryadooda geel tahay

  8. ^It was both walaal, calaynta shaax was a rarity back in those days and quite expensive however, the reason or rather the excuse given for depriving the females of drinking tea was that belief. (Appeal to fear and vanity ma is tidhi)


    Slim girls sow ayadii la oran jiray wey xanuunsaneysaa


    [war gabadha iska daaya, dietkii bay ku jidhaa ee: naa ha dhiman intaa qurux aa iska raadinayso: ala buuranaa ma cirbad baa]


    inaba caadhi ma'oho.

  9. ^You scare me walee.


    BTW, does anyone here have a clue as to why they are not allowed to have Tea


    Well, another theory is that such a liquid when consumed tends to have an effect on a girl similar to what the early stage of puberty does to boys: causes-supposedly- an increase of Bartholin secretions or so I have heard. :D

  10. ^That is dayuusnimo walaal. smile.gif


    why is it easy for them to say to a women the just met that they are madly in love with her


    So that is a normal behavioral element of the testosterone laden sex...And here I thought he meant it.

  11. Self-Hatred: Are You Immune?




    I never felt the need to conform, I have always been that "weird" girl with the "weird" opinions and I like it enough to not change it: mida kale, I never wanted to march to Society's drumbeat and it's not because of kibir but rather that I find myself to be deaf to its tone.




    Ibtisam: The Somali-born triumphs over the American-bred [values] when you get a bit older. :D Just wait and see walaal.

  12. ^I already knew they were going to lose and you would of too if you had taken my initial post to the heart!


    Pacifist wrote: What a game Seahawks are doing great this year....The city was wild yesterday..


    Maaaaaaaaan! Tell the truth and shame the devil. It was like a carnival out there, I thought for a minute there was going to be a riot of The WTO proportions: Hyper +Pioneer Square= Weird people capable of weirder things.


    Brownie Boy: O.Din' on the Haterade, are we?


    2 words, 4 syllables: Bron-co Bus-ters icon_razz.gif

  13. I. During my high school years, I was asked to read a Somali cultural song of my choosing laakiinse all the songs I knew, much to the organizer's amusement, concerned the topic of the now comatose (or dormant) nationalism.


    II. Mida kale, when some older school-mates got a wind of my choice, they went out of their way to make me clearly understand that such a remembrance-since I was apparently too young when I left Somalia- instead of being nostalgic was utterly repulsive and conjured images of holocaustic proportions.


    Go figure but thanks to that incident, I really abhor taking part in any shows.


    Anyway the following 2 songs are several that I remember from my childhood: I don't know if they can be classified as folk songs though...


    III. Aabow aabe

    Jijinaa rabaa ee

    jijintii ceele ku dacday

    ceelkii furuu rabyaa

    furihi suldaanaa haysto

    suldaankii naaguu rabaa

    naagtii ciyaal ee rabtaa

    ciyaakii caane rabyaan

    caanihii lo'dee rabyaan

    loodii coos ee rabtaa

    cooskii biyuu rabyaa

    biyihii roob ee rabyaan

    Ilaaha yow ...


    Dameerka maxuu la dhuudhuusaa

    cambuula cunow lee waa

    diiqa maxuu la qeelqeelshaa [might be msplld]

    qiyaama qoorta loo galiyay

    hataan ku furu oo ku forjeeyo

    fartayda faraanti lee waa.



    IV. The second one:


    Naagta buuran bismilaah!


    Warning: this one is quite blasphemous: I'll just leave it alone.

  14. ^Afkaada caano iyo malab lagu shub maandhow.


    Faraax Brown

    Do you have a dream?

    I have a dream that one day, hopefully on my 60th Birthday (I'A), that I will be able to sit by my children, their children and their children's children with the knowledge that I accomplished all that which I set out to: totally blissfully satisfied with my life.

  15. Maandhay, I hope you noticed I wrote any man who spends his money on any woman (a desired one) that is not his wife is a dayuus.


    Now, ninkaa guursado ( :D ), haduu Eebe idhmo, can show me his appreciation and *ahem* love by saving the money he would otherwise spend on me -note: if it is not important to my survival-for our kids (God forbid!) so that when they become of age, they won't have to worry about tuition or impose on Uncle Sam's generosity.

  16. ^ :D


    I was just surprised by how accurate the personality profiles were.


    Aries Traits


    Adventurous and energetic

    Pioneering and courageous

    Enthusiastic and confident

    Dynamic and quick-witted


    On the dark side...


    Selfish and quick-tempered

    Impulsive and impatient

    Foolhardy and daredevil


    Inaba caadhi mo'oho!