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Posts posted by J.Lee

  1. I. In my life, in my shoes

    By my hands, I opened doors

    My blood, my sweat

    I poured on to chores

    I have connected like kinetochores:

    Phone lines:

    I met unmeet-able deadlines

    I have transgressed: Mistrusted,

    Betrayed and remained loyal

    Through out my lifetime

    But sometimes: I wish for things

    That have never been

    And those that could never be:

    Like seeing you again

    But I remain still: proud

    Like you raised her to be

    And though I regret

    Not coming back: Not saying Hello

    Since our last goodbye

    I can't be mad for I see

    You daily in her: your daughter


    II. Grandpa, I don't want to ask why?

    Or try to understand

    So don't get mad when I kid, I laugh

    To mask the pain: All I want to do is cry

    And I don't blame you

    But why did you let go?

    You should have fought too breathe:

    Fought to hold on:

    fought to be here a little longer

    Been a little stronger: like your daughter

    I wanted you to see her, see me graduate

    But that'll never happen, will it?

    Allah willed it and you had to leave

    Meet the fate that still awaits me

    And now you'll never hold me in your lap

    As I brush breadcrumbs from your lips

    Never will I drink from your hands

    Or hear you give your blessings:

    Never will I see your daughter

    Lit up when she hears your voice

    Now, all she does is regret her choice

    And I can't do anything but wipe her tears

    It makes me feel sick: weak

    I feel as if my life isn't worth a sh!t

    Or a verse: or even an idea:


    III. Sometimes, I wish I was left undeveloped:

    To be saved from this development

    I know: I can't change all that has been

    For I would have surely changed this:

    I could have undone all that has been done

    Could have bought a little time:

    Could have been just little less sad

    But I can't: and you are gone

    I know you'd want me to be strong

    To stand tall: to be her rock

    But what do I stand for today?

    When I'm still sitting in yesterday?



  2. Stoic: What about the mileage on the car?: For all you know, that car might of participated in many "carpool" competitions: it might also just give you a lesson in crash course and put you in the hospital: And if doesn't, then you'd have to worry about maintenance and its overall upkeep as well time and refurbishment.


    I say go for a car, that has the least amount of manageable problems and that requires a tune-up and an oil change once in a blue-moon. (6speed transmission, 180HP, etc)

  3. Ah! The days of politically incorrect.


    ABC canned him (because of that comment)and he is not on T.V anymore, he is on HBO. :D (Real time with Bill Maher)

  4. ^I love that dude.


    Maandhow, if you also like George Carlin, Lewis black, Paul Mooney, and Bill Maher, then we might just have to get married.

  5. Me is w'ong

    you eez riite


    Boo boo Ga Gaaa! smile.gif


    Wow, I am happy Jimca is not a judge, she would put in prison whoever has "unlawful" sex

    No, I would not! prison is too light a punishment. I would lock them up in a dark-lit room either with Lorena Bobbitt or a cannibal for company (Muahahahhaaaaaaaaa *chokes*) and a Camcorder: Then I'd sell the tape on E-Bay.


    In all seriousness:


    Maandhay, read my post again and this time try reading for meaning, will ya?

  6. Name: Jimca Lee S. Mohamed


    Are you a heathen: No


    Do you reckon you can top Wildcat: Yes.





    Have you ever taken a nude rain bath in 25F degree weather?


    Ever gotten a piercing by some guy named Little Be-BO with an un-sterilized needle?


    Ever ate re-fried beans mixed with chocolate Exlax?

  7. I got what it takes to roc' da mic (yeaaaaah)


    Listen (what) Listen (what) Listeeeeeeen!



    Dude, I'm so ill: I throw up my own words

    Just to make myself sick

    But you know what's funny?

    Your pic'

    Looking like anorexics make fun of you

    I bet if you twisted sideways, you'd disappear too



    Bii ees: Mikey Day and the pimp are my favorite.


    The London bridge remix with Lil Jon' :D



  8. stay away from crime.

    Walaal. Define crime?


    Maanday, isn't slander a crime? Isn't defamation? Murder? Rape? Yet aren't they all sins? Uh, do you see a pattern?


    Fornication, according to Sharia law, is a crime. (I'm guessing you can see where I'm going with this and I hate to be predictable so I'll just stop HERE!)



    I would like to know what's your definition of "bad men/women".

    A person that lets their baser instincts get better off them is a "bad person". A person who is gluttonous and wasteful is a bad person: a person who doesn't exercise control over any of their orifices ( smile.gif ) is a bad person: a person who is malicious is a bad person: Shall I go on?



    I think not: My fingers are getting tired.


    Bii Ees: As far as I'm concerned you can fornicate until you are blue in the face and red in other areas, wax iga kalay ayaa iska yar: that is between you and your lord.


    Bii ees ees: intaa dad ka walwalaysid, adhi iska walwal.

  9. Why would I frustate myself to my wedding night?

    You call it frustration; I call it hands-on-learning. (I think I just made my-self laugh :D )


    Remember walaal, good men are for good women, and that bad men are for bad women. Think about that before you decide you don't want to frustrate yourself on your "wedding night"

  10. This dude spat on my shoes

    and he stepped on them too

    So I grabbed a four by four

    and smacked him clear through the door.


    I didn't mean to kill him though

    but sh!t happens unless u're constipated dude.


    Too much red bull. smile.gif

  11. One story, one experience: shared and shaped by many


    I was holding back the tears until I read the last line: I couldn't help but laugh. And though, I'm happy he was able to leave that place, I can't help but fear and pray for the men that are still there and its "covert" likes around the world awaiting trial(by fire).

  12. Walee, some embryos should have just been left in a state of arrested development.


    There is nothing here for me.

    Well DUH! I believe that is the reason why "you" were send abroad in the first place.





    What ever happened to perseverance?

  13. War ileen balaayo, such hostility!


    Cajiib and more cajiib.




    Life is truly pleasant when it's simple ma is tidhi.




    Next time you want to drink caano geel: put it in a diski or an object with similar depth, add sugar, lux lux and when it foams, drink it.


    You can thank me (and critic) later

  14. $909.00


    That is how much I got fined just last year: From improper backing citations to driving w/o insurance to reckless endangerment (I went to court for this one though,shed a little tear, gave him the wounded puppy dog look and the judge dismissed it) and Allah knows what else.


    Don't you sometimes wish you'd been a bit more wiser and prudent!

    Tell me about it: my driving record pains me as much as it pains my insurance company.