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Everything posted by Beer-Gaal

  1. Abtigiis;894097 wrote: . What a trivial man you are son of Faroole! ;) Faroole adaa iska ba'ay bello ku dhashay!
  2. Baashi;893440 wrote: By Inna Kaadi Najaasle . warka ina Kaadi Najaasle ha idaayo.
  3. Don't get fooled by this PR organized by his own people namely Minister of Finance and view Saracen mafia group stake holders who are reer carmo. otherwise Faroole lost support of reer Bari long ago.
  4. this is too much now, BTW I didn't know that Qardho was included into that imaginary border of the reerka.
  5. what next maxaa laga yeelayaa markabka iyo waxa saaran whatever it may be ?
  6. Jacaylbaro;888735 wrote: No, we are chasing the pirates back to their bases in Bosaso ... the Lasqoray residents complained and we had to do something about it there is only one group bro who are often chased out from Laasqoray and they are your folks.
  7. careful ! admin ka magacooda lama soo hadal qaado.
  8. Laasqoray Residents are pirates in your twisted world of Lala land. sowmaaha?
  9. Xaaji Xunjuf;887862 wrote: Wax indhahayga soo jiita anigu meesha kuma arkin. Sanaag waxad mooda inay uur leedahay iyo timo been been ah wa suxul baruur assal ah. :mad: Hadalkaas waa balan in aan gole kugu keenaa waa hadii xaal ku qabto ?
  10. I hope inaad kaftamaysid otherwise Khasaaro lugo leh baad tahay .
  11. Not a bad idea at all, and he has my vote on this , whatever good or bad it's something that come from Somalis not bloody Kenyans and that should be commended.
  12. oba hiloowlow;882657 wrote: abwaan lol he never did he rejected it in a polite manner how can he reject ? xaal baa ku waajib ah sida dhaqanku qabo iyo asaga la takooro.
  13. Shinbir Majabe;882300 wrote: Beautiful.
  14. kufsiga Hablaha Somaliyeed Alshabaab lee lagu ogaa !,, shame on these ******** .
  15. Is he going open his own political party?,, he comes from a very well known family in Bari region.
  16. Maxay ina yiraahdeen ? can some one translate ,,,
  17. Let us not single out Xaglatoosiye all most all Sool and Sanaag politicians are caadaqaatayaal end of the story .
  18. Hadii Barnaamij ku yahay tirakoob dadka ku nool guri kasta for security reasons this is very welcome development . hadiise mashruuc tuugo lagu sharciyeynayo uu yahay Mogadishu rajo kama filaayo. I don't think in Tarzan sidaan u indha adagyahay!
  19. oba hiloowlow;879292 wrote: Taleex lunch Hilib geel miyaa tolow? $20 lunch in Mogadishu is bit expensive laakin.
  20. JB for Gods sake you should have left this for XX, at least waa mashiixe ;)
  21. Aflagaadad jooji wiilka reer bariyow , People have rights to associate them whoever they want to,and if this Sub-sub clan wants to do with Somalidiid so be it! they have the right to.
  22. Apophis;877155 wrote: Sharif looks more human than before. I wonder what stories he'll tell over a pint.....of ice tea waa runtaa he looks qof caadi ah now!