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Posts posted by 5

  1. People, people! This isn't continue the story thread.


    She sat in the chair, stroking a snake and biting off the head of a lizard. She was waiting for him to come. He walked into the room with a few staggering steps before he fell and started crawling. The nanny was behind him, her eyes fixed on the floor. "Why did it take you so long?", she asked. The nanny kept looking at the floor. "He is so young", the nanny replied. She waved her hand and the nanny fell on the floor, as if a lighting had struck her. "He is too old already", the witch replied. They put him in a vase and left him there for the night. In the morning the vase was full of blood and he had grown into a lizard.

  2. I don't have a favourite philosopher, I'm leaning towards Jacaylbaro on this, but I'm going to take part in the name-dropping and I'm going to do it my way, which is the wrong way, and I'm going to give a name which is not a philosopher's: Charles le Gai Eaton.


    There are a lot of guys I've read but I really like my own thinking, and I don't care how conceited this sounds. There is nothing more I enjoy than thinking on my way somewhere, and it has proved so fruitful on so many occasions.

  3. Since some of us seem to like writing and others reading. All genres Welcome. I prefer absurdist writing, jump on the crazy bandwagon & confuse yourself and those around you, or write about your friends' cars. As long as you keep it short.




    He looked for it everywhere. The wolf was still barking. It was barking, like a fcuckin dog. Shut up! He yelled at it. She started crying. The moon looked bright. It was quiet and the wind was dry like sandpaper. He locked the door. The neighbors were sleeping with their iPods on shuffle.

  4. 20 years making the same music, with the same equipment & technique. BEP sang 'Where's the love", I ask: "where's the progress"? Where are the somali singers who will revolutionize somali music? Can somali music be revolutionized or is it the same as beastly somali television which lives in a forsaken limbo of rubbishness?

  5. This is a bit weird. I was singing a lullaby to my baby niece & I made up a peace song yesterday. Who cares, right? But here's the lyrics:



    Eedo macaaney

    Halkaan i xanuunee

    Xabadaa igu dhacdey



    Eedo macaneey

    Madfaca iga ceeli

    Guryahee burburisaa



    Eedo Macaaney

    Hooyo intee ka baxday

    Aabahey uma jeedi


    Probably not the best lullaby to sing to a 9month-old kid.

  6. Originally posted by Nin-Yaaban:

    Don't buy any books here, I just loan them from my local library. They may not carry new releases, but they have tons of others. And besides, old books are better reads.

    I hate the plastic wrap. So unhygienic.

    I agree with your last line smile.gif

  7. Amazon, Fabregas, Amazon! It's a jungle in there and the delivery can take longer than going to the actual Amazon, but the prices are ridiculously low !! I've bought books for a few pence (excl. delivery costs)!

  8. Juxa- thanks for clarifying that! That was rude indeed !!


    Malika - Of course you're all a bit mental here, but in a totally unhealthy way smile.gif . Thanks for the considerate he/she bit btw (not automatically assuming I'm male)


    Nin-Yaaban - I forgot this board existed! I got sucked into Facebook, then Twitter and before I knew a year had passed. And then I had a quarrel with my cousin about Somalis and remembered this board and voila, here I am.


    Nuune - hey you know what, I'm not the Irish guy you meant but thanks for the try anyway! If it's any consolation, you could have not gotten it any more wrong smile.gif

  9. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

    Waa yeelkadaa ..........

    Lol I can honestly say that doesn't make sense. Waa yeelkadaa? Waa yeelikadaa? Wayeel kada? What are you trying to say?! smile.gif

  10. Keep it short! If you write it as long as Mr. Marx has over there, you'll bore the employer to death and thus won't be hired. Just summarize the CV & include what makes you special. Keep it short.


    The following is the last paragraph (3 in total) of my own cover letter:


    "Attached please find a copy of my resume. I will call the HR department in a few days to see if I may set up an appointment to meet with someone from the --- department. Thank you very much for your consideration."


    I think it's always better to do the follow-up yourself than to wait busy people to contact you. Hope this helps.

  11. Nobody knows who I am but I've returned to this board after a year away from you lunatics smile.gif


    So show me some SOL hospitality & salut moi mon amigos!


    G G

  12. Really nice topic! I was looking for book suggestions anyway!


    Since I've taken something from this thread, I'll give something back. The last book I read for pleasure was Bartleby & Co. by the eloquent Spanish writer Enrique Vila-Matas. Not is the novel a beautiful piece of literature itself, but it will definitely lead you to more book discoveries due to the fact that it offers literary portraits of a few other writers.