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Everything posted by Beer-Gaal

  1. Congrats to her! one thing is clear now Xalimos are more luckier than Farah's in Puntland, ,it was another Xalimo that won Golis car too.
  2. ^IMAAM Faroole here we go again! what is next ? wasiir hebel waa la xidhay !!maxaa ka daran midan ,, he is always right according to our OLD Duke huh!!
  3. What if i say Duke doesn't exist ? it doens't make sense to any one Adeero! same goes to tan aad ku khafiiftay ee Maakhir doesn't exist,,,,Again wax fahan duqa.
  4. Faroole does exist:D !! he is oday reer garoowe ah, i won't refute that with, why refure then my beloved Maakhir State? War ninyohow inoo kala tuur Oday baad tahay Dukow.
  5. Bintiland!! Gabar maynoqotay? la idinka shid
  6. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Beer-Gaal lad no one is against Makhir admin, it does not exist. As for the news item, its a good thing that the people of Baran are getting a local admin. ^Oo hadaan afka san kugu saxayna wali Baran!! maad idaba wadaa? duqan maskaxdiisa way xidhantay! ,,,Arinka maakhir state of somalia adiga waxba kaa waydiinayo Adeero DUKow.
  7. FYI we have no reason to be a part of a secessionist enclave either.... Maakir State of somalia is the way forward.
  8. Baran? it's BADHAN for god sake,,,, and when did Badhan become Xarunta Gobolka Sanaag?is that what Duke and media ceebayska Puntland aka SSDF entertain lately?
  9. what do you call it then?i know your somali is very rich JB ,,,,,waa bililiqo maniraahnaa?,
  10. Sida uu iisheegay a friend in Afmadow Town,,,AS saaka ayay bilaabeen in u raraan wixii Yaalay office ka Horn Relief ee Afmadow xagaa iyo Kismayo!! so i have to agree with NINanc. Alshabab are Tuugo!!
  11. Originally posted by Captain_Mike20: Sanag 80% is Somalilander including the regional capital Erigavo.. Maxaa SOl bolo xiiqsan maalin walba imaanaysa? War how dare you come up with nonesense figures like this one?!!
  12. Duke, One man's terrorist,is another man's freedom fighter, have you ever heard that GD ? it's true. i know you gonna come up with Ilkajiir and few other papets here and there, but the truth is Atam will be around as long you as there is injustice in the Galbeedka Gobolka Bari,,,,so DG you keep siging on Al Shabaab agent Attam!!! .
  13. The Whole fuss was abt Horn Relief ?Duke you are so narrow minded walaal, HR is an INGO which has operations in number of East african countries like SOmalia, Kenya, DJabouti and last but not least Maakhir State of somalia so it's aint howl reerka u taalo Generalkow.
  14. waxaan ogahay inuu dhiig la'aan kugu riday Xudeedi !for Sheikh Mohamed Said Atam , waxaan u aqaanaa nin wadani ah oo oo u heelan difaaca dalkiisa iyo dadkiisa.
  15. Originally posted by General Duke: quote: i'm sorry to so called sheikh Ali dheere is beenlow aan ilaah aqoon !! Yeah remmeber when he claimed Attam was not Al Shabaab agent after his defeat? He was telling the truth then huh? Xudeedi Miyaad imooday
  16. Horta,,, NGO's like Mercy Corps , Med-Air and Horn Relief do not distribute food items like WFP, they rather distribute seedlings to poor farmers in southern Somalia and mainly work on alternative livelihoods where pple areeducated/trained to impove their for the banning ,,,,The truth is Alshabab asked these Organizations to Pay $10,000 each to Wilaayda which they have refused to, that is reason for the banning ,,,,i'm sorry to say called sheikh Ali dheere is beenlow aan ilaah aqoon !!
  17. Thanks God Atam doesn't have 700 strong malitia otherwise our so called puntland state would have been thing of the Past!
  18. Jo' ar ukaadi DG xagee irsaaqadu qanimadu taalaa boowe? Garowe no? Qardho no?,,,,,sidii oday baad u hadli jirtay way ku yara gaadhey hada miyaa? Waar isyara daji ninyohow cunugaan Xudeedi anaa leh kadhin adeer.
  19. on EID day VP was talking this Imaam killing and he said some pple were saying Govt and PIS are behind the killings,, No it's THEM!! who are they mr VP?
  20. Congrats to reer Highland ,I was one of their taageerayaashooda for sometime now.
  21. Password ma ilawdo miyaa ? she good girl though.
  22. Change of attitude dheh, Masha'allah, last year in Kismayo kids were given AK47 as Jaa'iso.
  23. Originally posted by Thankful: The Zack, And yes it is us and Puntlanders vs. them Radical Diaspora Part-Time Puntlanders. I thought you Meant (them) as Maakhirs not few Radical Diaspora Part-Time Puntlanders! any way, i have read here long back , when it comes to the subject, you are racist Thnkful i'm going to believe got to stop your racialist attitude towards Maakhir now! .
  24. Xudeedi maa qoray Article? i for one ,,,never had high expectations for Imam Faroole neither many puntlanders did. i'm sure though he's doing his job pretty well ,Balancing his Australia bank A/c.