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Posts posted by 5

  1. I've never met a middle-class Somali. Doesn't bother me though, because I have white friends. However, if there are Somalis who enjoy eating out in proper restaurants, have a hate/love relationship with Tate Modern, hate the opera and love musicals and the photographers gallery, we should become friends.


    Oh and *BOB, I think I know someone who knows you.

  2. Originally posted by grasshopper:



    hm, I wonder if the media (and the people always itching to get the latest dirt on the girl) will feel guilty if she commits suicide??

    You might as well stop pondering, you're only making it sound like they have morals, which is more wrong than what they are doing to Britney.

  3. Is it really that old? I remember my Aunt listening to it in the summer of 1998, along with Michael Jackson's Beat it. That summer I thought she was the coolest human being on Earth and wished my Mum was as hip. Now I see how out she must've been.

  4. I'm a hopeless cynic but in my humble opinion the elections are, quite frankly, a show and the battle is really between Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani who are both backed by the same forces.

    It's going to be a new 2004 elections where votes will be manipulated as we can already see with New Hampshire.

    The fact that one private company is responsible for counting a whole nation's votes isn't exactly consoling either.


    America, a great democracy.

  5. Originally posted by Khayr:

    So the liberal white middle class girl

    got a rude awakening....whats the big deal?


    I'm in the corporate world and reality speaks volumes. Liberal white people have this arrogance and guilt free approach to people. Their actions and speech are allows
    in there eyes.


    I like the rebuttal that he made.

    I agree, especially from 3:30.

  6. I think we should be able to sue the person who doesn't secure their network, because their WiFi waves intrude into our homes. In my humble opinion it is clearly a breach of privacy of some sort. Now instead of complaining and feeling utterly low, if we wished to turn this invasion into a benefial thing for us, we should be able to do so.


    P.S. if I kicked a ball into your house, with no intention of collecting it later, and you decided to play football with it, could you be blamed for stealing?


    (This whole issue is ridiculous!)

  7. There are differences in the way you and me define 'evil'. To me a government that promotes islamophobia amongst its citizen is evil. A government that passes bills which specifically target Muslims, God's true followers, is evil.


    There are no 'Islamic' countries. There are countries where the majority are Muslims and countries whose rulers are Muslim, but there is no Islamic country in the world today. Read the etomology of Islam as a word and concept.

  8. Originally posted by peacenow:

    The think is really about the phsyce of the people. There are no other people who more 'hard-headed' then Somalis. It's difficult to get through and manage that.

    A German will stand beside a traffic light and not cross the road until the sign comes on, even if the traffic was light. I have seen it with my own eyes. Imagine that in Somalia.

    even the typical Africa can be managed and are soft headed. The differences are stark. It's why the country is as it is.


    They need extreme shock threaphy to tell them. The world is a commmunity now and there things you just can't do. That, that same world community will reward you handsomely, if you follow the rules and live by it.

    Did a Somali do something to you? You just seem far too bitter, my non-Somali mate.

  9. Originally posted by Sue:

    Religion is the source of evil? Justify that please...I am tired of people making statements without facts. Religions begot law and order, an example being the 10 commandants which is shared by Christians, Muslims and Jews alike. These values and morals are the very thing governments worldwide have adopted, developed and adapted to the laws we know today. So in retrospect since law is decidedly a good thing then how can you then call religion evil?

    A secularist would say "law" existed long before the Abrahamic religions. There were many great (in the sense of functioning) early civilizations that could've not existed without sense of law and order.

    Very few governments seem to possess a sense of morals /have any values today.


    P.S. I do not think religion is evil, subhanAllah. It is the lack of religion and faith that is the root of all evil.

  10. Legend of Zu, I find it distasteful that the whole thing is so overblown in the Western media. It's Pakistan we're talking about, give me a politician who hasn't been assassined.

  11. Originally posted by ThePoint:

    ^It really doesn't matter whether it's copy and paste. It's knowledge all the same. It is 2 opposing viewpoints on the question you and some one else were debating. And the articles are a good read as they provide a deeper anaylsis of the complexities of the debate. Read it - it really is in your own best interests. Thanks Northener.

    I don't read copy and paste posts, they're far too long. The knowledge should be obtained from the tex and applied. If not, then others should be referred to the website.


    It is a complex issue indeed, however every one studying islam should know the simple fact that whenever a hadith is in contradiction with the Quran, the latter should be believed.


    I hope I don't sound hostile.

  12. Originally posted by Seekknowledge:

    King Koya


    If Mary (peace be upon her) is the mother of God then who is the creator and who is the created? Wouldn't Mary (peace be upon her)be the one who will reward and punish her son?

    God is the creator and created Mary, In order to save humankind (read: those who accept Jesus), he took human form and shed blood. That is why in Church Christians eat bread and drink red wine = Jesus' flesh and blood.

    In Russia, some orthodox Christians worship Mary as God's mother.

    About Mary punishing her son, I think the funniest part is that Jesus was taught about God and Judaism. One Christian's reply to this was that at the age of ten he outsmarted his religious teachers. I really do feel sorry for Christians. No wonder hardcore atheism came from Christian countries, the ridiculousness of their religion makes anyone with a brain angry.