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Posts posted by J.Lee

  1. So let me get this straight:


    It's okay to applaud with glee when a predominately Muslim country makes a movie depicting Americans as terrorists and savages but when the same is done to us, we jump with the ready excuse that we are being portrayed in a negative light?!!!



  2. 1. First Category: Character Issues


    I. Pretentiousness, indecisiveness, and a weak imaan


    II. Patience, understanding and rationality


    III. Stubbornness, arrogance and conceit (Justified excuse for not being a raaliyo as far as I'm concerned)


    2. Second Category: Religious Issues


    IV. I do not understand the question, are you asking whether he would take precedence over my spiritually or whether he would be of an inferior ranking in comparison?


    3. Third Category : Social background:


    V. I wouldn't mind if he was Somali, laakiinse calafkayga mid soomaali ahayn hadaa ku xidho, I wouldn't shed a tear over it.


    VI. Prestige and wealth: No but I wouldn't mind a clear stockpile


    Job as you put it: He has to have some type of a paying job, after all ninku waa inaa wax lagu og yahay: He has to be capable of taking care of his offsprings.


    VII. Western raised spouse that hasn't assimilated beyond the necessary with like of mind


    4. Fourth Category: Age: Choose one below:


    VIII. a. Maturity comes with age: Walee waa been.

    b. A young woman/man is not stable to consider: False


    c. Men are like Cheese, the older they get the better: depends on the individual


    d. Younger men can be trained to be a better husband: True especially if you have brothers that are stronger than him.


    e. Age parity (equivalence) is very important in marriage: False


    f. Older women are more satisfying in a relationship: Walee? How interesting.


    IX. 3-6 years


    6. Sixth. Security Issue


    X. Magnanimity, stability and compatibility (I really don't care for love, mutual respect is more important to me)


    Seventh, Education Background:


    XI. As long as he is not a writer or an engineer-those dudes have a weird disposition and unpredictable mood swings: it's like they are constantly PMSing; equal education


    XII.I agree with Dr.Abraar: extremely high


    XIII. I'd accept his proposal laakiinse he at least must be enrolled at an institution before we marry.


    8. Eighth Category: Physical Attributes:


    XIV. Height and weight.


    XV. he must be able to mix both lifestyles beautifully and effortlessly

  3. Kooleey:


    Maandhay, Bill Gates is one of the most giving, chivalrous, decent and sympathetic human beings in this world and one of the reasons why I am proud to be part of the human race (his generosity is rivaled only by that of his beauty): not only does he donate his hard-earned money to poor countries (read: starving malnourished people) via charities but he also makes sure that this money is used for the purpose in which he intended for it to be used and that it is kept out of the hands of those that wish to prey further on the plight of the people,namely the many forms of corrupted government.


    Furthermore, he and his wife, on top of donating to multiple charities, give out Billions in scholarships on a yearly basis so that low-income students can afford to go to school; I know alot of Somali students just in Seattle who are able to attend Unis thanks to this man.


    All in all:


    His fruits of labor are enjoyed by many.

  4. ^I think this has more to do with specifically with Freedom of the press rather than Freedom of speech.


    The man who: published the cartoons to show that "religious dogma" had no place in a secular society and believed that he had: the right to caricature God, fired his chief-editor because: his paper became embroiled in a developing row between Muslims and European press.



    Frenchies and sissinimo! markastaa aragtidh sidii lax kaniini cabtay bee orgi kasta u wada daba socdaan.He published these drawings knowing the controversy surrounding them and the feelings they evoked to prove a point, then he turns around and bows down (molesting his beliefs in the process) due to pressure.

  5. *In the history of structural engineering, steel-frame high-rise buildings have never been brought down due to fires either before or since 9/11, so how can fires have brought down three in one day? How is this possible?


    * Frank DeMartini, a project manager for the WTC, said the buildings were designed with load redistribution capabilities to withstand the impact of airliners, whose effects would be like "puncturing mosquito netting with a pencil." Yet they completely collapsed. How is this possible?


    * Since the melting point of steel is about 2,700*F, the temperature of jet fuel fires does not exceed 1,800*F under optimal conditions, and UL certified the steel used to 2,000*F for six hours, the buildings cannot have collapsed due to heat from the fires. How is this possible?

    All these interestingly raised points don't take in to account, that maybe, just maybe there were other elements besides fire which played a part in its collapse


    The BBC has reported that at least five of the nineteen alleged "hijackers" have turned up alive and well living in Saudi Arabia, yet according to the FBI, they were among those killed in the attacks. How is this possible?

    Maybe they share the same first name and last name? mida kale, why should BBC even be a credible source? For the love of all that is holy, provide evidence which supports your point people


    * Flight 77, which allegedly hit the building, left the radar screen in the vicinity of the Ohio/Kentucky border, only to "reappear" in very close proximity to the Pentagon shortly before impact. How is this possible?

    This is not impossible; consider the distance between OH and DC (they are particularly neighbors) plus the speed a plane travels: another thing vicinity is vague; it does not give us a clear understanding of where exactly the plane was situated, was it more toward KY or OH? How long did the plane take to reappear and how long before the impact?


    however in order for this to work in their favor, they need to calculate how long it would take a plane to travel from OH/KY border to DC and at what speed; the result should show the impossibility of its reappearance at such a close proximity at the time it did


    * Foreign "terrorists" who were clever enough to coordinate hijacking four commercial airliners seemingly did not know that the least damage to the Pentagon would be done by hitting its west wing. How is this possible?

    What exactly does this knowledge or handy information have to do with knowing how to plan a hijacking of a plane? Why should it even call their cleverness into question? Shouldn't we consider that maybe they were more concerned about at least damaging a site that is/was the objectification of U.S power rather than which corner of it they should hit (?)


    * Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta, in an underground bunker at the White House, watched Vice President Cheney castigate a young officer for asking, as the plane drew closer and closer to the Pentagon, "Do the orders still stand?" The order cannot have been to shoot it down, but must have been the opposite. How is this possible?

    Cannot have? There is no evidence that supports this, likely as it is unlikely, the order could have been to blow it into bits and pieces


    * A former Inspector General for the Air Force has observed that Flight 93, which allegedly crashed in Pennsylvania, should have left debris scattered over an area less than the size of a city block; but it is scattered over an area of about eight square miles. How is this possible?

    Should have? First. They need to provide sufficient information that agrees with the good inspector's observation: Second: city blocks vary in measurement; furthermore, how knowledgeable is this inspector in such a matter, why should we even trust his word or take it into account?


    A tape recording of interviews with air traffic controllers on duty on 9/11 was deliberately crushed, cut into very small pieces, and distributed in assorted places to insure its total destruction. How is this possible?

    How did they come by this piece of information? Who told them? They need to provide the name of their source: Why couldn't it, the destruction of the tapes, likely have been about another matter?


    * The Pentagon conducted a training exercise called "MASCAL" simulating the crash of a Boeing 757 into the building on 24 October 2000, and yet Condoleezza Rice, among others, has repeatedly asserted that "no one ever imagined" a domestic airplane could be used as a weapon. How is this possible?

    What does no one imagining the travesty have to do with the training? What exactly was the nature of this training? Why should it even be relevant or mentioned? and Which building was the target? Could she mean (by no one imagined) that maybe the attack on the Twin towers and the Pentagon were quite a shock and unexpected?


    Experts (?) Claim (?)


    I had fun smile.gif (Walee I was that bored.)

  6. How can you win by being underestimated?


    The Steelers and Seahawks earned the right to go to the 'Bowl because they were more skilled than the other teams they faced. Don't begrudge their victory just because the team you favored (i.e, losers: not exactly the pick of the litter eh :D ) didn't win.


    The people on the bus go, wah wah wah! all through the week

  7. I. show offs-intellectual prostitutes that pimp their mouth in order to get a compliment from a teacher (any intelligence you have should show through your work)


    II. Insecure people-those that want you to put rockets in their personality to boost their confidence (I'm not your mother.)


    III. People who use ignorance as an excuse (I didn't know is not an excuse, especially when faced with the consequences: cover your tracks)


    IV. Somali men that use "ma" or "breezy" instead of walaal ama abaayo (inaba caadhi mo'oho)


    V. People who consider me a tomboy (get over it, I did.)


    VI. My brothers (the bane of my existence)


    VII. Slow drivers on the Freeway (You guys are the reason I get infractions.)


    VIII. Limits (on some things :D )


    IX. People in general (Some people aren't fit to draw breath walee)


    X. People who pretend to be something they are not: two faced (a!sholes)

  8. lol@Pacific to be specific.


    Assuming you don't know this: degaanka within a magaalo have N, S, E and W value too walaal. icon_razz.gif (Feelin' froggy, then jump sucka).


    That old man was a pervert and oh yeah, yur.




    I have a weird detail: What is up with the hookah craze :confused: It just looks like an elaborately decorated and gilded bong people. Runtii. The first time I seen it at a Somali house- not knowing what it was -I thought my neighbor inay si xun u il baxday (OG triple G bay mareysaa baan is idhi) walee sidaa u naxay sambabadii baa i kala xirmi gaaray.


    weirdly, I kept remembering Chappelle on half-baked: Right near de beach


    As for the question, I guess they are all trying to keep up with the joneses.

  9. ^Lol. Adeer beenta maxaa kugu kalifay? Why why why, must you molest my confidence? :( as for the second part, afka caano iyo malab lagu gu shub, walee been maa sheegin.



    LOZ: First. I could care less if he thinks it; I would rather like it better if he didn't share it. Second. I don't hate all compliments( :D ), just those from imperfect strangers (I thought it was implied) for example picture walking down the street and you hear this: Girl, you look so good, you make me wish I was the skirt you are wearing.( :confused: ) would you say thank you? Third. as for ninkaa guursado not only do I expect it of him, I demand it.




  10. My mom always used to say: gabar, gabar baa dhumiso.


    Runtii, I just think it depends on whom you befriend; nobody is perfect laakiinse you can control the amount of negativity around you. Personally, I can't be around a person if I can't benefit from them in the sense that they aren't contributing to my personal growth, whether in regards to religion, school, or the many other facets of my life.


    It also helps to be friends with people that are like of mind yet different from you where there is need (Hitler, walaal Ilaahay haku caafiyo smile.gif ).


    Mida kale, as the saying goes hadaa rabtidh in lagu amaano, dhimo: basically as long as you are alive you will be the subject of malicious gossip; the secret is to never get mad, don't ever show a person (male or female) how their words effect you, it just adds fuel (oxygen) to the fire.


    If anything you should act nonchalant or laugh: except your Lord and your mother, nobody's opinion of you should matter in the least bit. And do remember that aside from yourself, nobody ayaa sharafta kaa qaadi karo; your reputation on earth is the exact replica of the one you have ilaahay dhiniciisa: mind him and no one else.

  11. Turkish fighter: Lol why are you acting like the "running" was a voluntary action? :D


    Zafir: Just out of curiosity, how would you feel if a man were to say the same thing to your mother when she was a gabadh?


    Friday: Why should I care about being polite when their appraisal is impolite to begin with?

  12. ^ :D




    I think it's more shocking (disgusting really) to hear that type of a comment from a Somali guy-one who shares and knows of your customs-than it's to hear it from a foreigner who doesn't. (I don't understand the giggling though)


    Born Friday: what is so vain about being uncomfortable with getting compliments especially those based on your appearance? Why must you thank them, why is that even an expected behavior :confused:

  13. ^warheedhe, since when did you partake in shuqul haweeyn, haruufka maxaa weeye?


    Turkish fighter: You will get fried for that comment and I, for one, look forward to it.


    and all of you, except-surprisingly-Mr.ayoubi are missing the point......

  14. God, how do they get away with it...


    It's depressing albeit funny to see little children dancing and singing along to a song that is about the need for the legalization of Mari'jua-no no!


    Lol@Laffy: lean wit' it (wha?) rock wit' it (oh).


    Katrina: I'm doing that mix currently: Allow me to introduce to you all, Mr. and Mrs. Ex-con word: and we'll be dancing to Yo! (excuse me word) :D


    any of y'all heard the female version of Kanye's Gold digger: lol or am I the only one with an underground pulse?