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Everything posted by Beer-Gaal

  1. I don't get it walaahi! what is wrong if one said ,,,,sisterly Advice Gabdhow illaah kayaaba oo dhaqanka diinta kalasaara.....just that simple ,,,or is it that some of (you) sophisticated Xalimos have issues with Diinta and Waanada?
  2. Eastliegh, maa lagu bartay Kiswaliga if i may ask?,,,,,,inta waa Sol Gabdhow...@ Bambina thank you very much walaalo for your priceless piece of advice,,, May allah SWT reward you for your efforts insha'allah. keep on posting in the future.
  3. Well done Liiban,Guul,Nabad and midnimo insha'llah for SSC pple, after all it's their right to decide their destiny,,,having said that EMOTIONS a side walaal, one thing needs in XALIYO/XAL LOOHELO,,,that is isukeenida/midaynta SSC da lakala safan P/L & S/L otherwise i only see SSC fighting SSC and that nobody's interest is it?. B.
  4. I have to admit idon't like her level of Feminism! But she is Bold,Beautiful and charismatic woman.
  5. why don't they BANN that follow foolxuadiisa!!
  6. indeed education is the key to success,,,,and Kudos to Ahlu Badhan,,,,just out of Curiosity ,, why people wear the blue flag on graduation ceremonies like this one? i have seen this in many occosions in it wadanimo/jacayl or just people don't have anything else to wear for the day ?
  7. Get real Aaliyah,,,, how about KUSHIIN,MARXAAQ,FANDHAAL !! ever heard?
  8. Canjeelo Gubatey ,,,,Intaan oo hadal ah ,,Somalis are something else walaahi,,,i wonder who has invented this Canjeelo in the first place ,,,,,probably not a soMali!
  9. who are you ? the avatar image? former villa owner! indeed you are our worst nightmare.
  10. This man is neither racist not misunderstood he is just big D0qon!! I have seen pple like Muse Suudi and Cade muse but never like bacaac! and FYI he never come to LA, not even his dreams.
  11. This man is neither racist not misunderstood he is just big D0qon!! I have seen pple like Muse Suudi and Cade muse but never like bacaac! and FYI he never come to LA, not even his dreams.
  12. Come to Bosaso,,, i will introduce you to a guy called Sakhiraaye,forget about selling a land belonging to someone , xitaa misaajidada wuu iibiyaa kani!!!
  13. Agree with you there Nuune,,laakin ma'ahan mid lagu xaday sawirkaani wuu arkaa in lasawiraayo.
  14. Sigaaryacab xun ayaadtahay illaa A.Amir? Afsomaliga jajabana dacwo ayaan ka ahay.
  15. waa goorma duqii iyo duqdii ugu waynaa Hargaisa ayaa boodhka iska jafay ,,,, JB by then i demand an INVITATION
  16. Originally posted by The Zack: ^are u for real? Your sarcasm is obvious. SSC = Somalida Saxda ah Ceyn walba. Zack! yaa kuu wanqala maanta ,,,spot on dude..
  17. Originally posted by The Zack: ^are u for real? Your sarcasm is obvious. SSC = Somalida Saxda ah Ceyn walba. Zack! yaa kuu wanqala maanta ,,,spot on dude..
  18. DHAHAR! Maku soo dhawaayn naa ?H.E,THE MUGGER Mr Dahir Riyaale Kaahin,,,,,he won't get Doonyaale kind of Hero welcome though!!
  19. DHAHAR! Maku soo dhawaayn naa ?H.E,THE MUGGER Mr Dahir Riyaale Kaahin,,,,,he won't get Doonyaale kind of Hero welcome though!!
  20. Originally posted by The Zack: KK, lool I knew u wouldn't ehe. Speaking of MBA, does the one one gets from India count? Waaryaa take that back ! in fact I got one from there!!
  21. Somali waxay isu ogoshahay oo aan ka ahayn dulinimo,Guuldaro,dagaal ,gaajo,horumar la'aan!! intaa wixii kafiican, waa yaa ku yiri samee? ,maxaa taqaan? ,yaatahay ? war aan isku xishoono bilaahi calaykum.
  22. Maaddeey, war muu arkeene maxaad iigu tustay address ka! Waar waa sidaase iigu soodir oo kordhi lacagta buu odhanlahaa..
  23. Address kan ayaan kuugu soo dirayaa JB. Amount:$23.80 Name: Jacaylbaro dhako dheere Phone: 002522 9854784552 Hargeisa,NW Somalia.