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Everything posted by Beer-Gaal

  1. Did you see the Flad in the jeebka of ninka Gaaban(Gudoomiyaha) what a funny stuff! i know ninka Gaaban he is masiiba Yar ,Chicken Biryani is what i like abt this place (Hyderabad, India),,,,btw the guy name is Mohamed not Mustafe in knew him when he was in Saudi Arbia.
  2. wuxu fiicanaa Nin somali ah ey amaantayba !! TANAG YOU UBAXAY!
  3. Originally posted by Xudeedi: Beer-gaalow, I haven't seen you condemn the injustices of Puntland. You are quite comfortable with Farole's scorching policies to uproot whole communitie and to abandon the city of Las Anod, a city that is more strategic than Galgala. It's time that you criticize the admin and root for the impeachment of Faroole and his war cabinet. Xudeed, I do condemn & criticize when and where ever i see injustice ,,but i have to admit we differ when it comes to Galgala issue , i personally don't see the issue as Maakhir VS Puntland or Faroole/Mudug+Sool for that matter,but rather a puntland problem, which i believe has to be solved, the best way though to me was/is peaceful and through elders west Bari elders . having said that,, xudeedi arima badan oo u baahan fahan ayaa jira boowe seeflaboodnimadu is not in my dictionery! Xagee wax u wadaa Sheikh Atam kutiri kuteen iyo sidan ayaa layiri iyo Xamaasada Qurbajoogtu war maaha !that is what worries me walaahi, and that is the issue if ask me ,,,, everything else has a solution. Khair bay noqon insha'allah
  4. Kan maqajile no.1 waaye ,,, so according to you somalis are related to Berbers & Jews !!
  5. Yaa isku ogaa midaas, in reerka lalaayo ? what is going on Yaa sheikh Atam,,,,,,,,,,,,funny thing was,, i heard he spoke their dads in Dhahar and told them not send thier kids again to the buurta Galgala!!!
  6. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: war ninka u jawaab wamaxay waan ku soo afuryaa war ninka u jawaab ama gacmaha kor u taag oo dhe wala iga heley doodi ^^ waligaa raga la iskuma diro, budhkayga yar nin sooman hada inaan lakoro waa laga fiicanyahay .
  7. ^^^Me naive son of gun!! waan kuu soo afuri adiga! as for the Carvan it's right here dude ,this is not my post btw, but i'm loving it yaan lagaa tagin waa iga talo . Salaam,
  8. So the whole point was to live Peaceful ENVIRONMENT? you don't get it walaal miyaa ,,,yes it is important for one's survival, but it doesn't mean statehood,nor does it mean Somaliland ultimate goal , but rather having a seat in the UN's General Assembly is the ultimate goal and that is what Siilaanyo fought for that is what is not happening !that is what pple are waiting for the last 20 years !,, even Habarta Hargaisa joogta knows this ,,,, hadii nala ictiraafi lahaa oon aduunka codku yeelan lahayn eedo dee sidan waynu dhaamilahayn yaa !!! wax fahan ninyohow oo soo raac Siilaayo caravan for greater somalia! btw illah dhibka hakasaaro reer southna Insha'allah.
  9. Redsea, 20 years of peace and progress towards...........where? independence !,that is not happening walaal, so instead of infusing pple in NWS with hatred all kinds of cuqdad why not invite somalis to Hargaisa as venue for peace talks , work for the rebirth of greater Somalia ,Perhaps name Hargaisa as New capital city ,and May be Silaanyo as president of Greater Somalia!
  10. I'm sure any SL sane Siyaasi knows this project is not working! after 20 years of jaahwareer iyo way dhaqaaqday ,,,,what next? better accept the reality, Kudos to Mr. president Siilaanyo.
  11. Waaryaa NorMode yaa kulaleh? you are businessman is nacay.......i wish i could have advertise my small firm like your's shop.
  12. I don't think it's true ,,hope i'm right.
  13. Does it really matter who owns Bosaso? no it doesn't unless some one is trying here reer hebel stuff!.
  14. Originally posted by Burn Notice: because the company was merely taking samples for mineral exploration.. if i'm not fasting waxlee ku oranlahaa will reserve it for now,walal the company doesn't need to take samples at Majiyahan site ,if it wasn't Atam his pple Macdan dhoofin ayaan billaaabilahayn hada, i'm not sure though siday ugaari lahyd Bulshawaynta reer Puntland!
  15. Gallad and Land_Soldier which one of you is Cheif-Aqil ? i'm confused here wallahi,,,,,my bet would go to Gallad though!
  16. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: 2: Mr Ahmed Haji Ali Adami – Defence Minister we have problem ,,, an other ILkajiir cusub oo dardartiisa qaba ,, where is Xudeedi?
  17. PIS iyo Alshabaabka ma isku darnaa ,,,,,,,,,ismadhaanto iyo dhasheed ,how is that yaa Shaikhanaa Muudeey?
  18. oo wuu duulay Surf gani eh,,,maadigaa waday ?
  19. waa Magaalo gaala cadcad oo badani ku nooshahay ! miyaanan garan dee?
  20. Tani midhihii dagaalka Buuralayda Galgala, oo hada Bosaso laga guranayo! this Marxuum was well known Maakhiri Businessman!
  21. Waxa Saaka goordhowayd lugu diley Magaalada Bosaso ee Xarunta Gobolka Bari Nin Rayad ah oo dhexmarayey Suuqa furshada Magaalada Bosaso kaasi oo watey Bacmadow oo uu suuqa alaabo uga soo gadanayey. Ninkan rayadka ah ayaa la sheegay inay ciidanka Amaanku ka shakiyeen bacda uu wata dabeedna ay rasaas ooda uga qadeen iyagoo aan waxba waydiinin. Arrintan ayaa saaka dadbadan cabsi gelisay xili Magaalada Bosaso maalmihii aan soo dhaafnay ay aad u deganayd isla markaasna ay ayarayeen falalka dilka ay geysanayaan Ciidamada Booliska ee ku aadan shiyada ay ka qabaan shacabka. Dhahar Onlline