Capital Z

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Everything posted by Capital Z

  1. Capital Z

    Raising kids

    ight yo waheva u say help da guy
  2. I think this Pete guy is a hussla and he made this topic up if he's a foster parent aka a grown educated man then why does he keep makin ****** spellin mistakes and why would he even come on da internet to resolve his stuff why cant he go to a family psychiatrist or somethin
  3. I think this Pete guy is a hussla and he made this topic up if he's a foster parent aka a grown educated man then why does he keep makin ****** spellin mistakes and why would he even come on da internet to resolve his stuff why cant he go to a family psychiatrist or somethin
  4. Capital Z

    Raising kids

    I think this Pete guy is a hussla and he made this topic up if he's a foster parent aka a grown educated man then why does he keep makin ****** spellin mistakes and why would he even come on da internet to resolve his stuff why cant he go to a family psychiatrist or somethin
  5. Capital Z

    Raising kids

    I think this Pete guy is a hussla and he made this topic up if he's a foster parent aka a grown educated man then why does he keep makin ****** spellin mistakes and why would he even come on da internet to resolve his stuff why cant he go to a family psychiatrist or somethin
  6. my fav artist of all time is Jadakiss no doubt i dont care if y'all r doin undaground or not reppin D block till i stop breath
  7. my fav artist of all time is Jadakiss no doubt i dont care if y'all r doin undaground or not reppin D block till i stop breath
  8. my fav artist of all time is Jadakiss no doubt i dont care if y'all r doin undaground or not reppin D block till i stop breath
  9. Capital Z


    yo da Packers are whack but then again so are da Vikings so i aint watchin that game cuz its borin
  10. Thierry Henry Simply put End of story Period
  11. Arsenal dont need a center back they have Sol Campbell and Marty Keown I dont know bout u but to me they seem pretty good. With Pires and Ljunberg healthy they probably gonna win EPL and FA Cup. one thing is for sure Basel's two Argentine forwards wont be comin back to da Swiss league cause they too good to stay there. Hierro is too old and Juve exposed Real's weakness so what they need is a big centre back like Walter Samuel. Roma just lost Cafu to Milan so they wont probably sell another defender.
  12. Here's my dream team with da 3-5-2 formation Goalkeeper Oliver Kahn Defenders Jaap Stam Sol Campbell Alessandro Nesta Midfield David Beckham Pavel Nedved Edgar Davids Emmanuel Rui Costa Francesco Totti Forwards Andriy Shevchenko Ronaldo subs Toldo Paolo Maldini Raul Gonzalez Zinedine Zidane Thierry Henry Thats my dream team to me they seem unstoppable
  13. T-Mac is more physically gifted than A.I. He's talller bigger and stronger. T-Mac is da better player. Period. If u dont agree then u dont know ball or u just havent been watchin ball da last couple of years. Props to my boy lix afar iyo nus
  14. Goaltender Toldo Defenders Roberto Carlos Alessandro Nesta Paolo Maldini Kaladze Midfield Emmanuel Rui Costa Robert Pires Fredrick Ljunberg David Beckham Strikers Andriy Shevchenkov Raul Gonzalez