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Posts posted by J.Lee

  1. I. I can't believe you here posting that weak sh!t still

    Dude, the closest you ever came to MasterCard

    Was watching Dip Thrill: Plus your punches

    Are coming up short like Midgets boxing:

    And the truth is:

    You are about as a hard as a limp pen!s

    I didn't want to admit this: but you right this aint a battle

    You don't spit dude, you swallow:

    You and I both know you get flied

    More than Daalo: so check your content man:

    I rather not like Dan

    Dude you couldn't even win a hand in a masturbatory contest with amputees

    Believe you me, I whup multiply like you seing 3 of me:

    You might as well be damned, cause you packing like your name was Stan

    It's a low blow I know, but your low is blownnnn man

    And if killing you is a dream man

    Living as you must a nightmare then

    Cause how you survive in this world

    When you dumb as two deaf blonds, girl (?)




    Don't take it to the heart and apology accepted. smile.gif

  2. ^Precious Peachy Pucca poo, I love you too. :D


    This whole battle is like Lee Says

    Cuz What ever Lee says, Diid says

    Dude if I wanted to read my own words

    Thrown back at me:I'd battle my own self B,

    So Sue me but you need to stop acting like

    A groupie: See: that is the difference between you and me

    You couldn't spit a hot verse if you swallowed a lighter

    And started writing with your fingers on fire

    That is why that weak sh!t you posting is f!cked and tired:

    Like you been working the night shift @ wh!res for hire

    You know what Jack; I take all that I wrote back

    dude I'm sorry

    I mean, It's already sad enough that Broke back

    Mountain was based on your True-life story

  3. *Lee grabs Pucca Poo's badge and hits her on the head with it, PAY ATTENTION she screams*


    nataka nini' kichuwa kama shillingi [Okay and followed by] malaya [ :eek: ]

    If I reply, it won't be pretty and I refuse to demean myself that way. :mad:


    FINE! I quit. :D : Diigy doo, you won.

  4. Originally posted by Digaale:

    Lets have some rules so it dont go out of hand! We make it funny wit few lines' like 5 or 10 and no curses- if you got disses it has to be clean' wit metaphors or sumthing.

    You broke the rule dude.


    Goodbye, You are the weakest link.

  5. ^And I do realize that: rights are granted when they are fought for but the question was for makalajabti who made the assumption that feminist fought for all women when those rights were granted. It wasn't until the Civil rights movement and Womanism (some womanists don't consider it a form of feminism, they believe it hasn't really done much for them!) that women of color were allowed to vote, attend school and etc.



    What I don't understand is the modern/present day feminism that you refer to and that is so hideous it deserves to be detested.

    This is what I refer to; sexually liberal feminism: socialist feminism: liberal feminism: and separatist feminism


    These forms of feminism have taken this beautiful, admirable, and noble ideology and turned it into a mockery. Walaal, there isn't a woman in this world that is against fighting for women's right but there are women who abhor the way in which feminism is being applied today because for the simple reason that [the above form's] idea of equality is one of imitation, competition, coercion and/or sexual reform.


    They have also adopted this "if you are not with us, you are against us" mentality: their very basis strives to cause an internal division amongst woman when one of basic principals of feminism was to unite women under one banner of sisterhood. It's beyond disgusting, and the reason why women, as I have stated earlier, will never rule the free world.



    The comprehension comment was for me.

  6. Before I answer it, make me understand the relevancy of your question in regards to my prior posts (?)


    After all, comprehension isn't just a fancy English word.


    Again Jimca Lee wrote:


    And why I strongly detest
    though I agree with its basic foundation and objection
    most forms of feminism
    and not to mention feminists.

    My fight isn't with Stanton, Anthony, Motts etc. just some of their successors

  7. ^Walaal bal u sheeg


    As a Somali, what has feminism done for you? La soco all those rights you mentioned were already guaranteed to you by Allah. Now, Ooch ouch girls before you blow a casket, re-read what I wrote (most forms and its application, not the foundation).


    Even though the Women Right's movement was something to be admired (and I do admire it), what feminists of today have done to Stanton's dream deserves my loathing and my contempt.


    Like Ibtisim wrote:

    There is a difference between equality and imitation (Preach!)

    B.T.W Ruler of the Free world is a slang term for the President of the U.S walaal: I know there have many women who have held highly esteemed positions but that was beside the point. smile.gif

  8. Pucca poo: NO! neutral judge my left toe.


    Dead man walking: If I'm wack then you must be on crack.


    You may hang low but like a broken ruler you come up way short

    Now be a sport and stop with all that bull talk,

    Before I smoke you like a pack of Newport

    And Oh boy Dumb? I can't believe what I'm reading:

    People, I just got insulted by a man

    Who lost his virginity to his own hand ( :D )

    Damn. I know, it's just sad and what a cad

    he accuses me of giving out brains?

    He must be mad in fact retarded,

    He donates to the needy so much:

    He receives awards for being mentally challenged

    Oh hell, Bulimics [porno stars] look to him as their model: That is how well

    he spreads himself so thin: ha ha ha

    ninyahow waa ku dhaafi

    I might as well just call you saltwater taffy.

  9. He then tells the story of a Somali journalist who once asked the mayor of Minneapolis, "Why don't you help Somalis in your city?" Upon which the mayor answered: "How can I help people when each group I meet discredits the other group that just left my office?"



    It's only funny because it's truly depressing.

  10. A Microbiologist? Ka cabso. Mansh'allah.


    Scientists don't have good fashion sense: they should have known better


    Defamation, reckless endangerment, tampering, possible depression, anxiety, PT. stress etc: all caused by a blue suit and yellow socks.


    Well, that scratched NZ off of my places to visit list.

  11. ^It's sad indeed walaal and as I stated earlier I do agree with you but the example fits in the sense that I cited it from a believer's perspective: were the roles reversed it'd be the same; it would still be insulting. (It's similar in that sense la soco)


    Walk with me walaal: If a non-Muslim wrote: but this "Maxamed [s.C.W] obsession" in Muslims is over the top . And I'm not picking on The Point but honestly how would you take it?



    SB: Have a go at it.


    Kaac kash: as always, I beg to differ maandhow smile.gif

  12. I agree with the points you have raised but unlike you, I'm insensitive to it.


    You yearn for equality among the sexes yet you are willing to throw away your morals simply because a man has.

    Unfortunately, equality (why not be better?) to most females is achieved among the sexes only when women are able to do all that a man can do walaal and therein lays the problem. Instead of setting our own standard of judgement, we follow the same "masculine formula" that we complain oppresses us and is to blame for our "regression"


    This type of mentality is the reason why a woman will never, ever, ever, and ever rule the free world. (Hil '08 anyone?) And why I strongly detest, though I agree with its basic foundation and objection, most forms of feminism and not to mention feminists.

  13. ^Pucca Poo. *Waves* smile.gif


    Zafir: Reggea iyo General Lee ma is fahmaan maandhow. :D


    Diig milihid, a.k.a Dead man walkin':


    At least my mom claims me: yours took one look at you

    And screamed: Is it too late to abort it doc?

    I don't mean to mock but shoo

    1. Your face is the reason why many girls are

    Pro-choice: 2. My tubes tied their own self

    For fear of giving birth to something like you:

    And 3. Since you still writtin' non-sense I won't feel bad when I say this:

    Haven't you heard? Planned Parenthood don't give out patches anymore

    Just your pic: underneath it, it reads:

    Can you live with yourself if you birthed his kid?

    Naraa mean! You're used like a STD ad to inspire abstinence:

    And how you the best? Dude your style is cheaper than 50 cent's

    You couldn't even pay rent if you lived in a can of garbage

    Forget pimpin' the page: dude, you fainted as soon as you stepped on stage:

    As for bad breath? I expired like a broad on menopause every time you took one pause:

    And incase I forgot to mention,

    forget respirators they kicked you out like Courtney love at rehabilitation

    Man, paramedics even refused to give you Mouth to mouth resuscitation:

    I aint bashin: you gotta come better than that

    I feel like tweety bird: Cause I do, I do, I do see a puddy dat

    Da da da da drat! Splat! Cold, I king you like Nat

    Like that...I know this is all fun and fallacy

    But battlin' you is like makin' fun of the mentally challenged

    Just wrong like Bush's foreign policy: See

    I gotta admit though, the porno crack was funny,

    Right on the money Lakiinse, ninyahow at least I got a love life,

    But how you gon' talk, when the word is

    That even prostitutes refuse you service :confused: :D

  14. The links aren't working for me for some strange reason.


    I never heard of Siham. As for Kill-your-tone unlike K'nan this dude might have commercial success: First he has that third world flavor going for him and he can actually RAP: I was listening to a freestyle of his last year (a non-Somali schooled me about him ka waran) and I literally got Goosebumps dude.


    Rhyme scheme was consistent: versatile: Voice was clean and clear: his delivery was on point; with a little more experience the Rap world could be his oyster.




    Napoleon: Since you're a member of that sick degenerate website why don't you post your link so we can see how "ethnic Somalis" really look like, hmmm

  15. Loooooooool@Drop soap on purpose


    Hey yo Diggy, Hey yo diggy Hey Yo diggy

    That was a hot rhyme, I must admit You almost burried me with my own shovel

    but dude, stop trying cause you can never ever ever ever ever Get on my level (whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!).



    I see you scared of beef like a veg-head

    And All that that you said?

    Dude,you got diarrhea at the mouth

    All you did was talk sh!t

    Switch up your style

    You comin' easy like a heated

    B!tch (Rhyme scheme dude!)

    unlike u all that I say sticks

    Like herpes on a d..k (couldn't write it)

    And my hooyo isn't a dhooro

    So stop with all that chick flick nonsense

    Your whole style is non-sense, you lack sense

    Even if you broke a dollar bill

    You still wouldn't make sense

    You're like smelling bad incense

    you make me wanna vomit

    Porn stars could take lessons from you

    Dude that is how much you suck:

    (I just made myself laugh)

    Stop protestin'

    If rhyming was your profession

    You'd so broke, in the afterlife

    You'd still be paying off your debt

    Now Now, don't cuss at me like you got Trets

    Dude, I remind you of Rupaul ?

    Hahaha that is real funny

    But I know what it is don't fret

    Could it be that I'm more man

    Than you'll ever be?

    It must be: I bet even your girl

    Would leave you for me

    lol I'm just that fly,

    Guy, don't lie: Even if you gave the #

    begged my mama: wrote Obama

    got money from Osama: paid my tuition

    I wouldn't waste my minutes on you, so stop wishing!


    *The crowd roars and starts screaming: General Lee, General Lee: The future is bright, the future is General Lee!* :D



    as long as we dont take it personal'

    Correct. Don't get mad, get even soo ma'aha sheekadu?

  16. My views on abortion would give many Muslims an apoplexy and I have no wish to open that can of worm. As far as I'm concerned, it's your body, it's your uterus do with it what you wish: tii Alle baa kuu hartay.


    Naden: But isn't that a big what "IF?" mida kale: Roe vs Wade is slowly but surely being overturned independently mind you, of cases like these. And as far considerations go: where is yours for the fatherless child who is to grow-up in a low income single-mother household? Where is your concern for the "constitutional" right of the child who unlike the parent is unable to support him/herself?


    Besides, the "support" isn't for the mother but rather the child he fathered (unintended or not, he is partially responsible) as it goes directly to Social Health which then decide in the fashion and ration it's spend; the mother doesn't benefit from such an arrangement and in this day and age $500 (6,000. /yearly) isn't enough to even pay rent for a 1 bedroom apartment with .5 a bathroom.


    Furthermore, if this case sees light of day and it is amended or becomes law, think of the many other irresponsible men who will use this argument or case to get out of paying child support. If one man's right is trumped and molested so that the right of many children wouldn't be then I'm a happy camper for the benefit far outweighs the cost.

  17. Castro: You're getting too fond of this " :eek: " smiley horta ma is tidhi?




    and it pleased itself right into her ovaries (her infertile now fertile ovaries). :D


    Walaal, I agree with you (about the blackmailing) laakiinse this case has a lying party written all over it: walk with me for a minute. If you have unprotected sex you run the risk of pregnancy, soo ma'aha?


    Either he is lying or she is:


    If he lied about her inability to conceive then he should pay.


    If she lied, then she'll be a single mother (we know how limiting that is) and she fully deserves your contempt: Laakiinse he should still support the child- the innocent party- that resulted in their union.


    [EDIT: No point, Thank you Kuuley Cali Banjar]

  18. ^but what if she really had that ailment then by the grace of Allah she was able to get pregnant?


    It's not so far-fetched that it wouldn't likely take place but Alaahu waclam.


    How on earth can you (repeatedly) have unprotected sex with someone without wanting to have a child with them?

    It's called the "bareback" factor but I have a feeling that question wasn't meant to be answered.

  19. :D @Friday Mao, Haye GM.


    First: Aamin and mahadsanid walaal.


    Second: Most people, those who are neither Christians nor Muslims, can't differentiate between the two. As far as they are concerned, it is the same thing with a different book.


    Mida kale, how is it that we can have a "laugh" over their so called "obsession" (why can't it be love or devout worshipping?), or even class it as such after what took place a month ago? Isn't that insulting to Christians similar to the way the drawings were for us?


    And at the end of the day isn't it about respect for the belief and the believer?


    Wasn't that the sole reason for the protests and the boycotts? Why fight for it if we are not going to apply it or practice it?


    Kind of defeats the purpose doesn't it?




    I just used the drawings debacle as an example to show that non-muslim may interpret the love for the Prophet (S.C.W) as an "obsession."

  20. Digaale, diggy, Diig malihid.


    You're like a bad actress

    How can you bring drama?

    Wiilyahow, I'll beat you like your mama

    Osama? Get real : you're about as scary as a banana

    I chew you and spit you out like nacna

    Sh!t, can't mess with me,

    you're like a a healthy organ and I'm VD

    I smoke you like oooooo whee

    And having you saying, I'm no match for you Lee


    Ding ding dong Diggy ditty doo man

    Have you no shame: you just got beaten by GI-Jane


    you never know who might drop by

    Is that a threat? smile.gif

  21. I. Diig malihid:

    Jimca Got the shovel

    to bury you when

    she shoved you under

    Underwhere? (lol)

    Under 6 ft deep

    Have a nice sleep





    Wha' wha', Hey yo kax

    Hey yo kax, Hey yo

    Kax Kax Kax

    Did you get named after TB

    your name sounds like

    the whooping cough B

    I take my proposal back

    Hold up........*British accent*

    You're the weakest Link




    I'm kinda bored: very very bored.

  22. I believe the article mocks (more so) the believer than the religion: and this isn't applicable only to Christianity but rather most of the "world" religions (that is the underlying assumption in my opinion).


    but this Jesus obsession in Christians is over the top.

    The same thing could be said about Muslims who torch down buildings because of a drawing ( or rather because of their "Maxamed" obsession)




    If you wish for religious tolerance or respect, try practicing it yourself first: hadii kale, let everybody be a fair game.